75 resultados para low dose rate


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目的:1.比较肝癌细胞SMMC-7721和正常肝细胞L02,其辐射超敏感性和增强的辐射抗性的差异,为临床治疗提供基础研究数据。 2.对于重离子束辐照哺乳动物细胞引起的超敏感性以及增强的辐射抗性很少有报导。本研究利用兰州重离子研究装置(HIRFL)提供的12C开展高LET射线引起肝癌细胞SMMC-7721的辐射超敏感性的研究。材料和方法:1.低剂量60co γ射线辐照SMMc-7721细胞和L02细胞,低剂量高LE12c (50 MeV/u,LET=44.56keV/μm)辐照SMMC-7721细胞,剂量范围为0-ZGy.2.利用流式细胞仪的前向光和侧向光对辐照后的细胞进行分选,精确计数。3.将细胞转入培养皿中,培养l0天,固定,染色。统计大于50个细胞的克隆。结果与讨论:1.用流式细胞仪进行细胞分选与传统的稀释法相比,存活分数没有明显的差异,标准偏差明显减少,该方法完全适用于低剂量存活的测量;2,SMMc-7721和L02细胞对低剂量60Coγ射线辐照均表现出HRS/IRR响应。但是只有当肿瘤细胞和正常组织的存活差异在3%以上时才能将HRS响应应用于临床治疗。3.用高LET12c离子束对SMMC-7721细胞进行照射,细胞也表现出明显的HRS/ IRR响应。与Y射线照射相比,C离子照射的闭值剂量为0.28Gy,比γ射线照射的要低。这可能是由于两种射线能量沉积的方式不同造成的。4.将重离子应用于临床治疗时,由于位于离子通道上的细胞受到微小剂量的照射(0.2-0.5SGy/次),细胞正好位于超敏感区域,因此,在治疗时要充分考虑离子束入射通道上细胞的HRS响应。


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The in situ crystallization kinetics of syndiotactic poly(propylene) (sPP) has been investigated by synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The structure evolutions during the isothermal crystallization of sPP with different shear rates have been observed. The results show that shear accelerates the process of crystallization kinetics. Even under low shear rate, the lamellae can be distinctly oriented. In contrast, the lamellar parameters such as the long period, lamellar thickness, and the scattering invariant 0 can change obviously only under high shear rate.


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Poly (3-butylthiophene) (P3BT) is a much less studied conjugated polymer despite its high crystallizability and thus excellent electrical property. In this work, morphology of P3BT at different crystalline polymorphs and solvent/thermal induced phase transition between form I and U modifications have been intensively investigated by using optical microscopy, electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and X-ray diffraction. It is shown that a direct deposition from carbon disulfide (CS2) at fast evaporation results in P3BT crystals in form I modification, giving typical whiskerlike morphology. In contrast, low evaporation rate from CS, leads to formation of form II crystals with spherulitic morphology, which is so far scarcely observed in polythiophene.


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The paper studies the morphology and mechanical properties of immiscible binary blends of the nylon 1010 and HIPS through the radiation crosslinking method. In this blend, the HIPS particles were the dispersed phases in the nylon 1010 matrix. With increasing of dose, the elastic modulus increased, However, the tensile strength. elongation at bleak and the energy of fracture increased to a maximum at a dose of 0.34 MGy, then reduced with the increasing of dose. SEM photographs show that the hole sizes are not changed obviously at low dose and at high dose, remnants that cannot be dissolved in formic acid and THF can be observed in the holes and on the surface. TEM photographs showed that radiation destroys the rubber phases in the polymer blend. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A numerical method to estimate temperature distribution during the cure of epoxy-terminated poly(phenylene ether ketone) (E-PEK)-based composite is suggested. The effect of the temperature distribution on the selection of cure cycle is evaluated using a suggested alternation criterion. The effect of varying heating rate and thickness on the temperature distribution, viscosity distribution and distribution of the extent of cure reaction are discussed based on the combination of the here-established temperature distribution model and the previously established curing kinetics model and chemorheological model. It is found that, for a thin composite (<=10mm) and low heating rate (<=2.5K/min), the effect of temperature distribution on cure cycle and on the processing window for pressure application can be neglected. Low heating rate is of benefit to reduce the temperature gradient. The processing window for pressure application becomes narrower with increasing thicknesses of composite sheets. The validity of the temperature distribution model and the modified processing window is evaluated through the characterization of mechanical and physical properties of E-PEK-based composite fabricated according to different temperature distribution conditions.


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The ice crystal formation is assumed as the most lethal factor for the failure of fish embryo cryopreservation and intracellular ice formation (IIF) plays a central role in cell injury during cooling. The objectives were to observe the morphological changes of red seabream (Pagrus major) embryo during the cooling-thawing process, and to examine the effect of cryoprotectant and cooling rate on the temperatures of oil globule ice formation (T-OIF), extra-cellular ice formation (T-EIF) and intracellular ice formation (T-IIF) using cryomicroscope. After thawing, the morphological changes of embryos were observed and recorded by the video attachment and monitor under the microscope. During the cooling process, three representative phenomena were observed: oil globule gradually turned bright firstly, then the whole field of view flashed and the embryo blackened. Cooling rate affect the temperature of both extra- and intra-cellular ice formations. T-EIF and T-IIF at high cooling rate were much lower than that at low cooling rate. And the value of T-EIF - T-IIF increased from 0.45 to 11.11 degrees C with the increase of cooling rate from 3 to 130 degrees C/min. Taken together, our results suggested that high cooling rate with proper cryoprotectant would be a good option for red seabream embryo cryopreservation. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The reuse of holdfasts for regeneration of young seedlings or using wild juvenile plants as the seedling source has played the major role in commercial cultivation of the brown alga Hizikia fusiformis in East Asia over the past 20 years. The possibility of employing zygote-derived germlings for producing seedlings has been discussed in the literature, but has not yet become a reality. Three main obstacles have limited the use of zygotes as a main source of seedlings, (1) the dioecious nature of the algal life cycle which may lead to asynchronous male and female receptacle development and thus different timing of egg and spermatozoa expulsion, (2) the low attachment rate when using zygote-derived germlings with developed rhizoids from wild parental plants for seeding production, and (3) the problem of culturing young germlings in regions where water temperature is high in summer. In this investigation, shifting the timing of receptacle formation earlier than in nature was performed by tumbling the algae in a long-day tank (16-h light per day). Synchronization of egg and spermatozoa expulsion and thereafter fertilization were conducted in indoor tanks. Receptacle formation in constant long days could be shifted by 20 days earlier than in plants cultured on long lines in the open sea, or I month earlier than in plants growing on intertidal rocks. Synchronized expulsion of eggs and spermatozoon led to a high rate of fertilization. This was achieved by tumbling the male and female receptacle-bearing branchlets in the same tank at low density in high irradiance. In two independent trials, a total of 1,400,000 zygote-derived germlings were obtained from 620 g (fresh weight) female sporophytes. The germlings shed from the receptacles were at an identical developmental stage indicating high synchronization of expulsion of eggs and spermatozoon followed by fertilization. Approximately 63% ( +/-9.6%) of the germlings were shed from the receptacle between 16 and 24 It after fertilization and 20% ( +/-11.9%) remained on the receptacle for 3 days after fertilization. Germlings were seeded on string collectors before rhizoids started to elongate and the attachment efficiency was enhanced. Young seedlings reached 800 ( +/-50) mum in length in 25 days at 25 degreesC before they were transferred to open sea cultivation. These results provide the basis of a practical way of seedling production by use of zygote-derived germlings in the commercial cultivation of Hizikia fusiformis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Based upon analyses of grain-size, rare earth element (REE) compositions, elemental occurrence phases of REE, and U-series isotopic dating, the sediment characteristics and material sources of the study area were examined for the recently formed deep-sea clays in the eastern Philippine Sea. The analytical results are summarized as follows. (1) Low accumulation rate, poor sorting and roundness, and high contents of grains coarser than fine silt indicate relatively low sediment input, with localized material source without long distance transport. (2) The REE Contents are relatively high. Shale-normalized patterns of REE indicate weak enrichment in heavy REE (HREE), Ce-passive anomaly, and Eu-positive anomaly. (3) Elemental occurrence phases of REE between the sediments with and without crust are similar. REE mainly concentrate in residual phase and then in ferromanganese oxide phase. The light REE (LREE) enrichment, Ce-positive anomaly, and Eu-positive anomaly occur in residual phase. Ferromanganese oxide phase shows the characteristics of relatively high HREE content and Ce-passive anomaly. (4) There are differences in each above mentioned aspect between the sediments with and without ferromanganese crust. (5) Synthesizing the above characteristics and source discriminant analysis, the study sediments are deduced to mainly result from the alteration of local and nearby volcanic materials. Continental materials transported by wind and/or river (ocean) flows also have minor contributions.


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Sediment geochemical technique was employed to assess how the sediment records reflect the environmental changes of Jiaozhou Bay, a semi-enclosed bay adjacent to Qingdao, China. In the past hundred years, Jiaozhou Bay has been greatly impacted by human interventions. A dated core sediment by Pb-210 chronology was analyzed for trace metals including Li, Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn together with C, N, P and BSi. Based on the research, the development of Jiaozhou Bay environment in the past hundred years can be divided into three stages: (1) before the 1980s characterized by relatively low sedimentation rate, weak heavy metal pollution and scarce eutrophication; (2) from the 1980s to 2000, accelerating in the 1990s, during which high sedimentation rates, polluted by heavy metals and the frequent occurrence of red tide; (3) after 2000, the period of the improvement of environment, the whole system has been meliorated including the heavy metal pollution and hypernutrification. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Phosphorus is a key element and plays an important role in global biogeochemical cycles. The evolution of sedimentary environment is also influenced by phosphorus concentrations and fractions as well as phosphate sorption characteristics of the marine sediments. The geochemical characteristics of phosphorus and their environmental records were presented in Jiaozhou Bay sediments. Profiles of different forms of phosphorus were measured as well as the roles and vertical distributions of phosphorus forms in response to sedimentary environment changes were investigated. The results showed that inorganic phosphorus ( IP) was the major fraction of total phosphorus ( TP); phosphorus which is bound to calcium, iron and occluded phosphorus, as well as the exchangeable phosphorus were the main forms of IP, especially calcium-phosphorus, including detrital carbonate-bound phosphorus ( Det - P) and authigenic apatite-bound phosphorus ( ACa - P), are the uppermost constituent of IP in Jiaozhou Bay sediments. Moreover, the lead-210 chronology technology was employed to estimate how much phosphorus was buried ultimately in sediments. And the research showed that the impacts of human activities have increased remarkably in recent years especially between the 1980s and 2000. According to research, the development of Jiaozhou Bay environment in the past hundred years can be divided into three stages; (I) before the 1980s characterized by the relatively low sedimentation rate, weak land-derived phosphorus inputs and low anthropogenic impacts; (2) from the 1980s to around 2000, accelerating in the 1990s, during which high sedimentation rates, high phosphorus abundance and burial fluxes due to the severe: human activities impacted on the whole environmental system; (3) after 2000, the period of the improvement of environment, the whole system has been improved including the decreasing sedimentation rates, concentration and the burial fluxes of phosphonas.


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The Yaoyingtai Block is located within the northeastern Changling Depression of southern Songliao Basin, where the reservoir sandstones are petrophysically characterized by very low permeability, which results in the low success probability of artificial fracturing, and the low oil yield by water injection in the course of oil production. In order to improve the situations as stated above, this research aims to work out an integral fracturing technology and strategy applicable to the low permeable reservoirs in Yaoyingtai Block. Under the guidance of geological theory, reservoir engineering and technology, the subsurface occurrences of natural and hydraulic fractures in the reservoirs are expected to be delineated, and appropriate fracturing fluids and proppants are to be optimized, based on the data of drilling, well logging, laboratory and field experiments, and geological data. These approaches lay the basis of the integral fracturing technology suitable for the low permeable reservoir in the study area. Based on core sample test, in-situ stress analysis of well logging, and forward and inversion stress field modeling, as well as fluid dynamic analysis, the maximum in-situ stress field is unraveled to be extended nearly along the E-W direction (clustering along N85-135°E) as is demonstrated by the E-W trending tensional fractures. Hydraulic fractures are distributed approximately along the E-W direction as well. Faulting activities could have exerted obvious influences on the distribution of fractures, which were preferentially developed along fault zones. Based on reservoir sensitivity analysis, integrated with studies on rock mechanics, in-situ stress, natural fracture distribution and production in injection-production pilot area, the influences of primary fractures on fracturing operation are analyzed, and a diagnostic technology for primary fractures during depressurization is accordingly developed. An appropriate fracturing fluid (hydroxypropyl guar gum) and a proppant (Yixing ceramsite, with a moderate-density, 0.45-0.9mm in size) applicable to Qingshankou Formation reservoir are worked out through extensive optimization analysis. The fracturing fluid can decrease the damage to the oil reservoir, and the friction in fracturing operation, improving the effect of fracturing operation. Some problems, such as sand-out at early stage and low success rate of fracturing operations, have been effectively solved, through pre-fracturing formation evaluation, “suspension plug” fracturing, real-time monitoring and limited-flow fracturing. Through analysis of fracture-bearing tight reservoir with variable densities and dynamic analysis of influences of well patterns on fracturing by using numerical simulation, a fracturing operation scheme for the Qingshankou Formation reservoir is proposed here as being better to compress the short factures, rather than to compress the long fractures during hydraulic fracturing. It is suggested to adopt the 450m×150m inverted 9-spot well pattern in a diamond shape with wells placed parallel to fractures and a half fracture length of 60-75m.


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With the development of petroleum exploration, subtle reservoir has become the main exploration object in Dongying Depression, which requires some new technologies and methods to further reveal the geological characteristics in step with the mature exploration stage. In this paper, on the references to the studies of petroleum system and multiple oil-gas accumulation belt with flexible maneuverability, and the application of systematic theory, the concept of reservoir assemblage is initially defined as "the association of active source rock(s) and hydrocarbon reservoir(s) that are genetically related, with the bridge of pathway system in an oil and gas bearing basin". Compared with the theories of petroleum system and multiple oil-gas accumulation belts, it emphasizes on the processes of petroleum migration and accumulation and the correlation among active source rock, trapped hydrocarbon and migration pathway, and has been confirmed to be more suitably applied to high maturely explored basin. In the first study of this paper, sequence stratigraphy and subtle analytical technology of source rock have been employed to find that two categories of source rock with their characteristic types of organic matter and substantial states occurred in Dongying Depression. The first category, consisting of the oil shales within the third-order sequences of lacustrine expanding system tracts in the upper interval of the fourth Member of Shahejie Formation and both in the middle and lower intervals of the third Member of Shahejie Formation, is featured with the highest abundance of total organic matter (TOC) and the strongest abilities of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion, which is classified into the standard of good hydrocarbon source rock. Exploration assessment confirmed that about 70-80% of hydrocarbon in Dongying Depression came from this set of source rock for which the low sedimentary rate and strong oxygen-free environment would play the key role during its generation. The second category, composed of organic matter of dark mudstone in high stand system tracts in the upper and middle intervals of the third Member of Shahejie Formation, has been characterized by low content of total organic matter which mostly dispersedly distributes, and formed in the pre-delta to delta front environments. In classification, it belongs to the ordinary standard of source rocks. In the second research part, through the studies of high frequency sequence stratigraphy, fault geometry and active history combining with geochemistry of fluid inclusion and nitrogen compound and simulation test of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation, the faults have been thought to be the principal conduits, and the sandy bodies and unconformities might played the complementary pathways for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in Dongying Depression of the continental faulted basin. Therefore, the fault activities may mainly constrain on the development of hydrocarbon pathways in space and time. Even more, using homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusion in digenetic minerals, three critical moments for hydrocarbon accumulation have been determined as well in Dongying Depression, which happened during the late stage of Dongying Formation (Ed), the early stage of Guantao Formation (Nig) and the early stage of Minghuazhen Formation (Nim), respectively. Comparatively, the last stage is looked as the main forming-reservoir period, which has also been supported by the results of geochemical analysis and simulation experiments of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion. Clearly, the times of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation are consistent with those of the fault activities in Dongying Depression, which indicate that tectonic activities would control the forming-reservoir. A conceptual model of faulting-episodic expulsion coupled with episodic forming-reservoir has then been established in this study. In the third part of this paper, some focusing areas were selected for the fine descriptions of pathway distribution and forming-reservoir, which has given four types of reservoir assemblage in terms of the main pathway and its correlation with the reservoir and trap: (1) mainly consisted of sandy bodies; (2) mainly consisted of faults; (3) mainly consisted of unconformities; and (4) their complex with two or three types of pathways. This classified criteria has also been applied to access the risk of some prospected traps in Dongying Depression. Finally, through the application of reservoir assemblage integrated with pathway distribution to all the prospective targets in Dongying Depression, the new favorably hydrocarbon accumulated belts have been figured out, and more subtle reservoirs have also been found. For examples, during 2000 and 2002, in the mature exploration areas, such as Liangjialou and Shengtuo structural closures etc., newly proved reserves were 2274 * 104t, and forecasted oil reserves 5660-5860xl04t; and in the predicted favorable areas, newly additional controlled oil reserves was 3355xl04t. Besides those, many other favorable exploration areas need to be further appraised.


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Paleointensity changes of geomagnetic field help us to understand the evolutionprocess of earth completely and provide further constraints for earth interior process and geodynamo model. Marine sediments are good carriers for relative paleointensity of geomagnetic field. But in most cases, deep sea sediments that conform with magnetic "uniformity" usually have low sedimentation rate about l-2cm/ka and lie under the Carbonate Compensate Depth with little carbonate content. Therefore, the number of relative paleointensity records with detailed oxygen stratigraphy is still rare. This thesis focus on four cores from east of Ryukyu Trench which have foraminiferal content of 5-30% and sedimentation rate of lOcm/ka and wish to get centennial -millennial changes of relative paleointensity.The sediments from east of Ryukyu Trench conform with magnetic "uniformity" and remanences of four cores all show single component with stable direction and faithfully record the magnetic field. The NRM301T1T/ARM and NRMsomT/ x are still affected by grain size and concentration changes although the sediments are "uniform" , indicating the uniformity might not enough for relative paleointensity. After renomalized by grain size parameter MDF, the intensities remove the effect of grain size changes to different degrees and show coherency in 1-1 Oka scale with results from ODP983/984. The characteristics of paleointensity of geomagnetic field arefrom 32-24kaBP, paleointensity of geomagnetic field is low;24-12kaBP, paleointensity of geomagnetic field is high and shows two peaks boundary with 19kaBP.3) 12-5.3ka, paleointensity is low. Then increase from 5,3kaBP until a small trough at 2.7kaBP, then increase till now.


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Prenatal morphine exposure affects neural development of fetus by impairing learning and memory, and increasing susceptibility to morphine abuse. Because nervous systems have different developmental characteristics during different developmental stages, administration of morphine at different stages also has different effects on learning, memory, and susceptibility to morphine. Due to the precise developmental processes of neurotransmitter systems in chick embryo’s brain, and unique superiority of chick embryo model, the purpose of the present studies was to explore critical periods correlated to the memory impairment and the increasing susceptibility to morphine, via one-trial passive avoidance and conditioned place preference as behavior models. Then the possible roles of mu and delta opioid receptors as the possible mechanism were analyzed. Experiment 1 showed that injecting low dose of morphine (1 mg/kg) during the period embryonic 5 to 8 significantly impaired the function of learning and memory, worse than any other periods of the same treatment. Experiment 2 showed that injecting low dose of morphine during the period embryonic 17 to 20 significantly increased the susceptibility to morphine in the new-born chicks. The affected chicks acquired the morphine conditioned place preference more quickly, and maintained it much longer. Experiment 3 showed that during E5-8, injecting delta receptor antagonist naltrindole reversed the learning and memory impairment caused by morphine while delta receptor agonist DPDPE impaired learning and partial memory function. On the other hand, mu opioid receptors had little effect. As for E17-20, given naloxonazine can reverse the increases of susceptibility to morphine, and the mu receptor agonist DAGO cause the increases of susceptibility to morphine. Delta receptors have no effect. The above results demonstrated that prenatal morphine expousure at different developmental periods of chick embryo caused different influences on memory and susceptibility to morphine. That is, E5-8 is the critical period correlate to memory impairment; and E17-20 is the critical period correlate to susceptibility to morphine. Delta receptors were critical in learning and memory impairment while mu receptors in susceptibility.


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Credible and stable animal behavioral models are necessary to research the mechanisms of addiction in vivo, especially to study the relationship between memory or stress and drug addiction, which has been one of the focuses in this field. So the object of this study was to observe the influences of several factors on the behavioral effects of morphine shown in the paradigms of conditioned place preference (CPP) and locomotor activity (LA), and to explore the effects of adrenalectomy on LA induced by morphine in rats. In addition, the cortexes of rats were examined, which were exposed to chronic administration of several doses of morphine with or without foot shock. Moreover, a new behavioral model was built to quantify the motivation of drug seeking. The results showed that CPP was more sensitive to low dose of morphine than to high dose. The period of experiment could be shortened by increasing the training times everyday, whereas in this way the dose of morphine should be low enough to avoid the impact between the near two exposures to morphine. Effects of chronic administration of morphine on LA in rats were dose- and time- dependent, which supplied evidence to choose parameters in other behavioral models. The results obtained by the simplified LA paradigm showed that hyperactivity of low dose of morphine following hypoactivity, and naloxone had no effects on LA but blocked the locomotion effects of morphine. Obvious effects of morphine on LA of rats might depend on a reasonable level of plasma corticosterone, which may determine individual vulnerability to drug addiction. Stress may also potentiate the vulnerability by aggravating damage to cortex of rats induced by drug dose-dependently, which is suggested by the results of histological examination. The result that frontal and temporal cortexes and hippocampus were injured suggests that there may be a close relationship between memory and drug addiction. It was showed that the new behavioral model on the basis of Morris water maze might be used to quantify the motivation of drug-craving.