119 resultados para Resonance Raman Spectrum


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ZnO nanoflowers are synthesized on AIN films by solution method. The synthesized nanoflowers are composed of nanorods, which are pyramidal and grow from a central point, thus forming structures that are flower-shaped as a whole. The nanoflowers have two typical morphologies: plate-like and bush-like. The XRD spectrum corresponds to the side planes of the ZnO nanorods made up of the nanoflowers. The micro-Raman spectrum of the ZnO nanoflowers exhibits the E-2 (high) mode and the second order multiple-phonon mode. The photoluminescence spectrum of the ZnO nanoflowers exhibits ultraviolet emission centred at 375 nm and a broad green emission centred at 526 nm.


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Ce-doped Bi12SiO20 (BSO) single crystal was grown on board of the Chinese Spacecraft-Shenzhou No. 3. A cylindrical crystal, 10 mm in diameter and 40 mm in length, was obtained. The morphology of crystals is significantly different for ground- and space-grown portions. The space- and ground-grown crystals have been characterized by Cc concentration distribution, X-ray rocking curve absorption spectrum and micro-Raman spectrum. The results show that the quality of Ce-doped BSO crystal grown in space is more homogeneous and more perfect than that of ground grown one. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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We report on the comparative studies of epitaxial SiC films grown on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) and Si bulk substrates. The silicon-over-layer (SOL) on the SOI has been thinned down to different thicknesses, with the thinnest about 10 nm. It has been found that the full-width-at-half-maxim in the X-ray diffraction spectrum from the SiC films decreases as the SOL thickness decreases, indicating improved quality of the SiC film. A similar trend has also been found in the Raman spectrum. One of the potential explanations for the observation is strain accommodation by the ultra-thin SOI substrate. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Diamond films were prepared by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MWPCVD). In order to obtain better field emission properties, the samples coated with different metals were prepared. The results showed that the field emission properties of diamond coated with metals could be greatly improved in comparison to pure diamond film and the different kinds of coated metals have different influences on the field emission properties. The possible reasons of effects on the field emission properties are discussed, which were probably due to the reduced effective surface work function by metal coatings; but the detail of the mechanism should be studied further. The surface morphology and microstructure of the sample were characterized by Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectrum tests. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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SiC was grown on Si (100) substrates oriented and off-oriented by 2-5 degrees towards [011] with simultaneous supply of C2H4 and S2H6 at 1050 degrees C. SiC formed during removal of oxide could be removed at 1150 degrees C. Twinned growth occurred on both oriented and off-oriented substrates during carbonization, but fewer twins formed on the off-oriented substrate than that on the oriented substrate. In SiC growth process, twinned growth continued on the off-oriented substrate whereas twinned growth stopped and single crystal SiC with double-domain (2 x 1) superstructure formed on the oriented substrate. SiC single crystal could grow on a carbonized twinned buffer layer. Obvious SiC LO and TO phonon modes were observed with Raman spectroscopy in the epilayer grown on the oriented substrate. The surface of the epilayer grown on the oriented substrate was smooth, while there was a high density of islands on the epilayer grown on the off-oriented substrate. The film grown on the oriented substrate is superior than that grown on the off-oriented substrate. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have found that GaN epilayers grown by NH3-source molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) contain hydrogen. Dependent on the hydrogen concentration, GaN on (0001) sapphire can be either under biaxially compressive strain or under biaxially tensile strain. Furthermore, we notice that background electrons in GaN increase with hydrogen incorporation. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements of the N1s region indicate that hydrogen is bound to nitrogen. So, the microdefect Ga...H-N is an effective nitrogen vacancy in GaN, and it may be a donor partly answering for the background electrons. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A fullerene/ionic-liquid composite was explored. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) study showed that in the composite, C-60 mainly exists as nano-clusters, Raman spectrum proved that the composite formed only by physical Mix of C-60 and 1-Butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium hexafluorophosphate (BMIPF6), the combination did not change the chemical naturation of C-60. The electrochemical properties of the composite modified electrode, including the electrode reaction control function and the interfacial potential effect were studied.


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In this work, a one-dimensional microrod-based three-dimensional flowerlike indium hydroxide (In(OH)(3)) structure was fabricated, without any templates or surfactants, using a well-known hydrothermal approach at a non-high temperature. In2O3 with similar morphology was formed by annealing In(OH)3 precursors and was characterized by Raman spectrum and photoluminescence (PL) spectrum in detail.


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In this paper, based on Einstein relationship between diffusion and random walk, the electrochemical behavior of a system with a limited number of molecules was simulated and explored theoretically. The transition of the current vs time responses from discrete to continuous was clearly obtained as the number of redox molecules increased from 10 to 10(6).


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The dilute magnetic semiconductor of Sn1-x-yMnxFeyO2 (0 <= x <= 0.10, 0 <= y <= 0.10) Were syhthesized with the hydrothermal method using SnCl4, Mn(CH3COO)(2) center dot 4H(2)O and FeCl3 center dot 6H(2)O as the raw materials. The structure, morphologies and magnetic properties of the sample were characterized via X-ray powder diffractometer(XRD), transmission electron microscopy(TEM), Raman spectrum and superconducting and quantum interference device(SQUIT), and Mossbeaur spectrum. No secondary phase was found in the XRD spectrum. The morphology of the samples is affected by the kind or the mount of transition metal. The local vibrating model-of Mn Positioned SnO2 sites was found in Raman spectrum. The measured magnetic results indicate that when x = 0.10, y = 0, the sample exhibits strong magnetization in low-temperature (5 K), but the magnetization decrease rapidly at room. temperature; In contrast, when x = 0, y = 0.1, the sample's magnetization and coercivity are both small, but being temperature independent. Mossbeaur spectra indicates that part of the Fe is ferromagnetic coupled, and the simulating results indicate that the ferromagnetic character is intrinsic.


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Sequentially spectrophotometric titrations by sodium hydroxide of meso-tetraphenylporphyrin derivatives bearing one, two, three, or four p-hydroxyl groups result in new types of spectra. The strong new bands appear in the visible region with splitting or broadening of the Soret band and its significant loss of oscillator strength. To understand the molecular origin of these phenomena, the Resonance Raman (RR) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) experiments are carried out. The results demonstrate that the charges of the deprotonated para-hydroxy substituted meso-tetraphenylporphyrins are localized on the substituents, not delocalized into the pi system of the porphyrin macrocycles and that the ground states of the macrocycles remain essentially unperturbed. Both the related behavior of diprotonated tetrakis(p-(dimethylamino)phenyl) porphyrin and protonated Schiff base porphyrins show that the new bands considered as hyperporphyrin spectra are due to pi(phenoxide anion) --> pi*(porphyrin) transitions, where pi is an orbital on the phenoxide anion substitutent and pi* is a LUMO on the porphyrin.


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pH-dependent processes of bovine heart ferricytochrome c have been investigated by electronic absorption and circular dichroism (CD) spectra at functionalized single-wall carbon 'nanotubes (SWNTs) modified glass carbon electrode (SWNTs/ GCE) using a long optical path thin layer cell. These methods enabled the pH-dependent conformational changes arising from the heme structure change to be monitored. The spectra obtained at functionalized SWNTs/GCE reflect electrode surface microstructure-dependent changes for pH-induced protein conformation, pK(a) of alkaline transition and structural microenvironment of the ferricytochrome c heme. pH-dependent conformational distribution curves of ferricytochrome c obtained by analysis of in situ CD spectra using singular value decomposition least square (SVDLS) method show that the functionalized SWNTs can retain native conformational stability of ferricytochrome c during alkaline transition.


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Ground state geometries were searched for transition metal trimers Sc-3, Y-3, La-3, Lu-3, Ti-3, Zr-3, and Hf-3 by density functional methods. For all the studied trimers, our calculation indicates that the ground state geometries are either equilateral triangle (Zr-3 and Hf-3) or near equilateral triangle (Ti-3, Sc-3, Y-3, La-3, and Lu-3). For rare earth trimers Sc-3, Y-3, La-3, and Lu-3, isosceles triangle (near equilateral triangle) at quartet state is the ground state. Isosceles triangle at doublet state is the competitive candidate for the ground state. For Zr-3 and Hf-3, equilateral triangle at singlet state is the most stable. For Ti-3, isosceles triangle (near equilateral triangle) at quintet state gives the ground state. For Sc-3, Zr-3, and Hf-3, where experimental results are available, the predicted geometries are in agreement with experiment in which the ground state is equilateral triangle (Zr-3) or fluxional (Sc-3 and Hf-3). For Y-3, the calculated geometry is in agreement with experimental observation and previous theoretical study that Y-3 is a bent molecule for the ground state.


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La-2, Yb-2, and Lu-2 have been studied by use of the density-functional methods B3LYP, BLYP, B3PW91, BHLYP, BP86, B3P86, MPW1PW91, and PBE1PBE. In these density-functional methods, the exchange functional is from either Becke's three-parameter HF-DFT hybrid exchange functional (B3), pure DFT exchange functional of 1988 (B), a modification of the half-and-half HF/DFT hybrid method (BH), Perdew-Wang 1991 (PW91), or Barone's modified PW91 (MPW1), while the correlation functional is from either Lee, Yang, and Parr (LYP), Perdew-Wang 1991 (PW91), or Perdew 86 (P86). PBE1PBE is the generalized-gradient-approximation exchange-correlation functional of Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof. For La-2, the calculated bond distance is in reasonable agreement with the experiment, but the calculated vibrational frequency is underestimated significantly compared with the experiment. Only BP86 and B3P86 have the best performance in reproducing the experimental dissociation energy for La-2. For the van der Waals dimer Yb-2, three functionals, B3LYP, BLYP, and BHLYP have excellent performance in reproducing the spectroscopic constants compared with both the experiment and previous theoretical studies.


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Bond distances, vibrational frequencies and dissociation energies for the ground state of Lu-2 were studied by density functional methods B3LYP, B3PW91, BLYP, BHLYP, BP86, B3P86, MPW1PW91, PBE1PBE and SVWN with CEP-121G and SDD basis sets. Singlet state is predicted to be the most stable. CEP-121G has a better overall performance than SDD. At CEP-121G basis set, all density functional methods used in this study perform well in reproducing the spectroscopic constants.