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动态土壤侵蚀包括依赖于空间与时间的土壤剥离、细沟的形成、水流中过量泥沙的沉积、沉积泥沙中细沟的再生等物理过程。与泥沙从沉积区域再剥离相关联的细沟再生是细沟变窄加深过程中的一个重要的现象。该文介绍一种实验装置 ,用于测量类似于沉积土壤的疏松土壤材料细沟再生的力学参数。用一种沙壤土进行实验 ,测定了不同团聚体大小和坡度下细沟再生开始和停止所对应的临界水流量。计算出了与沟坡相关的临界剪切应力。这些结果有助于理解细沟的再生及其数量关系 ,以及临界剪切应力与坡度间的定量关系 ;对于发展由沉积土壤再生的细沟演化过程模型特别有用。 Dynamic soil erosion processes involve the spatial and time dependent processes of detachment, rill formation, deposition, re rilling from deposited sediment and scouring of rills. Rill scouring associated with sediment re-detached from a depositional area can be an important phenomenon in rill narrowing and deepening. In this study, an apparatus was designed to measure the parameters for rill cutting in loose material similar to deposited soil. Experimental results were conducted for determining the flow ... |
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中文 |
Fonte |
雷廷武, M.A.Nearing.水流作用下疏松土壤材料中细沟的再生及其临界剪应力的实验研究.农业工程学报,2000,1:26-30 |
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期刊论文 |