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In order to investigate the characteristics of water wave induced liquefaction in highly saturated sand in vertical direction, a one-dimensional model of highly saturated sand to water pressure oscillation is presented based oil the two-phase continuous media theory. The development of the effective stresses and the liquefaction thickness are analyzed. It is shown that water pressure oscillating loading affects liquefaction severely and the developing rate of liquefaction increases with the decreasing of the sand strength or the increasing of the loading strength. It is shown also that there is obvious phase lag in the sand Column. If the sand permeability is non-uniform, the pore pressure and the strain rise sharply at which the smallest permeability occurs. This solution may explain Why the fracture occurs in the sand column in some conditions.


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This work is devoted to study of the slip phenomenon between phases in water-oil two-phase flow in horizontal pipes. The emphasis is placed on the effects of input fluids flow rates, pipe diameter and viscosities of oil phase on the slip. Experiments were conducted to measure the holdup in two horizontal pipes with 0.05 m diameter and 0.025 m diameter, respectively, using two different viscosities of white oil and tap water as liquid phases. Results showed that the ratios of in situ oil to water velocity at the pipe of small diameter are higher than those at the pipe of big diameter when having same input flow rates. At low input water flow rate, there is a large deviation on the holdup between two flow systems with different oil viscosities and the deviation becomes gradually smaller with further increased input water flow rate. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The flow past a square-section cylinder with a geometric disturbance is investigated by numerical simulations. The extra terms, due to the introduction of mapping transformation simulating the effect of disturbance into the transformed Navier-Stokes equations, are correctly derived, and the incorrect ones in the previous literature are pointed out and analyzed. Furthermore, the relationship between the vorticity, especially on the cylinder surface, and the disturbance is derived and explained theoretically. The computations are performed at two Reynolds numbers of 100 and 180 and three amplitudes of waviness of 0.006, 0.025 and 0.167 with another aim to explore the effects of different Reynolds numbers and disturbance on the vortex dynamics in the wake and forces on the body. Numerical results have shown that, at the mild waviness of 0.025, the Karman vortex shedding is suppressed completely for Re = 100, while the forced vortex dislocation is appeared in the near wake at the Reynolds number of 180. The drag reduction is up to 21.6% at Re = 100 and 25.7% at Re = 180 for the high waviness of 0.167 compared with the non-wavy cylinder. The lift and the Strouhal number varied with different Reynolds numbers and the wave steepness are also obtained.


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给出了滚转对旋成体的菱形花纹的影响。给出了任意形状旋成体滚转时的菱形花纹歪扭轨迹的计算公式。给出了三种物面形状的物体的n(x)计算公式:1.锥2.母线由直线和圆弧组成的尖头旋成体3.球头锥。给出了参数k=0.025-0.5滚转圆锥的菱形花纹轨迹的空间图。计算了4种来流条件下的滚转尖头旋成体的菱形花纹轨迹。计算了3组模型和不同来流条件下滚转球 头锥的菱形花纹轨迹,并对计算结果进行了分析比较。


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The ablation in zinc selenide (ZnSe) crystal is studied by using 150-fs, 800-nm laser system. The images of the ablation pit measured by scanning electronic microscope (SEM) show no thermal stress and melting dynamics. The threshold fluence is measured to be 0.7 J/cm2. The ultrafast ablation dynamics is studied by using pump and probe method. The result suggests that optical breakdown and ultrafast melting take place in ZnSe irradiated under femtosecond laser pulses.


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We present a novel phase-shifting vectorial-shearing interferometer with a wedge plate phase-shifter. The interferometer is based on a modified Mach-Zehnder configuration; the common-path nature makes it capable of testing the wavefront of a short coherence-length light source, such as a laser diode. Vectorial shear (shearing in the x and y directions simultaneously) in an arbitrary direction is introduced by inserting two wedge plates orthogonally in two arms, respectively. One of the wedge plates is split into two parts (parallel part and wedge part); phase shift is produced by moving the wedge part in contact along the parallel part. The moving distance for a 2 pi phase shift is a few millimetres in specific conditions. The wedge plate phase-shifter increases the moving distance for phase shift and makes the control of phase shift relatively easy. We also discuss the lateral shear error and phase shift errors induced by wedge plates. The lateral shear error is small enough to be ignored; the phase shift error is determined mainly by the wedge angle error. Lastly, we give the experimental results of phase-shifting interference fringes in vectorial shear mode.


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Spurious reflection is one of the troublesome problems in phase-shifting interferometry. This paper deals with the problem on the basis of a two-run-times-two-frame phase-shift algorithm, in which the phase shifts are shared out between the reference beam and the object beam. The effect of spurious reflection on phase measurement is investigated; two simple methods for removal of the effect are presented and each needs only six interferograms. Two other solutions to the spurious reflection problem are also reviewed. The simulation results obtained using these four solutions are compared. The influence of a mix of phase-shifter miscalibration and spurious reflection on phase measurement is also discussed.


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Dependence of performances of non-line-of-sight (NLOS) solar-blind ultraviolet (UV) communication systems on atmosphere visibility is investigated numerically by correlating the propagation of UV radiation with the visibility. A simplified solar-blind UV atmospheric propagation model is introduced, and the NLOS UV communication system model is constituted based on the single scattering assumption. Using the model, numerical simulation is conducted for two typical geometry configurations and different modulation formats. The results indicate that the performance of the NLOS UV communication system is insensitive to variation of visibility in quite a large range, and deteriorates significantly only in very low-visibility weather, and is also dependent on the geometry configuration of the system. The results also show that the pulse position modulation (PPM) is preferable due to its high-power efficiency to improve the system performance. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The dependence of thermal properties of Ag8In14Sb55Te23 phase-change memory materials in crystalline and amorphous states on temperature was measured and analyzed. The results show that in the crystalline state, the thermal properties monotonically decrease with the temperature and present obvious crystalline semiconductor characteristics. The heat capacity, thermal diffusivity, and thermal conductivity decrease from 0.35 J/g K, 1.85 mm(2)/s, and 4.0 W/m K at 300 K to 0.025 J/g K, 1.475 mm(2)/s, and 0.25 W/m K at 600 K, respectively. In the amorphous state, while the dependence of thermal properties on temperature does not present significant changes, the materials retain the glass-like thermal characteristics. Within the temperature range from 320 K to 440 K, the heat capacity fluctuates between 0.27 J/g K and 0.075 J/g K, the thermal diffusivity basically maintains at 0.525 mm(2)/s, and the thermal conductivity decreases from 1.02 W/m K at 320 K to 0.2 W/m K at 440 K. Whether in the crystalline or amorphous state, Ag8In14Sb55Te23 are more thermally active than Ge2Sb2Te5, that is, the Ag8In14Sb55Te23 composites bear stronger thermal conduction and diffusion than the Ge2Sb2Te5 phase-change memory materials.


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We prepare bismuth-doped borosilicate glasses and the luminescence properties in infrared wavelength region are investigated. Transmission spectrum, fluorescence spectrum and fluorescence decay curve are measured. The glasses exhibit a broad infrared luminescence peaking at 1340nm with the full width at half maximum of about 205nm, and lifetime of 273 mu s when excited by an 808-nm laser diode. The glasses are promising materials for broadband optical amplifiers and tunable lasers.


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兰科植物是被子植物中物种最丰富和最进化的类群之一,具有精巧、多样化的花部结构以及独特的吸引传粉者方式。开展兰科植物传粉生物学的研究对理解自然选择机制和异花授粉优势学说具有重要的理论意义。广西雅长兰科植物自然保护区是我国第一个以兰科植物命名的保护区,本文通过对保护区内同域分布的流苏贝母兰(Coelogyne fimbriata)和兔耳兰(Cymbidium lancifolium )传粉过程观察和繁殖成功等方面的研究,探讨兰科植物传粉机制和防止同株异花授粉的机制。同时结合传粉生物学研究的结果,对兰科植物多样性保护提出相关建议。主要研究结果如下: 1.流苏贝母兰的传粉生物学 在保护区2 个居群内对流苏贝母兰花期物候、传粉者种类和行为进行了连续3 年(2005-2007)的观察,对花和传粉者形态学指标进行了测量,对两个居群内所选取实验样地的花粉移走率、花粉接收率和结实率进行了详细的统计,通过动物行为学实验检测了花香对传粉者吸引方面的影响。并通过人工繁育系统实验检测流苏贝母兰的繁殖特征。结果显示,流苏贝母兰为具有特殊气味且无花蜜的兰科植物,由一种黄胡蜂属(Vespula)昆虫的雌性个体专性传粉,此为第二例由胡蜂专性传粉的具有食源性欺骗机制的兰科植物,且在传粉者行为和吸引机制与第一例存在很大差异。行为学实验显示花香对传粉者具有吸引作用。流苏贝母兰的花期与实验地黄胡蜂的繁殖季节和种群扩张期相吻合,在此期间,为了满足自身和幼虫的需求,黄胡蜂对碳水化合物需求大大增加。推测流苏贝母兰利用了黄胡蜂在繁殖和种群扩张期间需要大量摄取碳水化合物类物质,通过模拟碳水化合物来源(如果实或有花蜜、汁液分泌的植物)的气味,吸引传粉者。居群内花粉移走率、花粉接收率和结实率分别为0.069-0.918,0.025-0.695和0.014-0.069。结实率较低的原因可能与流苏贝母兰的自交不亲和特性和传粉者连续访问造成的同克隆授粉有关。其自交不亲和特性能有效地阻止自交,促进异交,同时蕊喙在接收花粉24 h 内与柱头愈合也能够减少花粉浪费,提高雄性适合度。 2.兔耳兰的传粉生物学 在保护区1 个居群内对兔耳兰进行了连续2 年(2005-2006)的观察和实验。观察发现兔耳兰唯一的传粉者为膜翅目蜜蜂科的中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)。中华蜜蜂在花内的停留时间为8-71 s。根据观察我们推测兔耳兰可能是通过其唇瓣上无规则的紫栗色小斑点(假蜜导)来吸引中华蜜蜂为其传粉, 属于食源性欺骗方式。在传粉过程中兔耳兰的药帽与花粉团和粘盘一起粘在中华蜜蜂胸背部。药帽的存在能够阻止下一朵被拜访的花实现雌性功能。兔耳兰药帽高度加上传粉昆虫胸高大于传粉通道入口的高度, 支持兔耳兰可能通过药帽来减少同株异花授粉现象的推测。蕊喙会在花粉接受72 h 内逐渐下弯并与柱头愈合,将接受的花粉包裹,且有些花的花萼片和侧面的两个花瓣会环抱住唇瓣侧裂片及蕊柱形成的入口,即传粉通道,避免继续接收花粉,增加花粉输出,提高雄性适合度。2005 和2006 年该兔耳兰居群的自然繁殖成功率分别为0.211 和0.213。繁育系统实验证明兔耳兰是高度自交亲和物种,不存在无融合生殖和自动自花授粉的现象, 其结实依赖传粉者。TTC 法检测结果显示兔耳兰种子活力达85.78%因此推断种子活力不是制约兔耳兰种子萌发的主要原因。而传粉者的密度和访问频率可能是影响兔耳兰结实的重要因素, 并最终影响兔耳兰种群的维持和扩张。 3.兰科植物促进繁殖成功的机制 植物通过各种方式吸引传粉者的最终目的是实现繁殖成功,是植物生活史的重要环节。兰科植物具有雌雄同体的合蕊柱的特殊结构,为了避免花粉-柱头间的干扰,其进化出一系列特殊的花部结构和适应机制,如欺骗性吸引机制、花粉块柄弯曲、花粉干缩等等。流苏贝母兰作为大量开花的克隆植物,其自交不亲和特性是促进异交的重要机制,另外蕊喙在花粉接收24 h 内与柱头发生愈合也是减少同株异花授粉机率的重要花部适应特征。兔耳兰为聚丛状生长的兰科植物,总状花序具多朵花,在传粉过程中通过药帽的阻挡和机械隔离,使携带于昆虫背部的花粉不能进入花内与柱头发生接触,避免同株异花授粉的发生。另外兔耳兰也存在花部适应的机制,蕊喙在花粉接收72 h 内逐渐下弯与柱头愈合,同时有些花的花萼片和侧面的两个花瓣环抱传粉通道入口,避免继续接收花粉,提高雄性适合度。 4. 兰科植物传粉系统和多样性保护 传粉生物学的研究为兰科植物的保护生物学提供了坚固的理论基础和重要的科学依据。绝大部分的兰科植物繁殖成功受到传粉者数量的限制。由于其精巧的花部结构,约67%已知传粉系统的兰科植物仅由唯一的传粉者专性传粉。另外,在某些区域内,还存在着较高程度的传粉者共享。传粉者数量的减少已经威胁到兰科植物的繁殖生存。因此,对兰科植物的保护应不仅仅关注于植物的保护,同时还应致力于传粉系统的保护。


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猕猴桃是重要的栽培果树,但目前栽培品种过于单一,不能满足生产和消费的需求。由于猕猴桃的雌雄异株特性、种间杂交亲合性差、遗传上高度杂合以及育种周期长等特点,常规杂交育种困难很大。现代生物技术,如原生质体培养和体细胞杂交等,为培育新品种提供了新途径。 毛花猕猴桃(Actinidia eriantha)和软枣猕猴桃(A.arguta)是猕猴桃属中具有重要利用价值的两个种。毛花猕猴桃果实大小在猕猴桃属中次于中华猕猴桃(A.chinensis)和美味猕猴桃(A.deliciosa)列第三位,果实维生素C含量达1014 mg/l00 g FW。软枣猕猴桃极耐寒,在-40℃下可安全越冬,其果实表面光滑无毛。这两个种是品种改良的重要种质资源。 作为生物技术基础的组织培养与植株再生系统,在毛花猕猴桃上尚未见报道。软枣猕猴桃的组织培养仅有一例报道,且芽分化率和分化系数都很低。这两个种的原生质体培养及与美味猕猴桃的原生质体融合也未见报道。针对这种情况,本试验对毛花猕猴桃和软枣猕猴桃的组织培养、原生质体培养及其与美味猕猴桃品种“Hayward”的原生质体融合进行研究,结果建立了较理想的毛花猕猴桃和软枣猕猴桃组织培养系统;首次从毛花猕猴桃原生质体得到再生植株和从软枣猕猴桃原生质体培养再生愈伤组织;通过改进融合方法,建立了毛花猕猴桃+美味猕猴桃和软枣猕猴桃+美味猕猴桃的原生质体融合体系,并将异核体培养分裂得到细胞团。这些结果有利于今后毛花猕猴桃和软枣猕猴桃资源的开发利用。主要试验结果如下: 以毛花猕猴桃试管实生苗叶片和茎段为外植体,培养在附加一定浓度Zea或CPPU的MS培养基上,产生的愈伤组织不经转代就可分化芽。试管苗茎段在附加0.0025 mg/L CPPU和0.1 mg/LIAA的MS培养基上愈伤组织产生、芽分化和苗生长都较理想;试管苗叶片则以附加0.025 mg/L CPPU和0.l mg/LIAA或0.5 mg/L Zea和0.1 mg/LIAA的MS培养基较好。当苗生长至1.0 cm时经诱导生根形成完整植株。 在软枣猕猴桃组织培养中,外植体种类、诱导培养基的激素种类和诱导分化时细胞分裂素种类都有重要影响。无菌苗茎段容易愈伤组织化,但分化困难;叶片外植体产生愈伤组织较难,但分化容易。在含Zea的MS培养基上,两种外植体产生的愈伤组织不经转代即能分化芽。分化培养基中添加Zea能有效地诱导芽分化,其中以2.0 mg/L Zea芽的分化最好,而Kin和BAP在0.5- 2.0 mg/L浓度范围内愈伤组织不分化。 以毛花猕猴桃或软枣猕猴桃试管苗叶片为分离原生质体的材料。试管苗的培养条件对原生质体分离效果及其培养反应有显著影响。弱光培养条件对两个种试管苗的原生质体分离及其培养都有好处,试管苗培养基也有重要影响。毛花猕猴桃和软枣猕猴桃试管苗合适培养基分别为MS基本培养基(大量元素减半)和MS+0.00025 mg/L CPPU+ 0.1 mg/LIAA。在此条件下培养的两个种的试管苗叶片,经酶解后原生质体产量分别为0.7-1.8×l06和3.0-3.5×l06/1 g FW,其原生质体在合适培养基上能够分裂。 毛花猕猴桃原生质体培养在MS培养基(去除NH4N03)附加l.0mg/L2,4-D液体培养基中,约10天时发生第一次分裂,分裂能持续下去并在培养3个月时形成约2mm大小愈伤组织。直接将其转入固体培养基中使其增殖和分化。在附加Zea 0.5 mg/L+ O.l mg/L IAA的MS培养基上继代2次,愈伤组织开始分化芽。芽伸长后切下诱导生根,形成完整植株。软枣猕猴桃原生质体培养基中,MS培养基附加2,4-D配合Zea或Kin对启动分裂是必须的,其中以MS+2,4-D 0.5 mg/L+ Zea 0.5 mg/L最好,在此培养基上原生质体第一次分裂发生在4-6天时,培养12-14天时见到第三次分裂,培养三周的分裂频率为23%。培养45天后形成许多小愈伤组织块。软枣猕猴桃原生质体再生的愈伤组织从液体培养基转入固体培养基后未见进一步分裂。 对18株毛花猕猴桃原生质体再生植株的体细胞染色体数目作了观察,其中12株为整倍体,二倍体和四倍体各六株;另外六株为混倍体,其染色体数目变化在59-203之间。还发现原生质体再生植株有丝分裂间期细胞存在多核现象,有多核细胞的共10株,细胞内多核数目以双核和三核较常见,最多的有七个核。原生质体供体植株为2n=2x=58,未发现多核细胞。原生质体再生植株体细胞多核现象未见报道。 利用毛花猕猴桃或软枣猕猴桃叶片原生质体分别与愈伤组织来源的美味猕猴桃原生质体进行融合,融合方法为高Ca++高pH值PEG法。对Kao等(1975)报道的融合步骤作了修改。影响融合效率的因素主要有PEG种类、融合作用时间和融合液中DMSO浓度。最佳的融合条件为40%PEG (Sigma,MW3350)+10%DMSO,作用40 min。毛花猕猴桃+美味猕猴桃和软枣猕猴桃+美味猕猴桃的融合频率分别可达14.5%和13.6%。异核体经培养可分裂并形成细胞团。