312 resultados para spin tunneling


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We study the Loschmidt echo (LE) of a coupled system consisting of a central spin and its surrounding environment described by a general XY spin-chain model. The quantum dynamics of the LE is shown to be remarkably influenced by the quantum criticality of the spin chain. In particular, the decaying behavior of the LE is found to be controlled by the anisotropy parameter of the spin chain. Furthermore, we show that due to the coupling to the spin chain, the ground-state Berry phase for the central spin becomes nonanalytical and its derivative with respect to the magnetic parameter lambda in spin chain diverges along the critical line lambda=1, which suggests an alternative measurement of the quantum criticality of the spin chain.


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We investigate theoretically electron spin states in one-dimensional and two-dimensional (2D) hard-wall mesoscopic rings in the presence of both the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (RSOI) and the Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (DSOI) in a perpendicular magnetic field. The Hamiltonian of the RSOI alone is mathematically equivalent to that of the DSOI alone using an SU(2) spin rotation transformation. Our theoretical results show that the interplay between the RSOI and DSOI results in an effective periodic potential, which consequently leads to gaps in the energy spectrum. This periodic potential also weakens and smoothens the oscillations of the persistent charge current and spin current and results in the localization of electrons. For a 2D ring with a finite width, higher radial modes destroy the periodic oscillations of persistent currents.


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We study electron transport through an Aharonov-Bohm (AB) interferometer with a noninteracting quantum dot in each of its arms. Both a magnetic flux phi threading through the AB ring and the Rashba spin-orbit (SO) interaction inside the two dots are taken into account. Due to the existence of the SO interaction, the electrons flowing through different arms of the AB ring will acquire a spin-dependent phase factor in the tunnel-coupling strengths. This phase factor, as well as the influence of the magnetic flux, will induce various interesting interference phenomena. We show that the conductance and the local density of states can become spin polarized by tuning the magnetic flux and the Rashba interaction strength. Under certain circumstances, a pure spin-up or spin-down conductance can be obtained when a spin-unpolarized current is injected from the external leads. Therefore, the electron spin can be manipulated by adjusting the Rashba spin-orbit strength and the structure parameters. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We find that the Rashba spin splitting is intrinsically a nonlinear function of the momentum, and the linear Rashba model may overestimate it significantly, especially in narrow-gap semiconductors. A nonlinear Rashba model is proposed, which is in good agreement with the numerical results from the eight-band k center dot p theory. Using this model, we find pronounced suppression of the D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation rate at large electron densities, and a nonmonotonic dependence of the resonance peak position of the electron spin lifetime on the electron density in [111]-oriented quantum wells, both in qualitative disagreement with the predictions of the linear Rashba model.


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The electron density response of a uniform two-dimensional (2D) electron gas is investigated in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field and Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI). It is found that, within the Hartree-Fock approximation, a charge density excitation mode below the cyclotron resonance frequency shows a mode softening behavior, when the spin-orbit coupling strength falls into a certain interval. This mode softening indicates that the ground state of an interacting uniform 2D electron gas may be driven by the Rashba SOI to undergo a phase transition to a nonuniform charge density wave state.


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We study theoretically the charge-density and spin-density excitations in a two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field and a Rashba type spin-orbit coupling. The dispersion and the corresponding intensity of excitations in the vicinity of cyclotron resonance frequency are calculated within the framework of random phase approximation. The dependence of excitation dispersion on various system parameters, i.e., the Rashba spin-orbit interaction strength, the electron density, the Zeeman spin splitting, and the Coulomb interaction strength is investigated.


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Time-resolved Kerr rotation measurement in the (Ga,Mn)As diluted magnetic semiconductor allows direct observation of the dynamical properties of the spin system of the magnetic ions and the spin-polarized holes. Experimental results show that the magnetic ions can be aligned by the polarized holes, and the time scales of spin alignment and relaxation take place in tens and hundreds of picoseconds, respectively. The Larmor frequency and effective g factor obtained in the Voigt geometry show an unusual temperature dependence in the vicinity of the Curie temperature due to the exchange coupling between the photoexcited holes and magnetic ions. Such a spin coherent precession can be amplified or destructed by two sequential excitation pulses with circularly copolarized or oppositely polarized helicity, respectively. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We study the spin-dependent electron transport in a special magnetic-electric superlattice periodically modulated by parallel ferromagnetic metal stripes and Schottky normal-metal stripes. The results show that, the spin-polarized current can be well controllable by modulating the magnetic strength of the ferromagnetic stripes or the voltage applied to the Schottky normal-metal stripes. It is obvious that, to the system of the magnetic superlattice, the polarized current can be enhanced by the magnetic strength of ferromagnetic stripes. Nevertheless, it is found that, for the magnetic-electric superlattice, the polarized current can also be remarkably advanced by the voltage applied to the Schottky normal-metal stripes. These results may indicate a useable approach for tunable spintronic devices. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The authors investigate the spin-polarized transport properties of a two-dimensional electron gas in a n-type diluted magnetic narrow gap semiconductor quantum well subjected to perpendicular magnetic and electric fields. Interesting beating patterns in the magnetoresistance are found which can be tuned significantly by varying the electric field. A resonant enhancement of spin-polarized current is found which is induced by the competition between the s-d exchange interaction and the Rashba effect [Y. A. Bychkov and E. I. Rashba, J. Phys. C 17, 6039 (1984)]. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The mechanism of hole charge transfer in DNA of various lengths and sequences is investigated based on a partially coherent tunneling theory (Zhang et al., J Chem Phys 117:4578, 2002), where the effects of phase-breaking in adenine-thymine and guanine-cytosine base pairs are treated on equal foot. This work aims at providing a self-consistent microscopic interpretation for rate experiments on various DNA systems. We will also clarify the condition under which the simple superexchange-mediated-hopping picture is valid, and make some comments on the further development of present theory.


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We investigate the Rashba spin-orbit coupling brought by transverse electric field in InSb nanowires. In small k(z) (k(z) is the wave vector along the wire direction) range, the Rashba spin-orbit splitting energy has a linear relationship with k(z), so we can define a Rashba coefficient similarly to the quantum well case. We deduce some empirical formulas of the spin-orbit splitting energy and Rashba coefficient, and compare them with the effective-mass calculating results. It is interesting to find that the Rashba spin-orbit splitting energy decreases as k(z) increases when k(z) is large due to the k(z)-quadratic term in the band energy. The Rashba coefficient increases with increasing electric field, and shows a saturating trend when the electric field is large. As the radius increases, the Rashba coefficient increases at first, then decreases. The effects of magnetic fields along different directions are discussed. The case where the magnetic field is along the wire direction or the electric field direction are similar. The spin state in an energy band changes smoothly as k(z) changes. The case where the magnetic field is perpendicular to the wire direction and the electric field direction is quite different from the above two cases, the k(z)-positive and negative parts of the energy bands are not symmetrical, and the energy bands with different spins cross at a k(z)-nonzero point, where the spin splitting energy and the effective g factor are zero.


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The optical manipulation of electron spins is of great benefit to solid-state quantum information processing. In this letter, we provide a comparative study on the ultrafast optical manipulation of single electron spin in the doped and undoped quantum dots. The study indicates that the experimental breakthrough can be preliminarily made in the undoped quantum dots, because of the relatively less demand.


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Molecular beam epitaxy was employed to manufacture self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dot Schottky resonant tunneling diodes. By virtue of a thin AlAs insertion barrier, the thermal current was effectively reduced and electron resonant tunneling through quantum dots under both forward and reverse biased conditions was observed at relatively high temperature of 77 K. The ground states of quantum dots were found to be at similar to 0.19 eV below the conduction band of GaAs matrix. The theoretical computations were in conformity with experimental data. (c) 2006 The Electrochemical Society.


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The spectrum of differential tunneling conductance in Si-doped GaAs/AlAs superlattice is measured at low electric fields. The conductance spectra feature a zero-bias peak and a low-bias dip at low temperatures. By taking into account the quantum interference between tunneling paths via superlattice miniband and via Coulomb blockade levels of impurities, we theoretically show that such a peak-dip structure is attributed to a Fano resonance where the peak always appears at the zero bias and the line shape is essentially described by a new function \xi\/\xi\+1 with the asymmetry parameter q approximate to 0. As the temperature increases, the peak-dip structure fades out due to thermal fluctuations. Good agreement between experiment and theory enables us to distinguish the zero-bias resonance from the usual Kondo resonance.


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The converse effects of spin photocurrent and current induced spin polarization are experimentally demonstrated in a two-dimensional electron gas system with Rashba spin splitting. Their consistency with the strength of the Rashba coupling as measured for the same system from beating of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations reveals a unified picture for the spin photocurrent, current-induced spin-polarization, and spin-orbit coupling. In addition, the observed spectral inversion of the spin photocurrent indicates a system with dominating structure inversion asymmetry.