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Oil and gas exploration of marine strata in China's Pre-Cenozoic residual basins is regarded as a worldwide puzzle because of existent problems and cruxes. Objectively speaking, the subsurface geologic structure is complicated, and the surface conditions of some areas are tough. On the other hand, there are still many problems to be solved in oil and gas exploration technologies of Pre-Cenozoic marine fades, and theoretic cognition about petroleum geology is not profound yet. Therefore, it is principal to explore integrated geophysical research ways of Pre-Cenozoic residual basins. Seismic prospecting and geophysical integrated interpretation technologies aimed at middle Paleozoic marine facies with deeper burial and complicated geologic conditions have not formed due to bad quality of deep strata data. Pre-Cenozoic strata, and especially extension, thickness and internal structure of Paleozoic strata can not be recognized from seismic profiles, so it is hard to systematically cognize structural features and oil-gas resources prospect of Pre-Cenozoic basins. To further investigation of fabric and structural features, basin prototype, formation and evolution pattern of Pre-Cenozoic basins, and also their control over formation, migration and aggregation of oil and gas, will play a guiding and promotive role in developing new surveying areas, selecting advantageous zones and predicting oil-gas resources.This paper follows the modem macrocontrol theory of "Region constrains local, deep strata controls shallow ones", and uses the integrated geophysical method of "One guide, two hinges, three combinations and multi feedbacks'*. Based on several years of geological and geophysical results of the Shengli Oilfield, and 14 newly-joint regional seismic profiles, deep structure and oil-gas bearing capacity of the Jiyang area are discussed and new cognitions are drawn as below.Seismic identification marks Tr, Tg, Tgl and Tg2 are established for importantPre-Cenozoic geological interfaces, and promoted to the whole Jiyang area.Through area-wide tracking and clogging of important seismic reflection marker,the isochronic framework of pre-Tertiary basin is set up in the Jiyang area for the firsttime, which is vital for basin research.Integrated with geological and geophysical research results, the Jiyang area isdivided into four first-order tectonic sequences- basement, lower tectonic layer,upper tectonic layer, and top tectonic layer. The basement and lower tectonic sequence which are related to Pre-Cenozoic are studied with emphasis.Through the research of regional seismic profiles, the point of view is given thatthe Kongdian Formation of Jiyang is structural transition period. The top-bottomunconformable interface of the Kongdian Formation is found out for the first time,and the basin model is determined primarily, which lay a basis for prototype basinresearch of the Jiyang Kongdian Formation.The distribution status of Middle-Paleozoic is delineated in the Jiyang area.The maximum thickness of Paleozoic lies in the top of the south declivity of half-graben. The thickness gets thinner towards the center of Mesozoic and Cenozoic half-graben basin, and even disappears. Structural action in the west-north affects the distribution of Paleozoic residual strata.6. The features of second-order tectonic sequence of the Jiyang depression isstudied and its evolution history of is rebuilt.Combined with the 5-stage evolution history of the China continent and structure evolution features of the Jiyang area, the structure sedimentary process since Paleozoic is divided into 5 periods - basement forming , Indosinian orogenic, Yanshan negative reversal, Himalayan extension and Neogene subsidence period.Combined with the research results of gravity, magnetic surveying and regionalprofiles, this paper brings forward the idea for the first time that the western boundaryof the Jiyang depression is the Ningjin-Yangpan fracture zone, and forms aside-column assemblage with the Wudi fracture zone.The opinion that under Middle-Cenozoic basins in the middle Jiyang area theremight superimpose an old residual basin is given for the first time. And if it is provedto be true, a new exploration space will be pioneered for Jiyang and even north China.There exists many types of tectonic-stratigraphic traps formed under piezotropy,extension and compound action in Pre-Cenozoic Jiyang. Therein all kinds of burialhills are the most important oil-gas trap type of Pre-Cenozoic, which should besurveyed layeredly according to the layout of oil sources.As such a new challenging project and field, the paper systematically analyses different geophysical responses of the Jiyang area, frames the deep structure of the area, and preliminarily recognizes the Pre-Cenozoic residual basins. It breaks through to a certain extent in both theory and practice, and is expected to provide new geophysical and geotectonic clues for deep exploration in Shengli.


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A two-stage process with temperature-shift has been developed to enhance the anthocyanin yield in suspension cultures of strawberry cells. The effect of the temperature-shift interval and the shift-time point was investigated for the optimization of this strategy. In this process, strawberry cells were grown at 30 degrees C (the optimum temperature for cell growth) for a certain period as the first stage, with the temperature shifted to a lower temperature for the second stage. In response to the temperature shift-down, anthocyanin synthesis was stimulated and a higher content could be achieved than that at both boundary temperatures but cell growth was suppressed. When the lower boundary temperature was decreased, cell growth was lowered and a delayed, sustained maximum anthocyanin content was achieved. Anthocyanin synthesis was strongly influenced by the shift-time point but cell growth was not. Consequently, the maximum anthocyanin content of 2.7 mg.g-fresh cell(-1) was obtained on day 9 by a temperature-shift from 30 degrees C, after 3-d culture, to 15 degrees C. The highest anthocyanin yield of 318 mg.L-1 on day 12 was achieved when the temperature was shifted from 30 degrees C, after 5-d culture, to 20 degrees C. For a global optimization of both the yield and productivity, the optimum anthocyanin yield and productivity of 272 mg.L-1 and 30.2 mg.L-1.d(-1) on day 9 were achieved by a two-stage culture with a temperature-shift from 30 degrees C after 3 d to 20 degrees C.


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There is extensive agreement that attention may play a role in spatial stimmlus coding (Lu & Proctor, 1995). Some authors investigated the effects of spatial attention on the spatial coding by using spatial cueing procedure and spatial Stroop task. The finding was that the stroop effects were modulated by spatial cueing. Three hypotheses including attentional shift account, referential coding account, and event integration account were used to explain the modulation of spatial cueing over the spatial Stroop effects. In these previous studies, on validly cued trials, cue and target not only appeared at the same location, but also in the same object, which resulted in both location and object cued. Consequently, the modulation of spatial attentional cueing over spatial Stroop effects was confounded with the role of object-based attention. In the third chapter of this dissertation, using a modification of double rectangles cueing procedure developed by Egly, Driver and Rafal (1994) and spatial Stroop task employed by Lupiáñez and Funes (2005), separate effects of spatial attention and object-based attention on the location code of visual stimuli were investigated. Across four experiments, the combined results showed that spatial Stroop effects were modulate by object-based attention, but not by location-based attention. This pattern of results could be well explained by event integration account, but not by attentional shift account and referential coding account. In the fourth chapter, on the basis of the prior chapter, whether the modulation of attentional cueing on location code occurred at the stage of perceptual identification or response choice was investigated. The findings were that object-based attention modulated spatial Stroop effects and did not modulate the Simon effects, whereas spatial attention did not modulate Stroop and Simon effects. This pattern of results partially replicated the outcome of the previous chapter. The previous studies generally argued that the conflicts of spatial Stroop task and Simon task respectively occurred at at the stage of perceptual identification and response choice. Therefore, it is likely to conclude that the modulation of attention over spatial Stroop effect was mediated by object-based attention, and this modulation occurred at the stage perceptual identification. Considering that the previous studies mostly investigated the effects of attention captured by abrupt onset on the spatial Stroop effects, few studies investigated the effects of attention captured by offset cue on the spatial Stroop effects. The aim of the fifth chapter was to investigate the role of attention induced by offset and abrupt onset cue in the spatial Stroop task. These results showed that attention elicited by offset cue or abrupt onset cue modulated the spatial Stroop effects, which reconciled with event integration account.


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Zeigarnik effect refers to the enhanced memory performance for unfinished tasks and studies on insight using hemi-visual field presentation technology also find that after failing to solve an problem, hints to the problem are more effective received and lead to insight experience when presented to the left-visual field (Right hemisphere) than presented to the right-visual field, especial when the hints appeared with a delay. Thus, it seems that right hemisphere may play an important role in preserving information of unsolved problems and processing related cues. To further examine the finding above, we introduce an Chinese character chunking task to investigate the brain activities during the stage of failure to resolve problems and of hint presentation using Event-Related Potentials (ERP) and functional MRI technology. Our FMRI results found that bilateral BA10 showed more activation when seeing hints for unsolved problems and we proposed that it may reflect the processes of information to failure problems, howerver, there was no hemispheric difference. The ERP results after the effort to the problems showed that unsolved problems elicited a more positive P150 over the right frontal cortex while solved problems demonstrated a left hemispheric advantage of P150. When hints present, P2 amplitudes of hints were modulated by the status of problem only in the right hemisphere but not in the left hemisphere. Our results confirmed the hypothesis that failure to solve problems would trigger the perseverance processes in right hemisphere, which would make right hemisphere more sensitive to related information of failure problems.


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Interface has been becoming a more significant element today which influences the development of shopping on-line greatly. But in practice the attention arisen from society and study made are quite inadequate. Under this circumstance, I focus my study on the purpose of improving understanding of the engineering psychological factors, which definitely will play a crucial role in shopping on-line representation in future, and of the relations between them through the following experimental research. I hope it can give a basic reference to the practical application of shopping on-line representation pattern and continuous study. In current thesis, an analysis was made on the basis of engineering psychology principles from three aspects, i.e. person (users), task and information environment. It was considered that system overview and information behavior model would have great impact on the activities of users on the web and that representation pattern of information system would affect the forming of system overview and behavior pattern and then further after the performances of users in information system. Based on above-mentioned statement, a three-dimensional conceptual model was presented which demonstrates the relations between the crucial factors, which are media representation pattern, system hierarchy and objects in information unit. Thereafter, eight study hypothesis, which are about engineering psychological factors of virtual reality (VR) representation in shopping on-line system, was taken out and four experiments were followed up to testify the hypothesis. -In experiment one, a research was made to study how the three kinds of single media representation pattern influence the forming of system overview and information behavior from the point view of task performance, operating error, overall satisfactory and mental workload etc. -In experiment two, a study of how the combined media representation pattern of system hierarchy influences users' behavior was carried out. -In experiment three, a study of the hierarchy structure feature of VR representation pattern and the tendency of its width and depth to the effects of system behavior was made. -In experiment four, a study of the location relations between different parties in VR scene (information unit) was made. The result is as follows: -During structure dimensional state: Width-increasing caused more damage to the speed of users than depth-increasing in VR representation pattern. Although the performance of subjects was quite slow in wider environment, yet the percentage rate of causing errors was in lowest level. -During hierarchy representation pattern: 1. Between the representation patterns of the three media, no significant differences was found in terms of the speed of fulfilling the task, error rate, satisfactory, mental workload etc. But the pattern with figure- aided gained the worst results on all of these aspects. 2. During primary stage of the task and the first level of the hierarchy, the speed of subjects' performance in VR pattern was slower than that in text pattern. While with developing of the task and going deeper level of the hierarchy, the speed of users' performance in VR representation pattern reached to the highest level. 3. Effects in VR representation pattern was better than that in text pattern in higher level of the system. The representation pattern in highest level has greatest impact on the performance of the system behavior, whereas results of the only VR representation in the middle part of hierarchy would be worst. 4. Activity error in single media representation pattern was more than that in combined media representation pattern. 5. Individual differences among subjects had effects on the representation pattern of the system. During VR environment, behavior tendency of party A had a significant negative correlation to the quantities of errors. -In VR-scene representation: Physical-distance and flash influenced the subjects' task performance greatly, while psychological-distance has no outstanding impact. Subjects' accurate rate of performing increased if objects with same relation were in the same structure position, in the state of close psychological-distance or if the object target flashed (not reliable). Although the article limits the topic only on the present-existing questions and analysis of shopping-on-line, as a matter of fact, it can also apply for other relevant purposes on the web. While the study of this article only gives its emphasis on the researching-task with definite goal, making no consideration of other task conditions and their relations with other navigation tools. So I hope it lay a good start to make continuous research in this areas.