79 resultados para Salmo 137


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本文在形态学、解剖学、孢粉学研究的基础上,结合细胞学和植物地理学资料,对中国及邻近地区分布的星蕨亚科植物进行了全面的分类学修订,就水龙骨科分亚科的问题进行了初步讨论,重新确定了星蕨亚科的范围和该亚科一些属的限和系统位置。在星蕨亚科中,孢子囊群的类型,根状茎的横切面的类型,叶背面孢子囊群中鳞片状隔丝的有无以及孢子的微形态特征等,在属和种的的等级上有重要的分类学意义。褐叶线蕨和胄叶线蕨的孢子囊群中的隔丝的发现,为星蕨亚科范围的重新确定提供了依据。通过对线蕨属的复杂的羽裂类型的形态形状的统计分析,将它们处理为1种5变种。综合各方面研究,初步认为星蕨亚科应包括星蕨属Microsorum Link、瘤蕨属Phymatosorus Pic. Serm.、鳞果星蕨属Lepidomicrosorum Ching et Shing、毛鳞蕨属Tricholepidium Ching、盾蕨属Neolepisorus Ching、扇蕨Neocheiropteris Christ、线蕨属Colysis C. Presl和薄唇蕨属Leptochilus Kaulf.,以及只在菲律宾分布的还不甚清楚的单种属Podosorus Holttum等9属。文中详细列举了中国及邻近地区星蕨亚科植物有8属35种,其中1种为新种,1种3变种和1变型为新组合。


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We have made a set of chromosome-specific painting probes for the American mink by degenerate oligonucleotide primed-PCR (DOP-PCR) amplification of flow-sorted chromosomes. The painting probes were used to delimit homologous chromosomal segments among human, red fox, dog, cat and eight species of the family Mustelidae, including the European mink, steppe and forest polecats, least weasel, mountain weasel, Japanese sable, striped polecat, and badger. Based on the results of chromosome painting and G-banding, comparative maps between these species have been established. The integrated map demonstrates a high level of karyotype conservation among mustelid species. Comparative analysis of the conserved chromosomal segments among mustelids and outgroup species revealed 18 putative ancestral autosomal segments that probably represent the ancestral chromosomes, or chromosome arms, in the karyotype of the most recent ancestor of the family Mustelidae. The proposed 2n = 38 ancestral Mustelidae karyotype appears to have been retained in some modern mustelids, e.g., Martes, Lutra, ktonyx, and Vormela. The derivation of the mustelid karyotypes from the putative ancestral state resulted from centric fusions, fissions, the addition of heterochromatic arms, and occasional pericentric inversions. Our results confirm many of the evolutionary conclusions suggested by other data and strengthen the topology of the carnivore phylogenetic tree through the inclusion of genome-wide chromosome rearrangements. Copyright (C) 2002 S. KargerAG, Basel.


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The genetic diversity and phylogeny of 26 isolates of Bursaphelenchus xlophilus from China, Japan, Portugal and North America were investigated based on the D2/3 domain of 28S rDNA, nuclear ribosomal Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) sequences, and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. The genetic diversity analysis showed that the D2/3 domain of 28S rDNA of isolates of B. xlophilus from China, Portugal, Japan and the US were identical and differed at one to three nucleotides compared to those from Canada. ITS sequences of isolates from China and Portugal were the same; they differed at one or two nucleotides compared to those of Japanese isolates and at four and 23 nucleotides compared to those front the US and Canada, respectively. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that Chinese isolates share a common ancestor with one of the two Japanese clades and that the Canadian isolates form a sister group of the clade comprised of isolates from China, Portugal,Japan, and the US. The relationship between Japanese isolates and those from China was closer than with the American isolates. The Canadian isolates were the basal group of B. xylophilus. This suggests that B. xlophilus originated in North America and that the B. xylphilus that occurs in China could have been first introduced from Japan. Further analysis based on RAPD analysis revealed that the relationship among isolates from Guangdong, Zhejiang, Shandong, Anhui provinces and Nanjing was the closest, which suggests that pine wilt disease in these Chinese locales was probably dispersed from Nanjing, where this disease first occurred in China.


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Prenatal stress can cause many long-term behavior changes in offspring, but whether prenatal stress can alter addictive behavior in offspring and postnatal enriched environment treatment (EE) can restore these changes are unknown. We reported here that pr


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GATA基因在脊椎动物和非脊椎动物的发育中行使重要的功能,该家族的成员在进化上也足非常保守的.脊椎动物的GATA基因分为两个亚群:GATA1/2/3和GATA4/5/6.通过生物信息分析,在文吕鱼的基因缓中找到了3个GATA基因:一个GATA1/2/3业家族基因,两个GATA4/5/6亚家族基因:还找到一个类GATA基因.还克隆了白氏文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri)GATA123的一段序列,并研究了它在早期胚胎发育中的表达图式.结果表明GATA123在原肠胚的中内胚层表达,而在神经胚晚期和幼体早期,GATA123在脑泡和消化道中部区域表达.这种表达模式与头部发育的重要基因Otx相类似.结果提示在文吕鱼脑泡的发育过程中GATA123和Otx很可能共同发挥着重要的作用.


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers are used to investigate genetic variation and evolutionary relationships of 29 samples of Cordyceps sinensis from different geographical populations on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Out of 137 RAPD bands scored, 100 are polymorphic. A correlation is revealed between geographical distance and genetic distance. The molecular phylogenetic tree suggests that the 29 samples are divided into three notable clusters, corresponding to the geographical populations, i.e., the north population (NP), middle population (MP), and south population (SP). The NP consists of 7 northern samples from Menyuan, Maqu, and Luqu, the MP consists of 8 samples from Yushu and Chengduo, and the SP consists of 14 samples from Byma Snow Mountain, Renzhi Snow Moutain, Chongcaoxiwa, and Dacaodi. It is demonstrated that extensive genetic diversity is found among different geographical populations of C. sinensis. The genetic diversity pattern of C. sinensis may be caused by the founder effects. The taxonomic status of NP, MP, and SP populations should be that they are different subspecies rather than different species.


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Acipenseriformes is an endangered primitive fish group, which occupies a special place in the history of ideas concerning fish evolution, even in vertebrate evolution. However, the classification and evolution of the fishes have been debated. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) ND4L and partial ND4 genes were first sequenced in twelve species of the order Acipenseriformes, including endemic Chinese species. The following points were drawn from DNA sequences analysis: (i) the two species of Huso can be ascribed to Acipenser; (ii) A. dabryanus is the mostly closely related to A. sinensis, and most likely the landlocked form of A. sinensis; (iii) genus Acipenser in trans-Pacific region might have a common origin; (iv) mtDNA ND4L and ND4 genes are the ideal genetic markers for phylogenetic analysis of the order Acipenseriformes.