135 resultados para normal-mode analysis


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Coupled microcircular resonators tangentially coupled to a bus waveguide, which is between the resonators, are numerically investigated by the finite-difference time-domain technique. For symmetrically coupled microcircular resonators with refractive index of 3.2, radius of 2 mu m, and width of the bus waveguide of 0.4 mu m, a mode Q factor of the order of 105 is obtained for a mode at the frequency of 243 THz. An output coupling efficiency of as high as 0.99 is calculated for a mode with a Q factor ranging from 10(3) to 10(4). The mode Q factor is 2 orders larger than that of the modes confined in a single circular resonator tangentially coupled to the same bus waveguide. Furthermore, the high Q traveling modes in the coupled microcircular resonators are suitable for optical single processing.


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The basic idea of the finite element beam propagation method (FE-BPM) is described. It is applied to calculate the fundamental mode of a channel plasmonic polariton (CPP) waveguide to confirm its validity. Both the field distribution and the effective index of the, fundamental mode are given by the method. The convergence speed shows the advantage and stability of this method. Then a plasmonic waveguide with a dielectric strip deposited on a metal substrate is investigated, and the group velocity is negative for the fundamental mode of this kind of waveguide. The numerical result shows that the power flow direction is reverse to that of phase velocity.


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Mode behaviour for SOI slot waveguides is modelled and analysed using a numerical full vectorial method based on the film mode matching method (MMM). Only the quasi-TE mode is investigated. Waveguide heights and slot widths, as well as silicon widths are properly chosen with respect to the single mode behaviour in the slot region. Comparison between the effective index method and our side loss method shows that our single mode condition is creditable. The optical power confinement in slot region for the quasi-TE mode is also studied and presented. We demonstrate that the maximum achievable optical power confinement P-slot and the maximum normalized average optical intensity I-slot are 42% and 26 mu m(-2), respectively.


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Modes in a microsquare resonator slab with strong vertical waveguide consisting of air/semiconductor/air are analyzed by three-dimensional (3-D) finite-difference time-domain simulation, and compared with that of two-dimensional (2-D) simulation under effective index approximation. Mode frequencies and field distributions inside the resonator obtained by the 3-D simulation are in good agreement with those of the 2-D approximation. However, field distributions at the boundary of the resonator obtained by 3-D simulation are different from that of the 2-D simulation, especially the vertical field distribution near the boundary is great different from that of the slab waveguide, which is used in the effective index approximation. Furthermore the quality factors obtained by 3-D simulation are much larger. than that by 2-D simulation for the square resonator slab with the strong vertical waveguide.


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Wafer bonding between p-Si and an n-InP-based InGaAsP multiple quantum well (MQW) wafer was achieved by a direct wafer bonding method. In order to investigate the strain at different annealing temperatures, four pre-bonded pairs were selected, and pair one was annealed at 150 degrees C, pair two at 250 degrees C, pair three at 350 degrees C, and pair four at 450 degrees C, respectively. The macroscopical strains on the bonded epitaxial layer include two parts, namely the internal strain and the strain caused by the mismatching of the crystalline orientation between InP (100) and Si (100). These strains were measured by the X-ray double crystalline diffraction, and theoretical calculations of the longitudinal and perpendicular thermal strains at different annealing temperatures were calculated using the bi-metal thermostats model, both the internal strain and the thermal strain increase with the annealing temperature. Normal thermal stress and the elastic biaxial thermal strain energy were also calculated using this model. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An n-InP-based InGaAsP multiple-quantum-well wafer was bonded with p-Si by chemical surface activated bonding at 70 degrees C, and then annealed at 450 degrees C. Different thermal expansion coefficients between InP and Si will induce thermal stresses in the bonded wafer. Planar and cross-sectional distributions of thermal stress in the bonded InP-Si pairs were analyzed by a two-dimensional finite element method. In addition, the normal, peeling, and shear stresses were calculated by an analytic method. Furthermore, x-ray double crystalline diffraction was applied to measure the thermal strain and the strain caused by the mismatching of the crystalline orientation between InP (100) and Si (100). The wavelength redshift of the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum due to thermal strain was investigated via the calculation of the band structure, which is in agreement with the measured PL spectra.


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We provide a detailed expression of the vibrational potential for the lattice dynamics of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT's) satisfying the requirements of the exact rigid translational as well as rotational symmetries, which is a nontrivial generalization of the valence force model for the planar graphene sheet. With the model, the low-frequency behavior of the dispersion of the acoustic modes as well as the flexure mode can be precisely calculated. Based upon a comprehensive chiral symmetry analysis, the calculated mode frequencies (including all the Raman- and infrared-active modes), velocities of acoustic modes, and the polarization vectors are systematically fitted in terms of the chiral angle and radius, where the restrictions of various symmetry operations of SWCNT's are fulfilled.


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In recent years, growth of GaN-based materials-related quantum dots has become a hot topic in semiconductor materials research. Considerable efforts have been devoted to growth of self-assembled quantum dots of GaN-based materials via MOCVD (Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition) and there are a lot of relevant literatures. There is, however, few review papers for the topic. In this paper, different experimental methods for fabrication of quantum dots of GaN-based materials via MOCVD are critically reviewed and the experimental conditions and parameters, which may affect growth of the quantum dots, are analyzed, with an aim at providing some critical reference for the related future experiment research.


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Semiconductor microlasers with an equilateral triangle resonator (ETR) are analyzed by rate equations with the mode lifetimes calculated by the finite-difference time-domain technique and the Pade approximation. A gain spectrum based on the relation of the gain spectrum and the spontaneous emission spectrum is proposed for considering the mode selection in a wide wavelength span. For an ETR microlaser with the side length of about 5 mum, we find that single fundamental mode operation at about 1.55 mum can be obtained as the side length increases from 4.75 to 5.05 mum. The corresponding wavelength tuning range is 93 nm, and the threshold current is about 0.1 to 0.4 mA.


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The eigenmodes confined in the equilateral triangle resonator (ETR) are analyzed by deriving the eigenvalues and the mode field distributions and by the finite difference time domain (FDTD) technique. The analytical results show that the one-period-length for the mode light rays inside the ETR is the perimeter of the ETR, and the number of transverse modes is limited by the condition of total internal reflection. In addition, the sum of the longitudinal mode index and the transverse mode index should be an even number, which limits the number of confined modes again. Based on the FDTD technique and the Pade approximation, we calculate the mode resonant frequencies and the quality factors from the local maximum and the width of the spectral distribution of the intensity The numerical results of mode frequencies agree very well with the analytical results, and the quality factor of the fundamental mode is usually higher than that of the higher order transverse modes. The results show that the ETR is suitable to realize single-made operation as semiconductor microcavity lasers.


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Swirl defects in dislocation-free Czochralski (CZ) silicon crystals have been investigated by preferential etching, transmission electron microscopy (TER I) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) mode of a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). Two kinds of Swirl defects have been found with a good correspondence between striated pattern consisting of hillocks and the buried micro-defects. The Swirl defects were identified as perfect dislocation loop cluster and tetrahedral precipitate, respectively. In addition, a kind of tiny micro-defects is found to be distributed preferentially in the vicinity of the Swirl pattern although there is no detectable correspondence between hillocks and the micro-defects. The energy-filtered images have been obtained by the plasma peaks at different parts of a coherent precipitate with the Si matrix. The experimental results show some indications of the existence of oxygen and carbon in the core of the precipitate and suggest that oxygen and carbon may play important roles in the formation of Swirl defect. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Output coupling efficiencies are analyzed for triangular and square microlasers connected with an output waveguide by FDTD simulation. The results show that square resonator with an output waveguide connected to the midpoint of one side can have high output coupling efficiency and a good mode selection.


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This paper describes the design and fabrication process of a two-dimensional GaAs-based photonic crystal nanocavity and analyzes the optical characterization of cavity modes at room temperature. Single InAs/InGaAs quantum dots (QDs) layer was embedded in a GaAs waveguide layer grown on an Al0.7Ga0.3As layer and GaAs substrate. The patterning of the structure and the membrane release were achieved by using electron-beam lithography, reaction ion etching, inductively coupled plasma etching and selective wet etching. The micro-luminescence spectrum is recorded from the fabricated nanocavities, and it is found that some high-order cavity modes are clearly observed besides the lowest-order resonant mode is exhibited in spite of much high rate of nonradiative recombination. The variance of resonant modes is also discussed as a function of r/a ratio and will be used in techniques aimed to improve the probability of achieving spectral coupling of a single QD to a cavity mode.


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We demonstrate a harmonic mode-locked ytterbium-doped fibre ring laser, which consists of a polarization-sensitive isolator, two polarization controllers, two 976 nm laser diodes as the pump source and a two-segment ytterbium-doped fibre. Utilizing an additive pulse mode-locked technique based on nonlinear polarization evolution, the ytterbium-doped fibre laser can operate in mode-locked state by adjusting the position of polarization controllers. The cavity fundamental repetition rate is 23.78 MHz. We also observe the second- and third-harmonic mode locking in the normal dispersion region, and their repetition rates are 47.66 MHz and 71.56 MHz, respectively. Over-driving of the saturable absorber in the harmonic mode-locking pulse is analysed and discussed in detail.


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We investigate slow-light pulse propagation in an optical fiber via transient stimulated Brillouin scattering. Space-time evolution of a generating slow-light pulse is numerically calculated by solving three-wave coupled-mode equations between a pump beam, an acoustic wave, and a counterpropagating signal pulse. Our mathematical treatments are applicable to both narrowband and broadband pump cases. We show that the time delay of 85% pulse width can be obtained for a signal pulse of the order of subnanosecond pulse width by using a broadband pump, while the signal pulse is broadened only by 40% of the input signal pulse. The physical origin of the pulse broadening and distortion is explained in terms of the temporal decay of the induced acoustic field. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America