132 resultados para room set up


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针对用于沉船打捞的水下攻泥机器人蠕动爬行攻泥机构的结构与工作机理 ,建立了适当的有限元计算模型 ,进而通过弹塑性有限元计算 ,模拟了攻泥机构处于土中不同深度的工作情况 ,建立了攻泥机构前进位移V和转向角θ之间关系的通用公式。通过它可以实现对攻泥机构前进路线的规划与自动控制


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In this paper, in view of characteristics and appraisal difficulty of complicate fault block reservoir, based on the theory of reservoir geology, tectonic geology, sequence stratigraphy, logging geology and sedimentology, according to related multidisciplinary data, such as geological, geophysical, logging and testing, taking 3D seismic acquisition processing, delicate structure interpretation, fine reservoir prediction, reservoir engineering and logging evaluation as research methods, on the basis of comprehensive geologic research, innovative appraisal thinking of complicate fault block reservoir is probed into, reservoir evaluation technology series of different reservoirs were created, and appraisal circuit of complicate fault block reservoir was proposed. According to the research on main controlling factors of hydrocarbon and concentration and concealing laws of Dagang exploration area, family assemble patterns of complicate fault block reservoir were proposed firstly, such as twinning, juxtaposed, overlying, concurrent, connected in series and so on, so theory basement was provided to reservoir evaluation. Taking into account of difficulties of low signal to noise ratio and border identification of lithologic trap of complicate fault block reservoir, in the middle of seismic data acquisition, double focusing layout and optimization technology were adopted, geophysical model was set up, and best observation system was ascertained. During object processing, matching processing technology of removing time difference, phase difference, energy difference and frequency spectrum difference generated by different blazing and receiving elements was studied. Imagery, low amplitude structure and identification of subtle lithologic reservoir was interpreted reasonably. On the basis of characteristics and technical description analysis of structural, structural--lithologic and lithologic reservoirs, innovative appraisal thinking of these reservoirs was formatted, appraisal circuit of complicate fault block reservoir was proposed, and this method could be used in other similar oilfields


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In the paper through extensive study and design, the technical plan for establishing the exploration database center is made to combine imported and self developed techniques. By research and repeated experiment a modern database center has been set up with its hardware and network having advanced performance, its system well configured, its data store and management complete, and its data support being fast and direct. Through study on the theory, method and model of decision an exploration decision assistant schema is designed with one decision plan of well location decision support system being evaluated and put into action. 1. Study on the establishment of Shengli exploration database center Research is made on the hardware configuration of the database center including its workstations and all connected hardware and system. The hardware of the database center is formed by connecting workstations, microcomputer workstations, disk arrays, and those equipments used for seismic processing and interpretation. Research on the data store and management includes the analysis of the contents to be managed, data flow, data standard, data QC, data backup and restore policy, optimization of database system. A reasonable data management regulation and workflow is made and the scientific exploration data management system is created. Data load is done by working out a schedule firstly and at last 200 more projects of seismic surveys has been loaded amount to 25TB. 2. Exploration work support system and its application Seismic data processing system support has the following features, automatic extraction of seismic attributes, GIS navigation, data order, extraction of any sized data cube, pseudo huge capacity disk array, standard output exchange format etc. The prestack data can be accessed by the processing system or data can be transferred to other processing system through standard exchange format. For supporting seismic interpretation system the following features exist such as auto scan and store of interpretation result, internal data quality control etc. the interpretation system is connected directly with database center to get real time support of seismic data, formation data and well data. Comprehensive geological study support is done through intranet with the ability to query or display data graphically on the navigation system under some geological constraints. Production management support system is mainly used to collect, analyze and display production data with its core technology on the controlled data collection and creation of multiple standard forms. 3. exploration decision support system design By classification of workflow and data flow of all the exploration stages and study on decision theory and method, target of each decision step, decision model and requirement, three concept models has been formed for the Shengli exploration decision support system including the exploration distribution support system, the well location support system and production management support system. the well location decision support system has passed evaluation and been put into action. 4. Technical advance Hardware and software match with high performance for the database center. By combining parallel computer system, database server, huge capacity ATL, disk array, network and firewall together to create the first exploration database center in China with reasonable configuration, high performance and able to manage the whole data sets of exploration. Huge exploration data management technology is formed where exploration data standards and management regulations are made to guarantee data quality, safety and security. Multifunction query and support system for comprehensive exploration information support. It includes support system for geological study, seismic processing and interpretation and production management. In the system a lot of new database and computer technology have been used to provide real time information support for exploration work. Finally is the design of Shengli exploration decision support system. 5. Application and benefit Data storage has reached the amount of 25TB with thousand of users in Shengli oil field to access data to improve work efficiency multiple times. The technology has also been applied by many other units of SINOPEC. Its application of providing data to a project named Exploration achievements and Evaluation of Favorable Targets in Hekou Area shortened the data preparation period from 30 days to 2 days, enriching data abundance 15 percent and getting information support from the database center perfectly. Its application to provide former processed result for a project named Pre-stack depth migration in Guxi fracture zone reduced the amount of repeated process and shortened work period of one month and improved processing precision and quality, saving capital investment of data processing of 30 million yuan. It application by providing project database automatically in project named Geological and seismic study of southern slope zone of Dongying Sag shortened data preparation time so that researchers have more time to do research, thus to improve interpretation precision and quality.


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In the production tail of oilfield, water-cut is very high in thick channel sand oil reservoir, but recovery efficiency is relative low, and recoverable remaining oil reserves is more abundant, so these reserves is potential target of additional development. The remaining oil generally distributed with accumulation in certain areas, controlled by the reservoir architecture that mainly is the lateral accretion shale beddings in the point bar, so the study of reservoir architecture and the remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by architecture are very significant. In this paper, taking the Minghuazhen formation of Gangxi oilfield as a case, using the method of hierarchy analysis, pattern fitting and multidimensional interaction, the architecture of the meandering river reservoir is precisely anatomized, and the remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by the different hierarchy architecture are summarized, which will help to guide the additional development of oil fields. Not only is the study significant to the remaining oil forecasting, but also it is important for the theory development of reservoir geology. With the knowledge of sequence correlation and fluvial correlation model, taking many factors into account, such as combination of well and seismic data, hierarchical controlling, sedimentary facies restraint, performance verification and 3-D closure, an accurate sequence frame of the study area was established. On the basis of high-resolution stratigraphic correlation, single layer and oil sand body are correlated within this frame, and four architecture hierarchies, composite channel, single channels, point bars and lateral accretion sandbody are identified, The result indicates that Minghuazhen Formation of Gangxi oilfield are dominated by meandering river deposition, including two types of channel sandbodies, narrow band and wide band channel sandbody, and each of them has different characteristics of facies variation laterally. Based on the identification of composite channel, according to the spatial combination patterns and identified signs of single channel, combined with channel sandbody distribution and tracer material data, single channel sandbodies are identified. According to empirical formula, point-bar scales of the study area are predicted, and three identification signs are summarized, that is, positive rhythm in depositional sequence, the maximum thick sand and near close to the abandoned channel, and point bars are identified. On the basis of point bar recognition, quantitative architecture models inner point bar are ascertained, taking the lateral accretion sand body and lateral accretion shale beddings in single well as foundation, and quantitative architecture models inner point bar as guidance, and result of tracer material data as controlling, the the lateral accretion sand body and lateral accretion shale beddings are forecasted interwell, so inner architecture of point bar is anatomied. 3-D structural model, 3-D facies model and 3-D petrophysical properties models are set up, spatial distribution characteristics of sedimentary facies and petrophysical properties is reappeared. On the basis of reservoir architecture analysis and performance production data, remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by different hierarchy architecture units, stacked channel, single channel and inner architecture of point bar, are summarized, which will help to guide the additional development of oil fields.


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In this paper, taking Madong district of Huanghua depression as a case, based on the theory of sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology, reservoir geology and geophysics, according to core analysis, seismic attribute analysis, logging constrained inversion, multi-data correlation of strata, reservoir modeling, etc. the lower and middle first member of Shahejie formation of the study area was forecasted and evaluated. As a result, a number of reservoir prediction and remaining oil distribution methods suitable to oil exploitation of gravity flow channel reservoir are presented. Scientific foundation is provided to the next adjustment of development program and exploitation of the remaining oil. According to high resolution sequence stratigraphy theory, precise stratigraphic framework was founded, the facies types and facies distribution were studied under the control of stratigraphic framework, the technologies of seismic attribute abstraction and logging constrained inversion. Result shows that gravity flow channel, as the main facies, developed in the rising period of base-level cycle, and it was formed during the phase of contemporaneous fault growth. As the channel extends, channel width was gradually widened but thickness thined. The single channels were in possession of a great variety of integrated modes, such as isolated, branching off, merging and paralleling, forming a kind of sand-mud interblending complex sedimentary units. Reservoir quality differs greatly in vertical and horizontal direction, and sedimentary microfacies is main controlling factor of the reservoir quality. In major channel, deposition thickness is great, and petrophysical property is well. While in marginal channel, reservoir is thinner, and petrophysical property is unfavorable. Structure and reservoir quality are main factors which control the oil and gas distribution in the study area. On the basis of the research about the reservoir quality, internal, planar and 3-D reservoir heterogeneities are characterized, and the reservoir quality was sorted rationally. At last, based on the research of reservoir numerical simulation of key well group, combined with reservoir performance analysis and geological analysis above, remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by internal rhythm of gravity flow channel were set up. Through this research, a facies-restrained reservoir prediction method integrating multi-information was presented, and potential orientation of remaining oil distribution in gravity flow channel reservoir is clarified.


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The Central Asian Orogen Belt (CAOB), which is different from the subductional orogen and the collisional orogen, is known as the most important site of crustal growth in the Phanerozoic, and it has been a ‘hot spot’ for studying the orogenic belts. The Chinese West Tianshan Orogen is occupying the west-southern part of the CAOB and is of great importances to understand the orogenic processes and the continental growth in the Central Asia. The West Tianshan Orogen had undergone complex tectonic evolutional processes in Paleozoic times and large volumes granitic rocks have recorded important information about these processes. Litter is known about Phanerozoic continental growth in the Western Tianshan area so far, compared with the other areas of the CAOB, such as eastern Junggar, western Junggar, Altai and Alakol. The aim of this dissertation is to set up the chronology frame of granitoids in western Tianshan, provide new evidence for the tectonic evolution and discuss the Paleozoic continental growth in this area, on the basis of the studies on the isotopic chronology, major element, trace element and Nd-Sr isotopic geochemistry of granitoids and the isotopic chronology and geochemistry of the ophiolites in this area, especially the Kule Lake ophiolites. 25 precise SHRIMP U-Pb zircon and LA-ICPMS U-Pb zircon ages have been obtained in this dissertation. The granitic rocks in western Tianshan had been formed during two periods: the granitic gneiss with an age of 896Ma, possibly representing the forming age of the Precambrian basement; the granitic rocks with ages varying from 479Ma to 247Ma, recording the Paleozoic orogenic process of western Tianshan. The granitoids in western Tianshan are composed of intermediate-basic rocks, intermediate rocks, intermediate-acid rocks and acid rocks, mainly intermediate-acid rocks and acid rocks. They are mostly granite, granodiorite, quartz syenite and monzodiorite. Different types of granitic rocks are exposed in different tectonic units. The granitoids on the northern margin of the Yili Plate mainly formed in late Paleozoic (413Ma ~ 281Ma), those with ages varying from 413Ma to 297Ma show continental arc affinities and the magnesian calc-alkalic metaluminous diorite of 281Ma display the geochemical characteristics similar to those of granites formed during the post-orogenic period. The granitiods on the southern margin of the Yili Plate include the adakite diorite of 470Ma which was formd by partial melting of thickened lower crust, the post-collisional alkali-feldspar granite of 430Ma, the volcanic arc granite of 348Ma and the Triassic post-collisional granite. The granitoids in the Central Tianshan Plate formed in 479Ma ~ 247Ma, mainly in 433Ma ~ 321Ma. The granitic rocks with ages of 479Ma ~ 321Ma are magnesian calc-alkalic to alkalic rocks with continental arc affinities. A few post-collisional granitoids of 276Ma ~ 247Ma may have inherited the geochemical characteristics of pre-existing arc magma. The granitic rocks in Southern Tianshan (northern margin of the Tarim plate) formed two stages, 420Ma ~ 411Ma and ca. 285Ma. The magnesian calcic to alkalic granites of 420Ma ~ 411Ma may formed during the extension process of the continental margin. The granite of 285Ma includes mostly ferroan calc-alkalic to alkali-calcic rocks with high SiO2 and high alkaline contents, and obviously negative anomaly of Eu, Ba, Sr, P, Ti, similar to the geochemical characteristics of the A-type granite which is formed during post-collisional extension. The Kule Lake ophiolite in southern Tianshan shows the affinity of N-MORB. A SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age of 425±8Ma has obtained for gabbros. Some zircons have given another group of 206Pb/238U age 918Ma, which may indicate the information of the pre-exist old basement rock. The small oceanic basin represented by Kule Lake ophiolite probably developed on the split northern margin of Tarim block. A model for Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the West Tianshan Orogen has been proposed here on the basis of the new results obtained in this dissertation and the previous published data. In Early Cambrian, the Terskey Ocean occurred along the North Nalati fault (NNF), and it separated the Yili plate from the Central Tianshan plate which was probably connected with the Tarim plate. The Terskey Ocean probably subducted towards south under the Central Tianshan plate and towards north under the Yili plate simultaneously. In the early stage of Late Ordovician, the Terskey Ocean had been closed, and the Yili and Central Tianshan plates collided. Meanwhile, extension happened within the joint Central Tianshan and Tarim plates gradually and the Paleo-South Tianshan Ocean had been formed. In Early Silurian, the Paleo-South Tianshan Ocean began to subduct beneath the composite Yili-Central Tianshan plate, which was intruded by volcanic arc granitoids. In Middle Silurian, the Paleo-South Tianshan Ocean, which had reached a certain width, was subducting strongly. And this subduction may have produced voluminous granitoids in the Central Tianshan plate. In the latest stage of Carboniferous, the Paleo-South Tianshan ocean closed, and the Yili-Central Tianshan plate and Tarim plate collided. In Late Cambrian, Paleo-Junggar Ocean occurred to north of the Yili plate; and started to subduct towards south under the Yili plate in Ordovician. This subduction may have produced a magma arc on the northern margin of the Yili plate. In Late Carboniferous, the Paleo-Junggar Ocean had been closed. The Yili-Central and Junggar plates amalgamated together. The West Tianhan Orogen may undergo a post-collisional collapse since Permian. And the magmatic activities may continue to early Triassic. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ration of the granitic rocks in the western Tianshan Mountains varies from 0.703226 to 0.716343, and Nd(t)from -6.50 to 2.03. The characteristics of Sr-Nd isotope indicate that the source of granitic material is not a sole source, which may be produced by mantle-crust magma mixing. In Paleozoic time, lateral growth of the continental crust along active continental margins was dominant, whereas the vertical growth of continental crust resulted from post- collisional mantle derived magmas was not obvious.


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Groundwater basin is important for water supply in northern China. The paper took the Jingsheng Basin in Lingshi County, Shanxi Province as a case to study the basin groundwater system by numerical modeling. The hydrogeological characteristics were analysed basing on the field investigation, and a three-dimensional groundwater flow model was established to describe the groundwater flow system in the Jingsheng groundwater basin. The boundary of the model was determined by using geophysics and GIS data, and the lumped parameter model of runoff was used to depict the transform between the surface water and groundwater, and the groundwater dating data was used to calibrate the model. All these methods were used to improve the model. The Software Visual MODFLOW 2000 was applied to set up the numerical groundwater flow model. The groundwater flow pattern in the average year, the high-water year and the low-water year were simulated respectively by the model. Some new cognition to the groundwater movement in Jingsheng Basin was obtained in the paper. The difficult problems were resolved when using the conventional and theoretical analysis to forecast and appraise the exploitation of the groundwater, and supplies the instructional technology base for the reasonable exploitation and optimization collocation. The numerical model will improve evaluation of the basin groundwater resources.


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As a key issue of ionospheric weather study, systemic studies on ionospheric storms can not only further improve our understanding of the response of the ionosphere to solar and geomagnetic disturbances, but also help us to reveal the chemical, dynamic and electro-dynamic mechanisms during storms. Empirical modelling for regional ionospheric storm is also very useful, because it can provide us with tools and references for the forecasting and further practical application of ionospheric activity. In this thesis, we focus on describing and forecasting of ionospheric storms at middle and low latitudes. The main points of my investigations are listed as follows. (1) By using magnetic storms during the period over 50 years, the dependence of the type, onset time and time delay of the ionospheric storms on magnetic latitude, season and local time at middle and low latitudes in the East-Asian sector are studied. The results show that the occurrences of the types of ionospheric disturbances differ in latitude and season. The onset of the ionospheric storms depends on local time. At middle latitudes, most negative phase onsets are within the local time interval from night to early morning, and they rarely occurred in the local noon and afternoon sectors. At low latitudes, positive phases commence most frequently in the daytime sector as well as pre-midnight sector. The average time delays for both the positive and negative ionospheric storms increase with descending latitudes. The time delay has significant dependence on the local time of main phase onset (MPO). The time delay of positive response is shorter for daytime MPO and longer for night-time MPO, whereas the opposite applies for negative response. (2) Based on some previous researches, a primary empirical model for mid-latitude ionospheric disturbance is set up. By fitting to the observed data, we get a high accuracy with a mean RMSE of only 12-14% in summer and equinox. The model output has been compared with the output of STORM model, and the results show that, our model is much better than STORM in summer and a little better for some mid-latitude stations at equinox. Especially, for the type of two-step geomagnetic storm, our model can present twice descending of foF2 very well. In addition, our model can forecast positive ionospheric storms.


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It is a basic work to ascertain the parameters of rock mass for evaluation about stability of the engineering. Anisotropism、inhomogeneity and discontinuity characters of the rock mass arise from the existing of the structural plane. Subjected to water、weathering effect、off-loading, mechanical characters of the rock mass are greatly different from rock itself, Determining mechanical parameters of the rock mass becomes so difficult because of structure effect、dimension effect、rheological character, ‘Can’t give a proper parameter’ becomes one of big problems for theoretic analysis and numerical simulation. With the increment of project scale, appraising the project rock mass and ascertaining the parameters of rock mass becomes more and more important and strict. Consequently, researching the parameters of rock mass has important theoretical significance and actual meaning. The Jin-ping hydroelectric station is the first highest hyperbolic arch dam in the world under construction, the height of the dam is about 305m, it is the biggest hydroelectric station at lower reaches of Yalong river. The length of underground factory building is 204.52m, the total height of it is 68.83m, the maximum of span clearance is 28.90m. Large-scale excavation in the underground factory of Jin-ping hydroelectric station has brought many kinds of destructive phenomenon, such as relaxation、spilling, providing a precious chance for study of unloading parameter about rock mass. As we all know, Southwest is the most important hydroelectric power base in China, the construction of the hydroelectric station mostly concentrate at high mountain and gorge area, basically and importantly, we must be familiar with the physical and mechanical character of the rock mass to guarantee to exploit safely、efficiently、quickly, in other words, we must understand the strength and deformation character of the rock mass. Based on enough fieldwork of geological investigation, we study the parameter of unloading rock mass on condition that we obtain abundant information, which is not only important for the construction of Jin-ping hydroelectric station, but also for the construction of other big hydroelectric station similar with Jin-ping. This paper adopt geological analysis、test data analysis、experience analysis、theory research and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) brainpower analysis to evaluate the mechanical parameter, the major production is as follows: (1)Through the excavation of upper 5-layer of the underground powerhouse and the statistical classification of the main joints fractures exposed, We believe that there are three sets of joints, the first group is lay fracture, the second group and the fourth group are steep fracture. These provide a strong foundation for the following calculation of and analysis; (2)According to the in-situ measurement about sound wave velocity、displacement and anchor stress, we analyses the effects of rock unloading effect,the results show a obvious time-related character and localization features of rock deformation. We determine the depth of excavation unloading of underground factory wall based on this. Determining the rock mass parameters according to the measurement about sound wave velocity with characters of low- disturbing、dynamic on the spot, the result can really reflect the original state, this chapter approximately the mechanical parameters about rock mass at each unloading area; (3)Based on Hoek-Brown experienced formula with geological strength index GSI and RMR method to evaluate the mechanical parameters of different degree weathering and unloading rock mass about underground factory, Both of evaluation result are more satisfied; (4)From the perspective of far-field stress, based on the stress field distribution ideas of two-crack at any load conditions proposed by Fazil Erdogan (1962),using the strain energy density factor criterion (S criterion) proposed by Xue changming(1972),we establish the corresponding relationship between far-field stress and crack tip stress field, derive the integrated intensity criterion formula under the conditions of pure tensile stress among two line coplanar intermittent jointed rock,and establish the corresponding intensity criterion for the exploratory attempt; (5)With artificial neural network, the paper focuses on the mechanical parameters of rock mass that we concerned about and the whole process of prediction of deformation parameters, discusses the prospect of applying in assessment about the parameters of rock mass,and rely on the catalog information of underground powerhouse of Jinping I Hydropower Station, identifying the rock mechanics parameters intellectually,discusses the sample selection, network design, values of basic parameters and error analysis comprehensively. There is a certain significance for us to set up a set of parameters evaluation system,which is in construction of large-scale hydropower among a group of marble mass.