103 resultados para Glomerulosclerose segmentar e focal
Absolute measurement of detector quantum efficiency using optical parametric down-conversion has been extensively studied for the case of a continuous wave pump. In this paper, we have used the temporally and spatially correlated properties of the down-converted photon pairs generated in a nonlinear crystal pumped by a femtosecond laser pulse to perform an absolute measurement of detector quantum efficiency. The measured detector quantum efficiency is in excellent agreement with the measured value in the conventional way. A lens with a long focal length was adopted for efficiently increasing the intensity of the down-conversion entangled photon source.
We have used the transverse correlated properties of the entangled photon pairs generated in the process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion, which is pumped by a femtosecond pulse laser, to perform Young's interference experiment. Unlike the case of a continuous wave laser pump, a broadband pulse laser pump can submerge an interference pattern. In order to obtain a high visibility interference pattern, we used a lens with a tunable focal length and two interference filters to eliminate the effects of the broadband pump laser. It is proven that the process of two-photon direct interference is a post-selection process.
Normal-incident infrared absorption in the 8-12-mu m-atmospheric spectral window in the InGaAs/GaAs quantum-dot superlattice is observed. Using cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy, we find that the InGaAs quantum dots are perfectly vertically aligned in the growth direction (100). Under the normal incident radiation, a distinct absorption peaked at 9.9 mu m is observed. This work indicates the potential of this quantum-dot superlattice structure for use as normal-incident infrared imaging focal arrays application without fabricating grating structures. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(98)01151-6].
30-period InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot superlattice was fabricated by MBE. Using cross sectional transmission electron microscopy, the InGaAs quantum dots were found to be perfectly vertically aligned in the growth direction (100). Under normally incident radiation, a distinct absorption in the 8.5 similar to 10.4 mu m range peaked at 9.9 mu m was observed. The normally incident infrared absorption in vertically aligned quantum dot superlattice in the 8 similar to 12 mu m range was realized for the first time. This result indicates the potential application of the quantum dot superlattice structure without grating as normally incident infrared detector focal plane arrays.
We have demonstrated a two-contact quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP) exhibiting simultaneous photoresponse in both the mid- and the long-wavelength atmospheric windows of 3-5 mu m and of 8-12 mu m. The structure of the device was achieved by sequentially growing a mid-wavelength QWIP part followed by a long-wavelength QWIP part separated by an n-doped layer. Compared with the conventional dual-band QWIP device utilizing three ohmic contacts, our QWIP is promising to greatly facilitate two-color focal plane array (FPA) fabrication by reducing the number of the indium bumps per pixel from three to one just like a monochromatic FPA fabrication and to increase the FPA fill factor by reducing one contact per pixel; another advantage may be that this QWIP FPA boasts broadband detection capability in the two atmospheric windows while using only a monochromatic readout integrated circuit. We attributed this simultaneous broadband detection to the different distributions of the total bias voltage between the mid- and long-wavelength QWIP parts.
A radially polarized beam focused by a high-numerical-aperture (NA) objective has a strong longitudinal and nonpropagating electric field in the focal region, which implies that it is suitable for axial optical trapping. In this paper, we use the vectorial diffraction integral to represent the field distribution of the radially polarized beam focused by a high-NA objective and then employ the T-matrix method to compute the radiation forces on spherical particles. Effects of different parameters, such as the size of the sphere, the inner radius of the radially polarized beam, and the NA of the objective, on the radiation forces are presented.
The physics-based parameter: load/unload response ratio (LURR) was proposed to measure the proximity of a strong earthquake, which achieved good results in earthquake prediction. As LURR can be used to describe the damage degree of the focal media qualitatively, there must be a relationship between LURR and damage variable (D) which describes damaged materials quantitatively in damage mechanics. Hence, based on damage mechanics and LURR theory, taking Weibull distribution as the probability distribution function, the relationship between LURR and D is set up and analyzed. This relationship directs LURR applied in damage analysis of materials quantitatively from being qualitative earlier, which not only provides the LURR method with a more solid basis in physics, but may also give a new approach to the damage evaluation of big scale structures and prediction of engineering catastrophic failure. Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
<正>Focal adhesions(FAs)are large,multiprotein complexs that provides linkers between cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix(ECM).Cells sense and respond to forces through
The physics-based parameter: load/unload response ratio (LURR) was proposed to measure the proximity of a strong earthquake, which achieved good results in earthquake prediction. As LURR can be used to describe the damage degree of the focal media qualitatively, there must be a relationship between LURR and damage variable (D) which describes damaged materials quantitatively in damage mechanics. Hence, based on damage mechanics and LURR theory, taking Weibull distribution as the probability distribution function, the relationship between LURR and D is set up and analyzed. This relationship directs LURR applied in damage analysis of materials quantitatively from being qualitative earlier, which not only provides the LURR method with a more solid basis in physics, but may also give a new approach to the damage evaluation of big scale structures and prediction of engineering catastrophic failure. Copyright (c) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
日益增强的旅游活动干扰正成为九寨沟世界自然遗产的有效保护与持续管理不可回避的挑战,已成为当前区域生态保护与经济发展的焦点问题之一。阐明相关旅游的干扰活动对核心景区植物物种组成、多样性与结构的影响是九寨沟有效保护与持续管理的必要前提和基础,然而至今少有研究。选择九寨沟与旅游活动相关的九个景点、公路建设地段以及退耕地还林地,详细调查了林下植被结构、物种组成与多样性,比较了相关旅游活动干扰与基本未受干扰地段的差异。目的是阐明九寨沟核心景区旅游干扰条件下植物多样性与群落结构及其特点,揭示旅游干扰与植被结构和生物多样的相互关系,评估九寨沟旅游管理的有效性,探索减免旅游干扰影响的对策与措施。初步结论如下。 1.旅游活动引起九寨沟核心景区植物组成和群落结构特征改变显著。栈道及公路附近许多耐荫喜湿的敏感种局部消失,而早熟禾、车前草、委陵菜等耐干旱、耐践踏、繁殖能力强的植物种群扩大;外来物种频繁出现并已少量侵入干扰相对较轻的林分深处;林下群落以草本植物为优势,灌木与苔藓植物的频度、盖度、高度以及灌木密度均有所下降。可见,大量的游人活动和景区公路建设已对九寨沟丰富的乡土植物构成极大威胁,导致其生物多样性降低。而九寨沟农耕地退耕有利于九寨沟生态环境和生物多样性保护,正逐步向稳定群落演替。 2.干扰强度的差异导致九寨沟植物所受影响的程度不同。栈道附近植物受影响的程度与游人活动频率有关,活动频率高的地段干扰强度大,对植物的影响程度重,反之植物所受的影响较轻。强度干扰地段,耐荫喜湿的物种少见,伴生植物优势地位突出,生物多样性明显降低,植物群落结构特征改变也极为显著;干扰较轻的地段,伴生物种少量出现,植物群落结构变化不明显,生物多样性略为降低,部分地区结构参数值和多样性指数有所升高。公路修建是一种强度干扰,它导致附近植物种类极为单一,草本优势种异常突出,多数植物生活力低下、生长更新能力差。 3.不同植物类群受干扰影响的程度不同。草本及苔藓植物的种类组成和多样性指数受干扰影响较大,灌木和苔藓植物的结构受干扰影响较大,苔藓植物对干扰影响最为敏感。 综合分析表明,九寨沟核心景区的管理虽然比较规范,但目前核心区热点景点段的管理仍然不够,旅游活动驱动了林下植被退化明显、物种组成显著变化、生物多样性衰退、非乡土喜光耐旱种群扩大。导致九寨沟核心区旅游活动与生物多样性保护目标尖锐冲突,进一步约束旅游活动带来的干扰,强化管理,开展林下植被恢复与非乡土喜光耐旱种群调控是九寨沟自然遗产地保护一项紧迫任务。 The increasing tourism disturbance is an unavoidable challenge to effective conservation and sustained tourist management of Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve. It has become one of the focal problems of regional ecological protect and economic development. It is important to clarify effects of tourism disturbance on plant species composition, diversity and community structure in kernel spot for effective conservation and sustained tourist management in Jiuzhaigou, China. However, there were little studies about this yet. The study investigated the vegetation structure, species composition and diversity at nine sight spot, road area and four abandoned farmlands connecting with tourism, and compared the differences between disturbed area and undisturbed area. The purpose of the this study is clarifying the plant diversity and community structure and characteristics of the disturbed area in kernel spot of Jiuzhaigou, discovering the relation between vegetation structure and biodiversity, evaluating the effect of tourist management and exploring the measure decreasing tourist disturbance. Our results are following: 1. Tourism disturbance caused a significant change in species composition and structure of plant communities in kernel Spot of Jiuzhaigou. In the vicinity of plank and road, some native shade-tolerant or hygrophilous plants had disappeared, accompanying with the population expansion of some xerophilous and disturbance-resisting species such as Poa sp. Plantago depressa, Potentiila multicaulis and some exotic and synanthropic species. Herbs were domaint species, while frequency coverage and height of shrubs and bryophytes, and shrub density decreased. In indicated that tourist activities and build of road had adversely affected on native plant species, and led to decline in biodiversity of Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve. Abandoned farmlands maybe conduced to entironment and biodiversity conservation. 2. Nearby the plank, influency variable of tourism disturbance on plant was alosely and positively correlated with disturbance intensity. There was companion plant species and lacked shape-loving species in heavy disturbed areas, which caused decrease in biodiversity and significant change in community structure in these places. On the contrary, in the slightly disturbed areas, some companion speices displayed and biodiversity decreased slightly, but no significant change in community structure in these areas. The biuld of road is a heavy disturbance form, which led to increase of herb species and to decrease in vitality and regeneration capacity. 3. The intensity of tourism disturbance on plant depended on plant groups. Tourism interference significantly influenced species composition and diversity index of herb and bryophyte; it also significantly influenced community structure; the bryophyte was more sensitive to tourism disturbance. Our result indicated that the management in kernel spot of Jiuzhaigou is relatively reasonable, but not adequate. Tourism speed the degradation of the vegetation under woodland, the change of the species composition, the decreaing of the biodiversity and the expanding of the exotic sunloving plant populations. The contradiction between tourism and conserving biodiversity is increasing, so enforcing management, regenerating the vegetation under woodland and adjusting the exotic sunloving arid-tolerent plant populations is a pressing work to protect the Jiuzhaigou natural legacy.
瑞香狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme L.)是瑞香科(Thymelaeaceae)狼毒属的一种多年生野草,有毒。据调查,从20 世纪60 年代开始至今,狼毒在青藏高原东缘的高寒草甸上不断蔓延、密度不断变大,在一些地段甚至成为优势物种。有关狼毒在高寒草甸蔓延的生态系统效应的研究尚未见报道。本文从系统碳、氮循环的角度,分别研究狼毒在生长和非生长季节对高寒草甸生态系统的影响。同时,从花粉化感的角度,深入研究狼毒对当地同花期物种有性繁殖的影响。系统地研究高寒草甸生态系统物质循环过程,特别是非生长季节微生物和土壤碳氮库的动态变化,有助于揭示狼毒在系统物质循环方面的“物种效应”以及这种效应的季节变化,为丰富有关高海拔生态系统,特别是其非生长季的物质循环的科学理论做出贡献。同时,碳氮循环和花粉化感的研究还有助于深刻地理解狼毒作为一种入侵性很强的杂草的特殊的蔓延机制,从而为狼毒的有效防治、高寒草甸的科学管理提供依据。 针对狼毒在青藏高原高寒草甸上蔓延的生态系统碳氮循环方面的影响,开展以下2 方面的研究:(1)在生长季,研究松潘县尕米寺附近(北纬32°53',东经103°40',海拔3190 m)的两种地形(平地和阳坡)条件下狼毒对土壤碳氮循环影响及可能的原因。狼毒和其它几个主要物种(圆穗蓼(Polygonummacrophyllum D. Don var. Macrophyllum),草地早熟禾(Poa pretensis L.),四川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis Hand.-Maizz.),鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina L.var. anserine)和鳞叶龙胆(Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb.)的地上凋落物产量以及地上凋落物和根的化学组成被测量。在有-无狼毒斑块下,各种土壤的库(比如,铵态氮、硝态氮、无机磷和微生物生物量)和周转率(包括净矿化、净硝化、总硝化、反硝化和微生物呼吸速率)被测量和比较。(2)在非生长季节,尤其是春季冻融交替期,选取了两个研究地点——尕米寺和卡卡沟(北纬32°59',东经103°41',海拔3400 m),分别测定有狼毒和无狼毒斑块下土壤微生物生物量碳和氮、可溶性有机碳和氮以及铵态氮和硝态氮的动态变化。同时,分别在上述两个地点有-无狼毒的样地上,研究6 个主要物种(狼毒、圆穗蓼、草地早熟禾、四川嵩草、鹅绒委陵菜和鳞叶龙胆)从秋季开始、为期1 年的凋落物分解过程。 针对狼毒花粉化感对同花期其它物种可能的花粉化感作用开展以下工作:在实验室中,用一系列浓度的狼毒花粉水浸提液对与它同花期的其它物种以及自身花粉进行测试,测定花粉萌发率;在野外自然条件下的其它物种的柱头上施用上述浓度的狼毒花粉水浸提液,观测种子结实率,同时,观察狼毒花粉的种间花粉散布数量。 生长季节的研究结果表明,狼毒地上凋落物氮含量比其它几个主要物种更高,而木质素-总氮比更低。狼毒显著地增加其斑块下表层土壤中有机质的含量,而有-无狼毒的亚表层土壤在有机碳和总磷方面没有显著差异。狼毒表土中硝态氮含量在平地和阳坡比无狼毒土壤分别高113%和90%。狼毒表土中微生物生物量碳和氮量显著高于无狼毒表土。无论是平地还是阳坡,狼毒土壤的总硝化和微生物呼吸速率显著高于无狼毒土壤;而它们的反硝化速率只在平地有显著的差异。狼毒与其它物种间地上凋落物的产量和质量的差异可能是导致有-无狼毒土壤碳氮循环差异的原因。我们假设,狼毒可能通过增加贫氮生态系统土壤中的有效氮含量提高其入侵能力。 非生长季的研究结果表明,在青藏高原东缘的高寒草甸上,土壤微生物生3物量在11 月的秋-冬过渡期达到第一个峰值;在春季的冻融交替期,微生物生物量达到第二个峰值后又迅速降低。无机氮以及可溶性有机碳氮与微生物生物量有相似的变化过程。微生物碳氮比呈现显著的季节性变化。隆冬季节的微生物生物量碳氮比显著高于生长旺季的微生物碳氮比。这种变化可能暗示冬、夏季微生物的群落组成和对资源的利用有所不同。有-无狼毒斑块下土壤微生物和土壤碳、氮库一般只在秋-冬过渡期有显著差异,有狼毒土壤微生物生物量和土壤碳、氮库显著高于无狼毒土壤;而在之后的冬季和春季没有显著差异。所有6 个物种凋落物在非生长季分解率为24%-50%,均高于生长季的10%到30%。其中在秋-冬过渡期,凋落物开始埋藏的两周时间内,分解最快,达10%-20%。不同物种凋落物全年的分解率和分解过程有显著差异。圆穗蓼在全年的分解都较缓慢(非生长季26%,生长季15%),草地早熟禾和四川嵩草等全年的分解速率比较均匀(非生长季和生长季均为30%,非生长季略高),而狼毒在非生长季分解较快(约50%),而在接下来的生长季分解变得缓慢(约12%)。所有物种的凋落物氮含量在非生长季下降,而在随后的生长季上升。 实验室的花粉萌发试验证明,狼毒花粉对自身花粉萌发没有自毒作用,而其它受试的所有物种(圆穗蓼,秦艽(Gentiana macrophylla Pall. var. fetissowii),湿生扁蕾(Gentianopsis paludosa (Hook. f.) Ma var. paludosa),鳞叶龙胆,椭圆叶花锚(Halenia elliptica D. Don var. elliptica),蓝钟花(Cyananthus hookeri C. B.Cl. var. grandiflorus Marq.),小米草(Euphrasia pectinata Ten.),川西翠雀花(Delphinium tongolense Franch.),高原毛茛(Ranunculus tanguticus (Maxim.)Ovcz. var. tanguticus)和鹅绒委陵菜)的花粉萌发率随着狼毒花粉浸提液浓度的增加呈显著的非线性降低。大约3 个狼毒花粉的浸提液就可以抑制受试的多数物种的50%的花粉萌发。在鳞叶龙胆和小米草柱头上狼毒花粉的数量分别为5.76 个和3.35 个。狼毒花粉散布数量的差异最可能的原因在于是否有共同的传粉昆虫。花的形状(辐射对称VS 左右对称)、植株或花的密度以及花期重叠性可以部分解释这种差异。在野外试验中,我们发现6 个物种(秦艽、湿生扁蕾、鳞叶龙胆、椭圆叶花锚、蓝钟花和小米草)的种子结实率随狼毒花粉浸提液浓度的增加呈显著的非线性降低。鳞叶龙胆和小米草柱头上狼毒花粉的数量(分别是5.76 个和3.35 个)分别达到了抑制它们63%和55%种子结实率的水平。因此,狼毒对鳞叶龙胆和小米草可能存在明显的花粉化感抑制作用。狼毒周围的物种可能通过花期在季节或昼夜上的分异避免受到狼毒花粉化感的影响或者通过无性繁殖来维持种群繁衍,因此狼毒通过花粉化感作用对其周围物种繁殖的影响程度还需要进一步地研究。如果狼毒的花粉化感抑制作用确实存在,那么它可能成为一种自然选择压力,进而影响物种的进化。 Stellera chamaejasme L., a perennial toxic weed, has emerged and quicklydominated and spread in the high-frigid meadow on the eastern Tibetan Plateau ofChina since the 1960s. In the present study, effects of S. chamaejasme on carbon andnitrogen cycles on the high-frigid meadow on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau ingrowing and non-growing season, and its pollen allelopathic effects on the sympatricspecies were determined. The present study that focused on carbon and nitrogencycles, especially on microbial biomass and pools of carbon and nitrogen innon-growing season, could profoundly illuminate plant-species effects on carbon andnutrient cycles and its seasonal pattern and help to understand spread mechanism ofS. chamaejasme as an aggressive weed. The present study also contributed to furtherunderstand carbon and nutrient cycles on alpine regions in non-growing season andprovide a basis on weed control of S. chamaejasme and scientific management in thehigh-frigid ecosystem. Effects of S. chamaejasme on carbon and nitrogen cycles on the high-frigidmeadow on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau were determined. The study couldbe divided into two parts. (1) In the growing season, we quantified the effects of S.chamaejasme on carbon and nitrogen cycles in two types of topographic habitats, theflat valley and the south-facing slope, where S. chamaejasme was favored to spreadlitter and root were measured to explain the likely effects of S. chamaejasme on soilcarbon and nutrient cycles. The sizes of various soil pools, e.g. nitrite, ammonium,inorganic phosphorus and microbial biomass, and turnover rates including netmineralization, gross nitrification, denitrification and microbial respiration weredetermined. (2) In the non-growing season study, microbial biomass carbon andnitrogen, soluble organic carbon and nitrogen, ammonium and nitrate weredetermined through the non-growing season, especially in the processes offreeze-thaw of spring in two high-frigid sites, i.e. Kaka valley and Gami temple, onthe eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Meanwhile, litter decomposition of six commonspecies, including Stellera chamaejasme L., Polygonum macrophyllum D. Don var.Macrophyllum, Poa pretensis L., Kobresia setchwanensis L., Potentilla anserina L.var. anserine and Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb., were also examined under theabove-mentioned experimental design through one whole-year, which began in theautumn in 2006. In the study of pollen allelopathy, several work, including in vitro study oneffects of extract of pollen from S. chamaejasme on sympatric species and pollenfrom itself, field experiments on effects of pollen extract with the same regime ofconcentrations on seed set and field observation on heterospecific pollen transfer ofS. chamaejasme to six of those sympatric species has been done. The results in the growing season showed that aboveground litter of S.chamaejasme had higher tissue nitrogen and lower lignin: nitrogen ratio than thoseco-occurring species. S. chamaejasme significantly increased topsoil organic matter,whereas no significant differences were found for organic C and total P in subsoilbetween under-Stellera and away-Stellera locations. The nitrate in Stellera topsoilwas 113% and 90% higher on the flat valley and on the south-facing slope,respectively. Both microbial biomass C and N were significantly higher in Stelleratopsoil. Gross nitrification and microbial respiration were significantly higher inStellera topsoil both on the flat valley and on the south-facing slope, whereassignificant differences of denitrification were found only on the flat valley. Thedifferences in the quantity and quality of aboveground litter are a likely mechanismresponsible for the changes of soil variables. We assumed that S. chamaejasme couldenhance their spread by increasing nutrient availability in N-deficient ecosystems. The results in the non-growing season showed that microbial biomass achievedthe first summit in late autumn and early winter on the eastern Qinghai-TibetanPlateau. In the stages of freeze-thaw of spring, microbial biomass firstly achieved thesecond summit and subsequently sharply decreased. Inorganic nitrogen, solubleorganic carbon and nitrogen had a similar dynamics with that of microbial biomass.Ratio of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen had an obviously seasonal pattern.The highest microbial C: N were in the non-growing season, which weresignificantly higher than those in the growing season. The seasonal pattern inmicrobial biomass C: N suggested that large changes in composition of microbialpopulation and in resources those used by microbes between summer and winter.Generally, microbial biomass and pools size of carbon and nitrogen in Stellera soilwere significantly higher than those under adjacent locations in late autumn andearly winter, but there were not significant differences in winter and in spring. Litterof all the focal species (Stellera chamaejasme L., Polygonum macrophyllum D. Donvar. Macrophyllum, Poa pretensis L., Kobresia setchwanensis Hand.-Maizz.,Potentilla anserina L. var. anserine and G. squarrosa Ledeb.) decomposed about24%-50% in the non-growing season, which were higher than those in the growingseason (ranged from 10% to 30%). Litter decomposed 10%-20% within the first twoweeks in late autumn and early winter. Significant differences in the whole-yeardecomposition rate and in the processes of decomposition were found among species.Polygonum macrophyllum decomposed slowly through the whole year (26% and15% in the non-growing season and in the growing season, respectively). Certainspecies, such as P. pretensis L. and K. setchwanensis, decomposed at a similar rate(30% both in the non-growing and in the growing season, slightly higher in the8growing season than those in the growing season), whereas S. chamaejasmedecomposed more rapidly (about 50%) in the non-growing season and subsequentlydecomposition became slow (about 12%) in the growing season. Litter nitrogencontents of all the focal species firstly decreased in the non-growing season and thenincreased in the growing season. In vitro experiments of pollen allelopathy, the results showed that pollen from S.chamaejasme was not autotoxic, whereas pollen germination in all the sympatricspecies (Polygonum macrophyllum D. Don var. Macrophyllum, Gentianamacrophylla Pall. var. fetissowii, Gentianopsis paludosa (Hook. f.) Ma var. paludosa,Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb., Halenia elliptica D. Don var. elliptica, Cyananthushookeri C. B. Cl. var. grandiflorus Marq., Euphrasia pectinata Ten., Delphiniumtongolense Franch., Ranunculus tanguticus (Maxim.) Ovcz. var. tanguticus andPotentilla anserina L. var. anserina) decreased nonlinearly as the increasingconcentrations of extract of pollen from S. chamaejasme. Pollen Extract of threepollens from S. chamaejasme generally inhibited 50% pollen germination of most ofthe focal species. 5.76 and 3.35 pollens from S. chamaejasme were observed in fieldon stigmas of G. squarrosa and E. pectinata, respectively. Differences inheterospecific pollen transfer of S. chamaejasme could be attributed to the primaryreason whether they shared common pollinators. Flower morphology (e.g.zygomorphic or actinomorphic), plant or floral density and concurrence in floweringphonologies could explain, in part, the differences in heterospecific pollen transfer.In field experiments, the results showed that seed set in six sympatric species(Gentiana macrophylla Pall. var. fetissowii, Gentianopsis paludosa (Hook. f.) Mavar. paludosa, Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb., Halenia elliptica D. Don var. elliptica,Cyananthus hookeri C. B. Cl. var. grandiflorus Marq. and Euphrasia pectinata Ten.)decreased nonlinearly as the increasing concentrations of extract of pollen from S.chamaejasme. According to the nonlinear curves, the amounts of pollens from S.chamaejasme on stigmas of G. squarrosa and of E. pectinata (i.e. 5.76 grains and3.35 grains, respectively) could reduce 63% and 55% seed set of G. squarrosa and ofE. pectinata, respectively. Thus, allelopathic effects of S. chamaejasme on G.squarrosa and E. pectinata could be realistic. The sympatric species of S.chamaejasme could avoid pollen allelopathy of S. chamaejasme to sustainthemselves. This highlights the need to study how much pollen allelopathy in S.chamaejasme influences the sympatric species through divergence in seasonal ordiurnal flowering phonologies or through asexual reproduction. If pollen allelopathyin S. chamaejasme was confirmed, it could be as a pressure of natural selection andthus play an important role in species evolution.
日益增强的旅游活动干扰已成为九寨沟世界自然遗产的有效保护与持续管理不可回避的问题,也已成为当前区域生态保护与经济发展的焦点问题之一。评估乡土植物种的基本特征、质量、种子休眠程度以及萌发能力;筛选适宜的植被恢复乡土物种并选择有效植被恢复技术措施是开展植被恢复试验的重要前提和保障。本文以九寨沟世界自然遗产为例,通过对景区乡土植物种子基本特征的测定以及采用乡土物种作为植被恢复技术试验与恢复技术筛选的试验物种,在景区旅游干扰区的三种生境类型:原始针叶林、混交林和边坡,根据不同的影响因素设计试验,从而探索适宜的恢复措施和植被恢复物种。初步结论如下: 1. 本文研究的28种乡土植物中,17种测定的物种活力较高(>72%),均具有作为恢复物种的潜力。但28种种子中75%的发芽率为0%。大部分种子存在一定程度的休眠,包括甘肃山楂、称花藤、疏花槭、陇东海棠、球花荚迷、巴东小檗、蔷薇、宝兴栒子、光泽栒子、光枝柳叶忍冬、甘青铁线莲、毛果铁线莲、宽叶旌节花、糙叶五加和独活。因而种子存在深度休眠是乡土物种自然更新和植被恢复的主要障碍,需要根据种子的形态生理特征,寻求打破乡土植物种子休眠的有效方法,提高种子发芽率。 2.低温层积只显著提高了蔷薇、毛果铁线莲、宽叶旌节花和假升麻3种种子的发芽率,也相对较早地提高了陇东海棠、鲜黄小檗和独活的萌发。对于其它物种的种子,低温层积没能有效打破休眠提高发芽率。综合分析结果表明九寨沟28种林下或林缘乡土植物中窄叶鲜卑花、毛果铁线莲、宽叶旌节花、假升麻、陇东海棠、鲜黄小檗和独活等12种可直播或通过低温层积处理后直播用于旅游干扰退化地段的植被恢复中,而其它的种类尚需进一步寻求打破休眠的措施以提高种子发芽能力。 3.在原始林生境下,七筋菇、巴东小檗、耳叶风毛菊、长叶毛花忍冬及独活5种乡土植物种子的出苗能力不高,因此目前急需提出有关提高种子出苗的方法措施。在相同的处理条件下,不同物种出苗数存在着较大的差异,相比而言,巴东小檗、耳叶风毛菊和长叶毛花忍冬种子出苗与幼苗存活较高,对于其环境适应能力较强,因此它们更适宜采用播种的方式应用于九寨沟原始林践踏地段地表的植被恢复实践;而七筋菇和独活在室内和自然气候条件下萌发都很困难,在植被恢复过程中,可考虑采用其它播种方式。而在边坡和混交林生境试验结果表明,供试物种无萌发和出苗现象,这可能跟外界环境条件、干扰和种子命运有关。 4. 本研究中腐殖质、松土和苔藓覆盖处理措施均未能提高物种出苗,且对样方内植被结构以及物种丰富度也无显著影响,其中的影响因素也是多方面的,因此还需进一步研究探索。但腐殖质对幼苗存活能力方面有一定的积极作用。 The increasing tourism disturbance is an unavoidable issue to effective conservation and sustaind tourist management of Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve. It has become one of the focal problems of regional ecological protect and economic development. Assessing the traits, quality, seed dormancy and germination of native seed and choosing the suitable species and ways for vegetation restoration were the important precondition and guarantee before vegetation restoration. In this paper, as an example to Jiuzhaigou world nature heritage, through the estimation to the basic characteristics of native seeds and the use of native species for the test of vegetation restoration and the choosing of vegetation restoration techniques, in three different habitats being disturbed, including the primitive forest, mixed forest and side slope. According to different factors, designing experiments in order to explore the appropriate measures and species of vegetation restoration . Our results are as follows: 1. There are 77% seeds of the 28 species with high viability(>72%), which had the potential possibility of being restoration species. The germination of 75% of the seed was 0%.Most of the seed was dormant, So dormancy of seed was the barrier for natural regeneration and vegetation restoration, Further research is needed on investigating the other more effective methods to release seed dormancy of these native species in the future. 2. Cold stratification did not release seed dormancy of most species. In our study, there are only 3 species including Clematis peterae var. trichocarpa, Stachyurus chinensis and Aruncus sylvester (P<0.05) with germination percentage increased by cold stratification. By comprehensive analysis, the result shows: In 28 undergrowth native seeds, Sibiraea angustata, Clematis peterae var. trichocarpa, Stachyurus chinensis, Aruncus Sylvester, Malus kansuensis, Berberis diaphana,and Heracleum hemsleyanum could be used to vegetation restoration by sowing directly or sowing after cold stratification in degenerate gland being disturbed by turism, and othes seed of 28 were needed to search other methods to release seed dormancy for advancing the ability of germination. 3.In the habitat of primitive forest, the ability of emergence of the native species Clintonia udensis, Berberis henryana, Saussurea neofranchetii, Lonicera trichosantha var.xerocalyx and Heracleum hemsleyanum was low, so it is urgently needed to search about the methods of advancing emergence. In the sametreatment, the number of emergence of different species was very different. Relatively speaking, the emergence and seedling survival of the species Berberis henryana, Saussurea neofranchetii and Lonicera trichosantha var.xerocalyx was higher, and the adaptability of the species was better, so they were more suitable for vegetation restoration on trampling-induced degraded patches of primitive forest in Jiuzhaigou; But the germination of Clintonia udensis and Heracleum hemsleyanum was both difficult in laboratory and natural conditions, so it could be considered to apply other sowing methods. However, the result showed that: applied species didn’t germinate or emergent in the habitat of side slope and mixed forest, which could be related to external environment conditions, interference and the fate of the seed. 4.In this study, humus, scatification and bryophyte cover measures didn’t advance the emergence of the species or the structure of vegetation and richness in plot significantly, the impact factors of which were many, therefore further research is needed . However, humus had a certain positive effect on the ability of seedling survival.
坡面是土壤侵蚀最基本的地貌单元 ,定量研究坡面侵蚀能为研究土壤侵蚀规律、确定坡面重点侵蚀部位、建立土壤侵蚀预报模型提供科学依据。总结了溅蚀、片蚀、细沟侵蚀、浅沟侵蚀的定量研究进展 ,简述了土壤侵蚀模型的研究进展 ,对目前的其它研究方法进行了评述
We functionalize the focal group of hyperbranched poly(phenylene sulfide) (HPPS) with benzyl, phenyl, and naphthyl group, respectively. DSC analysis shows that T-g of HPPS is increased from 55 to 93 degrees C by functionalization of the focal group with a conjugated naphthyl group. The fluorescence properties of the three core-functionalized HPPS' are studied under the comparison with the original HPPS.
Different sizes of Frechet-type dendrons with a thiol group at the focal point were synthesized, well characterized, and used as building blocks for the preparation of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on metal surfaces. From the studies of the kinetic process of dendron thiol self-assembling on gold, it is shown that the dendron thiol assembling proceeds with different adsorption rates depending on the assembly time. In contrast to normal alkanethiols forming highly molecular structures on metal surfaces, the SAMs of polyether dendron form patterned surfaces with nanometer-sized features and in long-range order. It is found that the patterned stripes are closely related to the size of the dendron, and the patterned stripes can be improved by thermal annealing.