227 resultados para Passively Q-switched


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为了同时补偿固体增益介质的热致双折射及热透镜效应,进一步提高重复频率1 kHz激光二极管(LD)侧向抽运高平均功率电光调Q Nd:YAG激光器的输出功率,设计了一种完全消除热退偏损耗的双调Q开关谐振腔结构,此结构在传统调Q谐振腔的基础上沿着偏振片的退偏方向增加了一个调Q谐振支路,并使得激光从增益介质方向输出。实验结果表明,此激光器的单脉冲能量比单Q开关结构的非补偿腔输出能量高出74.7%。当侧面抽运的激光二极管输出脉冲能量达到307 mJ时,激光输出能量达到26.2 mJ,光-光转换效率为8.5%,光束发


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高重复频率、窄脉宽的全固态激光器种子源级联光纤放大器是获得高功率脉冲激光输出的有效手段.短上能态寿命的Nd∶YVO4晶体在连续抽运、高重复频率Q开关工作时容易得到接近连续性能的平均输出功率.理论分析了声光(AO)调Q器件中影响输出能量和脉宽大小的主要因素,优化配置了腔型参数.利用激光二极管(LD)光纤耦合模块端面抽运Nd∶YVO4晶体,实现了声-光调Q重复频率100 kHz以上,脉宽20 ns以下,波长1064 nm的激光输出.在抽运功率5.7 W时,得到了脉宽15.3 ns,重复频率150 kHz的种子光输出,在级联单级光纤放大器后,得到了20 W的输出.


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报道了激光二极管泵浦的被动传导冷却的Q开关Nd:YAG zigzag 板条激光器,谐振腔采用平平腔和非稳腔。在20Hz运转时,得到脉宽均为10ns的150 mJ,光光效率19%的多模输出和100 mJ、13%光学效率的单模输出,并进行了相关的热效应测试,结果表明该激光器具有效率高、结构紧凑、光束质量好,在空间环境应用具有很好的发展潜力。


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In this article, we report an all-fiber master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) system, which can provide high repetition rate and nanosecond pulse with diffraction-limit. The system was constructed using a (2 + 1) X 1 multimode combiner. The Q-Switched, LD pumped Nd:YVO4 solid-state laser wets used (is master oscillator. The 976-nm fiber-coupled module is used as pump source. A 10-m long China-made Yb3+-doped D-shape double-clad large-mode-area fiber was used as amplifier fiber. The MOPA produced as much as 20-W average power with nanosecond pulse and near diffraction limited. The pulse duration is maintained at about 15 its during 50-175 kHz. The system employs a simple and compact architecture and is therefore suitable for the use in practical applications such as scientific and military airborne LIDAR and imaging. Based oil this system. the amplification performances of. the all fiber amplifier is investigated. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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High-quality Nd:LuVO4 single crystal was successfully grown by Czochralski method. The assessment of the crystalline quality by the chemical etching method and Conoscope image was reported. The absorption spectra from 300 to 1000 nm and emission spectra from 960 to 1450 nm of Nd: LuVO4 were measured. Laser performance was achieved with Nd:LUVO4 crystal for the transition of F-4(3/2) -> I-4(11/2) (corresponding wavelength 1065.8 nm) in an actively Q-switched operation, and the average output power reached 5.42 W at a pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 40 kHz under pump power of 18 W, giving an optical conversion efficiency of 30.1%. The pulse energy and peak power reached 138 mu J and 16.2 kW at PRF of 25 kHz under pump power of 14.2 W, and the pulse duration was 8.5 ns. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report what is believed to be the first demonstration of the laser action of Yb3+ -doped Gd2SiO5 (Yb:GSO) crystal pumped by a 940-nm laser diode at room temperature. The threshold of laser generation is only 0.85 kW/cm(2), which is smaller than the theoretic threshold of Yb:YAG (1.54 kW/cm(2)). The laser wavelength is 1090 mn. With a 2.5% output coupler, the maximum output power is 415 mW under a pump power of 5 W. By using the SESAM, the Q-switched mode locking and CW mode-locked operations are demonstrated.


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We report the continuous-wave and acousto-optical Q-switched operation of a diode-end-pumped Tm:YAP laser. Continuous-wave output power of 3.5 W at 1.99 mu m was obtained under the absorbed pump power of 14 W. Under Q-switched laser operation, the average output power increased from 1.57 W to 2.0 W, with an absorbed pump power of 12.6 W, as the repetition rate increased from 1 kHz to 10 kHz. The maximum Q-switched pulse energy was 1.57 mJ with a repetition rate of 1 kHz. The minimum pulse width was measured to be about 80 ns, corresponding to a peak power of 19.6 kW.


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本文研究了在镀膜过程中真空室内水蒸气的含量对HfO2薄膜物理性能的影响。用电子束蒸发和光电极值监控的方法在BK7基底上制备HfO2薄膜。利用残余气体分析仪在线监测了真空室内的残余气氛组成。分别用Lambda 900光谱仪、X射线衍射方法、表面热透镜技术和1064nm的激光器测试了薄膜的光学性能、微结构、吸收和激光损伤阈值。实验发现,附加冷阱装置有助于我们有效控制镀膜过程中的水汽含量,且在水蒸气含量较少的真空室内镀制的薄膜具有较高的折射率,较小的晶粒尺寸,较低的弱吸收值和较高的损伤阈值。


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A fundamental mode Nd YAG laser is experimentally demonstrated with a stagger pumped laser module and a special resonator. The rod is pumped symmetrically by staggered bar modules. A dynamic fundamental mode is achieved with the special resonator under different pump levels. A maximal continuous wave output of 61 W (M-2 = 1.4) is achieved with a single rod. An average output of 47 W, pulse width of 54 ns, pulse energy of 4.7 mJ and peak power of 87 kW are obtained under the Q-switched operation of 10 kHz.


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We present a linear-cavity stretched-pulse fibre laser with mode locking by a nonlinear polarization rotation and by semiconductor saturable-absorber mirrors. A Q-switched mode-locking cw train and a mode-locking pulse train are obtained in the experiment. We investigate the effects of the equivalent fast saturable absorber and the slow saturable absorbers in experiment. It is found that neither the nonlinear polarization evolution effect nor a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror is enough to produce the stable cw mode-locking pulses in this experiment. A nonlinear polarization evolution effect controls the cavity loss to literally carve the pulses; semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors provide the self-restarting and maintain the stability of the mode-locking operation.


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Experimental investigations of nondegenerate ultrabroadband chirped pulse optical parametric amplification have been carried out. The general mathematical expressions for evaluating parametric bandwidth, gain and gain bandwidth for arbitrary three-wave mixing parametric amplifiers are presented. In our experiments, a type-I noncollinear phase-matched optical parametric amplifier based on lithium triborate, which was pumped by a 5-ns second harmonic pulses from a Q-switched Nd:YAG operating at 10 Hz, seeded by a 14-fs Ti:sapphire laser at 800 nm, was presented. The 0.85 nJ energy of input chirped signal pulse with 57-FWHM has been amplified to 3.1 muJ at pump intensity 3 GW/cm(2), the corresponding parametric gain reached 3.6 x 10(3), the 53 nm-FWHM gain spectrum bandwidth of output signal has been obtained. The large gain and broad gain bandwidth, which have been confirmed experimentally, provide great potentials to amplify efficiently the broad bandwidth femtosecond light pulses to generate new extremes in power, intensity, and pulse duration using optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers pumped by powerful nanosecond systems.