154 resultados para Nonlinear terms


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The nonlinear behavior of a probe pulse propagating in a medium with electromagnetically induced transparency is studied both numerically and analytically. A new type of nonlinear wave equation is proposed in which the noninstantaneous response of nonlinear polarization is treated properly. The resulting nonlinear behavior of the propagating probe pulse is shown to be fundamentally different from that predicted by the simple nonlinear Schrodinger-like wave equation that considers only instantaneous Kerr nonlinearity. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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The evolution of nonlinear light fields traveling inside a resonantly absorbing Bragg reflector is studied by use of Maxwell-Bloch equations. Numerical results show that a pulse initially resembling a light bullet may effectively experience negative refraction and anomalous dispersion in the resonantly absorbing Bragg reflector. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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The nonlinear spectroscopy of cold atoms in the diffuse laser cooling system is studied in this paper. We present the theoretical models of the recoil-induced resonances (RIR) and the electromagnetically-induced absorption (EIA) of cold atoms in diffuse laser light, and show their signals in an experiment of cooling Rb-87 atomic vapor in an integrating sphere. The theoretical results are in good agreement with the experimental ones when the light intensity distribution in the integrating sphere is considered. The differences between nonlinear spectra of cold atoms in the diffuse laser light and in the optical molasses are also discussed. (c) 2009 Optical Society of America


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The nonlinear switching characteristics of fused fiber directional couplers were studied experimentally. By using femtosecond laser pulses with pulse width of 100 fs and wavelength of about 1550 nm from a system of Ti:sapphire laser and optical parametric amplifier (OPA), the nonlinear switching properties of a null coupler and a 100% coupler were measured. The experimental results were coincident with the simulations based on nonlinear propagation equations in fiber by using super-mode theory. Nonlinear loss in fiber was also measured to get the injected power at the coupler. After deducting the nonlinear loss and input efficiency, the nonlinear switching critical peak powers for a 100% and a null fused couplers were calculated to be 9410 and 9440 W, respectively. The nonlinear loss parameter P_(N) in an expression of α_(NL)=αP/P_(N) was obtained to be P_(N)=0.23 W.


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Spatial coherence properties of beam produced by Gaussian Schell-model source when the beam is propagating through atmosphere have been analyzed in terms of position vectors. New expressions for cross-spectral density of optical field and spectral degree of coherence as well as radiant intensity have been developed. Numerical results illustrated in this paper indicate the coherence degradation suffered from atmospheric turbulence and their directional dependence. (C) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Based on the ripple transfers of electric-field amplitude and phase in frequency tripling, simple formulas are derived for the harmonic laser's beam-quality factor M-3omega(2), with an arbitrary fundamental incidence to ideal nonlinear crystals. Whereas the harmonic beam's quality is generally degraded, the beam's divergence is similar to that of the fundamental after nonlinear frequency conversion. For practical crystals with periodic surface ripples that are caused by their machining, a multiorder diffractive model is presented with which the focusing properties of harmonic beams can be studied. Predictions of the theories are shown to be in excellent agreement with full numerical simulations. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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Spatiotemporal instabilities in nonlinear Kerr media with arbitrary higher-order dispersions are studied by use of standard linear-stability analysis. A generic expression for instability growth rate that unifies and expands on previous results for temporal, spatial, and spatiotemporal instabilities is obtained. It is shown that all odd-order dispersions contribute nothing to instability, whereas all even-order dispersions not only affect the conventional instability regions but may also lead to the appearance of new instability regions. The role of fourth-order dispersion in spatiotemporal instabilities is studied exemplificatively to demonstrate the generic results. Numerical simulations confirm the obtained analytic results. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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Quadratic optical nonlinearity chi((2)) can be exploited in femtosecond lasers and regarded as a significant new degree of freedom for the design of short-pulse sources. We will review our recent progress on developing nonlinear quadratic technologies for femtosecond lasers. Our nonlinear laser technology offers new properties for femtosecond lasers, including optical parametric amplifier with novel working regime, efficient second harmonic generation, and time telescope.


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SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) thin films on quartz substrates were prepared by use of the pulsed-laser deposition technique. The nonlinear refractive indices, n(2), Of the SBT films were measured by use of z-scan techniques with picosecond pulses. Large negative nonlinear refractive indices of 3.84 and 3.58 cm(2)/GW were obtained for the wavelengths 532 nm and 1.064 mum, respectively. The two-photon absorption coefficient was determined to be 7.3 cm/GW for 532 nm. The limiting behavior of SBT thin film on a quartz substrate was investigated in an f/5 defocusing geometry by use of 38-ps-duration, 532-nm, 1.064-mum. laser excitation. (C) 2001 Optical Society of America.


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In laser applications, the size of the focus spot can be reduced beyond the diffraction limit with a thin film of strong nonlinear optical Kerr effect. We present a concise theoretical simulation of the device. The origin of the super-resolution is found to be mainly from the reshaping effect due to the strongly nonlinear refraction mediated multi-interference inside the thin film. In addition, both diffraction and self-focusing effects have been explored and found negligible for highly refractive and ultrathin films in comparison with the reshaping effect. Finally, the theoretic model has been verified in experiments with single Ge2Sb2Te5 film and SiN/Si/SiN/Ge2Sb2Te2 multilayer structures. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.