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Ion beam etching technique was used to reveal the metallograhpic microstructure and interface morphology of electroplating chromium coating, in particular, whose substrate surface layer was treated in advance by laser quenching. Chemical etchings were, also conducted for comparison. The reveal microstructures were observed and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The results show that ion beam etching can reveal well the whole microstructures of composite coating-substrate materials.


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Adhesion forces of Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine ( DPPC) membrane in the gel phase are investigated by molecular dynamics ( MD) simulation. In the simulations, individual DPPC molecules are pulled out of DPPC membranes with different rates and we get the maximum adhesion forces of DPPC membrane. We find that the maximum adhesion forces increase with pull rate, from about 400 to 700 pN when pull rates are from 0.001 to 0.03 nm/ps. We analyze the relationship between pull rate and adhesion forces of different origins using Brownian dynamics and notice that viscosity of solvent plays an important role in adhesion forces. Then we simulate the motion of a single DPPC molecule in solvent and it elucidates that the maximum drag force is almost linear with respect to the pull rate. We use Stokes' relation to describe the motion of a single DPPC molecule and deduce the effective length of a DPPC molecule. Conformational analyses indicate that the free energy variation of a DPPC molecule inside and outside of the DPPC membrane is an essential part of adhesion energy.


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锂离子电池是一种新型能源,与现有的可充电电池(铅酸电池、镉镍电池和金属氢化物镍电池)相比,在比能量上占有明显优势,目前比能量可高达170~180Wh/kg,是Cd-Ni电池的4倍,MH-Ni电池的2倍。锂离子电池的高T作电压(3.6V)使其相当于3节镉镍电池或金属氢化物镍电池的串连,有利于电池的小型化、轻量化。同时,又具有自放电率低(一般月自放电率小于6%)、长循环寿命的优点.,而且对环境友善,没有污染,是一种绿色能源。自从锂离子电池1991年成功进入世界市场,凭借以上优越性能,在手提电话,摄像机,笔记本电脑和各种便携设备方面的应用越来越广泛。随着新能源的不断开发和利用,对电解液和电极材料的要求也越来越高,特别是对环境的关注和对能源短缺的思考使得人们对锂离子电池进行了新的改进。开发新型电池正极材料是锂离子电池研究的一项重要内容,目前的研究处在实验阶段。由于候选材料的多样性,导致实验上消耗大量的人力、物力和财力,于是从理论上寻求一种计算方法对实验结果进行解释,对相关的材料进行稳定性和电化学性能预测,从而找出一些普遍性规律,已引起研究人员的广泛关注。Ceder于1998年在Nature杂志上发表了《使用第一性原理计算来指导锂离子电池正极材料合成》的研究论文,文中计算出LiAIO_2的嵌入电压高达5.4 V,但纯的LiAIO_2 是电子绝缘体,所以考虑用A1部分替代LiCoO_2 中的Co元素,可以调节电压值,还有利于提高质量比容量。从那时起,理论计算预测锂离子电池正极材料的性能越来越重要。


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目的:探讨采用工程材料力学中抗弯梁的力学模型,通过兔胫骨三点弯测试,获得整骨材料力学测试方法实用的力学参数。方法:采用10只正常成年大耳白兔下肢骨标本,共10对胫骨,行三点弯力学测试。作为骨的三维实体模型建立后,虚拟加载的一种实验对比模式。支承跨距为80mm。结果:得到10对正常大耳白兔胫骨抗弯力学参数。胫骨最大载荷所对应的加载点挠度平均值右侧(2.737±0.262)mm,左侧(2.739±0.233)mm;胫骨的最大载荷(代表抗弯强度)的平均值右侧(17.803±2.675)kg,左侧(18.366±2.653)kg;胫骨最大载荷前载荷-挠度曲线下面积平均值右侧(23.829±4.413)kg·mm,左侧(24.725±4.101)kg·mm;胫骨载荷 ̄挠度曲线线性部分斜率(代表抗弯刚性)平均值右侧(7.545±1.310)kg/mm,左侧(7.631±1.174)kg/mm。结论:正常家兔胫骨个体间差异较大,建议三点弯测试实验中采用双侧配对比较。


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Adhesion forces of Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine ( DPPC) membrane in the gel phase are investigated by molecular dynamics ( MD) simulation. In the simulations, individual DPPC molecules are pulled out of DPPC membranes with different rates and we get the maximum adhesion forces of DPPC membrane. We find that the maximum adhesion forces increase with pull rate, from about 400 to 700 pN when pull rates are from 0.001 to 0.03 nm/ps. We analyze the relationship between pull rate and adhesion forces of different origins using Brownian dynamics and notice that viscosity of solvent plays an important role in adhesion forces. Then we simulate the motion of a single DPPC molecule in solvent and it elucidates that the maximum drag force is almost linear with respect to the pull rate. We use Stokes' relation to describe the motion of a single DPPC molecule and deduce the effective length of a DPPC molecule. Conformational analyses indicate that the free energy variation of a DPPC molecule inside and outside of the DPPC membrane is an essential part of adhesion energy.


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Effects of flame stretch on the laminar burning velocities of near-limit fuel-lean methane/air flames have been studied experimentally using a microgravity environment to minimize the complications of buoyancy. Outwardly propagating spherical flames were employed to assess the sensitivities of the laminar burning velocity to flame stretch, represented by Markstein lengths, and the fundamental laminar burning velocities of unstretched flames. Resulting data were reported for methane/air mixtures at ambient temperature and pressure, over the specific range of equivalence ratio that extended from 0.512 (the microgravity flammability limit found in the combustion chamber) to 0.601. Present measurements of unstretched laminar burning velocities were in good agreement with the unique existing microgravity data set at all measured equivalence ratios. Most of previous 1-g experiments using a variety of experimental techniques, however, appeared to give significantly higher burning velocities than the microgravity results. Furthermore, the burning velocities predicted by three chemical reaction mechanisms, which have been tuned primarily under off-limit conditions, were also considerably higher than the present experimental data. Additional results of the present investigation were derived for the overall activation energy and corresponding Zeldovich numbers, and the variation of the global flame Lewis numbers with equivalence ratio. The implications of these results were discussed. 2010 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Thin films of four nickel(II) and copper(II) hydrazone complexes, which will hopefully be used as recording layers for the next-generation of high-density recordable disks, were prepared by using the spin-coating method. Absorption spectra of the thin films on K9 optical glass substrates in the 300-700 nm wavelength region were measured. Optical constants (complex refractive indices N) and thickness d of the thin films prepared on single-crystal silicon substrates in the 275-675 nm wavelength region were investigated on a rotating analyzer-polarizer scanning ellipsometer by fitting the measured ellipsometric angles (Psi(lambda) and Delta(lambda)) with a 3-layer model (Si/dye film/air). The dielectric functions epsilon and absorption coefficients alpha as a function of the wavelength were then calculated. Additionally, a design to achieve high reflectivity and optimum dye film thickness with an appropriate reflective layer was performed with the Film Wizard software using a multilayered model (PC substrate/reflective layer/dye film/air) at 405 nm wavelength.


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采用传统陶瓷烧结工艺,在无压还原气氛中低温制备了Yb^3+掺杂量高达10%(按摩尔计)的透明性良好的氧化镧钇激光陶瓷,研究了其在室温的吸收光谱、发射光谱以及荧光寿命。结果表明:掺Yb^3+氧化镧钇透明激光陶瓷具有宽的吸收和发射光谱以及长的荧光寿命。吸收峰位于902,942nm和968nm处,吸收截面分别为0.31×10^-20,0.45×10^-20cm^2和0.53×10^-20cm2:主发射峰位于1032nm和1075nm处,发射截面分别为1.05×10^-20cm^2和0.87×10^-20cm ^


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OsPRP1是水稻中特有的,编码一类富含脯氨酸蛋白(proline-rich protein, PRP)的基因家族,该家族有4个成员。在GenBank中,仅找到了一个结构相对接近的玉米PRP蛋白,但是对它的研究仅限于序列上的某些描述,而且在序列上,仍然与这4个OsPRP1蛋白有明显的差别。OsPRP1蛋白明显有别于前人(1999)所描述的4类PRP蛋白。它们是植物中一类新的小分子量的PRP蛋白,仅有一个保守结构域而属于DUF1210蛋白超家族的成员。 四个OsPRP1基因在基因组中紧密串联排列,而且编码区高度保守,基因结构也高度一致,证明它们来源于同一个祖先基因,是通过基因复制的方式产生的。PAML分析也证明它们在进化时间上的相互距离并不远。而在进化过程中由于执行生理功能上的某种重要性,在编码区表现出很的保守性,因而很难在RNA水平和蛋白水平上研究四个OsPRP1基因的表达差异。但是它们在表达调节区(如启动子区)显示出明显的差异。在克隆启动子的基础上,用GUS报告基因的策略,没有检测到它们在拟南芥中的表达活性,说明它们具有一定的种属特异性。而在水稻中,这四个基因的表达显示出了明显的时序和空间差异,既表现出在组织器官及其发育阶段上的特异性和变化,又在一定程度上表现出交叉,出现了功能上的分化和重叠。根据启动子区上的顺式元件,检测了这些基因对6种植物生长调节物质和3种非生物胁迫因子的应答反应,证明它们的表达调节也表现出显著的差异和分化。因此,四个基因的进化出现了功能退化、亚功能化和产生新功能等多种命运,比理论模型预期的要复杂得多,可能在执行生理功能和对环境反应上具有各自的生物学意义。 植物细胞壁是多种碳水化合物和蛋白质相互交织在一起的亲水性网络。在保护和支撑原生质、细胞通信、细胞分化、细胞对生物的和非生物胁迫的抗性等方面发挥着重要作用。目前已知的大多数植物PRP蛋白被描述成细胞壁结构性蛋白。OsPRP1基因家族编码的蛋白质都有一个N-端信号肽,暗示它们可能是一类分泌蛋白。我们用OsPRP1.1::GFP融合蛋白进行了亚细胞定位,证明了OsPRP1蛋白的确也是细胞壁相关蛋白。用原核表达体系表达了GST-融合蛋白,制备抗体,通过免疫印迹证明这些蛋白不溶于温和的提取缓冲溶液中,但可以被高盐和强碱溶液溶解,且分子量增加了三倍。证明在体内可能出现修饰、与细胞壁其它组分相交联的现象。 在这四个基因中,只有OsPRP1.2能够在水稻根中特异表达。根的原位杂交实验证明,OsPRP1在分化成熟程度低的细胞中大量表达,而在分化成熟程度高的细胞中几乎不表达。GUS染色的结果同样发现,基因在维管柱特别是中柱鞘附近的薄壁细胞的表达比别的细胞要强得多,而且在根的生长方向上表现出与发育相关的表达特征。说明OsPRP1基因可能参与了这些细胞的分化、发育过程。而基因表达的组织器官特异性的差异和对不同刺激因素的不同反应意味着它们可能参与了多种生理过程。为此构建了一个RNAi的表达载体,转化水稻,Southern杂交实验得到9个单位点插入的T2代独立株系,其中有6个株系与野生型对照相比,主根的早期伸长受到显著抑制,主根的一级侧根地数量减少,根尖分生区的细胞在轴向上的伸长受到了抑制。结合表达定位和原位杂交的结果,我们对它们在植物生长发育中的功能进行了深入探讨。


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查对中国南部赤腹松鼠标本(40l号)的基础上,发现分布于云南东北部昭通地区的赤腹松鼠与赤腹松 鼠其他亚种有明显的区别。毛色特征:背部棕黄色,背中央区域稍带黑色;腹部至前胸栗红色;喉、颏部棕灰色; 尾毛背腹无明显差异,尾毛末端棕黄、次末端黑,尾末端具棕黄色(稍黄白)区域;前后足背棕褐色,稍带黑色。 进一步对头骨可量性状数据进行分析(差异系数),结果表明:分布于该地区的赤腹松鼠分别与赤腹松鼠其他13个 亚种两两之间至少有一项差异系数大于1.28,系一新亚种c蹴f眦i珏r猫e唧如me谢z,啪t撕g啪s泌s妇p.nov.。