279 resultados para coherent coupling


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For a second-order DFB-LD, the presence of a metal contact layer can reduce I-st-order radiation. Part of the reflected power is redistributed into guided modes and results in a variation of the effective coupling coefficient kappa(eff). In this paper, we study the effect of the Au top contact's reflection on the kappa(eff) of 2(nd)-order DFB lasers. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Decoherence properties of two Josephson charge qubits coupled via the sigma(x)sigma(x) type are investigated. Considering the special structure of this new design, the dissipative effects arising from the circuit impedance providing the fluxes for the qubits' superconducting quantum interference device loops coupled to the sigma(x) qubit variables are considered. The results show that the overall decoherence effects are significantly strong in this qubit design. It is found that the dissipative effects are stronger in the case of coupling to two uncorrelated baths than are found in the case of one common bath.


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We have calculated the in-plane conductance of a barrier with the Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction, which is sandwiched between two spin-polarized materials aligned arbitrarily. Besides a transmitted in-plane current which arises on the drain side as pointed out in Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 056601 (2004), a reflected in-plane current always appears simultaneously on the source side near the interface of the barrier. The spin polarization of the source affects the transmitted current more than the reflected one, and conversely the spin polarization of the drain affects the reflected current more. The relationship between transmitted current and the reflected one has been studied.


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A novel design of out-of-plane grating couplers is proposed for coupling between silicon-on-insulator nanophotonic waveguides and single-mode fibres. The coupler with the first-order diffraction coupling to the optical fibre is actually a second-order reflected grating with two times of period of the first-order grating. To enhance outcoupled power, a back hole is designed to form in the silicon substrate and a kind of metals is placed on the top acting as a reflection layer. The coupler is optimized using coupled-mode- based simulations, showing that, the coupling efficiency to and from tapered optical fibre can be as high as 85% with 1 dB bandwidth about 23nm.


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The effects of lattice vibration on the system in which the electron is weakly coupled with bulk longitudinal optical phonons and strongly coupled with interface optical phonons in an infinite quantum well were studied by using Tokuda' linear-combination operator and a modified LLP variational method. The expressions for the effective mass of the polaron in a quantum well QW as functions of the well's width and temperature were derived. In particular, the law of the change of the vibration frequency of the polaron changing with well' s width and temperature are obtained. Numerical results of the effective mass and the vibration frequency of the polaron for KI/AgCl/Kl QW show that the vibration frequency and the effective mass of the polaron decrease with increasing well's width and temperature, but the contribution of the interaction between the electron and the different branches of phonons to the effective mass and the vibration frequency and the change of their variation with the well's width and temperature are greatly different.


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When a quantum dot is suffering an AC gate voltage, the sidebands turn up beside the static levels of the dot. We formularized the conductance and current when the effective coupling between levels in the quantum dot induced by the hybrid terms is included using a bi-unitary transform method, and we investigated the interference of the photon sidebands of deferent levels. The interference occurs if the same sidebands of deferent levels overlap, which is possible only when the static levels lie close to and overlap with each other. The overlap of different photon sidebands leads to a simple non-coherent superposition. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have demonstrated stable self-starting passive mode-locking in a diode-end-pumped Nd: YVO4 laser using a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM). An ln(0.25)Ga(0.75)As single quantum-well SESAM, which was grown by the metalorganic chemical-vapor deposition technique at low temperature, acts as a passive mode-locking device and an output coupler at the same time. Continuous-wave mode-locked transform-limited pulses were obtained at 1064 nm with a pulse duration of 2.1 ps and an average output power of 1.28 W at a repetition rate of 96.5 MHz. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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A 1.55-mum laser diode integrated with a spot-size converter was fabricated in a single step epitaxial by using the conventional photolithography and chemical wet etching process. The device was constructed by a conventional ridge waveguide active layer and a larger passive ridge-waveguide layer. The threshold current was 40 mA together with high slope efficiency of 0.24 W/A. The beam divergence angles in the horizontal and vertical directions were as small as 12.0degrees x 15.0degrees, respectively, resulting in about 3.2-dB coupling losses with a cleaved optical fibre.


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The fields in 3-dimensional tapered waveguides are unstable compared with the fields in the straight waveguides. In the case of waveguide-to-fiber coupling and fiber-to-waveguide coupling, a sequence of short straight waveguides has been modeled to approximate the 3-dimensional tapered waveguide; and the unstable incident and reflected fields, as well as their derivatives, were determined by the beam propagation method(BPM). Then free space radiation mode(FSRM) was employed to calculate the reflected and transmitted powers. Analysis results of the coupling of fiber with silicon-on-insulator(SOI) tapered rib waveguides showed the feasibility of the method.


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Under selective photo-excitation, the capacitance response of internal tunnelling coupling in quantum-dots-imbedded heterostructures is studied to clarify the electronic states and the number densities of electrons filling in the quantum dots (QDs). The random nature for both optical transitions and the filling in a QD assembly makes highly resolved capacitance peaks appear in the C-V characteristic after turning off the photo-excitation.


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Electrical and optical coupling in an electroabsorption (EA) modulator integrated with a distributed feedback (DFB) laser have been investigated. The integrated device is treated as a three-port optoelectronic device with two electrical ports and one optical output port. The scattering parameters of this three-port device have been measured in the designed experiment. The measured results indicate that there exists the electrical coupling between the DFB laser and EA modulator of the integrated light source whenever the current applied to the laser section is below or above the threshold current, and the optical coupling will have stronger influence on the frequency responses than the electrical coupling when the bias current is above the threshold. A small-signal equivalent circuit model for the integrated device is established considering both the electrical and internal optical coupling. Experiments show that the equivalent circuit model is reasonable and the determined element values are correct. Based on the measurement and modeling, the influences of the electrical and optical coupling on the high-frequency responses are investigated and the effective measure to eliminate the additional modulation in the DFB laser are discussed.


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Coherent tunnelling is studied in framework of the effective mass approximation for an asymmetric coupled quantum well. The Hartree potential due to the electron-electron interaction is considered in our calculation. The effects of the longitudinal and transverse magnetic field on coherent tunnelling characteristics are discussed. It has been found that the external field plays an important role in modulating the electron states.


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The center-of-mass motion of a quasi-two-dimensional exciton with spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in the presence of a perpendicular electric field is calculated by perturbation theory. The results indicate that a quasi-two-dimensional exciton with SOC can exhibit the spin Hall effect (SHE), which is similar to two-dimensional electrons and holes. A likely way to establish exciton SHE in experiments and a possible phase transition from dark to bright state driven by SOC are suggested. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The mode characteristics for two coupled microdisks are investigated by the finite-difference time-domain technique. In the two coupled micodisks, mode coupling between the same order whispering-gallery modes (WGMs) results in coupled WGMs with split mode wavelengths. The numerical results show that the split mode wavelengths of the coupled first- and second-order WGMs can have a crossing point in some cases, which can induce anticrossing mode coupling between them and greatly reduce the mode Q factor of the coupled first-order WGMs. The time variation of mode field pattern shows the transformation between the coupled first- and second-order WGMs. (C) 2007 Optical Society of America


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For a four-port microracetrack channel drop filter, unexpected transmission characteristics due to strong dispersive coupling are demonstrated by the light tunneling between the input-output waveguides and the resonator, where a large dropping transmission at off-resonance wavelengths is observed by finite-difference time-domain simulation. It causes a severe decline of the extinction ratio and finesse. An appropriate decrease of the coupling strength is found to suppress the dispersive coupling and greately increase the extinction ratio and finesse, a decreased coupling strength can be realized by the application of an asymmetrical coupling waveguide structure. In addition, the profile of the coupling dispersion in the transmission spectra can be predicted based on a coupled mode theory analysis of an equivalent system consisting of two coupling straight waveguides. The effects of structure parameters on the transmission spectra obtained by this method agree well with the numerical results. It is useful to avoid the strong dispersive coupling region in the filter design. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.