155 resultados para Solving Equations


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We consider systems of equations of the form where A is the underlying alphabet, the Xi are variables, the Pi,a are boolean functions in the variables Xi, and each δi is either the empty word or the empty set. The symbols υ and denote concatenation and union of languages over A. We show that any such system has a unique solution which, moreover, is regular. These equations correspond to a type of automation, called boolean automation, which is a generalization of a nondeterministic automation. The equations are then used to determine the language accepted by a sequential network; they are obtainable directly from the network.


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A series of new single-step methods and their corresponding algorithms with automatic step size adjustment for model equations of fiber Raman amplifiers are proposed and compared in this paper. On the basis of the Newton-Raphson method, multiple shooting algorithms for the two-point boundary value problems involved in solving Raman amplifier propagation equations are constructed. A verified example shows that, compared with the traditional Runge-Kutta methods, the proposed methods can increase the accuracy by more than two orders of magnitude under the same conditions. The simulations for Raman amplifier propagation equations demonstrate that our methods can increase the computing speed by more than 5 times, extend the step size significantly, and improve the stability in comparison with the Dormand-Prince method. The numerical results show that the combination of the multiple shooting algorithms and the proposed methods has the capacity to rapidly and effectively solve the model equations of multipump Raman amplifiers under various conditions such as co-, counter- and bi-directionally pumped schemes, as well as dual-order pumped schemes.


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We investigate the interband optical absorption spectra near the band edge of a cylindrical semiconductor quantum wire in the presence of a static electric field and a terahertz electric field polarized along the axis. Optical absorption spectra are nonperturbatively calculated by solving the low-density semiconductor Bloch equations in real space and real time. The influence of the Franz-Keldysh (FK) effect and dynamical FK effect on the absorption spectrum is investigated. To highlight the physics behind the FK effect and dynamical FK effect, the spatiotemporal dynamics of the polarization wave packet are also presented. Under a reasonable static electric field, substantial and tunable absorption oscillations appear above the band gap. A terahertz field, however, will cause the Autler-Townes splitting of the main exciton peak and the emergence of multiphoton replicas. The presented results suggest that semiconductor quantum wires have potential applications in electro-optical devices.


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We investigate slow-light pulse propagation in an optical fiber via transient stimulated Brillouin scattering. Space-time evolution of a generating slow-light pulse is numerically calculated by solving three-wave coupled-mode equations between a pump beam, an acoustic wave, and a counterpropagating signal pulse. Our mathematical treatments are applicable to both narrowband and broadband pump cases. We show that the time delay of 85% pulse width can be obtained for a signal pulse of the order of subnanosecond pulse width by using a broadband pump, while the signal pulse is broadened only by 40% of the input signal pulse. The physical origin of the pulse broadening and distortion is explained in terms of the temporal decay of the induced acoustic field. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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The rate equations used for measuring spontaneous emission factor beta is examined through the comparison of numerical results, The results show that beta obtained by using total spontaneous emission rate R(sp) = N/tau sp is about double of that using R(sp) = BN2, The magnitude difference between the measured beta and that predicted by classical theory [8] will disappear by using more reasonable R(sp) = BN2. The results also show that the magnitude of beta may be underestimated by ignoring the nonradiative recombination rates.


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For the reciprocal-test fixtures, there are six independent S-parameters to. be determined, and the thru-short-match (TSM) calibration can provide eight calibration equations. In this paper, the relation of calibration equations is investigated. It has been shown that the four equations obtained from the measurement with a transmission standard can be used simultaneously in the calibration. Experimental results show that the different choice of equations will lead to quite different solution, and the calibration accuracy can be improved by taking advantages of the established relation among the calibration equations and properly choosing calibration equations.


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The hole effective-mass Hamiltonian for the semiconductors of wurtzite structure is established, and the effective-mass parameters of GaN and AlxGa1-xN are given. Besides the asymmetry in the z and x, y directions, the linear term of the momentum operator in the Hamiltonian is essential in determining the valence band structure, which is different from that of the zinc-blende structure. The binding energies of acceptor states are calculated by solving strictly the effective-mass equations. The binding energies of donor and acceptor for wurtzite GaN are 20 and 131, 97 meV, respectively, which are inconsistent with the recent experimental results. It is proposed that there are two kinds of acceptors in wurtzite GaN. One kind is the general acceptor such as C, substituting N, which satisfies the effective-mass theory, and the other includes Mg, Zn, Cd etc., the binding energy of which deviates from that given by the effective-mass theory. Experimentally, wurtzite GaN was grown by the MBE method, and the PL spectra were measured. Three main peaks are assigned to the DA transitions from the two kinds of acceptor. Some of the transitions were identified as coming from the cubic phase of GaN, which appears randomly within the predominantly hexagonal material. The binding energy of acceptor in ALN is about 239, 158 meV, that in AlxGa1-xN alloys (x approximate to 0.2) is 147, 111 meV, close to that in GaN. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, as an extension of minimum unsatisfied linear relations problem (MIN ULR), the minimum unsatisfied relations (MIN UR) problem is investigated. A triangle evolution algorithm with archiving and niche techniques is proposed for MIN UR problem. Different with algorithms in literature, it solves MIN problem directly, rather than transforming it into many sub-problems. The proposed algorithm is also applicable for the special case of MIN UR, in which it involves some mandatory relations. Numerical results show that the algorithm is effective for MIN UR problem and it outperforms Sadegh's algorithm in sense of the resulted minimum inconsistency number, even though the test problems are linear.


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A novel and accurate finite volume method has been presented to solve the shallow water equations on unstructured grid in plane geometry. In addition to the volume integrated average (VIA moment) for each mesh cell, the point values (PV moment) defined on cell boundary are also treated as the model variables. The volume integrated average is updated via a finite volume formulation, and thus is numerically conserved, while the point value is computed by a point-wise Riemann solver. The cell-wise local interpolation reconstruction is built based on both the VIA and the PV moments, which results in a scheme of almost third order accuracy. Efforts have also been made to formulate the source term of the bottom topography in a way to balance the numerical flux function to satisfy the so-called C-property. The proposed numerical model is validated by numerical tests in comparison with other methods reported in the literature. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.