6 resultados para Antecedents

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Accumulating studies have been conducted on job burnout in the fields of organizational psychology and health psychology, but there are few studies investigating job burnout for people in the Chinese Armed Police Force(CAPF). This thesis explored the antecedents (social comparison, perceived control and perceived organizational support) and outcomes (incumbents’ level of task performance and psychological health) of job burnout, using data collected from 458 teachers (study 1) and 792 officers (470 lower level army cadres,150 commandos and 172 teachers, study 2) in CAPF. Two studies were carried out. The results are as follows: 1. There were significant differences among the three dimensions of job burnout for teachers: reduced accomplishment was rated significantly higher than cynicism and emotional exhaustion. 2. For the emotional exhaustion dimension, special technical soldiers gave the highest ratings and cadres provided the lowest ratings. Besides, special technical soldiers and teachers rated higher on cynicism than cadres did. 3. Perceived control significantly influenced job burnout: the higher the perceived control, the lower the three dimension of job burnout (emotional exhaustion, cynicism and reduced accomplishment). 4. Perceived control exerted impacts on psychological health directly and indirectly: the higher the perceived control, the better psychological health. Moreover, perceived control had significant effects on psychological health through emotional exhaustion: the higher the perceived control, the lower emotional exhaustion and the better psychological health. 5. The higher perceived organizational support, the lower the three dimensions of job burnout; perceived organizational support impacted psychological health through emotional exhaustion: the higher perceived organizational support, the lower emotional exhaustion and the better psychological health. 6. Job burnout exerted significant influence on task performance: the higher reduced accomplishment, the lower task performance rated by participants themselves. Drawing on the above results, measures would be taken in CAPF to enhance perceived control and perceived organizational support, to alleviate burnout and improve task performance and psychological health.


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Numerous studies have shown that accentuation and implicit verb causality influenced pronoun resolution. However, many researchers cannot agree on the time course, as well as they know little about the interaction between the two types of information during comprehending Chinese sentences. The study aimed to explore the effects of accentuation and implicit verb causality on the pronoun processing during spoken Chinese sentences comprehension as well as their time courses, using auditory moving window technique and cross-modal probe paradigm. The main results were: 1) The reading time of the second clause in stressed pronoun condition was significantly longer than that in unstressed pronoun condition. Accentuation influenced the activation level of candidate antecedents. 2) Implicit verb causality influenced the pronoun interpretation during spoken Chinese sentences comprehension. It also affected the activation level of candidate antecedents immediately after people heard the pronoun. 3) There was “the first-mentioned effect” in spoken Chinese sentences comprehension. The effect seemed as if a general phenomenon during the pronoun processing. 4) Accentuation, Implicit verb causality and the first-mentioned effect interacted during the pronoun processing and spoken Chinese sentences comprehension. This study supported the focus hypothesis, indicating accentuation could shift the center of attention even in nonparallel-structure sentences; implicit verb causality influences the pronoun processing immediately; there was interaction between accentuation and implicit verb causality during spoken sentence comprehension.


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This study was aimed at examining the effects of contexts on pronouns comprehension in discourse comprehension. When a pronoun appears in a discourse in which there are not less than two antecedents, its comprehension may be influenced by the local and global contexts. This study explored the effects of global and local contexts on pronouns comprehension, the comprehension process of implicature in pronouns comprehension, the relationship between the effects of local and global contexts on pronouns comprehension . The main conclusions of the present study were: 1 The global contexts and the local contexts prior to the pronoun both influenced the pronouns comprehension, and the effects of the two contexts were additive. When the global contexts were inconsistent with the local context, the comprehender understood the pronouns based on the local context. 2 When a pronoun appears in a discourse, the comprehender understand the pronouns based on the global context immediately. After the local context appears in succession, the comprehender understand the pronouns based on the local context. 3 If the semantic information posterior to the pronouns are needed to decide the antecedent of the pronouns, the semantic information would be influenced by the global contexts prior to pronouns. 4 When a pronoun appears in global contexts and local contexts prior to the pronouns, the pronouns comprehension were influenced by the two contexts. The global contexts played role in the initial stage of pronouns comprehension, and the local contexts, in despite of being prior to the pronouns, played role in the later stage of pronouns comprehension. 5 Language was not an absolute incremental semantic interpretation process. Some information prior the target words didn’t influence the processing of target words immediately, but played role in later stage.


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Work engagement (WE) has recently become a fashionable term among Human Resource practitioners and Organizational Behavior researchers. However, academic research that has theoretically examined WE at the psychological level is limited, as is research on its place among other job attitude constructs that are used to describe employees at work, and its antecedents and consequences. This dissertation addresses a number of issues with regard to the discriminant validity of WE, the influences of WE and the mediating role of affective commitment, and the interaction effects of different job demands, job resources and personal resources on WE. The major findings are listed as follows: Firstly, the concept of WE is different from JB and job involvement (JI), and is more positively related to quality of employees’ work and life than the other two concepts. Specifically, WE is more related to employees’ creative performance than JB does; compared with JI, WE can better predict task performance, creative performance, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and life satisfaction; although both WE and JB cause work to family conflict, WE improves employees’ life satisfaction, while JB is deleterious to life satisfaction. Secondly, WE influences employees’ work and life directly or through the mediation effect of affective commitment. Specifically, WE reduces employees’ turnover intention and increase their OCBs by the the mediation effect of effective commitment. Furthermore, WE is positively related to task performance, creative performance, and life satisfaction directly. Thirdly, challenge job demands influence WE by the mediation effect of intrinsic motivation, and the impact of challenge job demands on WE is moderated by perceived supervisor support and growth needs. Specifically speaking, challenge job demands enhance employees’ intrinsic motivation, therefore boost WE. Employees with higher growth needs are more likely to be motivated by challenge job demands. In other words, the moderation effect of growth need is mediated by intrinsic motivation. In addition, those who perceive more supervisor support have higher level of WE when challenge job demands are high.


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The work-family relations included positive relationship (work-family enrichment) and negative relationship (work-family conflict). Along with the development of positive psychology, the researchers turned their focus from work-family conflict to work-family enrichment. On the other hand, the research between work and family had just started and most attention was fix on work-family conflict. This research based on the skilled workers in manufacturing, and tried to discuss antecedents and the machanism of work-family relations through a series research which include action relation among job characteristics, work-family relations and outcomes of work, and the action relation among job resource、work-family relations、marital adjustment、work outcomes and role salience. This subject made the investigation to the workers who are working in manufacturing through literature research, questionnaire surveys and other methods. In this subject, several statistical techniques such as Explore Factor Analysis(CFA),Structural Equation Modeling(SEM), multiple-group Analysis were used to get the following conclusion: Firstly, work-family enrichment was an independent variable in work-family conflict, which had more extensively influence. Work-family conflict would increase accompany with the increasing of job demand, and it also would enhance negative work outcomes; work-family enrichment was effected by both job demand and job resource, and it made positive influence to positive and negative work outcomes. Secondly, marital adjustment penetrated into work domain through work-family enrichment inner effect mechanism, and influenced the work outcomes. The work→family enrichment and family→work enrichment could facilitate mutually, marital adjustment influenced the work outcome by the reciprocal relationship of work→family enrichment ↔ family→work enrichment. Finally, the family-role salience had directed loop-enhanced effect to organizational commitment and the importance could also enhance the positive function of work→family enrichment to organizational commitment.


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The research objectives were to investigate the psychological structure of employees' organizational commitments(OCs), and its antecedents, and to examine the relative effects of employees' OCs to their performances. In order to deeply uncover the nature of OCs, some standard methods, such as in-depth interview, focus-group, semi-open questionnaire, standard questionnaire etc., were employed. In data analysis, not only some common statistical methods, such as multivariate analysis of variance, cross-table analysis, factor analysis, but also some forefront ones, such as confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis of SEM, were used. The paper covers six chapters: 1) In the first chapter, Firstly some previous empirical studies, which examined structures, antecedents, correlates, and/or consequences of organizational commitment in China and Western countries, were summarized. This summary covers most of the respectable researchers' works of this field, such as H.S.Becker, B.Buchanan, L.W.Porter, G. Ritzer, H.M.Trice, J.A.Alutto, L.G.Hrebiniak, R.T.Mowday, J.P.Meyer, N.J.Allen, G.W.McGee, R.C.Ford, R.Eisenberger, etc. Then three theoretical hypothesis were put forward as following: ① In China, OCs should be multidimensional psychological structures, which means there should exist more than one type of OCs; ② There should be some different antecedents to different OCs; ③ Employees with different types of OC should perform differently in their works. Finally the theoretical and practical significance were discussed. 2) In the second chapter, great efforts were made to investigate the OC types. Firstly, in-depth interview with managers and employees, semi-open questionnaire, and some other methods were used in the pilot research to gather much qualitative material. Then OC questionnaire was designed to get quantitative data in about 20 enterprises, including state-owned, collective-owned, wholly foreign-funded, and joint-ventures. During revising of this questionnaire, there were about 5000 samples surveyed. after factor analysis, the data shows that there should be 5 types of OCs in China, which were respectively named as Affective Commitment, Normative commitment, Ideal Commitment, Economic Commitment, Choice Commitment. Thirdly, confirmatory factor analysis method was used to successfully confirm this 5-factor model. Finally, Cronbach a and test-retest correlate indicate that this questionnaire is reliable. Since factor analysis result has show its construct validity, a simple criterion-related validity research was conducted. 3) In order to investigate the correlation between different OC and employee performance and different antecedents of OC, 5 other questionnaires, such as Employee Satisfaction Questionnaire, Perceived Organizational Support Questionnaire, Social Exchange Questionnaire, Altruism Scale, and Leader Confidence Scale were revised in the third chapter. 4)In the fourth chapter, a lot of correlates, cross-table analysis were conducted to show the correlation between different OCs and 10 performances, which indicate employees with different OCs will show different performance in 10 variables, such as altruism, etc. 5) In the fifth chapter, correlate analysis, multivariate of analysis, and path analysis of SEM were used to investigate the antecedents of OC. A satisfactory model showing the correlation between OC and their antecedents was confirmed. 6) In the last chapter, all researches about OC, and its limitations were summarized.