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许多天然物质和人为的外界生物化学因子对许多无脊椎动物附着变态有诱导作用,这为人工控制无脊椎动物幼虫的附着变态过程提供了重要手段,同时对于幼虫培养,特别是对于经济种类幼虫的培养和育苗,具有重要的意义。本文以青岛贻贝Mytilus edulis Linnaeus为研究对象,于1990年1991年分别就不同的海水离子条件、拟肾上腺素和抗肾上腺素、拟胆碱和抗胆碱类化合物以及促进生物新陈代谢类化合物对贻贝幼虫附着变态的诱导作用进行了研究,结果表明:升高K~+或Ca~++浓度以及降低Mg~++浓度均对贻贝幼虫有附着变态诱导作用。Mg~++浓度降低促进K~+的诱导作用。氨基酸类神经递质GABA和其同系物天冬氨酸、谷氨酸、苷氨酸、β-丙氨酸无明显附着变态诱导作用。短时间内,L-DOPA诱导水平(30%)贻贝幼虫不经过附着而直接变态,只作用于β-受体的拟肾上腺素、多巴胺和异丙肾上腺素诱导50%水平的幼虫变态。作用于α-受体的拟肾上腺素、间羟胺、麻黄碱、去氧肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素和肾上腺素诱70-90%水平的幼虫变态。阻断β-受体的抗肾上腺素、噻吗心安和心得安无诱导作用。但阻断β-受体的抗肾上腺素、立其丁、酚苄明和妥拉苏林对幼虫附着变态有诱导作用。干扰肾上腺素能神经递质释放的化合物利血平无变态诱导作用,并有致死作用。拟胆碱类分合物苯海过、琥珀酰胆碱和阿托品对贻贝幼虫均有附着变态诱导作用。变态诱导率维持在30%水平。拟胆碱化合物加兰他敏有较高的变态诱导率(56.1% (10~(-3)M, 36h))。抗胆碱类化合物氯丙嗪无明显诱导作用。调节生物体代谢和机能类化合物甲状腺素、ATP、肌、VitB_6和氨茶碱对贻贝幼虫有显著的附着变诱导作用,变态诱导率分别为:甲状腺素84.6 (10~(-3)M, 36h);ATP 57.7% (10~(-3)M, 36h);肌苷74.0% (10~(-3)M, 36h); VitB_6 41.3% (10~(-5)M, 36h)和氨茶碱50.0% (10~(-4)M, 36h)。前列腺素无诱导作用,而氯化可的松有一定诱导作用。去甲肾上腺素和乙酰胆碱对幼虫变态的诱导作用被Na~+通道阻断剂普鲁卡因和利多卡因阻断。但ATP和氨茶碱的诱导作用不被其阻断。这表明去甲肾上腺素和乙酰胆碱对幼虫的附着变态的诱导作用是通过视经传递完成的。而神经传递并没有参与ATP和氨茶碱对幼虫变态的诱导过程。
In Gonghu Bay of Lake Taihu, tissue of five mussel species showed delta C-13 values similar to or slightly below that of pelagic suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM). This indicated that mussels in this area either fed non-selectively and so reflected available carbon in the pelagic habitat or selected for phytoplankton. The situation was the same for Anodonta woodiana woodiana and Cristaria plicata in Meiliang Bay; however, for the remaining three species, Hyriopsis cumingii, Arconaia lanceolata, and Lamprotula rochechouarti, tissue had intermediate delta C-13 values, falling between those for pelagic SPOM and benthic sediment organic matter (SOM), suggesting a possible preferential selection of phytoplankton from the pelagic SPOM but more likely reflecting local differences in pelagic SPOM and benthic SOM composition and available organic carbon sources. The mixing model showed that pelagic SPOM accounted for over 98% of carbon incorporated by all mussels in Gonghu Bay and two mussels in Meiliang Bay, suggesting the dietary importance of pelagic food sources for mussels. Less than 50% of the assimilation in H. cumingii, A. lanceolata, and L. rochechouarti came from the pelagic carbon sources in Meiliang Bay, which suggested that these species consumed a mix of benthic and pelagic derived carbon sources.
This article documents the addition of 512 microsatellite marker loci and nine pairs of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) sequencing primers to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Alcippe morrisonia morrisonia, Bashania fangiana, Bashania fargesii, Chaetodon vagabundus, Colletes floralis, Coluber constrictor flaviventris, Coptotermes gestroi, Crotophaga major, Cyprinella lutrensis, Danaus plexippus, Fagus grandifolia, Falco tinnunculus, Fletcherimyia fletcheri, Hydrilla verticillata, Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus, Leavenworthia alabamica, Marmosops incanus, Miichthys miiuy, Nasua nasua, Noturus exilis, Odontesthes bonariensis, Quadrula fragosa, Pinctada maxima, Pseudaletia separata, Pseudoperonospora cubensis, Podocarpus elatus, Portunus trituberculatus, Rhagoletis cerasi, Rhinella schneideri, Sarracenia alata, Skeletonema marinoi, Sminthurus viridis, Syngnathus abaster, Uroteuthis (Photololigo) chinensis, Verticillium dahliae, Wasmannia auropunctata, and Zygochlamys patagonica. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Chaetodon baronessa, Falco columbarius, Falco eleonorae, Falco naumanni, Falco peregrinus, Falco subbuteo, Didelphis aurita, Gracilinanus microtarsus, Marmosops paulensis, Monodelphis Americana, Odontesthes hatcheri, Podocarpus grayi, Podocarpus lawrencei, Podocarpus smithii, Portunus pelagicus, Syngnathus acus, Syngnathus typhle,Uroteuthis (Photololigo) edulis, Uroteuthis (Photololigo) duvauceli and Verticillium albo-atrum. This article also documents the addition of nine sequencing primer pairs and sixteen allele specific primers or probes for Oncorhynchus mykiss and Oncorhynchus tshawytscha; these primers and assays were cross-tested in both species.
本文选取麻痹性贝毒产毒藻塔玛亚历山大(Alexandrium tamarense)以及双壳类为研究对象,进行了塔玛亚历山大藻对双壳类生命活动的影响,麻痹性贝毒在紫贻贝体内累积、转化与排出动力学过程的初步研究。实验证实,塔玛亚历山大藻能对栉孔扇贝受精卵至早期D型幼虫的整个发育阶段产生不利影响,抑制受精卵的孵化。经多方验证,我们推测这一抑制作用主要是由塔玛亚历山大藻藻细胞表面物质引起的。通过塔玛亚历大藻对栉孔扇贝和墨西哥湾贝早期发育的影响研究发现:产毒藻对其受精卵、早期D形幼虫、眼点幼虫、仔贝都有明显的影响。(1)两株塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK、ATCI02)都能抑制栉孔扇贝受精卵的孵化,EC50分别是(1010、1580cells/mL)。指数生长期的藻作用最强,并发现毒性作用可能来源于细胞表面一种不同于PSP的毒性物质。(2)ATHK对D形幼虫有致死作用,死亡率随作用时间的延长和藻密度的增加而增加。栉孔扇贝的早期D形幼虫暴露于细胞密度为10,000/cells/mL的ATHK中14天,死亡就率达100%;在实验密度10,000cells/mL的48小时急性致毒实验中,墨西哥湾扇贝的早期D形幼虫的游泳能力受到了一定程度的抑制。(3)实验条件下未发现ATHK对墨西哥湾扇贝眼点幼虫的变态、存活产生明显影响,但变态后稚贝的个体大小与对照组相比有明显差异,表明有毒藻对变态过程幼体的生长有影响。(4)在1小时、5小时的急性致毒实验中ATHK对墨西哥湾扇贝仔贝(壳高:5mm)的爬升能力产生了明显的抑制(1hEC50 = 1,000cells/mL)。作用5小时后仔贝的附着率与对照组相比显著降低。两次48小时急性实验的结果都显示高密度的塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK)能抑制紫贻贝成体的滤水率,平均EC50为6000cells/mL。以(产麻痹性贝毒)的塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK)投喂紫贻贝(Mytilus edulis),研究了麻痹性贝毒在紫贻贝体内的累积、转化与排出规律。结果表明,在八天的累积实验阶段,紫贻贝消化腺和肌肉组织中的毒素含量均随实验时间的延长而逐渐增加;累积实验结束时,平均每只贝体内的毒素量为13.40nmol,累积率为12.45%(以每只贝的总染毒量为107.67nmol计),毒性水平为12.24μgSTXeq/100g,还未达到国际上公认的贝类食用卫生标准(80μgSTXeq/100g);贻贝消化腺的累积能力远远高于肌肉组织,累积实验结束时,消化腺中的毒素含量为13.07nmol,累积率为12.14%,而肌肉组织中的毒素量只有0.33nmol,累积率只有0.31%。消化腺中累积的毒素占贝体内毒素总量的97.5%。在八天的排出实验阶段贝体内的毒素总量有下降的趋势,只有进一步延长自净的时间,才能得到更明了的排出规律。
A base population of the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians Lamarck, was produced by crossing two cultured bay scallop populations. After 1 year of rearing, the top 10% truncation selection of the top 10% (i=1.755) was carried out in the base population of about 1300 adults. A control parental group with a an identical number to the select parental group was randomly selected from the entire population before isolation of the select parental group. The result showed that, at the larval stage, the growth rate of larvae in the selected line was significantly higher than that of the control (P < 0.05), and that the genetic gain was 6.78%. Owing to the lower density of control at the spat stage, the mean shell length of the control line was larger than that of the select line at day 100. When the same density was adjusted between two lines in the grow-out stage (from day 100 to 160), the daily growth rate of the selected line was significantly higher than that of the control line (P < 0.05). Survival of the select line was significantly larger than that of the control line in the grow-out stage. In conclusion, the results obtained from this experiment indicate that selective breeding from a base population with a high genetic diversity established by mass spawning between different populations appears to be a promising method of genetic improvement in bay scallop, A. irradians irradians Lamarck.
In an effort to develop genetic markers for oyster identification, we studied length polymorphism in internal transcribed spacers (ITS) between major ribosomal RNA genes in 12 common species of Ostreidae: Crassostrea virginica, C. rhizophorae, C. gigas, C. angulata, C. sikamea, C. ariakensis, C. hongkongensis, Saccostrea echinata, S. glomerata, Ostrea angasi, O. edulis, and O. conchaphila. We designed two pairs of primers and optimized PCR conditions for simultaneous amplification of ITS 1 and ITS2 in a single PCR. Amplification was successful in all 12 species, and PCR products were visualized on high-resolution agarose gels. ITS2 was longer than ITS 1 in all Crassostrea and Saccostrea species, whereas they were about the same size in the three Ostrea species. No intraspecific variation in ITS length was detected. Among species, the length of ITS I and ITS2 was polymorphic and provided unique identification of 8 species or species pairs: C. ariakensis, C. hongkongensis, C. sikamea, O. conchaphila, C. virginica/C. rhizophorae, C. gigas/C. angulata, S. echinata/S. glonzerata, and O. angasi/O. edulis. The ITS assay provides simple, rapid and effective identification of C. ariakensis and several other oyster species. Because the primer sequences are conserved, the ITS assay may be useful in the identification of other bivalve species.