281 resultados para RADIATIVE LIFETIMES


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The gain recoveries in quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifiers (QD SOAs) are numerically studied by rate equation simulation. Similar to the optical pump-probe experiment, the injection of double 150 fs optical pulses is used to simulate the gain recovery of a weak continuous signal under different injection levels, inhomogeneous broadenings, detuning wavelengths, and pulse signal energies for the QD SOAs. The obtained gain recoveries are then fitted by a response function with multiple exponential terms to determine the response times. The gain recovery can be described by three exponential terms with the time constants, which can be explained as carrier relaxation from the excited state to the ground state, carrier captured by the excited state from the wetting layer, and the supply of the wetting layer carriers. The fitted lifetimes decrease with the increase of the injection currents under gain unsaturation, slightly decrease with the decrease of inhomogeneous broadening of QDs, and increase with the increase of detuning wavelength between continuous signal and pulse signal and the increase of the pulse energy.


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We have investigated the optical properties of single CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals by conducting combinations of experiments on antibunching and photoluminescence intermittence under different experimental conditions. Based on photoluminescence in an antibunching experiment, we analyzed the emission lifetime of QDs by using stretched exponentials. The difference between the parameters obtained from average lifetimes and stretched exponents were analyzed by considering the effect of nonradiative emission. An Auger-assisted tunneling model was used to explain the power law exponents of off time distribution. The power law exponent under high excitation power was correlated with a higher Auger ionization rate. Using the parameters obtained from stretched exponential function and power law, the antibunching phenomena at different time and under different excitation intensity were analyzed.


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We consider the electron-hole pair confined in a simplified infinite potential. The low-lying excition states in a ZnO cylindrical nanodisk are calculated based on effective-mass theory. To further understand the optical properties, we calculate the linear optical susceptibilities chi(w) and the radiative recombination lifetime tau of excitons in a ZnO nanodisk. The exciton radiative lifetime in a cylindrical nanodisk is of the order of tens of picoseconds, which is small compared with the lifetime of bulk ZnO material. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3006134]


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The optical properties of GaAs/AlGaAs thin films with photonic crystals were investigated by measuring their photoluminescence spectra. The spectral intensities, lifetimes, and quantum efficiencies decreased greatly compared with those in blank material without photonic crystals. The quantum efficiencies in the material were also calculated from spectral intensities and lifetimes and the quantum efficiencies calculated from those two methods agreed with each other to some extent.


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In this paper, the excitation energy density dependence of carrier spin relaxation is studied at room temperature for the as-grown and annealed (Ga, Mn) As samples using femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe Kerr spectroscopy. It is found that spin relaxation lifetime of electrons lengthens with increasing excitation energy density for both samples, and the annealed ( Ga, Mn) As has shorter carrier recombination and electron spin relaxation lifetimes as well as larger Kerr rotation angle than the as-grown ( Ga. Mn) As under the same excitation condition. which shows that DP mechanism is dominant in the spin relaxation process for ( Ga, Mn)As at room temperature. The enhanced ultrafast Kerr effect in the annealed (Ga,Mn)As shows the potential application of the annealed ( Ga, Mn) As in ultrafast all-optical spin switches, and also provides a further evidence for the p-d exchange mechanism of the ferromagnetic origin of (Ga, Mn) As.


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The dynamics of spontaneous emission from GaAs slabs with photonic crystals etched into them are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. It is found that the intensity of spontaneous emission decreases significantly and that photonic crystals significantly shorten the lifetime of emission. The mechanics of enhancement and the reduction of emission from photonic crystals are analyzed by considering the surface recombination of GaAs. The measured and calculated lifetimes agree at a surface recombination velocity of 1.88x10(5) cm/s.


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A Ge/Si heterojunction light emitting diode with a p(+)-Ge/i-Ge/N+-Si structure was fabricated using the ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition technology on N+-Si substrate. The device had a good I-V rectifying behavior. Under forward bias voltage ranging from 1.1 to 2.5 V, electroluminescence around 1565 nm was observed at room temperature. The mechanism of the light emission is discussed by the radiative lifetime and the scattering rate. The results indicate that germanium is a potential candidate for silicon-based light source material. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3216577]


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The electronic structure and exciton states of cylindrical ZnO nanorods with radius from 2 to 6 nm are investigated based on the framework of the effective-mass theory. Using the adiabatic approximation, the exciton binding energies taking account of the dielectric mismatch are solved exactly when the total angular momentum of the exciton states L = 0 and L = +/- 1. We find that the exciton binding energies can be enhanced greatly by the dielectric mismatch and the calculated results are almost consistent with the experimental data. Meanwhile, we obtain the optical transition rule when the small spin-obit splitting Delta(so) of ZnO is neglected. Furthermore, the radiative lifetime and linear optical susceptibilities chi(w) of the exciton states are calculated theoretically. The theoretical results are consistent with the experimental data very well. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3125456]


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The photoluminescence correlation from a single CdSe nanocrystal under pulsed excitation is studied, and a single photon is realized at wavelength 655 nm at room temperature. The single colloidal CdSe quantum dot is prepared on a SiO2/silicon surface by a drop-and-drag technique. The long-term stability of the single-photon source is investigated; it is found that the antibunching effect weakens with excitation time, and the reason for the weakening is attributed to photobleaching. The lifetimes of photoluminescence from a single quantum dot are analyzed at different excitation times. By analyzing the probability distribution of on and off times of photoluminescence, the Auger assisted tunneling and Auger assisted photobleaching models are applied to explain the antibunching phenomenon.


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The effect of beta particles interaction on the optical properties of MOCVD grown GaN is reported. A significant change in luminescence properties of GaN is observed after exposing the material with 0.6 MeV beta particles with low dose of 10(12) cm(-2). The results obtained from photoluminescence measurements of irradiated GaN samples in low dose are found contradictory to those reported in literature for samples irradiated with heavy dose (> 10(15) cm(-2)) of electron. An increase in intensity of yellow luminescence has been observed with increasing dose of beta particles which is in disagreement to the already reported results in literature for heavily irradiated samples. A model has been proposed to sort out this inconsistency. The increase in YL intensity at low dose is attributed to the increase in concentration of VGaON complex whereas production of non-radiative VGaON clusters is assumed to justify the decrease in YL intensity at high dose.


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We investigate the temperature dependence of photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved PL on the metamorphic InGaAs quantum wells (QWs) with an emission wavelength of 1.55 mu m at room temperature. Time-resolved PL measurements reveal that the optical properties can be partly improved by introducing antimony (Sb) as a surfactant during the sample growth. The temperature dependence of the radiative lifetime is measured, showing that for QWs grown with Sb assistance, the intrinsic exciton emission is dominated when the temperature is below 60 K, while the nonradiative process becomes activated with further increases in temperature. However, without Sb assistance, the nonradiative centers are activated when the temperature is higher than 20 K.


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New observations on the luminescence Of In2S3 and europium-doped In2S3 nanoparticles show a green (5 10 nm) emission from In2S3 and In1.8Eu0.2S3 nanoparticles while a blue (425 nm) emission is observed from ln(1.6)Eu(0.4)S(3) nanoparticles. Both the blue and green emissions have large Stokes shifts of 62 and 110 nm, respectively. Excitation with longer-wavelength photons causes the blue emission to shift to a longer wavelength while the green emission wavelength remains unchanged. The lifetimes of both the green and blue emissions are similar to reported values for excitonic recombination. When doped with Eu3+, in addition to the broad blue and green emissions, a red emission near 615 nm attributed to Eu3+ is observed. Temperature dependences on nanoparticle thin films indicate that with increasing temperature, the green emission wavelength remains constant, however, the blue emission shifts toward longer wavelengths. Based on these observations, the blue emission is attributed to exciton recombination and the green emission to Indium interstitial defects. These nanoparticles show full-color emission with high efficiency, fast lifetime decays, and good stability; they are also relatively simple to prepare, thus making them a new type of phosphor with potential applications in lighting, flat-panel displays, and communications.


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Zn1-xMgxS-based Schottky barrier ultraviolet (UV) photodetectors were fabricated using the molecular-beam-epitaxy (MBE) technique. The influence of Mg content on MBE-grown Zn1-xMgxS-based UV photodetectors has been investigated in details with a variety of experimental techniques, including photoresponse (PR), capacitance-voltage, deep level transient Fourier spectroscopy (DLTFS) and photoluminescence (PL). The room-temperature PR results show that the abrupt long-wavelength cutoffs covering 325, 305 295. and 270 nm with Mg contents of 16%, 44%, 57%, and 75% in the Zn1-xMgxS active layers, respectively, were achieved. But the responsivity and the external quantum efficiency exhibited a slight decrease with the Mg content increasing. In good agreement with the PR results, both of the integrated intensity of the PL spectra obtained from Zn1-xMgxS thin films with different Mg compositions (x = 31% and 52%, respectively) and the DLTFS spectra obtained from Zn1-xMgxS-based (x = 5% and 45%, respectively) UV photodetector samples clearly revealed a significant concentration increase of the non-radiative deep traps with increasing Mg containing in the ZnMgS active layers. Our experimental results also indicate that the MBE-grown ZnMgS-based photodetectors can offer the promising characteristics for the detection of short-wavelength UV radiation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have measured photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolve photoluminescence (TRPL) from InGaN/GaN quantum dots (QDs) grown on passivated GaN surfaces by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Strong PL emission was observed from the QDs structure even at room temperature. By comparing the PL and TRPL dependence on temperature, a significant difference between the QD and wetting layer emissions was revealed. The QD emission is characterized by a strong exciton localization effect, which leads to a larger thermal activation energy, a nearly constant radiative lifetime independent of temperature and an unusual temperature behavior of the PL peak energy. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Suppression of the exciton recombination in GaAs0.7Sb0.3/GaAs/GaAs0.7P0.3 coupled quantum well (CQW) induced by an external magnetic field is investigated theoretically. Unlike the usual electro-Stark effect, the exciton energy dispersion of an exciton is modified by an external in-plane magnetic field, the ground state of the magnetoexciton shifts from a zero in-plane center of mass (CM) momentum to a finite CM momentum, and the Lorentz force induces the spatial separation of electron and hole. Consequently, this effect renders the ground state of magnetoexciton stable against radiative recombination due to momentum conservation. This effect depends sensitively on the thickness and height of GaAs0.7Sb0.3 layer, therefore it could provide us useful infometion about the band alignment of CQW. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.