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Nonresonant electron tunneling between asymmetric double quantum wells in AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs systems has been investigated by using steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence spectra. Experimental evidence of LO-phonon-assisted tunneling through thick barriers has been obtained by enhancing excitation power densities or applying electric fields perpendicular to the well plane. LO-phonon-assisted tunneling times have also been estimated from the variation of the decay time of the narrow-well photoluminescence with applied electric fields. Our findings suggest that LO phonons in the barriers play an important role in the tunneling transfer.


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Physical vapor transport studies of GeSe(x)Te1 - x (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4) solid solutions demonstrated, that individual, large single crystals of these materials can be grown in closed ampoules. A compositional analysis of the grown crystals revealed, that the mass transport (crystal growth) process under steady-state conditions is pseudo-congruent and controlled by diffusion processes in the source material. From these experiments, the degree of non-stoichiometry (Ge-vacancy concentrations) of GeSe(x)Te1 - x single crystals could be estimated. The effects of the cubic to rhombohedral phase transformation during cooling on the microstructure and morphology of the grown mixed crystals are observed. This work provides the basis for subsequent defect studies and electrical measurements on these crystals.


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The characteristics of the steady-state and the transient response to external light excitation of a common-cavity two-section (CCTS) bistable semiconductor laser is investigated. The results on the relation of light output versus light input, the wavelength match, optical amplification and optical switching are presented. Experimental results are compared to the results of a computer simulation.


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The chemical adsorption of sodium sulphide, ferrocene, hydroquinone and p-methyl-nitrobenzene onto the surface of a GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiquantum well semiconductor was characterized by steady state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The changes in the PL response, including the red shift of the emission peak of the exciton in the quantum well and the enhancement of the PL intensity, are discussed in terms of the interactions of the adsorbed molecules with surface states.


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Subband separation energy dependence of intersubband relaxation time in a wide quantum well (250 Angstrom) was studied by steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence. By applying a perpendicular electrical field, the subband separation energy in the quantum well is continuously tuned from 21 to 40 meV. As a result, it is found that the intersubband relaxation time undergoes a drastic change from several hundred picoseconds to subpicoseconds. It is also found that the intersubband relaxation has already become very fast before the energy separation really reaches one optical phonon energy. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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Transient photocurrents induced by short light pulses at lattice-matched GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiple quantum well (MQW) electrodes were studied as a function of electrode potential. Dual exponential photocurrent decay transients were observed at various potentials. By analysis of the dual exponential decay transients, information on steady state photocurrents (I-s), surface collection of photoexcited minority carriers (G(0)) and lifetimes of surface states (T-s) was obtained. The kinetic behaviors of photoprocesses at illuminated MQW/electrolyte interface were discussed.


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Ultrashort pulses were generated in passively mode-locked Nd:YAG and Nd:GdVO4 lasers pumped by a pulsed laser diode with 10-Hz repetition rate. Stable mode-locked pulse trains were produced with the pulse width of 10 ps. The evolution of the mode-locked pulse was observed in the experiment and was discussed in detail. Comparing the pulse evolutions of Nd:YAG and Nd:GdVO4 lasers, we found that the buildup time of the steady-state mode-locking with semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs) was relevant to the upper-state lifetime and the emission cross-section of the gain medium.


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An eigenfunction expansion-variational method based on a unit cell is developed to deal with the steady-state heat conduction problem of doubly-periodic fiber reinforced composites with interfacial thermal contact resistance or coating. The numerical results show a rapid convergence of the present method. The present solution provides a unified first-order approximation formula of the effective thermal conductivity for different interfacial characteristics and fiber distributions. A comparison with the present high-order results, available experimental data and micromechanical estimations demonstrates that the first-order approximation formula is a good engineering closed-form formula. An engineering equivalent parameter reflecting the overall influence of the thermal conductivities of the matrix and fibers and the interfacial characteristic on the effective thermal conductivity, is found. The equivalent parameter can greatly simplify the complicated relation of the effective thermal conductivity to the internal structure of a composite. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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For steady-state heat conduction a new variational functional for a unit cell of composites with periodic microstructures is constructed by considering the quasi-periodicity of the temperature field and in the periodicity of the heat flux fields. Then by combining with the eigenfunction expansion of complex potential which satisfies the fiber-matrix interface conditions, an eigenfunction expansion-variational method (EEVM) based on a unit cell is developed. The effective transverse thermal conductivities of doubly-periodic fiber reinforced composites are calculated, and the first-order approximation formula for the square and hexagonal arrays is presented,which is convenient for engineering application. The numerical results show a good convergency of the presented method, even through the fiber volume fraction is relatively high. Comparisons with the existing analytical and experimental results are made to demonstrate the accuracy and validity of the first-order approximation formula for the hexagonal array.


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We describe a first-principles-based strategy to predict the macroscopic toughness of a gamma-Ni(Al)/alpha-Al2O3 interface. Density functional theory calculations are used to ascertain energy changes upon displacing the two materials adjacent to the interface, with relaxation conducted over all atoms located within adjoining rows. Traction/displacernent curves are obtained from derivatives of the energy. Calculations are performed in mode I (opening), mode II (shear) and at a phase angle of 45 degrees. The shear calculations are conducted for displacements along < 110 > and < 112 > of the Ni lattice. A generalized interface potential function is used to characterize the results. Initial fitting to both the shear and normal stress results is required to calibrate the unknowns. Thereafter, consistency is established by using the potential to predict other traction quantities. The potential is incorporated as a traction/displacement function within a cohesive zone model and used to predict the steady-state toughness of the interface. For this purpose, the plasticity of the Ni alloy must be known, including the plasticity length scale. Measurements obtained for a gamma-Ni superalloy are used and the toughness predicted over the full range of mode mixity. Additional results for a range of alloys are used to demonstrate the influences of yield strength and length scale.


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We describe a first-principles-based strategy to predict the macroscopic toughness of a gamma-Ni(Al)/alpha-Al2O3 interface. Density functional theory calculations are used to ascertain energy changes upon displacing the two materials adjacent to the interface, with relaxation conducted over all atoms located within adjoining rows. Traction/displacernent curves are obtained from derivatives of the energy. Calculations are performed in mode I (opening), mode II (shear) and at a phase angle of 45 degrees. The shear calculations are conducted for displacements along < 110 > and < 112 > of the Ni lattice. A generalized interface potential function is used to characterize the results. Initial fitting to both the shear and normal stress results is required to calibrate the unknowns. Thereafter, consistency is established by using the potential to predict other traction quantities. The potential is incorporated as a traction/displacement function within a cohesive zone model and used to predict the steady-state toughness of the interface. For this purpose, the plasticity of the Ni alloy must be known, including the plasticity length scale. Measurements obtained for a gamma-Ni superalloy are used and the toughness predicted over the full range of mode mixity. Additional results for a range of alloys are used to demonstrate the influences of yield strength and length scale.


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Using the level-set method and the continuum interface model, the axisymmetric thermocapillary migration of gas bubbles in an immiscible bulk liquid with a temperature gradient at moderate to large Marangoni number is simulated numerically. Constant material properties of the two phases are assumed. Steady state of the motion can always be reached. The terminal migration velocity decreases monotonously with the increase of the Marangoni number due to the wrapping of isotherms around the front surface of the bubble. Good agreements with space experimental data and previous theoretical and numerical studies in the literature are evident. Slight deformation of bubble is observed, but no distinct influence on the motion occurs. It is also found that the influence of the convective transport of heat inside bubbles cannot be neglected at finite Marangoni number, while the influence of the convective transport of momentum inside bubbles may be actually negligible.


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In order to realize the steady-state droplet evaporation, image feedback control system is designed based on DSP. The system has three main functions: to capture and store droplet images during the experiment; to calculate droplet geometrical and physical parameters such as volume, surface area, surface tension and evaporation velocity at a high-precision level; to keep the droplet volume constant. The DSP can drive an injection controller with the PID control to inject liquid so as to keep the droplet volume constant. The evaporation velocity of droplet can be calculated by measuring the injected volume during the evaporation. The structure of hardware and software of the control system, key processing methods such as contour fitting and experimental results are described.


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A general numerical algorithm in the context of finite element scheme is developed to solve Richards’ equation, in which a mass-conservative, modified head based scheme (MHB) is proposed to approximate the governing equation, and mass-lumping techniques are used to keep the numerical simulation stable. The MHB scheme is compared with the modified Picard iteration scheme (MPI) in a ponding infiltration example. Although the MHB scheme is a little inferior to the MPI scheme in respect of mass balance, it is superior in convergence character and simplicity. Fully implicit, explicit and geometric average conductivity methods are performed and compared, the first one is superior in simulation accuracy and can use large time-step size, but the others are superior in iteration efficiency. The algorithm works well over a wide variety of problems, such as infiltration fronts, steady-state and transient water tables, and transient seepage faces, as demonstrated by its performance against published experimental data. The algorithm is presented in sufficient detail to facilitate its implementation.