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自表面增强Raman散射(SERS)在粗糙化的银电极上被首次发现以来,对于SERS的研究取得了很大的进展。主要集中在对SERS基底的构筑、SERS机理的解释以及SERS的应用方面,包括在表面科学及生物分析中的应用。本论文主要通过纳米合成及组装技术构筑了具有高活性、稳定性及重现性好的SERS基底,研究了SERS的电磁增强机理以及SERS在分子组装体与生物分析中的应用。关于SERS基底的构筑,我们主要合成了中空的银金纳米结构,在玻碳表面构筑了高SERS活性的银纳米簇、在水汽界面构筑了二维金纳米阵列及金纳米棒的聚集体膜作为SERS基底。我们还研究了处于金属纳米粒子-耦联分子-金属纳米粒子以及银纳米片-耦联分子-宏观金银两种三明治结构中耦联分子的SERS谱,得出存在于这两种三明治结构中的局域电磁耦合效应LSP-LSP (Localized Surface Plasmon)及LSP与宏观金银表面的表面等离子极化SPP (Surface Plamon Polartion)之间的电磁耦合效应,即LSP-SPP耦合。对于SERS的应用,我们首先研究了SERS在分子组装体方面的应用,得出分子在金属表面的吸附行为;同时利用SERS所具有的独特特征,分别研究了SERS在活体细胞以及构建适配子传感器方面的应用。具体工作如下: 1. SERS基底的构筑 采用种子调控的置换反应制备了中空的银金双金属纳米结构,研究了探针分子在其上的SERS效应; 采用静电组装的方法在玻碳表面构筑了具有SERS活性的银纳米簇;在水汽界面构筑了具有高SERS活性的二维金纳米阵列及金纳米棒的聚集体膜,同时研究了这些纳米结构作为SERS基底的特征。 2. SERS的电磁耦合增强机理 通过构筑金/银纳米粒子-耦联分子-银纳米粒子的三明治结构,研究了处于该结构中的耦联分子的SERS谱,得出存在于金银纳米粒子间的局域的表面等离子之间的耦合效应,即LSP-LSP电磁耦合;研究了处于宏观金/银-耦联分子-银纳米片的三明治结构中耦联分子的SERS谱,得出存在于这种三明治结构中的银纳米片的局域表面等离子共振与宏观金、银表面的表面等离子极化之间的电磁耦合效应,即LSP-SPP电磁耦合。 SERS在分子组装体方面的应用 首先通过SERS研究了硫醇类分子如4,4’-二巯基苯硫醚(4,4’-TBBT)在金表面的吸附,同时辅助其它表征手段如电化学、原子力等得出金属表面分子单层膜的吸附行为;通过SERS研究了该分子在银电极及银溶胶表面吸附行为的差异,得出该分子在银电极及银溶胶表面不同的吸附取向。 4. SERS在生物分析中的应用 利用SERS所具有的独特的特征,研究了染料分子在银纳米粒子上的SERS光谱及其作为光学探针在活体细胞中的应用;通过对纳米金进行适配子及Raman探针的标记构筑了对蛋白进行高灵敏度及选择性识别的SERS的适配子传感器。


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This review focuses on the synthesis, assembly, surface functionalization, as well as application of inorganic nanostructures. Electrochemical and wet- chemical methods are demonstrated to be effective approaches to make metal nanostructures under control without addition of a reducing agent or protecting agent. Owing to the unique physical and chemical properties of the nano-sized materials, novel applications are introduced using inorganic nanomaterials, such as electrocatalysis, photoelectricity, spectrochemistry, and analytical chemistry.


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A templateless, surfactantless, electrochemical approach is proposed to directly fabricate hierarchical flowerlike gold microstructures (HFGMs) on an indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate. The as-prepared HFGMs have been characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and cyclic voltammetry.


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The deliberate tailoring of hierarchical flowerlike gold microstructure (HFGMs) at the ultrathin level is an ongoing challenge and could introduce opportunities for new fabrication and application in many fields. In this paper. a templateless, surfactantless, electrochemical strategy for fabrication of ultrathin platinum-group metal coated HFGMs is proposed. HFGMs were prepared by simple electrodeposition on an indium tin oxide (ITO) substrate.


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We report a facile and environmentally friendly strategy for high-yield synthesis of highly monodisperse gold nanoparticles with urchin-like shape. A simple protein, gelatin, was first used for the control over shape and orientation of the gold nanoparticles. These nanoparticles, ready to use for biological systems, are promising in the optical imaging-based disease diagnostics and therapy because of their tunable surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and excellent surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity.


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In this article, highly rough and stable surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS)-active substrates had been fabricated by a facile layer by-layer technique. Unique lambda-DNA networks and CTAB capped silver nanoparticles (AgNP) were alternatively self-assembled on the charged mica surface until a desirable number of bilayers were reached. The as-prepared hybrid architectures were characterized by UV-vis spectroscopy, tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) and confocal Raman microscopy, respectively.


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A controllable silver nanoparticle aggregate system has been synthesized by adding different amounts of ethanol to cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) capped silver nanoparticles (Ag-nps), which could be used as highly efficient surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) active substrates. This ethanol-induced aggregation can be attributed to preferential dissolution of CTAB into ethanol, which leads a partial removal of the protective CTAB layer on Ag-nps. The optical and morphological properties of these aggregates under various volumes of ethanol were explored via UV-vis spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy.


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Colloidal gold was prepared by UV light irradiation of the mixture of HAuCl4 aqueous solution and poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) ethanol solution in the presence of silver ions. The resulting sheet-like nanoparticles were found to self-assemble into nanoflowers by a centrifuging process. The results of control experiments reflected that only suitable size sheet-like nanoparticles could assemble into the flower-like structures. The presence of Ag ions and PVP are essential for the formation process of nanoflowers.


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Large-scale arrays consist of dendritic single-crystalline Ag/Pd alloy nanostructures are synthesized for the first time. A simple galvanic replacement reaction is introduced to grow these arrays directly on Ag substrates. The morphology of the products strongly depended on the reaction temperature and the concentration of H2PdCl4 solution. The mechanism of the formation of alloy and the dendritic morphology has been discussed. These alloy arrays exhibit high surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity and may have potential applications in investigation of "in situ" Pd catalytic reactions using SERS. Moreover, electrocatalytic measurements suggest that the obtained dendritic Ag/Pd alloy nanostructures exhibit electrocatytic activity toward the oxidation of formic acid.


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In this article, a simple and novel photochemical synthesis of different gold nanostructures is proposed using solar radiation. This method is rapid, convenient and of low cost, and can be performed under ambient conditions. By adjusting the concentration of sodium acetate (NaAc), different morphologies of the products can be easily obtained. Without NaAc, the products obtained are mainly polyhedral gold particles; lower concentration of NaAc (0.05 and 0.1 M) accelerates the formation of flowerlike gold nanostructures; while higher concentration of NaAc (0.5 M) facilitates the formation of a variety of gold nanowires and nanobelts. It is found that the morphology change of gold nanaostructures is the result of the synergistic effect of poly(diallyl dimethylammonium) chloride (PDDA), Ac- ions, and the pH value. In addition, the different gold nanostructures thus obtained were used as substrates for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) with p-aminothiophenol (p-ATP) as the probe molecule.


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In this work, rapid fabrication of Au nanoparticle (Au NP) films has been simply achieved by alternate adsorption of citrate-stabilized Au NPs and poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) with the aid of centrifugal force. In contrast to conventional electrostatic assembly, we carried out the assembly process in a centrifuge with a rotating speed of 4000 rpm, where centrifugal force can be imposed on Au NPs. Scanning electron microscopy and cyclic voltammetry were employed to characterize the assembly procedure and the thus-prepared thin solid films. Our results demonstrate that centrifugal force can promote the assembly of Au NPs and therefore enable the rapid fabrication of functional Au NP films.