89 resultados para Affine invariant

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图像匹配是计算机视觉中的一个重要研究领域,无论在民用还是军用上都有着重要的应用价值。本文以研究室国防重点预研究项目自动目标识别为背景,采用图像匹配方法,实现飞行器定位导航。具体工作流程是:事先利用侦察手段获取飞行器途经下方的地物景象(基准图)并存于飞行器载计算机中,然后当携带相应传感器的飞行器飞过预定的位置范围时,拍摄当地的地物景象(实时图),将实时图和基准图在飞行器载计算机中进行匹配比较,可确定当前飞行器的准确位置,完成定位导航功能。 由于对同一场景使用相同或不同的传感器(成像设备),以及在不同条件下(天候、照度、摄像位置和角度等)成像的复杂性和多样性等困难的存在,传统的相关匹配方法对上述困难的克服在方法原理上存在先天不足,所以无法胜任。故本文采用的方法是基于局部不变量特征的图像匹配。局部不变量特征因为能更灵活地描述图像,有效地处理图像复杂和遮挡问题,所以基于局部不变量特征的图像匹配方法对于视点的大变化,图像背景变化,以及目标场景识别等都有较好的效果。 基于局部不变量特征的图像匹配方法的步骤通常分为三部分:(1)用图像区域检测算子提取图像相关区域,(2)构造合适的特征描述区域,(3)选择特征相似度度量准则实现图像区域特征的匹配。本文详细研究了最大稳定极值区域 (MSER)方法,在此基础上进行了改进,具体工作如下:(1)利用高斯核函数对图像平滑采样,建立图像的高斯尺度空间,(2)在图像的高斯尺度空间中,利用MSER检测算子检测出图像在不同尺度下的所有仿射相关区域,(3)由于区域不规则,再用仿射不变的椭圆拟合并归一化,这时所有的区域仅存在旋转的不同,(4)用SIFT特征描述图像区域,得到所有区域的128维特征向量集。(5)采用欧式距离度量特征间的相似度,以最近邻和次近邻的比值作为特征匹配准则进行匹配。 本论文的主要研究工作在于把图像的高斯尺度空间引入到MSER算法中,进而大大改善了MSER算法对于图像的尺度变换、仿射变换以及图像模糊的性能。由于建立了高斯尺度空间,增加了MSER检测算子检测的范围,所以使得改进算法的性能得到了改善。论文第四章给出四组实验,分别为尺度变换,仿射变换,图像模糊和大视点变换。最后通过对匹配结果正确数量和错误数量的统计,论证了改进方法的性能要好于MSER算法。通过对算法复杂度的分析,得出虽然在改进算法引入了图像的高斯尺度空间,但是算法复杂度却并未增加,与MSER算法相同,为O(nloglogn)。


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Feature-based image watermarking schemes, which aim to survive various geometric distortions, have attracted great attention in recent years. Existing schemes have shown robustness against rotation, scaling, and translation, but few are resistant to cropping, nonisotropic scaling, random bending attacks (RBAs), and affine transformations. Seo and Yoo present a geometrically invariant image watermarking based on affine covariant regions (ACRs) that provide a certain degree of robustness. To further enhance the robustness, we propose a new image watermarking scheme on the basis of Seo's work, which is insensitive to geometric distortions as well as common image processing operations. Our scheme is mainly composed of three components: 1) feature selection procedure based on graph theoretical clustering algorithm is applied to obtain a set of stable and nonoverlapped ACRs; 2) for each chosen ACR, local normalization, and orientation alignment are performed to generate a geometrically invariant region, which can obviously improve the robustness of the proposed watermarking scheme; and 3) in order to prevent the degradation in image quality caused by the normalization and inverse normalization, indirect inverse normalization is adopted to achieve a good compromise between the imperceptibility and robustness. Experiments are carried out on an image set of 100 images collected from Internet, and the preliminary results demonstrate that the developed method improves the performance over some representative image watermarking approaches in terms of robustness.


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In this paper, a method to construct topological template in terms of symbolic dynamics for the diamagnetic Kepler problem is proposed. To confirm the topological template, rotation numbers of invariant manifolds around unstable periodic orbits in a phase space are taken as an object of comparison. The rotation numbers are determined from the definition and connected with symbolic sequences encoding the periodic orbits in a reduced Poincare section. Only symbolic codes with inverse ordering in the forward mapping can contribute to the rotation of invariant manifolds around the periodic orbits. By using symbolic ordering, the reduced Poincare section is constricted along stable manifolds and a topological template, which preserves the ordering of forward sequences and can be used to extract the rotation numbers, is established. The rotation numbers computed from the topological template are the same as those computed from their original definition.


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The invariant representation of the spin tensor defined as the rotation rate of a principal triad for a symmetric and non-degenerate tensor is derived on the basis of the general solution of a linear tensorial equation. The result can be naturally specified to study the. spin of the stretch tensors and to investigate the relations between various rotation rate tensors encountered frequently in modern continuum mechanics. A remarkable formula which relates the generalized stress conjugate to the generalized strain in Hill's sense. to Cauchy stress, is obtained in invariant form through the work conjugate principle. Particularly, a detailed discussion on the time rate of logarithmic strain and its conjugate stress is made as the principal axes of strain arc not fixed during deformation.


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This paper studies the correlation properties of the speckles in the deep Fresnel diffraction region produced by the scattering of rough self-affine fractal surfaces. The autocorrelation function of the speckle intensities is formulated by the combination of the light scattering theory of Kirchhoff approximation and the principles of speckle statistics. We propose a method for extracting the three surface parameters, i.e. the roughness w, the lateral correlation length xi and the roughness exponent alpha, from the autocorrelation functions of speckles. This method is verified by simulating the speckle intensities and calculating the speckle autocorrelation function. We also find the phenomenon that for rough surfaces with alpha = 1, the structure of the speckles resembles that of the surface heights, which results from the effect of the peak and the valley parts of the surface, acting as micro-lenses converging and diverging the light waves.


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Based on the rigorous formulation of integral equations for the propagations of light waves at the medium interface, we carry out the numerical solutions of the random light field scattered from self-affine fractal surface samples. The light intensities produced by the same surface samples are also calculated in Kirchhoff's approximation, and their comparisons with the corresponding rigorous results show directly the degree of the accuracy of the approximation. It is indicated that Kirchhoff's approximation is of good accuracy for random surfaces with small roughness value w and large roughness exponent alpha. For random surfaces with larger w and smaller alpha, the approximation results in considerable errors, and detailed calculations show that the inaccuracy comes from the simplification that the transmitted light field is proportional to the incident field and from the neglect of light field derivative at the interface.


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P>The non-classical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecule CD1d presents lipid antigens to invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells, which are an important part of the innate immune system. CD1d/iNKT systems are highly conserved in evoluti


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In a previous Letter [Opt. Lett. 33, 1171 (2008)], we proposed an improved logarithmic phase mask by making modifications to the original one designed by Sherif. However, further studies in another paper [Appl. Opt. 49, 229 (2010)] show that even when the Sherif mask and the improved one are optimized, their corresponding defocused modulation transfer functions (MTFs) are still not stable with respect to focus errors. So, by further modifying their phase profiles, we design another two logarithmic phase masks that exhibit more stable defocused MTF. However, with the defocus-induced phase effect considered, we find that the performance of the two masks proposed in this Letter is better than the Sherif mask, but worse than our previously proposed phase mask, according to the Hilbert space angle. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America


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We study the wave dislocations with an induced gauge potential. The topological current characterized the wave dislocations is constructed with the dual of Abelian gauge field. And the topological charges and locations of the wave dislocations are determined by the phi-mapping topological current theory. Furthermore, it is shown that the knotted wave dislocations can be described with a Hopf invariant in the wave field. At last we discussed the evolution of the knotted wave dislocations.