104 resultados para COMB GENERATOR


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A simple set of electric circuits was used to assemble a pulse generator. With pulse potentials and under galvanostatical control, a clean silver wire was anodized electrochemically for 0.2-0.5 min in 1.0 moll(-1) HCl with a pulse current density of 20 mA cm(-2), and the pulse wave parameters of t(a)/t(c) = 1 and a cycle of 4 s forming an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Even though the AgCl layer was consumed during the working period when the Ag/AgCl electrode was used as a cathode, the AgCl layer could be in situ recovered electrochemically in serum used when a reversed potential was applied to the electrode system immediately after the measuring program was finished. The current response curve of the anode indicated that an AgCl layer in high density was basically accomplished during the first 6 pulse cycles in human serum. In order to keep a stable and uniform AgCl layer on the reference electrode after each measuring cycle, the ratio of the recovery time (t(r)) to the working time (t(w)) was measured and the smallest value was obtained at 0.03. The open-circuit potential of the Ag/AgCl electrode with respect to a SCE in 0.1 moll(-1) KCl was monitored over a period of 14 days and the mean value was 40.09 mV vs SCE with a standard deviation of 2.55 mV. The potential of the Ag/AgCl reference electrode did remain constant when the measurements were repeated more than 600 times in undiluted human serum with a standard deviation of 1.89 mV. This study indicated that the Ag/AgCl reference electrode could been rapidly fabricated with a pulse potential and could be used as a reference electrode with long-term stable properties in human serum samples.


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An expert system for the elucidation of the structures of organic compounds-ESESOC-II has been designed. It is composed of three parts: spectroscopic data analysis, structure generator, and evaluation of the candidate structures. The heart of ESESOC is the structure generator, as an integral part, which accepts the specific types of information, e.g. molecular formulae, substructure constraints, and produces an exhaustive and irredundant list of candidate structures. The scheme for the structural generation is given, in which the depth-first search strategy is used to fill the bonding adjacency matrix (BAM) and a new method is introduced to remove the duplicates.


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An expert system for the elucidation of the structure of organic compounds (ESESOC) has been developed. The heart of the ESESOC is formed by the structure generator as an integral part, which receives the specific type of information (molecular formula, s


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We studied the morphology of three rare haptorid ciliates, using live observation and silver impregnation: Apertospathula verruculifera n. sp., Longispatha elegans n. gen., n. sp., and Rhinothrix porculus (Penard, 1922) n. gen., n. comb. Simple ethanol fixation (50-70%, v/v) is recommended to reveal the ciliary pattern of "difficult" ciliates, such as R. porculus, by protargol impregnation. The three genera investigated have a distinct feature in common, viz., a lasso-shaped oral bulge and circumoral kinety, where the right half is slightly to distinctly longer than the left and the circumoral kinety is open ventrally. Thus, they are united in a new spathidiid family, the Apertospathulidae n. fam., which probably evolved from a Bryophyllum-like ancestor by partial reduction of the oral bulge and circumoral kinety. Apertospathula verruculifera has a wart-like process, the palpus dorsalis, at the anterior end of the dorsal brush. The right branch of the circumoral kinety is only slightly longer than the left one. Longispatha elegans has a straight oral bulge and circumoral kinety, the right branch of which extends to the posterior end of the body while the left branch ends in the anterior third of the body. Rhinothrix porculus, a curious ciliate with a snout-like dorsal elongation of the oral bulge, the palpus oralis, has a highly characteristic ciliary pattern: the oral pattern is as in Longispatha, but the bulge and circumoral kinety extend spirally to the posterior end of the body while the somatic kinetics course meridionally. This is achieved by inserting some shortened kinetics in the curves of the oral bulge.


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Based on material collected from French Polynesia and deposited in the Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, the present paper reports 31 palaemonid shrimp species, which belong to the Palaemoninae (two genera, three species) and to the Pontoniinae (12 genera, 28 species), including six new species. The new species are: Izucaris crosnieri n. sp., Periclimenes alexanderi n. sp., P. josephi n. sp., P platydactylus n. sp., P polynesiensis n. sp. and P vicinus n. sp. Detailed descriptions and illustrations of the new species are provided. Besides the six new species, ten other species are recorded for the first time from French Polynesia: Exoclimenella maldivensis Duris & Bruce, 1995, Kemponia rapanui (Fransen, 1987) n. comb., Palaemonella crosnieri Bruce, 1978, P spinulata Yokoya, 1936, Periclimenaeus hecate (Nobili, 1904), P orbitocarinatus Fransen, 2006, Periclimenes aleator Bruce, 199 1, P paralcocki Li & Bruce, 2006, P uniunguiculatus Bruce, 1990, Pontonides loloata Bruce, 2005.


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A novel actinomycete strain, designated YIM 002(T), was isolated from a desert soil sample in Gansu Province, north-west China. This actinomycete isolate formed well-differentiated aerial and substrate mycelia. In the early stages of growth, the substrate mycelia fragmented into short or elongated rods. Chemotaxonomically, it contained LL-2,6-diaminopimelic acid in the cell wall. The cell-wall sugars contained ribose and glucose. Phospholipids present were phosphatidylinositol mannosides, phosphatidylinositol and diphosphatidylglycerol. MK-9(H-4) was the predominant menaquinone. The major fatty acids were anteiso C-15:0 (35.92%), anteiso C-17:0 (15.84%), iso C-15:0 (10.40%), iso C-16:0 (7.07%) and C(17:10)w8c (9.37%). The G+C content of the DNA was 70 mol%. Phylogenetic analysis and signature nucleotide data based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that strain YIM 002(T) is distinct from all recognized genera of the family Nocardioidaceae in the suborder Propionibacterineae. On the basis of the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics, it is proposed that isolate YIM 002(T) be classified as a novel species in a new genus, Jiangella gansuensis gen. nov., sp. nov. The type strain is YIM 002(T) (= DSM 44835(T) = CCTCC AA 204001(T) = KCTC 19044(T)).


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The following new species, new variety, new name, and four new combinations are published for the forthcoming account of Saxifraga L. in the Flora of China, Volume 8: S. epiphylla Gornall & H. Ohba, sp. nov., S. gemmigera Engler var. gemmuligera (Engler) J. T. Pan & Gornall, comb. nov., S. heterotricha Marquand & Airy-Shaw var. anadena (H. Smith) J. T. Pan & Gornall, comb. et stat, nov., S. hypericoides Franchet var. aurantiascens (Engler & Irmscher) J. T. Pan & Gornall, comb. nov., S. hypericoides var. rockii (Mattfeld) J. T. Pan & Gornall, comb. et stat. nov., S. sinomontana J. T. Pan & Gornall, nom. nov., and S. sinomontana var. amabilis H. Smith ex J. T. Pan, var. nov. In addition, the names S. mengtzeana Engler & Irmscher and S. mengtzeana var. cordatifolia Engler & Irmscher are lectotypified here.


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依据生物利用中央模式发生器(Central pattern generator,CPG)的自激行为产生有节律的协调运动适应多种环境,基于循环抑制CPG建模理论设计了蛇形机器人CPG控制器模型,分析了单个神经元、循环抑制CPG以及该控制器模型的稳定性,并把该控制器应用到一个结合蛇形机器人“勘查者-Ⅰ”动力学特性的仿真模型,得到了实现蜿蜒运动的CPG控制器参数,进而研究了调节S波个数、身体构形曲率、蜿蜒运动速度以及运动轨迹曲率的CPG控制器参数设定策略。此外,“勘查者-Ⅰ”应用该CPG控制器的输出成功实现了蜿蜒运动。该研究结果为设计人工CPG控制器提供了一个可行的方法。


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蛇具有细长无肢的身体、独特的半球形关节,使其可在神经系统控制下完成与环境相适应的多种节律运动。模仿蛇的运动机理和行为方式而设计的蛇形机器人克服了轮腿式机器人的缺点,增加了机器人的运动方式,扩大了机器人的应用范围。但应用传统的控制策略实现蛇形机器人运动控制遇到了很难克服的问题。随着社会经济与科技的发展,研究人员把从蛇运动神经系统研究中得到的启示应用到蛇形机器人上,希望不仅可以解决其运动控制问题,更能在构型、步态及控制机制上皆可展示蛇的特征。 生物学家已经证明动物的节律运动是其低级神经中枢的自激行为,是由中枢模式发生器(Central Pattern Generator,CPG)控制的。中枢模式发生器是一种能够在缺乏有规律的感知和中枢控制输入的情况下,产生有节奏模式输出的神经网络。 本文以国家自然科学基金课题《基于CPG的蛇形机器人控制方法研究》和国家“863”高技术计划资助项目《具有环境适应能力的蛇形机器人的研究》为依托,突破以相互抑制机理研究CPG的传统观点,首次创新性地提出应用循环抑制(Cyclic Inhibition, CI)机理来研究蛇形机器人的CPG建模与实现问题。本研究涵概了神经元模型的特性分析、蛇形机器人关节循环抑制CPG建模理论、蛇形机器人循环抑制CPG神经网络稳定性分析以及典型步态的生成方法、循环抑制CPG神经网络控制蛇形机器人蜿蜒运动参数设定策略、应用动力学仿真和实验对该CPG控制方法有效性的验证。 首先,本文介绍了两个用于CPG建模研究的蛇形机器人“勘查者”和“勘查者-I”。给出各自机械系统、控制系统的构成和动力学仿真平台。 其次,详细分析了神经元以及传统的相互抑制(Mutual Inhibition, MI)CPG的特性。从工程角度首次创新性地应用循环抑制建模理论构建了蛇形机器人CPG模型,并对其稳定性进行了深入的分析。首次证明持续型神经元构成的单向循环抑制(Unilateral Cyclic Inhibition, UCI) CPG是能产生振荡输出CPG中微分方程数量最少的,而且其产生振荡输出的机理完全不同于传统的相互抑制CPG。其不需要具备调整功能,只需要神经元之间强的单向循环抑制连接。 第三,首次应用单向激励连接循环抑制CPG构成蛇形机器人神经网络系统。分析了其稳定性,给出其产生振荡输出的条件。通过仿真和实验验证了循环抑制CPG神经网络实现典型步态(蜿蜒运动、伸缩运动和侧向运动)的有效性。首次应用双向循环抑制(Bidirectional Cyclic Inhibition, BCI)CPG神经网络在不同高级控制神经元命令激活下的输出实现蛇形机器人典型运动步态之间的转换。为蛇节律运动生成机制建模提供了新方法。 最后,从实时性、控制方便性等工程应用的角度,对单向循环抑制CPG神经网络实现蛇形机器人蜿蜒运动控制进行了深入的分析。给出了S-波形、幅值、运动速度和运动轨迹曲率的参数设定策略。该系统应用首CPG自激励权重调解成功解决了传统CPG控制系统中CPG的个数比蛇形机器人关节数多一个的问题,并用其实现了一种独特的转弯控制策略。 综上,为蛇形机器人运动控制提供了全新的方法。


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Previous researches has shown that two components of the event- related brain potential, the feedback negativity (FRN) and P300, are related to outcome evaluation. So far, the nature of the outcome evaluation reflected by FRN and the significance of P300 remains unknown. Some studies found that the process of outcome evaluation may be related to the expectation, and the FRN may be affected by the intensity levels of the expectation for the outcome. To address these issues, the present study will start on two aspects: (1)This study required 39 participants to make attribution about their performance during a task, the aim was to assess the levels of the expectations for the outcome under four conditions in the attribution task. The main finding is that, the expectations for monetary reward under four conditions are scaled. (2)Based on the results of the first study, this study also required 16 participants to make attribution about their performance during a task. A functional dissociation was observed, with the FRN affected by the intensity levels of the expectation for the outcome, while the P300 sensitive to the degree of emotion the participants experienced. Dipole source location analysis showed that the most likely neural generator of FRN and P300 is the cingulate cortex, suggesting that FRN might reflect cognitive conflict when the actual outcome is different from the expectation, and P300 is related to the emotion processing of outcome stimuli. These results suggest that there is a functional dissociation between FRN and P300.