211 resultados para Matthaeus de Cracovia, Bp., 1345(ca)-1410.
利用同位旋相关的Boltzmann Langevin方程研究了40 Ca + 5 8Fe和40 Ca +5 8Ni两个反应系统在 53 ,1 0 0 ,1 50和 2 0 0MeV/u入射能量下对心碰撞的径向膨胀流 .发现对于丰中子系统40 Ca + 5 8Fe的径向膨胀流系统性地小于稳定系统40 Ca+ 5 8Ni的径向膨胀流 .在假定轰击能量与反应体系的压缩密度呈抛物线关系时 ,能够解释入射能量和径向膨胀流之间呈现的直线关系 .提取了出现径向膨胀流的轰击能量阈值 ,发现对丰中子系统40 Ca + 5 8Fe得到的能量阈值小于稳定系统40 Ca+ 5 8Ni所得到的能量阈值
根据太子河流域降水和产汇流特点 ,利用流域试点区观音阁水库枯季入库径流量、上游汛期降水量、汛末入库径流量和枯季降水量等实测系列资料 ,对所建立的BP神经网络模型进行训练、检验和对比分析 ,结果表明 ,所建立的枯季径流BP预报模型是合理可行的 ,并且具备较高的精度 ,可在同类地区推广使用
Ca-alginate beads were prepared with either external or internal calcium sources. The structures of both beads were investigated with the aid of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and confocal microscopy. It was shown that the beads with internal calcium source had a looser structure and bigger pore size than those with external calcium source. The attempts to interpret the difference were carried out by determining the Ca content within the beads at various times, which indicated that it was the different gelation mechanisms that caused the difference of structures of both beads. Furthermore, it was also found that the diffusion rate of haemoglobin (Hb) within the beads with an internal calcium source was faster than that of the beads with an external one, which was consistent with the observation of their structures.
由于影响因素的复杂性 ,预测降水量具有相当的难度。在假设区域长时间内降水量和蒸发量保持平衡的基础上 ,用 BP人工神经网络建立了陕西省汉中市的降水量预测模型 ,根据前 3个月降水量和蒸发量对降水量资料进行了模拟预测 ,结果认为其准确率为 84% ,合格率为 10 0 %。
利用地统计学和地理信息系统相结合的方法研究了沈阳市郊耕地土壤 (0~ 2 0cm)交换性钙含量的空间异质性特征 ,绘制了交换性钙含量的空间分布图。结果表明 ,土壤交换性钙含量经对数转换后基本符合正态分布 ,变异函数的最佳理论模型为球状模型 ,交换性钙含量具有很强的空间相关性 ,空间自相关距离为 15 8km ,其空间异质性主要受成土母质和土壤类型等结构性因子的影响