608 resultados para universal crossed molecular beam machine


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Postgrowth rapid thermal annealing was performed on InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The blue shift of the emission peak and the narrowing of the luminescence line width are observed at lower annealing temperature. However, when the annealing temperature is increased to 850 degrees C, the emission line width becomes larger. The TEM image of this sample shows that the surface becomes rough, and some large clusters are formed, which is due to the interdiffusion of In, Ga atoms at the InGaAs/GaAs interface and to the strain relaxation. The material is found to degrade dramatically when the annealing temperature is further increased to 900 degrees C, while emission from quantum dots can still be detected, along with the appearance of the emission from excited state. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of superlattices delta-GaNxAs1-x/GaAs were grown by a DC plasma-N-2-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. The evolution of the surface reconstruction during the growth has been studied with the use of in situ reflection high-energy electron diffraction. The superlattices have been characterized by high-resolution X-ray diffraction measurements. Distinct satellite peaks indicate that the superlattices are of good quality. The N compositions in strained GaNxAs1-x monolayers are obtained from the dynamical simulations of the measured X-ray diffraction patterns. The periodicity fluctuations of N composition are obtained from a kinematical method dependent on the broadening of the satellite peaks of the X-ray diffraction. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple model is presented to discuss the effect of As precipitates on the Fermi level in GaAs grown by molecular-beam epitaxy at low temperature (LT-GaAs). This model implements the compensation between point defects and the depletion of arsenic precipitates. The condition that the Fermi level is pinned by As precipitates is attained. The shifts of the Fermi level in LT-GaAs with annealing temperature are explained by our model. Additionally, the role of As precipitates in conventional semi-insulating GaAs is discussed. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)09905-9].


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In situ doping for growth of n-p-n Si/SiGe/Si heterojuction bipolar transistor (HBT) structural materials in Si gas source molecular beam epitaxy is investigated. We studied high n-type doping kinetics in Si growth using disilane and phosphine, and p-type doping in SiGe growth using disilane, soild-Ge, and diborane with an emphasis on the effect of Ge on B incorporation. Based on these results, in situ growth of n-p-n Si/SiGe/Si HBT device structure is demonstrated with designed structural and carrier profiles, as verified from characterizations by X-ray diffraction, and spreading resistance profiling analysis. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) on the optical properties of GaNxAs1-x/GaAs strained single quantum well (SQW) was studied by low-temperature photoluminescence (PL). The GaNxAs1-x/GaAs SQW structures were prepared by dc active nitrogen plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy. PL measurements on a series of samples with different well widths and nitrogen compositions were used to evaluate the effects of RTA. The annealing temperature and time were varied from 650 to 850 degrees C and 30 s to 15 min, respectively. Remarkable improvements of the optical properties of the samples were observed after RTA under optimum conditions. The interdiffusion constants have been calculated by taking into account error function diffusion and solving the Schrodinger equation. The estimated interdiffusion constants D are 10(-17)-10(-16) cm(2)/s for the earlier annealing conditions. Activation energies of 6-7 eV are obtained by fitting the temperature dependence of the interdiffusion constants. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)10401-3].


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The deposition of InxGa1-xAs (0.2 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.5) on (311)B GaAs surfaces using solid source molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) has been studied. Both AFM and photoluminescence emission showed that homogeneous quantum dots could be formed on (311)B GaAs surface when indium composition was around 0.4. Indium composition had a strong influence on the size uniformity and the lateral alignment of quantum dots. Compared with other surface orientation, (100) and (n11) A/B (n=1,2,3), photoluminescence measurement confirmed that (311)B surface is the most advantageous in fabricating uniform and dense quantum dots.


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In this paper, InGaAs quantum dots with an adjusting InGaAlAs layer underneath are grown on (n 1 1)A/B (n = 2-5) and the reference (1 0 0) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. Small and dense InGaAs quantum dots are formed on (1 0 0) and (n 1 1)B substrates. A comparative study by atomic force microscopy shows that the alignment and uniformity for InGaAs quantum dots are greatly improved on(5 1 1)B but deteriorated on (3 1 1)B surface, demonstrating the great influence of the buried InGaAlAs layer. There is an increase in photoluminescence intensity and a decrease in the full-width at half-maximum when n varies from 2 to 5. Quantum dots formed on (3 1 1)A and (5 1 1)A surfaces are large and random in distribution, and no emission from these dots can be detected. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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InAs and In0.9Al0.1As self-assembled quantum dots have been grown by Stranski-Krastanow growth mode on In0.52Al0.48As lattice-matched on (0 0 1)InP substrates by MBE. The ternary In0.9Al0.1As dots on InP was demonstrated for the first time. The structural and optical properties were characterized using TEM and PL, respectively. Experimental results show that, a larger critical thickness is required for In0.9Al0.1As dots formation than for InAs dots, the In0.9Al0.1As dots show larger sizes and less homogeneity; some ordering in alignment can be observed in both InAs and In0.9Al0.1As dots, and In0.9Al0.1As dots give narrower luminescence than InAs dots. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have found that GaN epilayers grown by NH3-source molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) contain hydrogen. Dependent on the hydrogen concentration, GaN on (0001) sapphire can be either under biaxially compressive strain or under biaxially tensile strain. Furthermore, we notice that background electrons in GaN increase with hydrogen incorporation. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements of the N1s region indicate that hydrogen is bound to nitrogen. So, the microdefect Ga...H-N is an effective nitrogen vacancy in GaN, and it may be a donor partly answering for the background electrons. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Uniform and high phosphorous doping has been demonstrated during Si growth by GSMBE using disilane and phosphine. The p-n diodes, which consist of a n-Si layer and a p-SiGe layer grown on Si substrate, show a normal I-V characteristic. A roughening transition during P-doped Si growth is found. Ex situ SEM results show that thinner film is specular. When the film becomes thicker, there are small pits of different sizes randomly distributed on the flat surface. The average pit size increases, the pit density decreases, and the size distribution is narrower for even thicker film. No extended defects are found at the substrate interface or in the epilayer. Possible causes for the morphological evolution are discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A phenomenological model is proposed to explain quantitatively the interesting compositional dependence on the Ge incorporation rate during low-temperature growth of Si1-xGex by disilane and solid-Ge molecular beam epitaxy, based on enhanced hydrogen desorption from Si sites due to the presence of Ge atoms. The hydrogen desorption rate constant for disilane on Si sites is fitted to an exponential function of Ge incorporation rate and a possible physical explanation is discussed. Simulated results are in excellent agreement with experimental data. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(99)02109-X].


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Self-assembled InxGa1-xAs quantum dots (QDs) on (311) and (100) GaAs surfaces have been grown by conventional solid source molecular beam epitaxy. Spontaneously ordering alignment of InxGa1-xAs QDs with lower In content around 0.3 has been observed on As-terminated (B type) surfaces. The direction of alignment orientation of the QDs formation differs from the direction of misorientation of the (311) B surface, and is strongly dependent upon the In content x. The ordering alignment becomes significantly deteriorated as the In content is increased to above 0.5 or as the QDs are formed on (100) and (311) Ga-terminated (A type) substrates.


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Growth mode and strain relaxation of molecular-beam-epitaxy grown InAs/InAlAs/InP (111)A system have been investigated using reflection high-energy electron diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and photoluminescence measurements. In direct contrast to the well-studied InAs/GaAs system, our experimental results show that the InAs grown on InAlAs/InP (111)A follows the Stranski-Krastanov mode. Both self-organized InAs quantum dots and relaxed InAs islands are formed depending on the InAs coverage. Intense luminescence signals from both the InAs quantum dots and wetting layer are observed. The luminescence efficiency of (111)A samples is comparable to that of (001) samples, suggesting the feasibility of fabricating quantum dot optoelectronic devices on InP (111)A surfaces. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)01010-4].


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Gas source molecular beam epitaxy has been used to grow Si1-xGex alloys and Si1-xGex/Si multi-quantum wells (MQWs) on (100) Si substrates with Si2H6 and GeH4 as sources. Heterostructures and MQWs with mirror-like surface morphology, good crystalline qualify, and abrupt interfaces have been studied by a variety of in situ and ex situ techniques. The structural stability and strain relaxation in Si1-xGex/Si heterostructures have been investigated, and compared to that in the As ion-implanted Si1-xGex epilayers. The results show that the strain relaxation mechanism of the non-implanted Si1-xGex epilayers is different from that of the As ion-implanted Si1-xGex epilayers.


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Structural properties of SiGe/Si single wells are studied by double-crystal X-ray diffraction. Four SiGe/Si single wells have been grown on Si (0 0 1) at 750 degrees C by disilane and solid-Ge molecular beam epitaxy with varied disilane cracking temperature. Using dynamic theory, together with kinematic theory and the specific growth procedure adopted, structural parameters in the multilayer structure are determined precisely. The results are compared with those obtained from PL and XTEM as well as AES measurements. It is found that disilane adsorption is dependent on cracking temperature as well as Ge incorporation. Disilane adsorption is increased by cracking disilane while it decreased with Ge incorporation (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.