110 resultados para ATLAS, Pixel Detector, ROD, LHC, CERN

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气体探测器在核物理及粒子物理领域有着广泛的应用,尤其是阻性板室探测器,以其低廉的造价、优异的性能在各个大型实验室中都发挥着重要的作用。日本国家高能物理实验室(KEK)的Belle探测器,斯坦福大学斯坦福直线加速器中心(SLAC)的BaBar大型探测器,欧洲核子中心(CERN)的大型强子对撞机(LHC)的CMS与ATLAS谱仪,北京高能物理研究所(IHEP)的BESⅢ谱仪都使用阻性板室作为触发系统或缪子探测器。 随着HIRFL-CSR项目的完工。RIBLL2开展高能放射性束物理实验成为可能,而为了鉴别高能重离子碰撞实验中出射的高能轻粒子,有必要测量粒子的飞行时间(TOF)。为此,我们研制了单隙定时RPC,并作了简单性能测试。在CSR实验终端上,它可以作为传统塑料闪烁晶体+PMT时间探测器的替代,成为反应出射产物测量的大型探测器系统(4π)中的重要成员。 本论文对RPC的发展历史以及被广泛应用的原因做了深入而详细的研究,并对RPC的结构、性能、工作模式、特点、气体系统等进行了深入探讨。研制了一套单气隙RPC探测器样机,测设了一些相关性能,并对所遇到问题的产生原因以及解决方案进行了分析。为了测试RPC的需要,搭建了一套多组分工作气体配气系统,论文中还对包括质量流量计的选定,相关配件的选择,以及后期整个配气系统的组装与调试进行了详细描述


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A new dual simultaneous detector was developed for capillary electrophoresis microchip. Confocal laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and moveable contactless conductivity detection (MCCD) were combined together for the first time. The two detection systems shared a common detection cell and could respond simultaneously. They were mutually independent and advantageous in analyses of mixtures containing organic and inorganic ions. The confocal LIF had high sensitivity and the MCCD could move along the separation channel and detect in different positions of the channel. The detection conditions of the dual detector were optimized. Rhodamine B was used to evaluate the performance of the dual detector. The limit of detection of the confocal LIF was < 5 nM, and that of the MCCD was 0.1 mu M. The dual detector had highly sensitivity and could offer response easily, rapidly and simultaneously. 


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In this paper we theoretically study the left-handed behaviors in a two-dimensional triangular photonic crystal made of elliptical rods in air. An absolute left-handed region is found in the second photonic band by using the plane wave expansion method to analyze the photonic band structure and equifrequency contours. Typical left-handed behaviors such as negative refraction, flat superlensing and plano-concave lensing are demonstrated by the finite-difference time-domain simulations. These behaviors are also compared with the quasi-negative refraction and the resulted focusing effects in a square-lattice two-dimensional photonic crystal. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America


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应用温和、非变性的液相色谱层析技术以及蔗糖密度梯度分级分离技术,从假根羽藻类囊体膜直接分离、纯化出5种不同聚集态的光系统II捕光色素蛋白复合物(LHC II),即LHC II单体、同质三聚体、异质三聚体、寡聚体l和寡聚体2。这种分离、纯化LHC II的方法与传统的等电聚焦(IEF)电泳分离方法相比,具有蛋白质提取条件温和,纯化的蛋白质样品纯度高且数量大等优点,为进一步研究LHC II分子的晶体结构和功能创造了有利的条件。 SDS-PAGE电泳分析和MALDI-TOF质谱分析结果表明,纯化得到的LHC II单体和同质三聚体都具有一种分子量为24.3 kDa的脱辅基蛋白质,而异质三聚体和两种寡聚体除含有这个脱辅基蛋白外,还含有另一种分子量为23 kDa的脱辅基蛋白。 采用室温吸收光谱、低温荧光光谱及园二色(CD)光谱技术对LHC II单体、同质三聚体、异质三聚体、寡聚体l和寡聚体2内的叶绿素组成以及叶绿索之间的能量传递特性进行分析研究表明,在同一条组成LHC II的脱辅基蛋白多肽链上结合着Chl a二聚体,二聚体内的两个Chl a分子之间存在偶极子相互作用。在这5种LHC II亚复合物中均具有Chl a-Chl a相Chl biChl a→ Chl a能量传递途径,其中同质三聚体表现出最高的能量传递效率,而寡聚体的传能效率大大低于单体和三聚体,同时出现Chl a的淬灭现象。当LHC II脱辅基蛋白质高度聚集形成寡聚体时,其蛋白质上结合的Chlb大量减少,引起这两种寡聚体吸能和传能能力的急剧下降。 LHC II单体、同质三聚体、异质三聚体、寡聚体1和寡聚体2的二级结构数据表明,自由堆积的脱辅基蛋白的二级结构以8.折叠构象为主,当LHC II蛋白质有序聚集形成三聚体时,可能每条蛋白质多肽链上的叶绿素结合区域形成两个跨膜a-螺旋,对称排列在脂双层膜内,而非叶绿素结合区则形成一条跨膜a-螺旋。当LHC II蛋白质高度聚集形成寡聚体 时,LHC II蛋白质的二级结构似乎对其上结合着的叶绿素的影响不大,而LHC II寡聚体内蛋白质的高密度聚集引起的更高级的蛋白质相互之间的空间结构可能对叶绿素的影响起主要作用,特别是破坏Chlb结合位点。 依据上述的实验结果推测在类囊体膜内,LHC II可能通过其脱辅基蛋白聚集形式的转换,调控其光能吸收和激发能传递的过程和效率。


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Two type II superlattices (SLs) InAs(2ML)/GaSb(8ML) and InAs(8ML)/GaSb(8ML) were grown on GaAs substrates by molecular-beam epitaxy. High resolution X-ray diffraction showed the periods of the two SLs were 31.2 angstrom and 57.3 angstrom, respectively. Room-temperature optical transmittance spectra showed that there were clear absorption edges at 2.1 mu m and 5 mu m for the two SLs. The SWIR and MWIR photoconductor devices were fabricated by standard lithography and etched by tartaric acid solution. The spectral response and blackbody tests were carried out at low and room temperatues. The results show that the 50% cutoff wavelengths of the two photoconductors are 2.1 mu m and 5.0 mu m respectively and D-bb* is above 2 x 10(8) cmHz(1/2)/W for two kinds of photoconductors at 77K. D-bb* is above 10(8) cmHz(1/2)/W for SWIR photoconductor at room temperature.


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The leakage mechanism of GaN-based p-i-n (p-AlGaN/i-GaN/n-GaN) UV detector has been investigated. With the same dislocation density, devices made from material with higher density of V-pits on surface produce larger leakage current. SEM images show that some V-pits penetrate into i-GaN layer, sometimes even the n-GaN layer. If p-ohmic contact metal (Ni/Au) deposits in the V-pits, Schottky contact would be formed at the interface of metal and i-GaN, or form ohmic contact at the interface of metal and n-GaN. The existence of parallel Schottky junction and ohmic contact resistance enhances the leakage current greatly.


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A programmable vision chip with variable resolution and row-pixel-mixed parallel image processors is presented. The chip consists of a CMOS sensor array, with row-parallel 6-bit Algorithmic ADCs, row-parallel gray-scale image processors, pixel-parallel SIMD Processing Element (PE) array, and instruction controller. The resolution of the image in the chip is variable: high resolution for a focused area and low resolution for general view. It implements gray-scale and binary mathematical morphology algorithms in series to carry out low-level and mid-level image processing and sends out features of the image for various applications. It can perform image processing at over 1,000 frames/s (fps). A prototype chip with 64 x 64 pixels resolution and 6-bit gray-scale image is fabricated in 0.18 mu m Standard CMOS process. The area size of chip is 1.5 mm x 3.5 mm. Each pixel size is 9.5 mu m x 9.5 mu m and each processing element size is 23 mu m x 29 mu m. The experiment results demonstrate that the chip can perform low-level and mid-level image processing and it can be applied in the real-time vision applications, such as high speed target tracking.


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A 1.55 mum Ge islands resonant-cavity-enhanced (RCE) detector with high-reflectivity bottom mirror was fabricated by a simple method. The bottom mirror was deposited in the hole formed by anisotropically etching in a basic solution from the back side of the sample with the buried SiO2 layer in silicon-on-insulator substrate as the etch-stop layer. Reflectivity spectrum indicates that the mirror deposited in the hole has a reflectivity as high as 99% in the range of 1.2-1.65 mum. The peak responsivity of the RCE detector at 1543.8 nm is 0.028 mA/W and a full width at half maximum of 5 nm is obtained. Compared with the conventional p-i-n photodetector, the responsivity of RCE detector has a nearly threefold enhancement. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate the quantum dynamics of the quantum-dot cellular automata qubit in the presence of a quantum point contact detector by modified rate equations. It is demonstrated that the qubit information can be resolved by measuring the detector current variation. Furthermore, we show that this oscillating current and the electron occupation probabilities in states \b> and \c> decay drastically as the dephasing rate increases, clearly revealing the influence of the dephasing induced by the detector. Moreover, it is shown that the operation speed of the quantum-dot cellular automata qubit may be adjusted by varying the interdot coupling strength. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Absolute measurement of detector quantum efficiency using optical parametric down-conversion has been extensively studied for the case of a continuous wave pump. In this paper, we have used the temporally and spatially correlated properties of the down-converted photon pairs generated in a nonlinear crystal pumped by a femtosecond laser pulse to perform an absolute measurement of detector quantum efficiency. The measured detector quantum efficiency is in excellent agreement with the measured value in the conventional way. A lens with a long focal length was adopted for efficiently increasing the intensity of the down-conversion entangled photon source.


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Large area (25 mm(2)) silicon drift detectors and detector arrays (5x5) have been designed, simulated, and fabricated for X-ray spectroscopy. On the anode side, the hexagonal drift detector was designed with self-biasing spiral cathode rings (p(+)) of fixed resistance between rings and with a grounded guard anode to separate surface current from the anode current. Two designs have been used for the P-side: symmetric self-biasing spiral cathode rings (p(+)) and a uniform backside p(+) implant. Only 3 to 5 electrodes are needed to bias the detector plus an anode for signal collection. With graded electrical potential, a sub-nanoamper anode current, and a very small anode capacitance, an initial FWHM of 1.3 keV, without optimization of all parameters, has been obtained for 5.9 keV Fe-55 X-ray at RT using a uniform backside detector.