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A new method of measuring the mean size of solvent clusters in swollen polymer membrane is presented in this paper. This method is based on a combination of inverse gas chromatography (IGC) and equilibrium swelling. The mechanism is that weight fraction activity coefficient of solvent in swollen polymer is influenced by its clusters size. The mean clusters size of solvent in swollen polymer can be calculated as the quotient of the weight fraction activity coefficient of clustering system dividing the weigh fraction activity coefficient of non-clustering system. In this experiment, the weigh fraction activity coefficient of non-clustering system was measured with IGC. Methanol, ethanol and polyimide systems were tested with the new method at three temperatures, 20, 40, and 60degreesC. The mean clusters size of methanol in polyimide was five, four, and three at each temperature condition, respectively. Ethanol did not form clusters (the mean clusters size was one). In contrast to the inherent narrow temperature range in DSC, XRD, and FTIR methods, the temperature range in IGC and equilibrium swelling is broad. Compared with DSC. XRD. and FTIR, this new method can detect the clusters of solvent-polymer system at higher temperature.


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The high-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra can be used for the rapid multicomponent analysis in small amounts of biological fluids. In this paper, the effect of La (NO3)(3) on the rats' metabolism in urine was investigated by H-1 NMR analysis. The experimental groups of wistar rats were injected intraperitoneally with La(NO3)(3) at doses of 0.2, 2.0, 10 and 20mg/kg body weight. The remarkable variation of low molecular weight metabolites in urine has been identified by H-1 NMR spectra, in which dimethylamine, N, N-dimethylglycine, urea, alpha -ketoglutarate, trimethylamine N-oxide, succinate, citrate and amino acids have been suggested as NMR markers for renal damage and ethanol, lactate, taurine as the markers for liver damage. This work may assess its possible use in the early detection of biochemical changes associated with Rare Earth induced kidney and liver dysfunction.


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The essential oil in purple magnolia leaves was extracted by steam distillation approaches. The oil obtained was dried with anhydrous magnesium sulfate. According to the analysis of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, more than 40 peaks were separated and 32 compounds were identified. The identified constituents represent 95% of the peak area of the essential oil. The main compounds were germacrene-D, santolina triene, caryophyllene, 1,3,7-octatriene, 3,7-dimethyl, and camphene, etc.


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The A(m) index and molecular connectivity index were used for studying the photoionization sensitivity of some organic compounds in gas chromatography. The analysis of structure-property relationship between the photoionization sensitivity of the compounds and the A(m) indices or molecular connectivity indices has been carried out. The genetic algorighm was used to build the correlation model in this field. The results demonstrate that the property of compounds can be described by both A(m) indices and molecular connectivity indices, and the mathematical model obtained by the genetic algorithm was better than that by multivariate regression analysis.


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Single chain single crystals (SCSC) of gutta percha (GP) were prepared by a dilute-solution spraying method. Electron diffraction (ED) patterns revealed that the single chain single crystal was of a new crystalline modification, the delta form. The images of SCSC of GP obtained with a high resolution electron microscope (HREM) showed a two dimensional periodic structure. Most of the images consisted of lattice fringes derived from the (001) zone. This is the first time that the single chain single crystal images of GP have been observed at a molecular level. Micrographs were image processed using optical filtering methods to improve the signal-to-noise ratio, and were compared with computer-generated simulations of the images. From the viewpoint of the defects seen in high resolution images, the crystal formation and melting processes are discussed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hybrid materials incorporating poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) with tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) via a sol-gel process were studied for a wide range of compositions of PEG by DSC and high resolution solid-state C-13- and Si-29-NMR spectroscopy. The results indicate that the microstructure of the hybrid materials and the crystallization behavior of PEG in hybrids strongly depend on the relative content of PEG. With an increasing content of PEG, the microstructure of hybrid materials changes a lot, from intimate mixing to macrophase separation. It is found that the glass transition temperatures (T-g) (around 373 K) of PEG homogeneously embedded in a silica network are much higher than that (about 223 K) of pure PEG and also much higher in melting temperatures T-m (around 323 K) than PEG crystallites in heterogeneous hybrids. Meanwhile, the lower the PEG content, the more perfect the silica network, and the higher the T-g of PEG embedded in hybrids. An extended-chain structure of PEG was supposed to be responsible for the unusually high T-g of PEG. Homogeneous PEG-TEOS hybrids on a molecular level can be obtained provided that the PEG. content in the hybrids is less than 30% by weight. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with series dual glassy carbon electrodes for the amperometric detection of water-soluble menadione is described. The complex post-column derivatization reaction and the high background currents were avoided. The menadione sodium bisulfite was reduced at -0.3 V vs. SCE at the upstream (generator) electrode and oxidized at +0.2V vs. SCE at the downstream (collector) electrode. The mobile phase was 0.2moll(-1) HAc-NaAc aqueous buffer (pH 5.50) and 40% (v/v) methanol. The linear response was in the range of 35 ng to 15 mu g, with a detection Limit of 15 ng (S/N=3). The correlation coefficient was 0.9997 (n=6). The electrochemical detection with series dual electrodes has a higher selectivity for menadione (vitamin K-3) compound than with UV detection.


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A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method with amperometric detection is described for the separation and quantification of uric acid, guanine, hypoxanthine and xanthine. The isocratic separation of a standard mixture of the compounds was achieved in 5 min on a Spherisorb 5 C-18 reversed-phase column, with a mobile phase of NaH2PO4 (300 mmol dm(-3) pH 3.0)-methanol-acetonitrile-tetrahydrofuran (97.8 + 0.5 + 1.5 + 0.2). Uric acid, guanine, hypoxanthine and xanthine were completely separated, with detection limits in the range 2-20 pmol per injection. The effect of pH and the composition of the mobile phase on the separation are described. The hydrodynamic voltammograms of these compounds were recorded at a glassy carbon electrode. The linear range of the calibration graph for each compound was: uric acid; 1-5000 mu mol dm(-3); guanine, 0.5-2000 mu mol dm(-3); hypoxanthine, 0.1-500 mu mol dm(-3) and xanthine, 0.5-5000 mu mol dm(-3). The within- and between-day precision was good. The uric acid and hypoxanthine content in human plasma was measured using the proposed method. Good recoveries of uric acid (97.9-103%), hypoxanthine (98.0-99.2%), guanine (96.0-98.3%) and xanthine (96.0-102%) were obtained from human plasma. The results of electrochemical detection were in good agreement with those of UV detection.


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The microstructure of two bicomponent and one tricomponent segmented copolymers, based on polydimethylsiloxane, poly(p-hydroxystyrene) or/and polysulfone, were investigated using an extended Goldman-Shen pulse sequence, proton spin-spin relaxation measurements, and C-13 and Si-29 NMR spectra. The results indicate that there exist four phases with different sizes, components and morphological structure in the segmented copolymers studied in this work, i. e., a rigid-chain phase of very slow motion, a rigid-chain-rich phase of slow motion, a flexible-chain-rich phase of fast motion and a flexible-chain phase of faster motion. The sizes of different domains, calculated from the spin diffusion rates, are about 50-100 angstrom for the flexible-chain-rich phase of fast motion and 200-300 angstrom for the flexible-chain phase of faster motion. The relative quantities of polydimethylsiloxane in the flexible-chain phase of fast motion are slightly different in different kinds of segmented copolymers.


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Blends of crystallizable poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) with poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVPy) were studied by C-13 cross-polarization/magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) n.m.r. and d.s.c. The C-13 CP/MAS spectra show that the blends were miscible on a molecular level over the whole composition range studied, and that the intramolecular hydrogen bonds of PVA were broken and intermolecular hydrogen bonds between PVA and PVPy formed when the two polymers were mixed. The results of a spin-lattice relaxation study indicate that blending of the two polymers reduced the average intermolecular distance and molecular motion of each component, even in the miscible amorphous phase, and that addition of PVPy into PVA has a definite effect on the crystallinity of PVA in the blends over the whole composition range, yet there is still detectable crystallinity even when the PVPy content is as high as 80 wt%. These results are consistent with those obtained from d.s.c. studies.


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An extended Goldman-Shen pulse sequence was used to observe indirectly the proton spin diffusion in the blends of polystyrene (PS) with poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxides) (PPO). The results indicate that the average distance between PS and PPO is less than 5 angstrom in the intimately mixed phase, but there are heterogeneous domains on a 100-angstrom scale. The data of spin relaxation of carbons, T1(C), for homopolymers and their blends suggest that there is a strong pi-pi electron conjugation interaction between the aromatic rings of PS and those of PPO, while the aromatic rings of PPO drive the aromatic rings of PS to move cooperatively. It is the cooperative motion that markedly improves the impact strength of PS.


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The hyphenated technique of high performance liquid chromatography coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS) was applied to the simultaneous determination of five organotin compounds (trimethyltin, dibutyltin, tributyltin, diphenyltin and triphenyltin) in seawater samples. Agilent TC-C18 column was used for the separation, the mobile phase of HPLC was CH3CN : H2O: CH3COOH=65 : 23 : 12 (phi), 0.05% TEA, and pH value was adjusted to 3.0 by diluent ammonia. The flow rate was 0.6 mL . min(-1). Five mixed organotin compounds in a mix standard solution from 100 to 0.5 mu g . L-1 were applied for the method assessment. The experimental results indicate that the correlation coefficient of calibration curves (R-2) for each organotin compound was over 0.998 and the detection limits of the five organotin compounds were lower than 3 ng . L-1. Different mixed organic solvents including dichloromethane or toluene were used for extraction of organotin and the extraction condition of organotin from seawater was optimized. The 100 mL seawater acidized by hydrochloric acid was extracted by 10 mL carbon dichloride (CH2Cl2) with 2% tropolone for 10 min twice. Extracted organic solvents were mixed And blown to one drop by nitrogen with the rate of 1.7 mL . min(-1), then 1 mL acetonitrile was added to the drop for redissolving the organotin compounds. Finally, the mixed redissolution was filtered by 0.22 mu m organic filter membrane before analysis. it was found that the only organotin compound in seawater was triphenyltin (TPHT) and the content was 53.2 ng . L-1. The recoveries test from the standard addition for diphenyltin (DPHT), dibutyltin (DBT), tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPHT) were over 80%. However, the recovery for trimethyltin (TMT) was relatively low and the value was 50%. The reason might be attributed to the decomposition or adsorption of those compounds during the extraction procedure. Further study on this subject is in progress.