142 resultados para RP97-362


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Contacting mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) is used to measure the In0.asGao.65As/GaAs epilayer grown at low temperature (460°C). Unlike the normal layer-by-layer growth (FvdM mode) or self-organized islands growth (SK mode) ,samples grown under 460 C are found to be large islands with atomic thick terraces. AFM measurements reveale near one monolayer high steps. This kind of growth is good between FvdM and SK growth modes and can be used to understand the evolution of strained epitaxy from FvdM to SK mode.


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In this paper. we investigate the influences of the initial nitridation of sapphire substrates on the optical and structural characterizations in GaN films. Two GaN samples with and without 3 min nitridation process were investigated by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy in the temperature range of 12-300 K and double-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD). In the 12 K PL spectra of the GaN sample without nitridation, four dominant peaks at 3.476, 3.409 3.362 and 3.308 eV were observed, which were assigned to donor bound exciton, excitons bound to stacking faults and extended structural defects. In the sample with nitridation, three peaks at 3.453, 3.365. and 3.308 eV were observed at 12 K, no peak related to stacking faults. XRD results at different reflections showed that there are more stacking faults in the samples without nitridation.


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针对杉木化感物质种类的争论,我们以生测活性做导向,对杉木人工林土壤中毒性化感物质进行了分离,并通过质谱、核磁共振等仪器对化感物质的化学结构进行了鉴定,然后研究了其活性和来源,同时从土壤养分和化感作用两个方面对杉木火力楠混交林解决杉木连栽障碍的作用机制进行了研究。结果表明: (1) 虽然不同连栽代数土壤养分与杉木幼苗苗高存在正相关关系,即随着杉木连栽代数的增加,土壤养分含量逐渐降低,土壤处理的杉木幼苗苗高也逐渐降低,但是同一林分中,距杉木根系不同距离的土壤养分含量与杉木幼苗根长存在负相关关系。在一代和二代杉木林中,与杉木林地土相比,杉木根际土能够显著地抑制杉木幼苗根生长。单用土壤养分匮缺来解释连栽杉木生产力下降是不充分的,杉木化感作用也是连栽障碍的重要原因之一。 (2) 从杉木人工林土壤中检测到8种酚酸类物质:对羟基苯甲酸、香草酸、阿魏酸、苯甲酸、肉桂酸、香草醛、异香草醛和香豆素。自然浓度的酚类物质没有抑制杉木幼苗的生长,反而促进了杉木幼苗的生长。从连栽杉木林土壤分离到一种新环二肽(6-hydroxy-1,3-dimethyl-8-nonadecyl-[1,4]-diazocane-2,5-diketone),它在自然浓度条件下能够显著地抑制杉木幼苗的生长。而且当浓度达到40nmol•ml-1时,环二肽对杉木幼苗根生长的抑制率接近50%,显示其具有较高的化感活性。因此,引起连栽杉木生产力下降的化感物质不是对羟基苯甲酸等酚酸类物质,而是从杉木林土壤中分离得到的环二肽。 (3) 杉木各组织中环二肽含量最多的为叶凋落物,而且用杉木叶凋落物处理的土壤中环二肽含量显著增加,这说明杉木叶凋落物是环二肽的重要来源之一。杉木根系分泌物中含有环二肽,而且随着连栽代数的增加,杉木根系分泌环二肽的速率也增加,这说明杉木根系分泌物也是环二肽的重要来源之一。杉木成熟林每年每公顷凋落的叶凋落物中含有约0.173~0.418 mol的环二肽,而每年每公顷杉木根系分泌的环二肽可达1.289~1.362 mol,显著高于前者。因此,杉木根系分泌物是杉木化感物质环二肽最重要的来源。 (4) 杉木火力楠混交林能够提高土壤有机质、全氮等养分含量,增加土壤微生物数量及土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶和磷酸酶等土壤酶活性,从而提高了混交林土壤熟化程度,加速了土壤有机质的转化速率,增强了土壤养分的供应能力,改善了土壤养分匮缺的状况。与二代杉木林相比,杉木火力楠混交林中杉木根系分泌环二肽的速率降低了33.2%,杉木火力楠混交林能减少环二肽的释放量,从而降低土壤中化感物质的含量,减弱林地土壤对杉木幼苗生长的抑制作用,缓解了连栽杉木自毒作用。因此,杉木火力楠混交林是一种高生产力和生态协调的造林模式。


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本学位论文主要研究一株放线菌发酵产物的抗肿瘤活性。先对该株放线菌进行活化培养,然后进行大批量发酵,发酵液经过冷冻离心,对离心得到的沉淀和上清液用不同极性的有机溶剂进行萃取,得到六个浸膏样品。对六个样品进行初步抗肿瘤活性检测。 然后对活性浸膏进行分离纯化和活性跟踪。本论文主要进行了如下的工作: 1、对菌种进行活化培养,利用该菌株在280C,200r.min-1条件下进行发酵实验,发酵时间为72h,发酵总量为15L。发酵液经过离心得到上清液和沉淀两部分。 2、分别用石油醚、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇萃取沉淀和上清液,得到编号为1—6的六个浸膏样品,对六个浸膏样品进行初步的细胞毒性和抗HepG2肿瘤活性实验,得出结论为5号样品活性最高。在没有分离纯化的情况下GI50达到0.76µg/mL。 3、对5号样品进行TLC实验,找出能够较好分离5号样品中各组分的溶剂组合,最后得出在氯仿:甲醇=8:1时分离效果较好。然后利用氯仿:甲醇=8:1的溶剂组合作为洗脱剂对5号样品进行过硅胶柱分离纯化并进行活性跟踪分离。 4、对分离纯化后得到的样品进行活性跟踪和结构分析。分离后得到样品A,在其浓度为10µg/ml时,抗肿瘤实验细胞的生长率为73.5%。在浓度为1.0mg/ml时,抗单纯疱疹病毒率(HSVⅡ)为74.5%。结构分析得知其分子式最可能为C41H43N8O4. This dissertation studied about the anti-tumor activity of an actinomycete fermentation product. First, we cultured the actinomycete. Second, we fermented it in large quantities, and then centrifuged the fermentation fluid; the next step is that we extract sedimentation and supernatant in different polar organic solvents, in turn to obtained six samples, which were detected about anti-tumor activity. Last, we purified active sample and tracked activity of it. We carried out the following research work: 1. Activation, culture and screening of the actinomyces was carried on. We used the screening strain to carry on the fermentation when the conditions are 280C,200r.min-1,the fermentation time is 72h. Fermentation fluid volume is 15L.And we obtained sedimentation and supernatant after fermentation fluid was centrifuged. 2. We used Petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, n-butanol separately to extract sedimentation and supernatant, and obtained six samples that were numbered 1-6. From the preliminary cell toxicity and the anti-tumor(HepG2) bioactivity experiment, we found that No.5 sample has the highest activity in the samples; the GI50 was 0.76µg/ml which has not been purified. 3. We Carried on TLC experiment on the No.5 sample, found the solvent composition that can separate each component of the No.5 sample. At last, we found that when the proportions are tri-chloromethane: methyl alcohol = 8:1, the Separation result was the best, and then we used the Solvent composition which proportion are tri-chloromethane: methyl alcohol = 8:1 as eluant to Purify No.5 sample by silica gel column. 4. We tracked the activity of pure sample obtained from Purification and analyzed structure of these substances. We got a compound A after separation, and the cell growth rate was 73.5% when its concentration was 10µg/ml. The anti-virus(HSVⅡ) rate was 74.5% when its concentration was 1.0mg/ml. We analyzed the Structure of A, and informed its molecular formula that was the most likely for C41H43N8O4.