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The interaction of an ultraintense circularly polarized laser pulse and a solid target is studied by one-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. Ions at the front of the target are reflected by a moving quasisteady electrostatic field and obtain a relativistic velocity. At a laser intensity of 10(22) W/cm(2), almost half of the laser energy is transferred to ions and GeV ions are obtained. Effects of laser polarization state and target thickness on the laser energy conversion are investigated. It is found that a circularly polarized laser pulse can accelerate ions more efficiently than a linearly polarized laser pulse at the same laser and target parameters. A monoenergetic ion bunch is obtained for the ultrathin target, which is accelerated as a single entity. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Proton trapping and acceleration by an electron bubble-channel structure in laser interaction with high-density plasma is investigated by using three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. It is shown that protons can be trapped, bunched, and efficiently accelerated for appropriate laser and plasma parameters, and the proton acceleration is enhanced if the plasma consists mainly of heavier ions such as tritium. The observed results are analyzed and discussed in terms of a one-dimensional analytical three-component-plasma wake model.


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In this paper, we apply an analytical model [V.V. Kulagin et al., Phys. Plasmas 14, 113101 (2007)] to describe the acceleration of an ultra-thin electron layer by a schematic single-cycle laser pulse and compare with one-dimensional particle-in-cell (1D-PIC) simulations. This is in the context of creating a relativistic mirror for coherent backscattering and supplements two related papers in this EPJD volume. The model is shown to reproduce the 1D-PIC results almost quantitatively for the short time of a few laser periods sufficient for the backscattering of ultra-short probe pulses.


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This paper presents a funnel external potential model to investigate dynamic properties of ultracold Bose gas. By using variational method, we obtain the ground-state energy and density properties of ultracold Bose atoms. The results show that the ultracold Bose gas confined in a funnel potential experiences the transition from three-dimensional regime to quasi-one-dimensional regime in a small aspect ratio, and undergoes fermionization process as the aspect ratio increases.


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The numerical solutions of binary-phase (0, tau) gratings for one-dimensional array illuminators up to 32 are presented. Some fabrication errors, which are due to position-quantization errors, phase errors, dilation (or erosion) errors, and the side-slope error, are calculated and show that even-number array illuminators are superior to odd-number array illuminators when these fabrication errors are considered. One (0, tau) binary-phase, 8 x 16 array illuminator made with the wet-chemical-etching method is given in this paper.


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The Lau cavity is the self-imaging cavity with a phase corrector under the Lau reimaging condition. The author proposes the use of the Lau cavity to utilize both the Talbot and the Lau effects for phase locking one-dimensional and two-dimensional diode-laser arrays into a single-lobe coherent beam. Analyses on the self-reproducing of a coherent lasing field and the reimaging of initial incoherent radiation are given.


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在一种已有的角位移干涉测量技术的基础上,提出一种改进的角位移测量方法。通过选择合适的初始入射角,使从平板前后表面反射的两光束实现剪切干涉。采用一维位置探测器测量光束经透镜会聚后在探测器光敏面上的光点偏移量。根据干涉信号的相位和光点偏移量可以计算出被测物体的角位移。在该测量方案中,引入的一平面反射镜与被测物体的反射面形成光程差放大系统,提高了角位移测量灵敏度。分析了初始入射角对剪切比的影响,并讨论了基于该方案的角位移测量精度。实验结果表明,基于该技术的角位移重复测量精度达到10-8 rad数量级。


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Inverse symmetric Dammann grating is a special grating, whose transition points are reflection symmetric about the midpoint with inverse phase offset in one period. It can produce even-numbered or odd-numbered array illumination when the phase modulations are pi or a specific value. Numerical solutions optimized by the steepest-descent algorithm for binary phase and multilevel phases with splitting ratio from I x 4 to 1 x 14 are given. Fabrication of 1 x 6 array without the zero-order intensity and 1 x 7 array with the zero-order intensity are made from the same amplitude mask. A 6 x 6 output without the crossed zero-orders was achieved by crossing two one-dimensional 1 x 6 inverse symmetric Dammann gratings. This grating may have potential value for practical applications. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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墨西哥帽子小波和Morlet小波在生态格局分析中的应用 本研究采用Monte Carlo方法,探讨了对小波分析的格局进行统计显著性检验的普遍方法。为了更好利用小波分析和了解两个常用小波--墨西哥帽子小波和Morlet小波在格局分析中的优缺点,用生态学研究中常见的4个模拟格局和东灵山辽东栎林的样带数据对这两个常用小波的特性进行了分析和比较。研究结果表明:墨西哥帽子小波能较好地分析样带中的斑块和间隙以及它们的位置信息,Morlet小波能较好地分析样带中尺度及其位置信息。不同的小波通常在尺度分析和斑块和间隙分析之间有平衡,所以最好的方法是结合两种小波的优点。小波分析在处理生态数据时,受所使用小波本身特性的制约。用墨西哥帽子小波进行格局分析时,小波能量谱的等值图上不同格局所对应的峰有可能相互重叠,当所分析的多尺度格局的规模差别不大时,所分析格局规模所对应的峰可能相互融合。这些小波能量谱的等值图上不同格局所对应峰的重叠和融合可能会导致格局分析量图上多个峰的相互融合和屏蔽。所以在使用小波分析做格局研究时,也应尽可能地结合小波能量谱和量图上的信息,以得到较全面和精确的格局分析信息。本研究的结论能为小波分析的应用提供指导。 应用二维小波分析对暖温带阔叶林辽东栎更新格局的研究 本研究介绍了一种二维网格空间数据分析方法一二维小波分析。该方法不仅能分析格局的等级结构,而且也能得到所分析结构的位置信息。小波系数等值图上不同格局规模的斑块和间隙可直接和不同尺度上的生态过程和生境条件相联系。小波方差从二维小波分析导出,小波方差可将四维的小波系数降至二维的小波方差函数,并量化所分析格局规模对整个格局的贡献。本研究用三个模拟格局分析了二维小波的特性及二维墨西哥帽子小波和Halo小波的特性。因为自身的特性,Halo小波比墨西哥帽子小波能提供更高的分辨率。本研究也将二维小波分析应用于暖温带阔叶林的辽东栎更新格局研究中,分析的结果表明:辽东栎的更新发生在辽东栎成树斑块和林窗斑块重叠区域。 用交互验证和独立验证来测试神人工经网络模拟水稻分檗动态的泛化能力 人工神经网络不是基于对所模拟过程的理解,而是依赖于对所分析数据的内部结构。所以人工神经网络通常被认为是经验模型而不能外推,而且在训练数据和验证数据的范围之外肯定不能精确地预测所模拟的过程。本研究通过对交互验证和独立验证神经网络模型性能的比较,测试了神经网络模型在预测水稻分檗动态方面的泛化能力。同时,也对几种提高神经网络泛化能力的技术进行了比较。研究结果表明:在训练数据的变量范围内,神经网络在预测水稻分檗动态方面具有泛化能力。较少的训练数据样本导致了对训练数据过度吻合的和不具泛化能力的神经网络。要能使神经网络在预测水稻分檗动态方面具有泛化能力,训练数据的样本量至少9倍于神经网络的权值数目。当神经网络有多个输入变量且训练数据不足以保证神经网络的泛化能力时,建议在训练之前,采用主成分分析、对应分析及类似技术压缩输入变量的个数。在压缩输入变量的个数之后,如果训练数据的样本量还不足以保证神经网络的泛化能力,就应采用提高神经网络泛化能力的技木,如:jittering和强制训练停止等,特别是神经网络与机理模型的复合模型。因为神经网络的泛化能力问题具有普遍性,所以我们的研究结论不只是适用于水稻分檗动态的预测,也适用于其它的农业和生态神经网络模型。


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The forming mechanism of the three - dimensional structures of proteins,i.e.the mechanism of protein folding,is a basic problem in molecular biology which is still unsolved unitl now. In which a core problem is whether there is the three – dimensional genetic information that decide the three - dimensional structures of proteins. However, the research on this field has mot yet been reported. Recently,we made a comparative study on the folded structures of more than 70 mature messeneger RNAs (mRNAs) and the three - dimensional structures of the proteins encoded by them,it has been found that there exist marked correspondences between their featured structures in the following aspects: 1.The number of the structural units. An RNA molecule can form a secondary structure(stem and loop structure) by the folding and the base pairing of itself. The elementary structural unit of an RNA secondary structure is hairpin(or compound hair pin).The regular structural unit in the secondary structure of a protein is # alpha # - helix or #beta# - sheet . We have found that the hairpin number in the secondary structure of each mature mRNA is equal or approximately equal to the number of the regular secondary structural unis of the encoded protein. 2 .Turning region. Turn is a main structrual element in the secondary structure of a protein, which decides the backbone orientation of a protein molecule to some extent .Our analysis shows that the nucleotide sequence segments in an mRNA which encode the turns of the corresponding protein are overall situated in the turning regions of the mRNA secondary structure such as haipin,bulge loop or multibaranch loops. 3 .The arrangement of structural elements in space. In order to understand the backbone orientation of an RNA molecule and the arangement of its structural elements in space,we have modeled the three一dimensional structure of the mRNA molecule on SGI workstation based on its secondary structure.The result shows that the spatial arrangement of most of the nucleotide sequence segments encoding the structural elements of a protein is consistent with that of these stretural exements in the protein. For instance,the nucleotide sequences corresponding to each pleated sheet of a # beta # - sheet structure are close to each other in the mRNA secondary stucture and in the three - dimensional structure,although some of the nucleotide segments are far apart from each other in the one - dimensional sequence. For another instance,the two triplet codons of cysteines which form a disulphide bridge geneal1y are very close to each other in the mRNA folded structure. In addition,we also analyzed the locations of the codons proline - coding and the distrbution of the nucleotide sequences #alpha# - helix - coding in the folded structures of mRNAs . Some distribution laws have been found. All of these results suggest that the transfer of the genetic information from mRNA to protein not only is onedimensional but also is three - dime ns ional. That is,there exists the genetic information that decide the three - dimensional structures of proteins. To a certain extent,we could say that the mRNA folding detemines the protein folding. Based on these results,it would be possible to predict the three - dimensional structures of proteins from the primary,secondary and tertiary structures of the m RNAs at a higher accuracy.And more important is that a new clue has been provided to uncover the“spatial coding" of the genetic information.


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We demonstrate in theory that it is possible to all-electrically manipulate the RKKY interaction in a quasi-one-dimensional electron gas embedded in a semiconductor heterostructure, in the presence of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction. In an undoped semiconductor quantum wire where intermediate excitations are gapped, the interaction becomes the short-ranged Bloembergen-Rowland superexchange interaction. Owing to the interplay of different types of spin-orbit interaction, the interaction can be controlled to realize various spin models, e.g., isotropic and anisotropic Heisenberg-like models, Ising-like models with additional Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya terms, by tuning the external electric field and designing the crystallographic directions. Such controllable interaction forms a basis for quantum computing with localized spins and quantum matters in spin lattices.