12 resultados para 720501 Defence standards and calibrations

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Immunostimulants are the substances, which enhance the non-specific defence mechanism and provide resistance against the invading pathogenic micro-organism. In order to increase the immunity of shrimps against the WSSV, the methanolic extracts of five different herbal medicinal plants like Cyanodon dactylon, Aegle marmelos, Tinospora cordifolia, Picrorhiza kurooa and Eclipta alba were selected and mixed thoroughly in equal proportion. The mixed extract was supplemented with various concentrations viz. 100 (A), 200 (B), 400 (C), and 800 (D) mg kg(-1) through artificial diets individually. The prepared diets (A-D) were fed individually to WSSV free healthy shrimp Penaeus monodon with an average weight of 8.0 +/- 0.5 g for 25 days. Control diet (E), devoid of herbal extract was also fed to shrimps simultaneously. After 25 days of feeding experiment, the shrimps were challenged with WSSV, which were isolated and propagated from the infected crustaceans. The shrimps succumbed to death within 7 days when fed on no herbal immunostimulant diet (E). Among the different concentrations of herbal immunostimulant supplemented diets, the shrimps fed on diet D (800 mg kg(-1)) significantly (P < 0.0001) had more survival (74%) and reduction in the viral load. Also the better performance of haematological, biochemical and immunological parameters was found in the immunostimulant incorporated diets fed shrimps. The present work revealed that the application of herbal immunostimulants will be effective against shrimp viral pathogenesis and they can be recommended for shrimp culture. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper describes the simultaneous determination of allantoin, quercetin, and 1-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-beta-carboline-3-carboxylic acid (MTCCA) in Nitraria tangutorum Bobr seed by HPLC-APCI-MS and CE (capillary electrophoresis) methods. The final optimized chromatographic conditions were investigated in a reversed-phase Eclipse XDB-C8 column (150 x 4.6 mm, 5 mu m). A seventeen-minute gradient elution, (A: aqueous acetonitrile 20% (v/v); B: aqueous acetonitrile 60% (v/v); C: pure acetonitrile 100%) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min was selected for the separation of three natural products with diode array detection (DAD) at 220 nm. A CE experiment was carried out in a fused silica capillary with 32 mmol/L boric acid (pH 10), 32 mmol/L SDS and acetonitrile (10.0%, v/v). The applied potential and temperature was, respectively, set at 19 kV and 25 degrees C. After development, the validation was performed in parallel for HPLC and CE, with the same standards and sample to avoid differences due to the manipulation. The validation parameters of both techniques were adequate for the intended purpose.


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This paper presents a systematic description of the methods for calibrating microwave network analyzer and test fixtures, and discusses the problems arising in the calibration. The general criteria for choosing calibration standards and corresponding algorithms are discussed and suggestions to overcome these problems and improve the calibration accuracy are also given. It has been found that for reciprocal test fixtures, the four equations obtained with the thru standard can be used at the same time. Meanwhile, the calibration accuracy can be improved. It has been shown that using the same calibration procedures but different algorithms may lead to the occurrence of frequency limitation.


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This paper begins from the thru-short-open (TSO) and thru-line-match (TLM) methods to investigate the correlation of the calibration equations of these two methods, The relations among the measurements with the corresponding standards are obtained. It is found that the line standard with zero length can be used instead of ideal open and short, in case that two test fixtures are symmetrical. For asymmetrical fixtures, the measurements with the standards line, open and short are related at certain frequencies, and the matched load can be replaced by the line standards. The relations established are used to test short and match standards and analyze the freqPuency limits of the TSO method, Good agreement between theory and experiment is obtained, It is found that the TSO method becomes very poor when the insertion phase of the thru standard is near n pi/4, and this method has a lower frequency limit. The TLM method is found unsuitable for calibrating asymmetrical fixtures.


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编码字符集标准是计算机处理文字信息的基础,本文提出了编码字符集三元组抽象,对现有编码字符集标准进行了简单回顾和总结,深入剖析了影响巨大的ISO 2022标准及其派生标准,对ISO 2022编码机制应用于多语言环境的局限性进行了探讨,阐明了使用通用编码字符集UCS的必要性,并对其进行了分析.探讨了现有编码分类方法存在的问题,引入了一种对编码字符集以及实现方法进行分类的新方法,使用该方法对现有标准进行了归类;最后对汉字字符集相关的国家标准进行了分析评介.


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酸化油是油脂工业中以皂脚、油脚经酸化处理得到的产品。它的主要成分是游离脂肪酸及中性油,是生产脂肪酸的重要原料,但生产过程中有水解废水的产生,若将其直接排放,既污染了环境又浪费了资源。生物柴油的主要成分是脂肪酸甲酯(fatty acid methyl ester,FAME)。它具有原料丰富而且可再生、可生物降解、无毒、不含芳香烃、二氧化硫等污染物、燃烧排放低、闪点高、运输储存安全等特点。作为石化柴油的潜在替代能源,生物柴油因其独特的优越性和现实的需求越来越受到关注。利用酸化油生产生物柴油不仅可以缓解生物柴油原料不足问题,还可解决酸化油所带来的环境问题。

The convertion of acid oil to biodiesel by use of immobilized Candida lipase absorbed on textile cloth was studied in a fixed bed reactor, which can not only reduce the environmental pollution of acid oil, but also produce a substitute for petroleum diesel. The acid oil mixed with methanol was pumped into three fixed bed reactors in series, and the methanol was added with the molar flow rate same as the acid oil in each reactor. The effects of enzyme content, solvent content, water content, flow rate of reactant and temperature on the enzymatic reaction were analyzed. The result of orthogonal experiments indicates that the optimal transesterification can be performed under the following conditions: immobilized lipase content in acid oil, 20% ; hexane content in acid oil, 10% ; water content in acid oil, 10%, reaction temperature, 50 ℃ ; and flow rate of reactant, 0.08 g/rain. Under these conditions, the FAME content of 90.18% in the product is obtained. The immobilized lipase can be reused with relatively stable activity after glycerol being removed from the surface. By refining, most of the chemical and physical properties of biodiesel will meet the American and Germany biodiesel standards and exceed the Chinese standard of 0^# petroleum diesel except for carbon residue, density and kinematic viscosity.


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The present work describes a liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS) method for rapid identification of phenylethanoid glycosides in plant extract from Plantago asiatica L. By using a binary mobile phase system consisting of 0.2% acetic acid and acetonitrile under gradient conditions, a good separation was achieved on a reversed-phase C-18 column. The [M-H](-) ions, the molecular weights, and the fragment ions of phenylethanoid glycosides were obtained in the negative ion mode using LC-ESI-MS. The identification of the phenylethanoid glycosides (peaks 1-3) in the extract of P. asiatica L. was based on matching their retention time, the detection of molecular ions, and the fragment ions obtained by collision-induced dissociation (CID) experiments with those of the authentic standards and data reported in the literature.


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The hydrolysis of ginsenoside standards and the crude extracts of ginseng has been investigated at different pH values (2.4 - 11.2) using high performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS). The experimental results indicated that the pH value of aqueous solutions is an important factor in changing the composition of ginsenosides. For (20S)-protopanaxadiol ginsenosides, ginsenosides with a large mass hydrolyzed to form hydrolysates (20S)-Rg(3) and (20R)-Rg(3) at pH 4.3. There were more hydrolyzed products observed at pH 3.3: (20S)-F-2, C-25,26 hydrated ginsenoside "C-Y-1" and "C-Y-2" (MW = 802 Da) accompanied with (20S)-Rg(3), (20R)-Rg(3). At pH 2.4, only (20R)-Rg(3), (20S)-F-2, a small quantity of (20S)-Rg(3) and three C-25,26 hydrated ginsenosides were obtained. For (20S)protopanaxatriol Re, no hydrolysates were observed at pH 4.3; it was hydrolyzed at pH 3.3 to form hydrolysates (20S)-Rg, (20R)Rg(2) and hydrated C-25,26 (MW = 802 Da) and at pH 2.4 only C-25,26 hydrated ginsenosides "C-Y-1" and "C-Y-2" (MW = 802 Da) were left in the solution. Similar hydrolysis reactions could be also observed for the crude extracts of ginseng. It showed that HPLC/ESI-MS is a fast and convenient method to study the hydrolysis of ginseng.


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The fragmentation mechanism of aconitine-type alkaloids in the flowers of Aconitum kusnezoffii (FAK) was investigated using electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn) firstly. The analysis of the collision-induced dissociation (CID) spectra of three purified aconitine standards and six previously reported aconitines indicated that the fragmentation of the protonated aconitines at low-energy CID follows a similar pathway. The elimination of a C-8-substituent such as an acetic acid or a fatty acid is the dominant fragmentation mode in MS2. Successive losses of CH3COOH, CH3OH, H2O, BzOH, and CO are the main fragmentation pathways of aconitine-type alkaloids in MS3 spectra. Based on these features, a rapid method for the direct detection and characterization of alkaloids from an ethanolic extract of FAK is described. All the known aconitum alkaloids are detected and a series of lipo-aconitines has been found for the first time in this plant.


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In the paper through extensive study and design, the technical plan for establishing the exploration database center is made to combine imported and self developed techniques. By research and repeated experiment a modern database center has been set up with its hardware and network having advanced performance, its system well configured, its data store and management complete, and its data support being fast and direct. Through study on the theory, method and model of decision an exploration decision assistant schema is designed with one decision plan of well location decision support system being evaluated and put into action. 1. Study on the establishment of Shengli exploration database center Research is made on the hardware configuration of the database center including its workstations and all connected hardware and system. The hardware of the database center is formed by connecting workstations, microcomputer workstations, disk arrays, and those equipments used for seismic processing and interpretation. Research on the data store and management includes the analysis of the contents to be managed, data flow, data standard, data QC, data backup and restore policy, optimization of database system. A reasonable data management regulation and workflow is made and the scientific exploration data management system is created. Data load is done by working out a schedule firstly and at last 200 more projects of seismic surveys has been loaded amount to 25TB. 2. Exploration work support system and its application Seismic data processing system support has the following features, automatic extraction of seismic attributes, GIS navigation, data order, extraction of any sized data cube, pseudo huge capacity disk array, standard output exchange format etc. The prestack data can be accessed by the processing system or data can be transferred to other processing system through standard exchange format. For supporting seismic interpretation system the following features exist such as auto scan and store of interpretation result, internal data quality control etc. the interpretation system is connected directly with database center to get real time support of seismic data, formation data and well data. Comprehensive geological study support is done through intranet with the ability to query or display data graphically on the navigation system under some geological constraints. Production management support system is mainly used to collect, analyze and display production data with its core technology on the controlled data collection and creation of multiple standard forms. 3. exploration decision support system design By classification of workflow and data flow of all the exploration stages and study on decision theory and method, target of each decision step, decision model and requirement, three concept models has been formed for the Shengli exploration decision support system including the exploration distribution support system, the well location support system and production management support system. the well location decision support system has passed evaluation and been put into action. 4. Technical advance Hardware and software match with high performance for the database center. By combining parallel computer system, database server, huge capacity ATL, disk array, network and firewall together to create the first exploration database center in China with reasonable configuration, high performance and able to manage the whole data sets of exploration. Huge exploration data management technology is formed where exploration data standards and management regulations are made to guarantee data quality, safety and security. Multifunction query and support system for comprehensive exploration information support. It includes support system for geological study, seismic processing and interpretation and production management. In the system a lot of new database and computer technology have been used to provide real time information support for exploration work. Finally is the design of Shengli exploration decision support system. 5. Application and benefit Data storage has reached the amount of 25TB with thousand of users in Shengli oil field to access data to improve work efficiency multiple times. The technology has also been applied by many other units of SINOPEC. Its application of providing data to a project named Exploration achievements and Evaluation of Favorable Targets in Hekou Area shortened the data preparation period from 30 days to 2 days, enriching data abundance 15 percent and getting information support from the database center perfectly. Its application to provide former processed result for a project named Pre-stack depth migration in Guxi fracture zone reduced the amount of repeated process and shortened work period of one month and improved processing precision and quality, saving capital investment of data processing of 30 million yuan. It application by providing project database automatically in project named Geological and seismic study of southern slope zone of Dongying Sag shortened data preparation time so that researchers have more time to do research, thus to improve interpretation precision and quality.


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High-speed capillary electrochromatography was developed on both short and long packed columns with 2 mu m non-porous ODS as the stationary phase. Factors that affect the analysis time of samples, such as voltage, electrolyte concentration, pH and organic modifier concentration in the mobile phase, were studied systematically. Fast analysis of aromatic compounds within 13 seconds was realized with column efficiency of 573,000 plates/m and a R.S.D.% of the retention times of all components in 8 consecutive injections below 1.0%. which demonstrated the high efficiency and high reproducibility of such a technique. In addition, DNPH derived aldehydes and ketones in both standards and environmental samples were separated with high speed.


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Impression formation is an important aspect of person perception and has important interpersonal consequences. There are assimilation and contrast effects in impression formation and is still considerable debate regarding the best way to account for them. This present research used trait-implying sentences as priming materials, trait inferences sever as self-generated primes, examined the effect of different trait knowledge in assimilation and contrast effects. Experiment 1 determined the priming and target stimuli of this research by pretest. In experiment 2, participants read trait-implying sentences and resulted in trait inference as self-generated primes, examined the influence of trait activation on impression formation. The results indicated that participants instructed to memorize trait-implying sentences showed assimilation effect, whereas participants instructed to form impression from trait-implying sentences showed contrast effect. Difference to previous studies that emphasized the impact of awareness of the prime in impression formation, this research paid attention to the impact of different trait knowledge that resulted from trait inference. Experiment 3 studied the influence of actor salience on impression formation. The results indicated that when trait-implying sentences that described actors with names and were accompanied with photos of the actors, participants showed contrast under both memorization and impression instructions. Experiment 4 studied the influence of attribution context on assimilation and contrasts. The results showed that contrast ensued when trait-implying sentences were accompanied with the information that suggested a person attribution, whereas assimilation ensued when that information suggested a situation attribution, independent of processing goals. Experiment 5 made a direct test of the effect of different trait knowledge in impression formation. The results discovered that when abstract trait concepts were activated they act as a general interpretation frame in encoding stage, whereas when specific actor-trait links were activated, the activated information is likely to be used as a comparative standard in judgment stage. All studied indicated that there are two types of activated trait knowledge in trait inference: abstract trait concepts versus specific actor-trait links. When trait inference activated abstract trait concepts, the activated information serves as interpretation frame and lead to assimilation effect during impression formation, when trait inference activated specific actor-trait links, the activated information is more likely to be used as a comparative standards and resulted in contrast effects. These findings have important implications for understanding the mechanism of impression formation and practical values for interpersonal communication.