124 resultados para ab initio study


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The interactive pair potential between Al and H is obtained based on the ab initio calculation and the Chen-Mobius 3D lattice inversion formula. By utilizing the pair potentials calculated, the effects of hydrogen on the dislocation emission from crack tip have been studied. The simulated result shows that hydrogen can reduce the cohesive strength for Al single crystal, and then the critical stress intensity factor for partial dislocation emission decreases from 0.11 MPa root m (C-H = 0) to 0.075 MPa root m (C-H=0.72%) and 0.06 MPa root m (C-H = 1.44%). This indicates thar hydrogen can enhance the dislocation emission. The simulation also shows that atoms of hydrogen can gather and turn into small bubbles, resulting in enhancement of the equilibrium vacancy concentration.


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The deformation of alkali metals K, Rb, and Cs under epitaxial deformation is studied via the ab initio pseudopotential plane wave method using the local-density approximation. Under loading from the stable fee phase, metastable stares along directions [001], [111], and [201] are identified. One metastable state, presented at direction [201], has a very low symmetry in contrast to the planes [001] and [201]. Our results show that the softening direction and sequences of growth is significantly affected by the existence of the metastable states and magnitude of the energy barrier. The resulting softening sequences from soft to hard are [201], [110], [001], and [111] under biaxial compression and [001], [111], [201], and [110] under biaxial tension. An orthorhombic deformation path is used to investigate the fact, that the structure of the alkali films K and Cs evolve from the quasihexagonal structure into the (110)-oriented bcc structure, observed by experiments.


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本文旨在研究双原子分子化学反应的微观模型、表面复合反应机制和分子 相继碰撞中的能量传递过程等问题。这些问题的本质是如何考虑分子和原子之 间的相互作用,传统的研究途径是从能量观点出发的。本文尝试将力学的观点 和方法,与分子模型和统计平均手段结合起来,在计算机的帮助下,分析和研 究这些问题。 本文所建立的依赖空间取向化学反应模型认为:化学键断裂的充要条件是 作用于化学键的拉伸力超过它的抗拉极限。由此导出的双原子分子的反应微观 判据及反应速率常数Arrhenius形式的表达式,反映了碰撞空间取向以及反应势 能面的影响。对这个模型的检验和应用表明:它能够解释了置换反应速率常数 实验数据拟合公式k_f=aTbexp(-Ts/T)中Ts<ab initio)方法。它的突出特点是能够模拟分子之间的相继碰撞,直接给出了分子转动能或振动能随碰撞次数的变化过程,这对于了解和认识热力学非平衡现象特别有帮助口对同核双原子分子和惰性气体分子碰撞 过程的模拟结果,与实验或理论结果符合,说明单个靶分子方法的基本想法和 实施步骤,以及我们对惰性气体分子和同核双原子分子及其原子相互作用的考 虑,是现实可行的。 此外,本文附录还简要介绍了作者在读博士期间完成的其它工作,包括一 种自然的宏观流动量分解方法及封闭的平均流动方程、过渡领域三维复杂外形 绕流场的直接统计模拟以及过渡领域高超声速圆柱绕流的直接统计模拟等。


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The polar headgroup of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) molecule both in gas phase and aqueous Solution is investigated by the hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) method, in which the polar head of DPPC molecule and the bound water molecules are treated with density functional theory (DFT), while the apolar hydrocarbon chain of DPPC molecule is treated with MM method. It is demonstrated that the hybrid QM/MM method is both accurate and efficient to describe the conformations of DPPC headgroup. Folded structures of headgroup are found in gas phase calculations. In this work, both monohydration and polyhydration phenomena are investigated. In monohydration, different water association sites are studied. Both the hydration energy and the quantum properties of DPPC and water molecules are calculated at the DFT level of theory after geometry optimization. The binding force of monohydration is estimated by using the scan method. In polyhydration, more extended conformations are found and hydration energies in different polyhydration styles are estimated. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Nine base-quartets were calculated by six semi-empirical methods and ab initio Hartree-Fork method using STO-3G basis set. The results showed that PM3 method can be use to calculate base quartets, the results of PM3 calculations are close to the ab initio


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The crystal structure, mechanical properties and electronic structure of ground state BeH2 are calculated employing the first-principles methods based on the density functional theory. Our calculated structural parameters at equilibrium volume are well consistent with experimental results. Elastic constants, which well obey the mechanical stability criteria, are firstly theoretically acquired. The bulk modulus B, Shear modulus G, Young's modulus E, and Poisson's ratio upsilon are deduced from the elastic constants. The bonding nature in BeH2 is fully interpreted by combining characteristics in band structure, density of states, and charge distribution. The ionicity in the Be-H bond is mainly featured by charge transfer from Be 2s to H 1s atomic orbitals while its covalency is dominated by the hybridization of H 1s and Be 2p states. The Bader analysis of BeH2 and MgH2 are performed to describe the ionic/covalent character quantitatively and we find that about 1.61 (1.6) electrons transfer from each Be (Mg) atom to H atoms.


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Atomic configurations and formation energies of native defects in an unsaturated GaN nanowire grown along the [001] direction and with (100) lateral facets are studied using large-scale ab initio calculation. Cation and anion vacancies, antisites, and interstitials in the neutral charge state are all considered. The configurations of these defects in the core region and outermost surface region of the nanowire are different. The atomic configurations of the defects in the core region are same as those in the bulk GaN, and the formation energy is large. The defects at the surface show different atomic configurations with low formation energy. Starting from a Ga vacancy at the edge of the side plane of the nanowire, a N-N split interstitial is formed after relaxation. As a N site is replaced by a Ga atom in the suboutermost layer, the Ga atom will be expelled out of the outermost layers and leaves a vacancy at the original N site. The Ga interstitial at the outmost surface will diffuse out by interstitialcy mechanism. For all the tested cases N-N split interstitials are easily formed with low formation energy in the nanowires, indicating N-2 molecular will appear in the GaN nanowire, which agrees well with experimental findings.


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In this paper, we propose a lattice dynamic treatment for the total potential energy of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) which is, apart from a parameter for the nonlinear effects, extracted from the vibrational energy of the planar graphene sheet. The energetics, elasticity and lattice dynamics are treated in terms of the same set of force constants, independently of the tube structures. Based upon this proposal, we have investigated systematically the relaxed lattice configuration for narrow SWCNTs, the strain energy, the Young's modulus and Poisson ratio, and the lattice vibrational properties with respect to the relaxed equilibrium tubule structure. Our calculated results for various physical quantities are nicely in consistency with existing experimental measurements. In particular, we verified that the relaxation effect makes the bond length longer and the frequencies of various optical vibrational modes softer. Our calculation provides evidence that the Young's modulus of an armchair tube exceeds that of the planar graphene sheet, and that the large diameter limits of the Young's modulus and Poisson ratio are in agreement with the experimental values of graphite; the calculated radial breathing modes for ultra-narrow tubes with diameters ranging between 2 and 5 angstrom coincide with the experimental results and the existing ab initio calculations with satisfaction. For narrow tubes with a diameter of 20 angstrom, the calculated frequencies of optical modes in the tubule's tangential plane, as well as those of radial breathing modes, are also in good agreement with the experimental measurements. In addition, our calculation shows that various physical quantities of relaxed SWCNTs can actually be expanded in terms of the chiral angle defined for the corresponding ideal SWCNTs.


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Using first-principles electronic structure calculations we find that the titanium vacancy and divacancy may be responsible for the unexpected ferromagnetism in undoped anatase TiO2. An isolated titanium vacancy produces a magnetic moment of 3.5 mu(B), and an isolated titanium divacancy produces a magnetic moment of 2.0 mu(B). The origin of the collective magnetic moments is the holes introduced by the titanium vacancy or divacancy in the narrow nonbonding oxygen 2p(pi) band. At the center of the divacancy, an O-2 dimer forms during the relaxation, which lowers the total energy of the system and leads to the decrease in the total magnetic moment due to a hole compensation mechanism. For both the two native defects, the ferromagnetic state is more stable than the antiferromagnetic state.


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A tight-binding (TB) treatment with the inclusion of d orbitals is applied to the electronic structures of graphitic tubes. The results show that the high angular moment bases in TB scheme are necessary to account the severe curvature effect in ultra-thin single wall carbon nanotubes, especially for properly reproducing the band edge overlap behavior in (5, 0) tube, predicted by the existing ab initio calculations. In the large diameter limit, the participation of two synnmetry-allowed d bases provides a natural replication to the recent measured electronic dispersions of valence band of graphene when the strong anisotropy due to the two-dimensional planar hexagonal sheet structure is dealt with properly. In addition, the detailed relation between the two sets of quantum numbers of screw symmetry and that of zone folding is formulated in appendix. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Photoluminescence (PL) was investigated in undoped GaN from 4.8 K to room temperature. The 4.8 K spectra exhibited recombinations of free exciton, donor-acceptor pair (DAP), blue and yellow bands (Ybs). The blue band (BB) was also identified to be a DAP recombination. The YB was assigned to a recombination from deep levels. The energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy show that C and O are the main residual impurities in undoped GaN and that C concentration is lower in the epilayers with the stronger BB. The electronic structures of native defects, C and O impurities, and their complexes were calculated using ab initio local-density-functional (LDF) methods with linear muffin-tin-orbital and 72-atomic supercell. The theoretical analyses suggest that the electron transitions from O-N states to C-N and to V-Ga states are responsible for DAP and the BB, respectively, and the electron transitions between the inner levels of the C-N-O-N complex may be responsible for the YB in our samples. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The energy bands of zinc-blende and wurtzite GaN are calculated with the empirical pseudopotential method, and the pseudopotential parameters for Ga and N atoms are-given. The calculated energy bands are in agreement with those obtained by the ab initio method. The effective-mass theory for the semiconductors of wurtzite structure is established, and the effective-mass parameters of GaN for both structures are given The binding energies of acceptor states are calculated by solving strictly the effective-mass equations. The binding energies of donor and acceptor are 24 and 142 meV for the zinc-blende structure, 20 and 131, and 97 meV for the wurtzite structure, respectively, which are consistent with recent experimental results. It is proposed that there are two kinds of acceptor in wurtzite GaN. One kind is the general acceptor such as C, which substitutes N, which satisfies the effective-mass theory. The other kind of acceptor includes Mg, Zn, Cd, etc., the binding energy of these accepters is deviated from that given by the effective mass theory. In this report, wurtzite GaN is grown by the molecular-beam epitaxy method, and the photoluminescence spectra were measured. Three main peaks are assigned to the donor-acceptor transitions from two kinds of accepters. Some of the transitions were identified as coming from the cubic phase of GaN, which appears randomly within the predominantly hexagonal material. [S0163-1829(99)15915-0].


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Co-doped In2O3 nanocrystals showing room-temperature ferromagnetism have been successfully prepared by a simple sol-gel synthesis route. The sample displays it clear ferromagnetism behavior above 300 K. Phase and structure analyses reveal that the nanocrystals are crystallized with Co ions substituted for In ions in the In2O3 matrix, and no trace of secondary phases or clusters is detected. The experimental results are explained theoretically by first-principles calculations based on density functional theory, which indicate that the native ferromagnetic behavior of Co-doped In2O3 could be mainly ascribed to the strong d-d coupling of the magnetic ions.


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Intervalley GAMMA-X deformation-potential constants (IVDP's) have been calculated by use of a first-principles pseudopotential method for the III-V zinc-blende semiconductors AlP, AlAs, AlSb, GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs, and InSb. When the calculated IVDP's of LA phonons for GaP, InP, and InAs and of LO phonons for AlAs, AlSb, GaAs, GaSb, and InSb are compared with results of a previous calculation that used the empirical pseudopotential method (EPM) and a rigid-ion approximation, good agreement is found. However, our ab initio pseudopotential results on IVDP's of LA phonons for AlAs, AlSb, GaAs, GaSb, and InSb and of LO phonons for GaP, InP, and InAs are about one order of magnitude smaller than those obtained by use of EPM calculations, indicating that the electron redistribution accompanying crystal-lattice deformation has a significant effect on GAMMA-X intervalley scattering for these phonon modes when the anions are being displaced. In our calculations the LA- and LO-phonon modes at the X point have been evaluated in the frozen-phonon approximation. We have also obtained the LAX- and LOX-phonon frequencies for these materials from total-energy calculations, which agree very well with experimental values for these semiconductors. We have also calculated GAMMA-X hole-phonon scattering matrix elements for the top valence bands in these nine semiconductors, from which the GAMMA-X IVDP's of the top valence bands for the longitudinal phonons and transverse phonons are evaluated, respectively.


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We have applied the Green function theory in GW approximation to calculate the quasiparticle energies for semiconductors Si and GaAs. Good agreements of the calculated excitation energies and fundamental energy gaps with the experimental band structures were achieved. We obtained the calculated fundamental gaps of Si and GaAs to be 1.22 and 1.42 eV in comparison to the experimental values of 1.17 and 1.52 eV, respectively. Ab initio pseudopotential method has been used to generate basis wavefunctions and charge densities for calculating dielectric matrix elements and electron self-energies.