47 resultados para % dry wt.

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研究了四种常见优势底栖螺类的饥饿代谢(R,mgO2/ind.d)与温度(T,℃)、体重(Wd,mg dry-wtWw,mg wet-wt)的关系,并计算出三者间的复合关系,分别是:铜锈环棱螺,R=0.044Wd0.537e0.061T;长角涵螺,R=0.0004Ww0.9405·e0.0735T;纹沼螺,R=0.004Wd1.072e0.091T;短沟蜷,R=0.023Wd0.777e0.042T。


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Nostoc sphaeroides Kutzing was cultivated in paddlewheel-driven raceway ponds and the growth kinetics of 1-2 mm and 3-4 mm colonies of N. sphaeroides was studied. The biomass productivities in 2.5 m(2) raceway ponds inoculated with 1-2 mm and 3-4 mm colonies were 5.2 and 0.25 g dry wt m(-2) stop d(-1), respectively. Furthermore, differently sized colonies showed different relative water content, total soluble carbohydrates, chlorophyll a content and density of filaments. This is the first report on mass culture of N. sphaeroides under outdoor conditions.


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An acute toxicity experiment was conducted to examine the distribution and depuration of microcystins (MCS) in crucian carp (Carassius aurutus) tissues. Fish were injected intraperitoneally with extracted MCs at a dose of 200 mu g MC-LR (where L = leucine and R = arginine) equivalent/kg body weight. Microcystin concentrations in various tissues and aquaria water were analyzed at 1, 3, 12, 24, and 48 h postinjection using liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Microcystins were detected mainly in blood (3.99% of injected dose at 1 h), liver (1.60% at I h), gonad (1.49% at 3 h), and kidney (0.14% at 48 h). Other tissues, such as the heart, gill, gallbladder, intestine, spleen, brain, and muscle, contained less than 0.1% of the injected MCs. The highest concentration of MCs was found in blood (526-3,753 ng/g dry wt), followed by liver (103-1,656 ng/g dry wt) and kidney (279-1,592 ng/g dry wt). No MC-LR was detectable in intestine, spleen, kidney, brain, and muscle, whereas MC-RR was found in all examined fish tissues, which might result from organ specificity of different MCs. Clearance of MC-RR in brain tissue was slow. In kidney, the MC-RR content was negatively correlated with that in blood, suggesting that blood was important in the transportation of MC-RR to kidney for excretion.


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In this study, the levels of 25 semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) were measured in samples of water, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sediment from two urban lakes in Wuhan, China. The total concentrations of 25 SVOCs varied from 529.4 to 2168.9 ng/L, 120.7 to 22543.7 ng/g dry weight and 1577.3 to 61579.6 ng/g dry wt. in water, SPM and sediment, respectively. The concentration of SVOCs in SPM was 9-10 times higher than that in water, and the concentration of SVOCs in sediment 1.5-2 times higher than that in SPM. The level of total SVOC25 in the samples from Moshuihu Lake was higher than that in Yuehu Lake. Among the 25 SVOCs, phthalate compounds were on the highest level in all observed samples ranging between 441.9-1831.2 ng/L, 116.3-17566.8 ng/g, dry wt. and 6432.8-48177.6 ng/g dry wt. in water, SPM and sediment, respectively. Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, the predominant component of the analyzed pollutants, was in the range from 246.7 to 537.5 ng/l, 51.2 to 15540.0 ng/g dry wt. and 468.2 to 45010.3 ng/g dry wt. in water, SPM and sediment, respectively. The content of PAHs, dinitrotoluene and isophoton in sediment was higher than that in water and SPM at most of the locations. The possible sources of the pollutants and their inter-relation with human activities were discussed.


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This study is one of the very few investigating the dioxin body burden of a group of child-bearing-aged women at an electronic waste (e-waste) recycling site (Taizhou, Zhejiang Province) (24 +/- 2.83 years of age, 40% were primiparae) and a reference site (Lin'an city, Zhejiang Province, about 245 km away from Taizhou) (24 +/- 2.35 years of age, 100% were primiparae) in China. Five sets of samples (each set consisted of human milk, placenta, and hair) were collected from each site. Body burdens of people from the e-waste processing site (human milk, 21.02 +/- 13.81 pg WHO-TEQ(1998/g) fat (World Health Organization toxic equivalency 1998); placenta, 31.15 +/- 15.67 pg WHO-TEQ(1998/g) fat; hair, 33.82 +/- 17.74 pg WHO-TEQ(1998/g) dry wt) showed significantly higher levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurnas (PCDD/Fs) than those from the reference site (human milk, 9.35 +/- 7.39 pg WHO-TEQ(1998/g) fat, placenta, 11.91 +/- 7.05 pg WHO-TEQ(1998/g) fat; hair, 5.59 +/- 4.36 pg WHO-TEQ(1998/g) dry wt) and were comparatively higher than other studies. The difference between the two sites was due to e-waste recycling operations, for example, open burning, which led to high background levels. Moreover, mothers from the e-waste recycling site consumed more foods of animal origin. The estimated daily intake of PCDD/Fs within 6 months by breast-fed infants from the e-waste processing site was 2 times higher than that from the reference site. Both values exceeded the WHO tolerable daily intake for adults by at least 25 and 11 times, respectively. Our results implicated that e-waste recycling operations cause prominent PCDD/F levels in the environment and in humans. The elevated body burden may have health implications for the next generation.


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A unicellular marine picoplankton, Nannochloropsis sp., was grown under CO2-enriched photoautotrophic or/and acetate-added mixotrophic conditions. Photoautotrophic conditions with enriched CO2 of 2800 mul CO2 l(-1) and aeration gave the highest biomass yield (634 mg dry wt l(-1)), the highest total lipid content (9% of dry wt), total fatty acids (64 mg g(-1) dry wt), polyunsaturated fatty acids (35% total fatty acids) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5omega3) (16 mg g(-1) dry wt or 25% of total fatty acids). Mixotrophic cultures gave a greater protein content but less carbohydrates. Adding sodium acetate (2 mM) decreased the amounts of the total fatty acids and EPA. Elevation of CO2 in photoautotrophic culture thus enhances growth and raises the production of EPA in Nannochloropsis sp.


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This paper reports experimental and field studies on the cyclopoid Mesocyclops notius from subtropical Lake Donghu close to the Yangtze river. Mesocyclops notius, a dominant crustacean Zooplankter throughout tropical Australia, was previously considered to be endemic to Australia, but recently, Mesocyclops leuckarti in Lake Donghu was re-identified as M. notius. Laboratory culture experiments were conducted to reveal the effect of temperature (15, 20, 25 and 30 degreesC) on the development, growth and reproduction of M. notius. Temperature was inversely related to development times of eggs, nauplii and copepodites, body length and physiological longevity of adults, and brood size. Body length and physiological longevity of females were greater than those of males at the same temperature. No reproduction took place at 15 degreesC. Production and seasonal cycles of M. notius during 1980-1982 were studied at two sampling stations of Lake Donghu. At the mid-lake station, the annual production and production/biomass (P/B) ratio of M. notius varied between 6.0 and 18.0 g dry wt m(-2) year(-1) and 74.6 and 95.5, respectively. Mesocyclops notius reached their highest density peaks in the warm months (July-October), with a maximum density of 1256 individuals l(-1) at a littoral site. No reproduction and recruitment by AL notius took place during the cold months (December March) when the temperature of the lake water was < 15 degreesC. Mesocyclops notius were more abundant at a littoral station than at a pelagic station, possibly due to different food availability. The higher male:female sex ratio of M. notius at the littoral station was most likely caused by size-selective fish predation on larger females.


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We have developed a two-stage growth one-step process for cultivation of Haematococcus using a self-designed system that mimics an open pond in the natural environment. The characteristics of this process are green vegetative cell growth and cysts transformation and pigment accumulation that proceed spontaneously and successively in one open photobioreactor. Four strains of Haematococcus (H. pluvialis 26; H. pluvialis 30; H. pluvialis 34; H. pluvialis WZ) were cultured in this imitation system for a duration of 12 days. The changes in cell density and medium pH were closely monitored, and the astaxanthin content and yield of the four Haematococcus strains were measured at the end of 12 days of cultivation. Two of the strains, H. pluvialis 26 and H. pluvialis WZ, were selected as strains suitable for mass culture, resulting in the astaxanthin yield of 51.06 and 40.25 mg L-1 which are equivalent to 2.79 and 2.50% of their dry biomass respectively. Based on the laboratory work, 6 batch cultures of H. pluvialis WZ were conducted successfully to produce astaxanthin in two 100 m(2) open race-way pond by two-stage growth one-step process. The astaxanthin content ranged from 1.61 to 2.48 g 100 g(-1) dry wt., with average astaxanthin content of 2.10 g 100 g(-1) dry wt. Compared with the one-stage production of astaxanthin based on continuous culture, the superiority of our process is that it can accumulate much more astaxanthin in red cysts. Compared with two-stage production of astaxanthin, the advantage of our process is that it does not need to divide the production process into two parts using two bioreactors. The presented work demonstrates the feasibility for producing astaxanthin from Haematococcus using a two-stage growth one-step process in open pond, culture systems that have been successfully used for Spirulina and Chlorella mass culture. The future of Haematococcus astaxanthin production has been also discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Zooplankton plays a vital role in marine ecosystems. Variations in the zooplankton species composition, biomass, and secondary production will change the structure and function of the ecosystem. How to describe this process and make it easier to be modeled in the Yellow Sea ecosystem is the main purpose of this paper. The zooplankton functional groups approach, which is considered a good method of linking the structure of food webs and the energy flow in the ecosystems, is used to describe the main contributors of secondary produciton of the Yellow Sea ecosystem. The zooplankton can be classified into six functional groups: giant crustaceans, large copepods, small copepods, chaetognaths, medusae, and salps. The giant crustaceans, large copepods, and small copepods groups, which are the main food resources for fish, are defined depending on the size spectrum. Medusae and chaetognaths are the two gelatinous carnivorous groups, which compete with fish for food. The salps group, acting as passive filter-feeders, competes with other species feeding on phytoplankton, but their energy could not be efficiently transferred to higher trophic levels. From the viewpoint of biomass, which is the basis of the food web, and feeding activities, the contributions of each functional group to the ecosystem were evaluated; the seasonal variations, geographical distribution patterns, and species composition of each functional group were analyzed. The average zooplankton biomass was 2.1 g dry wt m(-2) in spring, to which the giant crustaceans, large copepods, and small copepods contributed 19, 44, and 26%, respectively. High biomasses of the large copepods and small copepods were distributed at the coastal waters, while the giant crustaceans were mainly located at offshore area. In summer, the mean biomass was 3.1 g dry wt m(-2), which was mostly contributed by the giant crustaceans (73%), and high biomasses of the giant crustaceans, large copepods, and small copepods were all distributed in the central part of the Yellow Sea. During autumn, the mean biomass was 1.8 g dry wt m(-2), which was similarly constituted by the giant crustaceans, large copepods, and small copepods (36, 33, and 23%, respectively), and high biomasses of the giant crustaceans and large copepods occurred in the central part of the Yellow Sea, while the small copepods were mainly located at offshore stations. The giant crustaceans and large copepods dominated the zooplankton biomass (2.9 g dry wt m(-2)) in winter, contributing respectively 57 and 27%, and they, as well as the small copepods, were all mainly located in the central part of the Yellow Sea. The chaetognaths group was mainly located in the northern part of the Yellow Sea during all seasons, but contributed less to the biomass compared with the other groups. The medusae and salps groups were distributed unevenly, with sporadic dynamics, mainly along the coastline and at the northern part of the Yellow Sea. No more than 10 species belonging to the respective functional groups dominated the zooplankton biomass and controlled the dynamics of the zooplankton community. The clear picture of the seasonal and spatial variations of each zooplankton functional group makes the complicated Yellow Sea ecosystem easier to be understood and modeled. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present numerical simulations of thermosolutal convection for directional solidification of Al-3.5 wt% Ni and Al-7 wt% Si. Numerical results predict that fragmentation of dendrite arms resulting from dissolution could be favored in Al-7 wt% Si, but not in Al-3.5 wt% Ni. Corresponding experiments are in qualitative agreement with the numerical predictions. Distinguishing the two fragmentation mechanisms, namely dissolution and remelting, is critical during experiments on earth, when fluid flow is dominant. (C) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new humidity-resistant highly sensitive acrylamide-based photopolymeric holographic recording material has been developed. The photopolymer is resistant to the humidity of environment. Diffraction efficiencies near 50% are obtained with exposure energy of 60 mJ/cm(2) in materials of 150 mu m. thickness. Diphenyl iodonium chloride is added to the material and can increase the exposure sensitivity by a factor of more than 4 (to about 28 mJ/cm(2)). An image has been successfully stored in the material with a small distortion. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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After damming of the Yangtze River, in order to explore the impacts of the Three-Gorge Dam (TGD) on the aquatic ecosystem, phytoplankton composition, abundance and biomass spatial distribution were studied in the Three-Gorge Reservoir (TGR), and the closest upstream anabranch Xiangxi River, which is 38 kin away from the Three-Gorge Dam (TGD) during August (rainy season) 2004 and April (dry season) 2005. In surveys, 6 transects (2 downstream and 4 cross-stream) and 25 stations have been investigated and 314 samples were collected from the surface to the river bed with water samplers. In TGR, 63 taxa and 60 taxa were identified in the rainy and dry seasons, respectively. In the Xiangxi River, 39 taxa were observed in the rainy and dry seasons. Algal blooms occurred in the Xiangxi River and at the influx region of the Yangtze and Xiangxi in both seasons, but had not occurred prior to damming. In the rainy season, the dominant species was Chroomonas acuta with 1.84 x 10(7) cells l(-1), and in the dry season the dominant species were Asterionella formosa and Cryptomonas ovata with 1.34 x 10(7) cells l(-1) and 1.79 x 10(6) cells(.)l(-1), respectively. In the main channel of TGR, there were no significant correlations between phytoplankton abundance and the concentrations of the main soluble nutrients. In the Xiangxi River, significant negative correlations were observed between phytoplankton abundance and nitrate (Spearman, p < 0.01, n=21), phosphate (Spearman, p < 0.05, n=21) and silicate (Spearman, p < 0.01, n=21) in the rainy season, and similar correlations were also observed with nitrate (Spearman, p < 0.05, n=28) and silicate (Speannan, p < 0.01, n=28), but not with phosphate in the dry season. Since the damming of the Yangtze River, eutrophication in the anabranch within the backwater has occurred and become severe, and the frequency of algal bloom within TGR and anabranches is expected to increase. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.