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We propose a sinusoidal phase-modulating laser diode interferometer for measuring small angular displacement. The interferometer is based on a Fabry-Perot plate. It has a simple structure and is insensitive to external disturbance. Sinusoidal phase-modulating interferometry is used for improving the measurement accuracy. A charge-coupled device (CCD) image sensor is used for measuring the distance between the reflected beams from two faces of the Fabry-Perot plate. From the distance, the initial angle of incidence is calculated. Compared with Michelson interferometers and autocollimators, this interferometer has the advantage of compact size and simple structure. The numerical calculation and experimental results verify the usefulness of this novel interferometer. (C) 2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The suppression method of vortex shedding from a circular cylinder has been studied experimentally in the Reynolds number range from 300 to 1600. The test is performed in a water channel. The model cylinder is 1 cm in diameter and 38 cm in length. A row of small rods of 0.18 cm in diameter and 1.5 cm in length are perpendicularly connected to the surface of the model cylinder and distributed along the meridian, The distance between the neighboring rods and the angle of attack of the rods can be changed so that the suppression effect on vortex shedding can be adjusted. The results show that vortex shedding can be suppressed effectively if the distance between the neighboring rods is smaller than 3 times and the cylinder diameter and the angle of attack is in the range of 30degreesless than or equal tobeta<90&DEG;.


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An Nd:glass laser pulse (18 ns, 1.38 J) is focused in a tiny area of about 100-mum diam under ambient conditions to produce micro-shock waves. The laser is focused above a planar surface with a typical standoff distance of about 4 mm, The laser energy is focused inside a supersonic circular jet of carbon dioxide gas produced by a nozzle with internal diameter of 2.9 mm and external diameter of 8 mm, Nominal value of the Mach number of the jet is around 2 with the corresponding pressure ratio of 7.5 (stagnation pressure/static pressure at the exit of the nozzle), The interaction process of the micro-shock wave generated inside the supersonic jet with the plane wall is investigated using double-pulse holographic interferometry. A strong surface vortex field with subsequent generation of a side jet propagating outward along the plane wail is observed. The interaction of the micro-shock wave with the cellular structure of the supersonic jet does not seem to influence the near surface features of the flowfield. The development of the coherent structures near the nozzle exit due to the upstream propagation of pressure waves seems to be affected by the outward propagating micro-shock wave. Mach reflection is observed when the micro-shock wave interacts with the plane wall at a standoff distance of 4 mm, The Mach stem is slightly deflected, indicating strong boundary-layer and viscous effects near the wall. The interaction process is also simulated numerically using an axisymmetric transient laminar Navier-Stokes solver. Qualitative agreement between experimental and numerical results is good.


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This paper describes the generation of pulsed, high-speed liquid jets using the cumulation method. This work mainly includes (1) the design of the nozzle assembly, (2) the measurement of the jet velocity and (3) flow visualization of the injection sequences. The cumulation method can be briefly described as the liquid being accelerated first by the impact of a moving projectile and then further after it enters a converging section. The experimental results show that the cumulation method is useful in obtaining a liquid jet with high velocity. The flow visualization shows the roles of the Rayleigh-Taylor and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in the breakup of the liquid depend on the jet diameter and the downstream distance. When the liquid jet front is far downstream from the nozzle exit, the jet is decelerated by air drag. Meanwhile, large coherent vortex structures are formed surrounding the jet. The liquid will break up totally by the action of these vortices. Experimental results showing the effect of the liquid volume on the jet velocity are also included in this paper. Finally, a method for measuring the jet velocity by cutting two carbon rods is examined.


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A Monte Carlo simulation is performed to study the dependence of collision frequency on interparticle distance for a system composed of two hard-sphere particles. The simulation quantitatively shows that the collision frequency drops down sharply as the distance between two particles increases. This characteristic provides a useful evidence for the collision-reaction dynamics of aggregation process for the two-particle system described in the other reference.


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The performance of a small high-speed liquid jet apparatus is described. Water jets with velocities from 200 to 700 m/s were obtained by firing a deformable lead slug from an air rifle into a stainless steel nozzle containing water sealed with a rubber diaphragm. Nozzle devices using the impact extrusion (IE) and cumulation (CU) methods were designed to generate the jets. The effect of the nozzle diameter and the downstream distance on the jet velocity is examined. The injection sequences are visualized using both shadowgraphy and schlieren photography. The difference between the IE and CU methods of jet generation is found.


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A new pneumatic dispersion system for obtaining a good quality uniform dust suspension in a horizontal dust combustion tube was developed. The effect of three different dispersion techniques on self-sustained dust flame acceleration in such a combustion tube was examined. The importance of the dispersion quality in the test tube for maintaining a self-sustained dust flame acceleration was demonstrated. A combustion tube for studies of flame acceleration in fine aluminum dust-air mixture and its transition to detonation under industrial ignition conditions was constructed in the course of the present study. It consists mainly of an initiation section and a test section. The initiation section must be equipped in a well-developed dispersion system for creating a good dispersion condition in the test tube. The length of this section is 3 meters. The test tube requires only to distribute uniformly the dust over the bottom of the tube prior to the experiment. The aluminum dust spherical in shape with 6 mu m in diameter was used for tests. Experimental results demonstrated that the increase in flame velocity is roughly linear through the entire length of the test tube. The highest flame propagation velocity in fine aluminum dust-air mixture approaches some 1200m/s at a distance of 4.8m from the ignition plate.


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This paper will introduce an atomization experiment of pulsed supersonic water jets and polymer polyacrylamide (PAA) (0.1% and 1.0% weight density) solution jets. The jets are generated from a small high-speed liquid jet apparatus. The schlieren photography is applied to visualize the jets. The velocities of the jets are measured by cutting two laser beams. The effects of the nozzle diameter and the standoff distance on atomization and the jet velocity have been examined. The experiment shows that the polymer solution jets are easier to be atomized than water jets. This may be due to low surface tension of the polymer solution. The nozzle diameter causes different shock structures around the supersonic jets.


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This paper investiges the effect of pipe diameter on flow pattern transition boundary in oil water vertical flows, and proposes a model to determine the maximum inner diameter (D_{infty s}) of a pipe in which the slug flow would not occur When pipe inner diameter D>D_{infty s}, only bubble flow exists, while D


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Random field theory has been used to model the spatial average soil properties, whereas the most widely used, geostatistics, on which also based a common basis (covariance function) has been successfully used to model and estimate natural resource since 1960s. Therefore, geostistics should in principle be an efficient way to model soil spatial variability Based on this, the paper presents an alternative approach to estimate the scale of fluctuation or correlation distance of a soil stratum by geostatistics. The procedure includes four steps calculating experimental variogram from measured data, selecting a suited theoretical variogram model, fitting the theoretical one to the experimental variogram, taking the parameters within the theoretical model obtained from optimization into a simple and finite correlation distance 6 relationship to the range a. The paper also gives eight typical expressions between a and b. Finally, a practical example was presented for showing the methodology.


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A large diameter cylinder inserted in soils is a new type of engineering structures used in offshore and port engineering. The mechanism of its bearing capacity and the analysis of its stability are important to its design and applications. In this paper, the finite element method is used to analyze the reacting forces of the soft soil foundation on the structure under the wave action. A simplified method is proposed, based on the plastic limit method, for the safety and stability analysis. Our analysis shows that the assumptions made in this paper and the mechanism used are reasonable, and the results obtained are appropriate. The calculation method is very efficient and can be used to evaluate main parameters of the structure in its preliminary designs.


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Recently, the size dependence of mechanical behaviors, particularly the yield strength and plastic deformation mode, of bulk metallic glasses (BMG) has created a great deal of interest. Contradicting conclusions have been drawn by different research groups, based on various experiments on different BMG systems. Based on in situ compression transmission electron microscopy (TEM) experiments on Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 (Vit 1) nanopillars, this paper provides strong evidence that shear banding still prevails at specimen length scales as small as 150 nm in diameter. This is supported by in situ and ex situ images of shear bands, and by the carefully recorded displacement bursts under load control its well as load drops under displacement control. Finite element modeling of the stress state within the pillar shows that the unavoidable geometry constraints accompanying such experiments impart a strong effect on the experimental results, including non-uniform stress distributions and high level hydrostatic pressures. The seemingly improved compressive ductility is believed to be due to such geometry constraints. Observations underscore the notion that the mechanical behavior of metallic glasses, including strength and plastic deformation mode, is size independent at least in Vit 1. (C) 2009 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The autorotation of two tandem triangular cylinders at different gap distances is investigated by numerical simulations. At the Reynolds number of 200, three distinct regimes are observed with the increase of gap distance: namely, angular oscillation, quasi-periodic autorotation and ‘chaotic’ autorotation. For various gap distances, the characteristic of vortex shedding and vortex interaction are discussed. The phase graphs (angular acceleration vs. angular velocity) and the power spectra of moment are analyzed to characterize the motion of the cylinder. The Lyapunov exponent is also calculated to identify the existence of chaos.


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In near wall measurements with microPIV/PTV, whether seeding particles can be effectively used to detect local fluid velocity is a crucial problem. This talk presents our recent measurements in microchannels [1][2]. Based on measured velocity profiles with 200nm and 50nm in pure water, we found that the measured velocity profiles are agreed with the theoretical values in the middle of channel, but large deviations between measured data and theoretical prediction appear close to wall (0.25mm


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A display hologram of an object can be recorded and reconstructed in three primary colors if the angular selectivity of volume recording media is exploited. Three holograms are recorded in the same medium, each at a different primary color. These three holograms are reconstructed by simultaneous illumination of the hologram with the original reference beams. By proper choice of the angles that the reference beams make to the hologram, it is possible to suppress strongly cross talk between the different reconstructions (e.g., the red object reconstruction in green light). The technique exhibits high resolution, high diffraction efficiency, and vivid colors. Through the addition of three holographically recorded volume gratings it is possible to reconstruct the hologram with a beam of white light. The saturation and brightness of each primary color in the reconstruction can be adjusted by selection of an appropriate thickness for the corresponding grating.