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本部分主要应用ESCA,~(19)F-NMR、IR等分析手段研究了不同聚合反应条件下,六氟丙烯等离子体聚合物膜的组成与结构指出其聚合物是非交联的,然而是高度支化的。通过测定分子量和对~(19)F-NMR的理论处理得到,几乎57%的季碳都是连有CF_3基团。同时,求得了一个聚合物分子链的主链上所含有的碳原子数的极大值为32.1个,其余约54%的碳原子都是侧基或在侧链上。在低功率,高压力条件下,所得聚合物的ESCA结果表明,聚合物分子中CF_3基团含量超过了CF_2基团,说明CF_3不仅以端基的形式存在,通过处理NMR谱,求得了CF_3基团在整个聚合物分子链上的分布方式。实验结果还表明,辉光区和非辉光区内的聚合物膜在结构上有较大差别。同时,也发现聚合物结构随功率、压力、单体/等离子气体比例以及基片位置的不同而变化。通过IR发现在较高功率条件下,高能电子把多种Si-O-Si片断从反应器壁上刻蚀下来,并在基片表面上进一步重排和聚合形成较长的含F和不含F的Si-O-Si链。证实了刻蚀效应的存在。下面的实验结果也进一步证实了反应体系内存在聚合与刻蚀的竞争问题:a.高能[F]原子与玻璃器壁碰撞形成SiF_4,进而与基质NaCl反应形成NaSiF_6分子已在IR中显示出来。b.较高功率下的热端附近,玻璃基片失重。六氟丙稀等离子体聚合反应动力学及聚合膜热性能的研究。这部分利用TG, DSC, ESCA和其它手段研究了PPHFP的热性能,指出聚合物在加热过程中仅有轻微的交联和重排反应发生,同时求得了六氟丙烯等离子体聚合物(PPHFP)的热裂解反应活化能为101.58 K.J.mol~(-1), 半分解温度为321.7 ℃。 运用吸附和包埋的概念解释了聚合物中小分子的存在,并通过二个间接证据(高度支化聚合物的比重增大和TG曲线的低温区阶梯)和一个直接证据(聚合物的分子量分布表明存在小分子)对小分子的存在进行了证实。通过对六氟丙稀等离子体聚合反应的动力学的研究,指出聚合速率随功率、压力、等离子气体种类及基片位置的变化而有较大差别。主要选用三种等离子气体(N_2, Ar, He)、二种功率。在四种不同压力下讨论了聚合速率随基片位置的变化规律,从而可以找出反应器内任意点的聚合速率与压力的关系曲线。等离子体共聚反应规律的初步探讨及N_2等离子气体进入聚合物结构的证实。初步探讨了等离子体共聚合反应,选用六氟丙稀、乙烯和苯乙烯三种单体,并运用IR和GC-MS得到-推断性结果:等离子体条件下的共聚反应,也象一般的共聚合那样,共聚单体的活性即Q值必须相近,e值的正负相差很大或相近;否则,高活性单体优先聚合。而不是象一般想象的那样:由于等离子体系的电子能量较高,足以使一般的化学键断裂。所以任意两种单体的共聚反应都能发生而形成无规结构的共聚物。通过测接触角研究了聚合物的表面疏水性。找出了聚合膜的接触角与功率的依赖关系以及接触角与聚合物膜F/c比的直线方程。运用元素分析,ESCA、TG和DSC等分析手段证实了N_2是以化学键的形式进入聚合物主链及侧链。选择Ar和N_2两种等离子气体,找出了O/C比、N/C比与功率的依赖关系。同时,得到了在N_2为等离子体气体时,所得聚合物在DSC上出现熔融峰,熔点为146 ℃,熔程较宽;而Ar为等离子气体时,所得聚合物在达溶点以前已分解,其分解温度较低。六氟丙烯等离子体聚合物的ESR研究应用ESR对六氟丙烯的气相冷凝物和固相聚合物进行了研究。气相冷凝物本体的ESR表明,有140条谱线的超精细结构出现,谱峰为20组。而且加少量丙酮后的气相冷凝物溶液,其ESR更明显的显示出20组谱峰。各谱线的不完全对称性说明气相冷凝物中有几种自由基存在。然而,当把此ESR谱在室温下空气中衰减时,其峰形不变,只是量的减少,说明自由基种类不会太多。固相聚合物中有高浓度的自由基存在,且相当稳定。研究了Ar和空气两种气氛下的自由基浓度随时间的衰减,两者有较大差别,显示了O_2的作用。同时,求得了自由基偶合反应的活化能和不同温度下的自由基偶合反应常数。六氟丙烯等离子体聚合反应历程。通过对气相冷凝物和固相聚合物进行ESR测试,提出了控制等离子体聚合反应历程起支配作用的粒子为自由基,聚合初级粒子不仅仅是:CF_2,而且体积中还存在高浓度的CF_3自由基,从而在低功率、高压力条件下,使聚合物链上CF_3基团含量超过了CF_2基团。随着功率的提高,聚合体系中CF_3自由基的浓度降低,其中一部分脱下形成了:CF_2。通过研究气相冷凝物的GC-MS谱,得到气相中存在C_2-C_7等的气相产物。最大分子量不超过400,提出了气相反应过程。同时也得到了气相中主要是全氟烯烃和全氟环烷烃。也有少量的全氟烷烃存在。而且GC图上好几个峰代表同一个化学组成C_mF_n,说明气相产物中有异构体存在。另外,气相中有小于单体分子量(150)的产物及非单体分子量整数倍的产物存在,说明聚合过程中确实发生C_3F_6断裂形成各种活性粒子,CF_2的存在解释了形成分子量各异的产物。另外,也提出了表面反应过程。其证据是:(1)对Ar等离子体处理的普通聚四氟乙稀(PTFE)进行ESCA测量,发现其Cs谱在287.9和289.7 eV处出现两个新峰(分别代表-CF和-C-),说明辉光放电聚合过程中表面上发生了一系列的断裂和重排反应。(2)IR中出现了NaSiF_6峰和较长链的 Si-O-Si峰,说明了高能电子及[F]原子对玻璃壁表面的作用。(3)靠近热端附近的玻璃基片,在较高功率的聚合条件下失重。
2006年10月~2007年5月,我们采用固定路线调查、瞬时扫描行为取样法对云南纳帕海越冬黑颈鹤的行为时间分配、鹤群结构、栖息地利用等方面作了研究。 黑颈鹤越冬期日间行为主要以觅食和警戒为主,分别为76.81±9.1%和11.84±5.6%,两种行为共占了黑颈鹤日间行为时间分配比例的88.65%;其它几种行为除理羽(5.18±4.2%)、走动(3.37±2.25%)和休息(1.32±1.7%)外,其所占比例均在1%以下,它们分别为:飞行0.59±0.89 %、鸣叫0.41±0.63%、争斗0.22±0.30%和其它0.22±47%。越冬期中黑颈鹤日间行为具有明显节律性,觅食行为呈早晚双峰型节律,且傍晚的觅食高峰较高。黑颈鹤在纳帕海越冬期间从数量变化上可分为4个时期:1 早期的越冬集散期;2 中期的越冬稳定期;3 晚期的迁飞集散期;4 末期的幼鹤滞留期。鹤群结构及行为在不同的时期之间有着显著的变化。在越冬期中期,黑颈鹤特别是带有幼鹤的繁殖家庭更偏向于选择以家庭为单位的活动形式活动。集群鹤和领域鹤间在行为的时间分配上存在显著差异,集群活动有着集体警戒的优势使得集群鹤有了更多的时间用于觅食,但集群中的繁殖家庭并不能有效的利用这种优势,集群密集活动中高的争斗比例给集群中的幼鹤带更多的威胁,增加了繁殖家庭中成鹤的负担。家庭鹤为了维护领域不受侵犯,付出了更高的警戒时间,而减少了觅食的时间分配,但稳定的环境给幼鹤的稳定成长提供了更可靠的保证。鹤群结构组成的研究表明,繁殖家庭倾向于选择在一定的家庭领域中单独活动,非繁殖成鹤则更多的选择活动在集群中。集群中的幼鹤跟家庭中的幼鹤在觅食、警戒、理羽、走动、休息、争斗等主要行为上并无差异,但集群中的幼鹤的躲避攻击的行为要显著高于家庭活动中的幼鹤,说明了家庭活动对幼鹤有着更好的保护作用,集群中的高争斗行为对幼鹤产生了一定的不利影响。幼鹤和成鹤间行为存在明显差异:幼鹤的觅食比例比较高,略高于集群中的成鹤而显著高于家庭中的成鹤,走动和休息两种行为高于成鹤,相反鸣叫、争斗行为低于成鹤。这说明,幼鹤在活动中的警戒作用很少,更多时间是用于觅食和休息中,家庭中的幼鹤也并不更多的承担警戒和维护家庭领域的任务,而同样以觅食和休息为主。 越冬鹤群白天栖息地主要有浅水沼泽、农地、草地、猪拱地和开阔水域5种,其中猪拱地与草甸裸地为浅水沼泽和草地的次生生境。5种栖息地中以浅水沼泽利用比例最大为32.26%,其次是猪拱地(31.49%),然后农地(18.01%)和草地(10.91%);开阔水域最小,只5.55%(图11)。这5种栖息地中,农地和猪拱地中鹤群的觅食比例最大分别为:78.85%和76.61%,是黑颈鹤越冬季觅食的重要地点之一。草地中鹤群的觅食行为比例(61.63%)相对其它4种栖息地中的觅食比例中最低,相反,移动和休整行为比例最高,是鹤群休息和转换觅食地的场所。鹤群对浅水沼泽的利用率最大,但浅水沼泽中鹤群的觅食比例并不是最高(71.22%),略低于农地和猪拱地中鹤群的觅食比例,这可能是因为沼泽中食物营养比较高,鹤群可以在不高的觅食时间中获取足够的能量造成的。猪拱地和裸泥地的利用率及鹤群在此种栖息地中的觅食比例均较高,仅次于浅水沼泽和农地两种最主要的栖息地类型,说明家畜的影响在一定程度上为越冬鹤群增加了新的觅食地,有利于黑颈鹤的越冬。 纳帕海越冬黑颈鹤春季迁徙时间从3月底开始持续至4月中下旬,2007年春季迁徙共持续时间22天。天气条件和日时间对鹤群的迁徙有着明显的影响,鹤群迁徙主要出现在晴天或多云天气的10:00-12:00段。晴朗的天气有利于形成上升气流,10:00-12:00时间段上升气流最强、最为稳定,能为鹤群迁徙节省最多的能量,有利于鹤群的迁徙。
Limited information is available on the prevalence among rural Africans of host genetic polymorphisms conferring resistance to HIV-1 infection or slowing HIV disease progression.We report the allelic frequencies of the AIDS-related polymorphisms CCR2-64I, SDF1-3#A, and CCR5-D32 in 321 volunteers from 7 ethnic groups in Cameroon. Allelic frequencies differed among the 7 ethnic groups, ranging from 10.8% to 31.3% for CCR2-64I and 0.0% to 7.1% for SDF1-3#A. No CCR5-D32 alleles were found. HIV seroprevalence was 6.9% in the total population and peaked at younger ages in girls and women than in boys and men. Among 15- to 54-year-olds, HIV seroprevalence varied from 2.0% to 11.1% among the village populations. Conditional logistic regression analysis using data from boys and men aged 15 to 54 years showed the number of CCR2-64I alleles to be a significant risk factor for HIV seropositivity (odds ratio per allele adjusted for age and matched on ethnic group = 6.3, 95% confidence interval: 1.3–30.3); this association was not found in women. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that CCR2-64I alleles may delay HIV disease progression without affecting susceptibility to infection among men. We did not observe this relation among women, and other factors, such as multiple pregnancies or maternal stressors (eg, breastfeeding), may have masked any protective effect of CCR2-64I alleles. Further study of this issue among women is warranted. SDF1-3#A did not differ between HIV-seropositive and HIV-seronegative individuals but wasassociated with increasing age among HIV-seronegative women, suggesting a protective effect against HIV-1 infection.
The growth of highly lattice-mismatched InAs0.3Sb0.7 films on (100) GaAs Substrates by magnetron Sputtering has been investigated and even epitaxial lnAs(0.3)Sb(0.7) films have been successfully obtained. A strong effect of the growth conditions on the film structure was observed, revealing that there was a growth mechanism transition from three-dimensional nucleation growth to epitaxial layer-by-layer growth mode when increasing the substrate temperature. A qualitative explanation for that transition was proposed and the critical conditions for the epitaxial layer-by-layer growth mode were also discussed.
Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a spatially evolving flat-plate boundary layer transition process at free stream Mach number 0.7 is performed. Tollmien-Schlichting (T-S) waves are added on the inlet boundary as the disturbances before transition. Typical coherent structures in the transition process are investigated based on the second invariant of velocity gradient tensor. The instantaneous shear stress and the mean velocity profile in the transition region are studied. In our view, the fact that the peak value of shear stress in the stress concentration area increases and exceeds a threshold value during the later stage of the transition process plays an important role in the laminar breakdown process.
We present numerical simulations of thermosolutal convection for directional solidification of Al-3.5 wt% Ni and Al-7 wt% Si. Numerical results predict that fragmentation of dendrite arms resulting from dissolution could be favored in Al-7 wt% Si, but not in Al-3.5 wt% Ni. Corresponding experiments are in qualitative agreement with the numerical predictions. Distinguishing the two fragmentation mechanisms, namely dissolution and remelting, is critical during experiments on earth, when fluid flow is dominant. (C) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The growth of InAsxSb1-x films on (100) GaSb substrates by liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) has been investigated and epitaxial InAs0.3Sb0.7 films with InAs0.9Sb0.09 buffer layers have been successfully obtained. The low X-ray rocking curve FHWM values of InAs0.3Sb0.7 layer shows the high quality of crystal-orientation structure. Hall measurements show that the highest electron mobility in the samples obtained is 2.9 x 10(4) cm(2) V-1 s(-1) and the carrier density is 2.78 x 10(16)cm(-3) at room temperature (RT). The In As0.3Sb0.7 films grown on (10 0) GaSb substrates exhibit excellent optical performance with a cut-off wavelength of 12 mu m. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
<正> Ⅰ.概况 国际等离子体化学会议(ISPC)每两年举行一次,主要交流等离子体化学如下几方面的研究和发展情况:合成,诊断,等离子体刻蚀,等离子体沉积和聚合,模型,表面作用以及熔化、气化、等离子体喷涂等。ISPC-7由荷兰Ejndhoven技术大学负责组织,Philips公司支持,在Philips会议中心举行。会议期1985年7月1—5日。第一天样品展览,
在山西省万家寨引黄入晋工程总干线 7#隧洞的开挖和衬砌的应力应变分析中 ,为确定土体c、Φ值和邓肯 -张模型参数 ,分别进行了加载试验和卸载试验 ,本文对用两种试验获得的模型参数进行有限元变形分析的结果进行比较。
Effects of wall temperature on stabilities of hypersonic boundary layer over a 7-degree half-cone-angle blunt cone are studied by using both direct numerical simulation (DNS) and linear stability theory (LST) analysis. Four isothermal wall cases with Tw/T0= 0.5, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9, as well as an adiabatic wall case are considered. Results of both DNS and LST indicate that wall temperature has significant effects on the growth of disturbance waves. Cooling the surface accelerates unstable Mack II mode waves and decelerates the first mode (Tollmien–Schlichting mode) waves. LST results show that growth rate of the most unstable Mack II mode waves for the cases of cold wall Tw/T0=0.5 and 0.7 are about 45% and 25% larger than that for the adiabatic wall, respectively. Numerical results show that surface cooling modifies the profiles of rdut/dyn and temperature in the boundary layers, and thus changes the stability haracteristic of the boundary layers, and then effects on the growth of unstable waves. The results of DNS indicate that the disturbances with the frequency range from about 119.4 to 179.1 kHz, including the most unstable Mack modes, produce strong mode competition in the downstream region from about 11 to 100 nose radii. And adiabatic wall enhances the amplitudes of disturbance according to the results of DNS, although the LST indicates that the growth rate of the disturbance of cold wall is larger. That because the growth of the disturbance does not only depend on the development of the second unstable mode.
We measured spectroscopic and laser action properties of a novel 8-position substituted pyrromethene-BF2, namely 1,3,5,7-tetramethyl-2,6-diethyl-8-n-propyl pyrromethene-BF2 complex. The laser action was performed with the corresponding dye solution in ethanol, which was placed in a Littman-type laser cavity pumped by the second harmonic of a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. The spectroscopic measurements clearly indicated that the corresponding dye solution in ethanol exhibited intense absorption in the visible spectral region with large fluorescence quantum yield. It possesses rather low triplet-triplet absorption in the spectral region 460-550 nm and almost negligible triplet-triplet absorption in the lasing spectral region. As a consequence, it lases nearly as efficiently as commercially available benchmark laser dyes such as Rhodamine-6G and outperformed them in wavelength tunability in our laser cavity and pump geometry. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.
采用脉冲宽度为7 fs,脉冲能量为0.4mJ的超快强激光脉冲与气体盒子中Ar原子作用获得了高次谐波截止区连续谱,并发现当驱动激光稳定在不同的载波包络相位时,高次谐波的谱结构、谱调制深度和连续谱的带宽都有很大区别。在某些载波包络相位时获得了平滑的连续谱,调制深度小于17%,连续带宽达10eV,从而支持时域上获得变换极限500as的单个阿秒脉冲。