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The flow past a square-section cylinder with a geometric disturbance is investigated by numerical simulations. The extra terms, due to the introduction of mapping transformation simulating the effect of disturbance into the transformed Navier-Stokes equations, are correctly derived, and the incorrect ones in the previous literature are pointed out and analyzed. Furthermore, the relationship between the vorticity, especially on the cylinder surface, and the disturbance is derived and explained theoretically. The computations are performed at two Reynolds numbers of 100 and 180 and three amplitudes of waviness of 0.006, 0.025 and 0.167 with another aim to explore the effects of different Reynolds numbers and disturbance on the vortex dynamics in the wake and forces on the body. Numerical results have shown that, at the mild waviness of 0.025, the Karman vortex shedding is suppressed completely for Re = 100, while the forced vortex dislocation is appeared in the near wake at the Reynolds number of 180. The drag reduction is up to 21.6% at Re = 100 and 25.7% at Re = 180 for the high waviness of 0.167 compared with the non-wavy cylinder. The lift and the Strouhal number varied with different Reynolds numbers and the wave steepness are also obtained.
In this paper, a new type of resonant Brewster filters (RBF) with surface relief structure for the multiple channels is first presented by using the rigorous coupled-wave analysis and the S-matrix method. By tuning the depth of homogeneous layer which is under the surface relief structure, the multiple channels phenomenon is obtained. Long range, extremely low sidebands and multiple channels are found when the RBF with surface relief structure is illuminated with Transverse Magnetic incident polarization light near the Brewster angle calculated with the effective media theory of sub wavelength grating. Moreover, the wavelengths of RBF with surface relief structure can be easily shifted by changing the depth of homogeneous layer while its optical properties such as low sideband reflection and narrow band are not spoiled when the depth is changed. Furthermore, the variation of the grating thickness does not effectively change the resonant wavelength of RBF, but have a remarkable effect on its line width, which is very useful for designing such filters with different line widths at desired wavelength.
紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)是臭名昭著的世界性恶草之一,目前已对全世界30多个国家和地区造成入侵危害,大约在20世纪30年代入侵我国,在我国西南地区造成了严重的危害。本文以四川省攀枝花市遭受紫茎泽兰入侵危害严重的生态系统为研究对象,分别对不同生境下的紫茎泽兰土壤种子库进行调查,以探究紫茎泽兰土壤种子库的结构,并分析人类干扰对土壤种子库结构的影响。并在种子库调查的基础上设计了两项盆栽实验,研究紫茎泽兰土壤种子库的结构的改变导致的紫茎泽兰种子环境因子的改变,从而影响紫茎泽兰种子的萌发、幼苗的命运,以期阐明人类干扰对紫茎泽兰入侵的影响。另外连续测定紫茎泽兰早期生长的生物量,研究紫茎泽兰生物量增长、分配规律,并与其它几种本地种相比较,说明紫茎泽兰能够入侵成功的原因。 在攀枝花紫茎泽兰入侵严重的地区,通过取样研究果园、放牧灌丛以及禁牧灌丛3种不同生境紫茎泽兰土壤种子库特征,发现这3种生境的土壤种子库大小分别为10422粒m-2,3522粒m-2和2889粒m-2 。果园、放牧灌丛和禁牧灌丛等3种干扰程度不同生境的深层种子量占总种子量的比例分别为56.44%,46.96%,24.86%(p=0.006)。从干扰程度上来说,由于果园>放牧灌丛>禁牧灌丛,这一结果表明土壤深层种子量大小与干扰成正比,干扰越大,深层次紫茎泽兰种子量占总种子量的比重越大。由此可以推测,人类的干扰使得紫茎泽兰土壤种子库结构发生了改变,一方面人类干扰导致生境植被覆盖不同,干扰越大,植被覆盖度越小,土壤种子库越大,另一方面人类活动对土壤的直接扰动,使土壤种子库结构发生变化,在放牧灌丛和果园2种生境中,由于人类活动的影响,促使了紫茎泽兰土壤种子库表层种子向下层转移,而且转移量与干扰程度成正相关。由于一定深度埋藏的紫茎泽兰种子萌发的幼苗具有较低的死亡率,进入土壤深层的紫茎泽兰种子越多,紫茎泽兰的长久性土壤种子库就越大,对紫茎泽兰幼苗的补充和定居越有利,入侵也就越难以治理。 初步研究了光照、水分和种子在土壤中的埋藏深度等对紫茎泽兰幼苗的影响,结果发现,1) 播种在0cm、2cm、5cm深度的种子萌发率分别为64.67%、22.67%、13.33%,即种子埋藏越深,萌发率越低,不同层次种子萌发率差异极显著(p=0.00);幼苗死亡率分别为27.95%、0、0,表层种子萌发的幼苗有较高的死亡率,而由埋藏在深层种子萌发的幼苗没有死亡,土壤表层发芽的幼苗与不同埋藏深度种子萌发的幼苗之间死亡率差异极显著(p=0.00);2) 在无遮蔽、半遮蔽、全遮蔽3种不同情况下,紫茎泽兰幼苗的死亡率分别为72.15%、30.38%、4.87%,定居率分别为6.66%、33.99%、46.67%,即遮蔽程度越高,死亡率越低,定居率越高,不同处理之间死亡率和定居率差异均极显著(p=0.00);3) 在浇水、不浇水这2种水分条件下紫茎泽兰的萌发率分别为41.56%、32% (p=0.021);死亡率分别为35.8%、35.23% (p=0.934);定居率分别为29.11%、22.66% (p=0.083),说明水分因子对萌发率的影响显著,对死亡率、定居率的影响不显著。上述结果表明,土壤埋藏深度、光照和水分都是影响紫茎泽兰幼苗萌发的重要因素:一定深度的土壤埋藏能够有效降低紫茎泽兰幼苗的死亡率;光照强度与紫茎泽兰幼苗死亡率成正相关;而水分对紫茎泽兰幼苗的存活影响不显著。 通过跟踪调查紫茎泽兰的早期生长的生物量,发现紫茎泽兰生物量和高度增加迅速,且生物量的增加主要来自地上部分量的增加,而本地灌木却生长缓慢。与本地种相比,紫茎泽兰的根冠比很小,在生殖分配上,紫茎泽兰与本地灌木相比又比较大。另一方面,在生长季到来的时候,紫茎泽兰能够迅速生长,并将大部分生物量分配到地上部分;而在旱季,当许多本地本植物由于枯死、休眠进入休眠状态时,紫茎泽兰却能继续生长,从而确保其在竞争中的空间优势。 综上所述,人类活动的干扰可能导致更多的紫茎泽兰种子进入土壤深层,从而改变了紫茎泽兰土壤种子库的结构;种子萌发后强光直射可能是导致紫茎泽兰幼苗死亡的重要原因;由于土壤深层种子比表层种子具有更强的抵抗强光照射等不良环境因子影响的能力,所萌发的幼苗成活率高,表明其具有更高的繁殖效率。因此可以说是人类活动的干扰不但加剧了紫茎泽兰的入侵,也使得紫茎泽兰入侵后难以根除。
2006年10月2007年5月,在云南省西北部纳帕海,采用路线调查结合瞬时扫描行为取样法,对越冬黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)种群的时间分配及其与年龄、集群和时间的关系进行了观察.结果说明,黑颈鹤越冬活动主要足以觅食为主,占日间时间的(76.81±9.1)%.越冬期间黑颈鹤日间行为的节律性较为明显,具有适应高寒气候的特点.集群形式对成鹤的行为有着显著影响,集群和家庭中活动的成鹤红觅食、警戒和争斗中存在显著差异(F1.76=0.27、0.77,U=2779,P=0.001-0.000).年龄是影响鹤群行为的因素之一.幼鹤相比成鹤有较多的觅食时间和休息时间,警戒行为比例较低(F1.76=0.04-2.59,U=188-2779,P=0.006-0.000),且小受集群形式的影响.随着越冬期间的早、中、晚3个时期的环境变化,黑颁鹤的时间分配有显著变化(F2.36=4.63-26.54,x22=5.29-13.68,P=0.0016-0.000).不同越冬地的黑颈鹤行为存在差异.气候、食物资源和人为影响可能是造成这些差异的主要因素.
为了寻找治疗艾滋病的新药,研究了8 种稀土金属(镧、铒、镝、钆、镨、镱、钐、钕) 配合物和铂 配合物的抗HIV 活性。我们以C8166 细胞系为指示细胞,测定样品对HIV - 1IIIB诱导的细胞合胞体形成 的抑制作用,并以MTT方法测定它们对细胞存活率的影响,以研究稀土和铂配合物对细胞的毒性。根 据公式,计算出其CC50和EC50值,并进一步计算出其TI 值。结果表明,镧配合物、钐配合物和铂配合物 的EC50值分别为0. 006μg/ ml 、74. 28μg/ ml 和21. 54μg/ ml ,它们的治疗指数分别为63、21 和45 ,具有一定的 抗HIV - 1 活性。其它的配合物具有很低或者不具有抗HIV - 1 活性。
山区河流发育的阶梯—深潭系统具有显著的生态学作用。阶梯—深潭系统增大水流阻力和河床抗冲刷力,稳定了河床和岸坡。大卵石堆积成阶梯,细颗粒泥沙在深潭河段的缓流滞流区沉积下来形成淤泥层,形成适宜多种生物的栖息地。选择小江支流———深沟、蒋家沟和小白泥沟,以及四川九寨沟和金沙江进行野外实验、取样分析。结果发现阶梯—深潭系统较发育的深沟和九寨沟底栖动物密度高达552个/m2,生物量高达5.96 g/m2。而邻近的小白泥沟和蒋家沟底栖动物密度仅0.75个/m2,生物量不到0.006 g/m2。考虑河流不同部位底质、水
白鱼属是鲌亚科鱼类中最大的属。有16种和亚种。种类集布于滇东南盘江和金沙江两大水系,少数在滇西北及邻近的四川省部分地区。最近在禄丰县(属红河水系)获白鱼属标本6尾,经鉴定认为是一新种少耙白鱼(Anabarilus paucirastellius sp.nov.)。正模标本:编号86Ⅶ002,全长105mm,体长88mm。采自云南省禄丰县一平浪樟木箐。副模标本:编号86Ⅶ001,86Ⅶ003~006,共5尾,全长85~100mm,体长68~82mm。采集地点同上。新种模式及副模标本分别保存于中国科学院水生生
Ptychobarbus dipogon is an endemic fish in the Yarlung Tsangpo River, but its biology is poorly known. We sampled 582 specimens (total length, TL, between 70.6 and 593.0 mm) from April 2004 to August 2006 in the Lhasa River, Tibet. We estimated ages based on the counts of alternating opaque and translucent zones (annuli) in thin transverse sections of lapilli otoliths. Ages ranged from 1(+) to 23(+) years for males and 1(+) to 44(+) for females. The observed 44(+) years was the oldest reported for schizothoracine fishes. Females attained a larger size than males. The TL weight relationship was W=7.12 x 10(-6)TL(3.006) for combined sexes. The growth parameters fitted von Bertalanffy growth functions were L-infinity = 598.66 mm, k=0.0898 year(-1), t(0)=-0.7261 year and W-infinity = 1585.38 g for females and L-infinity = 494.23mm, k=0.1197 year(-1), t(0)=-0.7296 year and W-infinity = 904.88g for males. The longevities of 32.7 year for females and 24.3 year for males were similar to the observed ages. Using an empirical model we estimated the instantaneous rate of total mortality (Z) at 0.28 per year in the lower reaches. Z in the upper and middle stocks was close to the M because of unexploited or lightly exploited stock. Protracted longevity, slow growth, low natural mortality and large body size were typical characteristics of P. dipogon. The current declining trend of P. dipogon could be prevented by altering fishing regulations.
Effects of water temperature (17, 21, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C) and body size (14.75-281.41 g initial body weight) on food consumption, growth, feed conversion, and dry matter content in orange-spotted grouper fed to satiation were investigated. The combined effect of temperature (T, degrees C) and body weight (W, g) on maximum food consumption (C-max, g/day) was described as: InCmax= -7.411+0.828 lnW+0.317T-0.004 7T(2), and the optimum feeding temperature was 33.9 degrees C. The combined effect of temperature and body weight on growth (G) was described as: InG= -4.461-0.208lnW+0.394T-0.006 3T(2). The optimum growth temperature was 31.4 degrees C, whereas overall growth rates were high at 25, 30 and 35 degrees C. Feed conversion efficiencies (FCE, %), increasing first and then decreasing with increasing temperature, averaged from 1.8 to 2.1 in terms of dry weight of food fish. The optimum temperature for FCE tended to be lower than that for growth or feeding. Dry matter content increased with both increasing water temperature (17, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C) and body weight, and the combined effect of temperature and body weight on dry matter content (DM, %) was described as: lnDM =3.232+0.01 4 lnW-0.004 4T+0.001 2TlnW.
The phytoremediation of triazophos (O, O-diethyl-O-(1-phenyl-1, 2, 4-triazole-3-base) sulfur phosphate, TAP) by Canna indica Linn. in a hydroponic system was studied. After 21 d of exposure, the removal kinetic constant (K) of TAP was 0.0229-0.0339 d(-1) and the removal percentage of TAP was 41-55% in the plant system and the K and removal percentage of TAP were about 0.002 d(-1) and 1%, respectively, in darkness and disinfected control. However, the K and removal percentage of TAP were 0.006 d(-1) and approximately 11%, respectively, in the treatment with eluate from the media of constructed wetland. The contribution of plant to the remediation of TAP was 74% and C. indica played the most important role in the hydroponic system. Under the stress of TAP and without inorganic phosphorus nutrient, the activity of phosphatase in the plant system increased and phytodegradation was observed. The production and release of phosphatase is seen as the key mechanism for C. indica to degrade TAP. C. indica, which showed the potential of phytoremediation of TAP, and is commonly used in constructed wetland, so the technique of phytoremediation of TAP from contaminated water can be developed with the combination of constructed wetland.
A simple, rapid and sensitive on-line method for simultaneous determination of four endocrine disruptors (17 beta-estradiol, estriol, bisphenol A and 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol) in environmental waters was developed by coupling in-tube solid-phase microextraction (SPME) to high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection (FLD). A poly(acrylamide-vinylpyridine-NAP-methylene bisacrylamide) monolith, synthesized inside a polyether ether ketone (PEEK) tube, was selected as the extraction medium. To achieve optimum extraction performance, several parameters were investigated, including extraction flow-rate, extraction time, and pH value, inorganic salt and organic solvent content of the sample matrix. By simply filtered with nylon membrane filter and adjusting the pH of samples to 6.0 with phosphoric acid, the sample solution then could be directly injected into the device for extraction. Low detection limits (S/N = 3) and quantification limits (S/N = 10) of the proposed method were achieved in the range of 0.006-0.10 ng/mL and 0.02-0.35 ng/mL from spiked lake waters, respectively. The calibration curves of four endocrine disruptors showed good linearity ranging from quantification limits to 50 ng/mL with a linear coefficient R-2 value above 0.9913. Good method reproducibility was also found by intra- and inter-day precisions, yielding the RSDs less than 12 and 9.8%, respectively. Finally, the proposed method was successfully applied to the determination of these compounds in several environmental waters. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ultrasonic solvent extraction combined with solid-phase microextraction (SPME) with calix[4]arene/hydroxy-terminated silicone (C[4]/OHTSO) oil coated fiber was used to extract phthalate acid esters (PAEs) plasticizers in plastic, such as blood bags, transfusion tubing, food packaging bag, and mineral water bottle for analysis by gas chromatography (GC). Both extraction parameters (i.e. extraction time, extraction temperature, ionic strength) and conditions of the thermal desorption in a GC injector were optimized by analysis of eight phthalates. The fiber shows wonderful sensitivity and selectivity to the tested compounds. Owing to its high thermal stability (380 degreesC), the carryover effect that often encountered when using conventional fibers can be reduced by appropriately enhancing the injector temperature. The method showed linear response over two to four orders of magnitude with correlation coefficients (r) better than 0.996, and limits of detection (LOD) ranged between 0.006 and 0.084 mug l(-1). The relative standard deviation values obtained were less than or equal to 10%. bis-2-Ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) was the sole analyte detected in these plastics and recoveries were in the ranges 95.5-101.4% in all the samples. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A year-round comparison was made of the picophytoplankton populations in three lakes of different trophic status (oligotrophic, mesotrophic, and hypereutrophic), as well as in experimental enclosures stocked with various densities of fish. Picophytoplankton abundance was significantly different between the hypereutrophic lake and the oligotrophic lake (P<0.018) and between the hypereutrophic lake and the mesotrophic lake (P<0.021), whereas the difference between the mesotrophic and oligotrophic lakes was not significant (P<0.745). The effect of total nitrogen:total phosphorus ratio on the abundance of picophytoplankton was demonstrated in the oligotrophic lake, but such effect did not manifest itself in the other lakes or in the experimental enclosures. The average annual picophytoplankton population sizes in the three lakes in 1995-1998 were correlated with estimated fish abundance (r=0.824, n=9, P=0.006). The results of enclosure experiments demonstrated that the abundance of picophytoplankton increased with the stocking density of fish (r=0.619, n=8, P=0.100).
The structural and optical properties of InAs layers grown on high-index InP surfaces by molecular beam epitaxy are investigated in order to understand the self-organization of quantum dots and quantum wires on novel index surfaces. Four different InP substrate orientations have been examined, namely, (1 1 1)B, (3 1 1)A, and (3 1 1)B and (1 0 0). A rich variety of InAs nanostructures is formed on the surfaces. Quantum wire-like morphology is observed on the (1 0 0) surface, and evident island formation is found on (1 1 1)A and (3 1 1)B by atomic force microscopy. The photoluminescence spectra of InP (1 1 1)A and (3 1 1)B samples show typical QD features with PL peaks in the wavelength range 1.3-1.55 mu m with comparable efficiency. These results suggest that the high-index substrates are promising candidates for production of high-quality self-organized QD materials for device applications. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs)是临床较常用的处方药,是高效的止痛、退热和抗炎药。NsADs有广泛的临床适应证,尤其适用于各种急、慢性关节炎,软组织风湿症、运动性损伤、头痛、痛经、拔牙后痛以及癌性疼痛等。因此,NsAIDs一直是世界上处方量最大的药物之一,包括我国在内的各国NSAIDs消耗量都呈明显上升趋势。仅疼痛控制部分,预计2007年就将达到300亿美元[l]。但是,大多数NSAIDs,尤其是我国目前使用的NSAIDs,都有较大的毒性和副作用。最新的分子生物学实验证明,各种NSAIDs起治疗作用的基础是通过抑制环氧合酶(cox),阻断致炎介质前列腺素类化合物的合成。环氧合酶至少包括两种同功酶(可能还有未被发现的新的亚类型),COX-1和COX-2。COX-1主要发挥生理性管家功能;COx-2主要为诱导型,在正常组织内活性极低,当受到某些细胞因子、促有丝分裂物质和内毒素刺激时大量表达,相应引起致炎介质的增加,使炎症加重。这些区别为设计兼具高抗炎活性和低毒性的药物提供了可能。阿司匹林是最早获得应用的NSAIDs,随后又出现一批其它NSADOs,最近美国FDA批准上市的罗非考昔,西乐葆是较好的COX-2选择性抑制剂,但是售价过于昂贵,从费用上考虑较难维持长期服用。至今我国还没有具有自主知识产权的COX-2特异性NSAIDs,服用的NSAIDs中,国外更新淘汰多年的毒副作用较大的药物仍占有较大比重,所以开发具有我们自主知识产权的新型NSAIDs迫在眉睫。鉴于COX-1,COX-2酶晶体结构明确,NSAIDs筛选模型确定,尤其是我国传统的中医药对炎症的独特认识,所以,凭借现代医学和化学知识,结合中国传统的中医药知识开发具有我们自主知识产权的新型NSAIDs是切实可行的。在研究过程中我们发现,在中国传统的中医药体系里,冰片是一种独特的药物,其主要成分为结构明确的龙脑、异龙脑。中医文献对其性质和应用详细的记载表明,其不仅广泛地用于抗风湿,而且其性质符合现代药物概念中的“靶向药物”概念。所以,如果合理设计使龙脑负载有抗炎结构化合物,可能会明显改善原药物的COX-2选择性,从而开发一种或几种COX-2特异性抑制剂。据此,又参考COX-2酶晶体结构,设计合成了其他结构的可能具有抗炎活性的药物分子。小茵香醇是龙脑和异龙脑的同分异构体和结构类似分子,我们选择该分子代替龙脑和异龙脑与布洛芬结合,并进行了活性测试和筛选,以深人了解该类分子。(1)设计并合成了含龙脑、异龙脑和小茵香醇结构的分子。相应结构见Tablel。(2)因为该类分子具有比较高的位阻,所以反应惰性较大,经过实验发现,在丁基锂/四氢吠喃反应体系或二环己基碳二亚胺仁甲氨基毗咙反应体系条件下,反应能够顺利进行。其中,二环己基碳二亚脚二甲氨基毗陡反应体系产率稍高。(3)针对几个主要反应详细探讨了分离纯化条件,为将来的放大实验或规模化制备提供了条件,并对所有产品进行了详细的结构表征。(4)通过“药物对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞生成COX-1和COX-2的抑制作用”实验,对所获得的化合物进行了初步的活性评价,并得出如下结果:(a)在所设计的分子中,化合物3和化合物8分子表现出一定的COX-2选择性,其IC50COX-1/ IC50COX-2的比值分另为6.663和6.835,稍优于目前使用的第二代NSAIDs。见第七章Tablel,Table 2 and Figurel。(b)在所设计的分子中,化合物13,即布洛芬小菌香醇酷表现出最好的选择性;IC50COX-1/IC50COX-2比值为21.006,普遍超出目前使用的大部分NSAIDs,如果经过进一步的分子设计或修改有可能获得更好的结果。(c)化合物13与化合物9和化合物10相比较,选择性明显更好。即小茵香醇醋比龙脑酷和异龙脑醋表现出更好的靶向性。(d)从得到的结果可以看出,龙脑所负载的分子的选择性普遍比异龙脑要强,对于阿司匹林表现的尤为明显。(e)在中医药的文献和典籍中,关于小茵香醇性质和应用的记载很少,我们的研究结果表明它可能具有潜在的还不为我们所了解的特殊性质,我们的研究也可能会促进对该化合物的研究。(f)以佐剂关节炎模型对乙酰水杨酸龙脑醋进行了活性评价。