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A novel silicon-on-insulator thermo-optic variable optical attenuator with isolated grooves based on a multimode interference coupler principle is fabricated by the inductive coupled plasma etching technology. The maximum fibre-to-fibre insertion loss is lower than 2.2 dB, the dynamic attenuation range is from 0 to 30 dB in the wavelength range 1500-1600 nm, and the maximum power consumption is only 140 mW. The response frequency of the fabricated variable optical attenuator is about 30 kHz. Compared to the variable optical attenuator without isolated grooves, the maximum power consumption decreases more than 220 mW, and the response frequency rises are more than 20 kHz.


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This paper presents a novel efficient charge pump composed of low Vth metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) field effect transistors (FET) in the course of realizing radio frequency (RF) energy AC/DC conversion. The novel structure eliminates those defects caused by typical Schottky-diode charge pumps, which are dependent on specific processes and inconsistent in quality between different product batches. Our analyses indicate that an easy-fabricated, stable and efficient RF energy AC/DC charge pump can be conveniently implemented through reasonably configuring the MOS transistor aspect ratio, and other design parameters such as capacitance, multiplying stages to meet various demands on performance.


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This paper proposes a novel phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer using single-electron devices (SEDs) and metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) field-effect transistors. The PLL frequency synthesizer mainly consists of a single-electron transistor (SET)/MOS hybrid voltage-controlled oscillator circuit, a single-electron (SE) turnstile/MOS hybrid phase-frequency detector (PFD) circuit and a SE turnstile/MOS hybrid frequency divider. The phase-frequency detection and frequency-division functions are realized by manipulating the single electrons. We propose a SPICE model to describe the behavior of the MOSFET-based SE turnstile. The authors simulate the performance of the PILL block circuits and the whole PLL synthesizer. Simulation results indicated that the circuit can well perform the operation of the PLL frequency synthesizer at room temperature. The PILL synthesizer is very compact. The total number of the transistors is less than 50. The power dissipation of the proposed PLL circuit is less than 3 uW. The authors discuss the effect of fabrication tolerance, the effect of background charge and the SE transfer accuracy on the performance of the PLL circuit. A technique to compensate parameter dispersions of SEDs is proposed.


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A stabilized and tunable single-longitudinal-mode erbium-doped fiber ring laser has been proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The laser is structured by combining the compound cavity with a fiber Fabry-Perot tunable filter. An injection-locking technique has been used to stabilize the wavelength and output power of the laser. One of the longitudinal modes is stimulated by the injected continuous wave so that this mode is able to win the competition to stabilize the system. A minimum output power of 0.6 dBm and a signal-to-noise ratio of over 43 dB within the tuning range of 1527-1562 nm can be achieved with the proposed technique. A wavelength variation of less than 0.01 nm, a power fluctuation of less than 0.02 dB, and a short-term linewidth of about 1.4 kHz have also been obtained.


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Three-terminal ballistic junctions (TBJs) are fabricated from a high-mobility InP/In0.75Ga0.25As heterostructure by electron-beam lithography. The voltage output from the central branch is measured as a function of the voltages applied to the left and right branches of the TBJs. The measurements show that the TBJs possess an intrinsic nonlinearity. Based on this nonlinearity, a novel room-temperature functional frequency mixer and phase detector are realized. The TBJ frequency mixer and phase detector are expected to have advantages over traditional circuits in terms of simple structure, small size and high speed, and can be used as a new type of building block in nanoelectronics.


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Coupling and packaging have become decisive factors in the final performance and cost of high-frequency optoelectronic devices. Here, we report the design and successful fabrication of a silicon bench that integrates a V-groove and high-frequency coplanar waveguide (CPW) on the same high-resistivity silicon wafer as an effective optoelectronic packaging solution.


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We propose and demonstrate measurement of the frequency response of an electroabsorption (EA) modulator using an extended small-signal power measuring technique. In this technique, the modulator is driven by a microwave carrier amplitude modulated by a low-frequency signal, and the modulator frequency response is obtained without the need of a high-speed photodetector. Based upon the nonlinear characteristics of the EA modulator and the underlying principle of the present method, equations have been derived. A measurement scheme using a network analyzer and a low-speed photodetector has been proposed and constructed, and the experimental results confirm that our proposed method is as accurate as the swept-frequency measurement using a network analyzer directly.


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A simple method for estimating the frequency responses of directly modulated lasers from optical spectra is presented. The frequency-modulation index and intensity-modulation index of a distributed feedback laser can be obtained through the optical spectrum analyses. The main advantage is that the measurement setup is very simple. Only a microwave source and an optical spectrum analyser are needed and there is no need to use a calibrated broadband photodetector. Experiment shows that the proposed method is as accurate as the swept frequency method using a network analyzer and is applicable to a wide range of modulation powers.


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Sb-doped Zn1-xMgxO films were grown on c-plane sapphire substrates by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering. The p-type conduction of the films (0.05 <= x <= 0.13) was confirmed by Hall measurements, revealing a hole concentration of 10(15)-10(16) cm(-3) and a mobility of 0.6-4.5 cm(2)/V s. A p-n homojunction comprising an undoped ZnO layer and an Sb-doped Zn0.95Mg0.05O layer shows a typical rectifying characteristic. Sb-doped p-type Zn1-xMgxO films also exhibit a changeable wider band gap as a function of x, implying that they can probably be used for fabrication of ZnO-based quantum wells and ultraviolet optoelectronic devices. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Scattering parameters of photodiode chip, TO header and TO packaged module are measured, and the effects of TO packaging network on the high-frequency response of photodiode are investigated. Based on the analysis, the potential bandwidth of TO packaging techniques is estimated from the scattering parameters of the TO packaging network. Another method for estimating the potential bandwidth from the equivalent circuit for the TO packaged photodiode model is also presented. The results obtained using both methods show that the TO packaging techniques used in the experiments can potentially achieve a frequency bandwidth of 22 GHz.


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Under identical preparation conditions, Au/GaN Schottky contacts were prepared on two kinds of GaN epilayers with significantly different background electron concentrations and mobility as well as yellow emission intensities. Current-voltage (I-V) and variable-frequency capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics show that the Schottky contacts on the GaN epilayer with a higher background carrier concentration and strong yellow emission exhibit anomalous reverse-bias I-V and C-V characteristics. This is attributed to the presence of deep level centers. Theoretical simulation of the low-frequency C-V curves leads to a determination of the density and energy level position of the deep centers. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper proposes a novel, fast lock-in, phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer. The synthesizer includes a novel mixed-signal voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) with a direct frequency presetting circuit. The frequency presetting circuit can greatly speed up the lock-in process by accurately the presetting oscillation frequency of the VCO. We fully integrated the synthesizer in standard 0.35 mu m, 3.3 V complementary metal-oxide-semiconductors (CMOS) process. The entire chip area is only 0.4 mm(2). The measured results demonstrate that the synthesizer can speed up the lock-in process significantly and the lock-in time is less than 10 mu s over the entire oscillation frequency range. The measured phase noise of the synthesizer is -85 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset. The synthesizer avoids the tradeoff between the lock-in speed and the phase noise/spurs. The synthesizer monitors the chip temperature and automatically compensates for the variation in frequency with temperature.


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High (42.5%) indium content GaInNAs/GaAs quantum wells with room temperature emission wavelength from 1.3 mu m to 1.5 mu m range were successfully grown by Radio Frequency Plasma Nitrogen source assisted Molecular Beam Epitaxy. The growth parameters of plasma power and N-2 How rate were optimized systematically to improve the material quality. Photoluminescence and transmission electron microscopy measurements showed that the optical and crystal quality of the 1.54 mu m GaInNAs/GaAs QWs was kept as comparable as that in 1.31 mu m.


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P-doped ZnO films were deposited on n-Si substrate by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering. Hall measurements revealed that the films annealed in situ at 750 degrees C in an oxygen ambient at a pressure of 1.3x10(-3)-3.9x10(-3) Pa showed p-type behavior with a hole concentration of 2.7x10(16)-2.2x10(17) cm(-3), a mobility of 4-13 cm(2)/V s, and a resistivity of 10.4-19.3 Omega cm. Films annealed at 750 degrees C in a vacuum or in oxygen ambient at higher pressures (5.2x10(-3) and 6.5x10(-3) Pa) showed n-type behavior. Additionally, the p-ZnO/n-Si heterojunction showed a diodelike I-V characteristic. Our results indicate that P-doped p-type ZnO films can be obtained by annealing in oxygen ambient at very low pressures. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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An improved optical self-heterodyne method utilizing a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) tunable laser and an optical fiber ring interferometer is presented in this paper. The interference efficiency can be increased by 7 dB compared with the scheme using the conventional Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The unsteady process that the beating frequency experiences in each tuning period is investigated. According to the measurement results, the wavelength and optical power of the tunable laser will be steady when the square-wave frequency is lower than 300 kHz. It has been shown that when a square-wave voltage is applied to the phase section of the tunable laser, the laser linewidths vary in a wide range, and are much larger than that under dc voltage tuning. The errors caused by the variations in the linewidth of the beat signal and optical power can be eliminated using the proposed calibration procedures, and the measurement accuracy can, therefore, be significantly improved. Experiments show that the frequency responses obtained using our method agree well with the data provided by the manufacturer, and the improved optical self-heterodyne method is as accurate as the intensity noise technique.