137 resultados para indirizzo :: 381 :: Elettronica


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从2006 年10 月24 日至2007 年4 月9 日,采用固定样线法和瞬时扫描法, 对在大山包国家级自然保护区(N27°18′38″~27°29′15″,E103°14′55″~103°23′49″) 内越冬的黑颈鹤种群进行了越冬行为、日间活动节律和越冬栖息地利用的详细调 查,同时对黑颈鹤的春季迁徙行为和冬季黑颈鹤的死亡现象进行了观察和分析。 这些研究有助于我们了解黑颈鹤是采取何种行为模式和栖息地利用模式来适应高 海拔、低温度的环境,同时对如何有效地保护越冬黑颈鹤和合理规划保护区功能 区域有重要的指导作用。 将黑颈鹤的越冬行为分为:取食(Feeding)、搜寻(Searching)、警戒(Vigilance)、 争斗(Fight)、行走(Walk)、飞行(Flight)、休整(Maintenance)和其它(Others) 八种,越冬期间最主要的行为是取食(53.05±4.93)%,其它行为依次为:搜寻 (10.38±1.34)%、警戒(18.75±2.65)%、休整(10.32±4.93)%、行走(4.90±1.59) %、飞行(1.70±0.38)%、争斗(0.36±0.25)%、其它(0.55±0.41)%。单因素 方差分析(One-Way ANOVA)分析表明越冬期间黑颈鹤日间各时间段(1h)和各 月份间行为差异极显著(P<0.05),并呈现出规律的变化。黑颈鹤的取食、警戒、 搜寻行为具明显的早(10:00-11:00)、晚(17:00-18:00)两个活动高峰,中午 13:00~14:00 最低;而休整行为正好相反,呈现出中午高峰、上午和下午低谷的趋 势;另外几种行为节律性表现不明显。黑颈鹤越冬期主要行为的节律变化是受环 境温度变化影响的,温度高时黑颈鹤增加了修整时间减少了取食时间,而温度低 时则减少了修整时间增加了取食时间以维持能量需求,湿度是通过温度对黑颈鹤 产生影响的。每天黑颈鹤都随着太阳的升起开始觉醒,于07:18±0:15 飞离夜栖地, 大雾的天气影响了黑颈鹤的外出觅食,与之相适应的是黑颈鹤相应的推迟了出飞 时间。黑颈鹤所采取的所有行为都表现出了对大山包特殊环境的适应。 在大山包黑颈鹤所利用的栖息共有耕地(farmland)、草地(grassland)、沼泽 (marsh)和浅水水域(water area)四类。选择指数分析表明黑颈鹤对水域有极大 的偏好,其次为沼泽湿地,再次为耕地,而对草地表现为负选择,并且在越冬期 间的各月份之间,对不同栖息利用比率保持一致。这提示我们在进行保护区规划 的时候应该适当增加前三种栖息地的面积以满足黑颈鹤的越冬需求。主成份因子 分析表明黑颈鹤倾向于选择距夜栖地和水源较近、人流较少、干扰较小、无坡或缓坡的低海拔栖息地。处于不同越冬地的越冬黑颈鹤根据当地的实际情况采取不 同的栖息地利用,说明黑颈鹤具有较强的环境适应能力。 调查期间记录到了三只带有彩环的黑颈鹤个体,其中有两只佩戴有卫星发射 器,发射器编号分别为64309 和64311。大山包黑颈鹤种群数量变动的春季和秋季 高峰是由于处于不同越冬地的黑颈鹤迁徙造成的,同时也说明了大山包是在滇东 北和黔西北越冬的黑颈鹤的集散地。黑颈鹤的春季迁徙一般集中在3 月下旬至4 月上旬,在晴朗、微风的上午10:00-11:00 迁徙的黑颈鹤数量最多,说明了天气条 件对黑颈鹤迁徙的重要性。 大山包保护区内的高压输电电线和通信电缆对越冬黑颈鹤构成了极大的威 胁。观察期间共有7 只黑颈鹤因撞上输电电线而死亡,除去一只没有外伤的成体 之外,成幼比例为1:1,大都发生在天气较为恶劣的12 月-2 月之间。发生撞死黑 颈鹤的时候保护区内都有不同程度的大雾笼罩,由于大雾的影响造成可视条件下 降,加之黑颈鹤飞行的机动性差(翼载量大、展弦比不大),造成了黑颈鹤的伤亡.


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A comparatively low-quality silicon wafer (with a purity of almost-equal-to 99.9%) was adopted to form a silicon-on-defect-layer (SODL) structure featuring improved crystalline silicon near the defect layer (DL) by means of proton implantation and subsequent annealing. Thus, the SODL technique provides an opportunity to enable low-quality silicon wafers to be used for fabrication of low-cost solar cells.


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We present photoelectron spectroscopic and low energy electron diffraction measurements of water adsorption on flat Si samples of the orientations (001), (115), (113), (5,5,12) and (112) as well as on curved samples covering continuously the ranges (001)-(117) and (113)-(5,5,12)-(112). On all orientations, water adsorption is dissociative (OH and H) and non-destructive. On Si(001) the sticking coefficient S and the saturation coverage Theta(sat) are largest. On Si(001) and for small miscuts in the [110]-azimuth, S is constant nearly up to saturation which proves that the kinetics involves a weakly bound mobile precursor state. For (001)-vicinals with high miscut angles (9-13 degrees), the step structure breaks down, the precursor mobility is affected and the adsorption kinetics changed. On (115), (113), (5,5,12) and (112), the values of S and Theta(sat) are smaller which indicates that not all sites are able to dissociate and bind water. For (113) the shape of the adsorption curves Theta versus exposure shows the existence of two adsorption processes, one with mobile precursor kinetics and one with Langmuir-like kinetics. On (5,5,12), two processes with mobile precursor kinetics are observed which are ascribed to adsorption on different surface regions within the large surface unit cell. From the corresponding values of S and Theta(sat), data for structure models are deduced. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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A numerical model that combines mass transport and surface kinetics was applied, for the first time, to the chemical vapor epitaxy of GexSi1-x. The temperature, velocity and concentration fields were calculated from the conservation equations for energy, momentum and species coupled with the boundary conditions on the growth surface which were determined by surface kinetics. The deposition rates of Si and Ge were assumed to be limited, respectively, by surface kinetics and mass transport. A theoretical relation between the initial conditions and the Ge composition in the solid was established. The calculated growth rate as well as the Ge composition in the solid and its dependence on growth temperature agree well with experimental data.


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The electronic properties of wide energy gap zinc-blende structure GaN, AlN and their alloys Ga1-xAlxN are investigated using the empirical pseudopotential method. Electron and hole Effective mass parameters, hydrostatic and shear deformation potential constants of the valence band at Gamma and those of the conduction band at Gamma and X are obtained. The energies of Gamma, X, L conduction valleys of Ga1-xAlxN alloy versus Al fraction x are also calculated. The information will be useful for the design of lattice mismatched heterostructure optoelectronic devices in the blue light range.