209 resultados para Relative intensity


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In a A-type system employing a two-photon pump field, a four-wave mixing field can be generated simultaneously and, hence, a closed-loop system forms. We study theoretically the effect of the relative phase between the two incident fields on the generated four-wave mixing field and the electromagnetically induced transparency. It is found that the phase of the generated four-wave mixing field is the sum of the incident relative phase and a fixed phase that is irrelative to the incident relative phase. Hence, the total phase of the closed-loop system is independent of the incident relative phase. As a result, the incident relative phase has no effect on the electromagnetically induced transparency, which is different from the case of a A-type loop system closed by a third incident field. (c) 2005 Pleiades Publishing, Inc.


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We investigate experimentally the high-order harmonic generation from aligned CO2 molecules and demonstrate that the modulation inversion of the harmonic yield with respect to molecular alignment can be altered dramatically by fine-tuning the intensity of the driving laser pulse for harmonic generation. The results can be modeled by employing the strong field approximation including a ground state depletion factor. The laser intensity is thus proved to be a parameter that can control the high-harmonic emission from aligned molecules.


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Sideband manipulation of population inversion in a three-level A atomic configuration is investigated theoretically. Compared with the case of a nearly monochromatic field, a population inversion between an excited state and a ground state has been found in a wide sideband intensity range by increasing the difference in frequency between three components. Furthermore, the population inversion can be controlled by the sum of the relative phases of the sideband components of the trichromatic pump field with respective to the phase of the central component. Changing the sum phase from 0 to pi, the population inversion between the excited state and the ground state can increase within nearly half of the sideband intensity range. At the same time, the sideband intensity range that corresponds to the system exhibiting inversion rho(00) > rho 11 also becomes wider evidently.


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The fluorescence emission from indole resulting from two-color two-photon (2C2P) excitation with 400 and 800 nm wavelengths is observed, using the second harmonic and fundamental wavelength of a 800 nm 40 fs pulsed Ti:Sapphire femtosecond (fs) regenerative amplifier operating at a repetition rate of 1 kHz. By delaying one fs laser pulse relative to the other, the cross correlation of fluorescence is observed, which indicates the generation of 2C2P fluorescence signal in the experiment. The strongest 2C2P fluorescence emission characterized by the peak of cross correlation curve suggests optimal temporal overlap of the two fs laser pulses. The 2C2P fluorescence signal is linearly dependent on the total excitation intensity. The fluorescence signals with 400 nm and 800 nm irradiation alone are also demonstrated and discussed in this paper. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The asymmetric photoionization of atoms irradiated by intense, few-cycle laser pulses is studied numerically. The results show that the pulse intensity affects the asymmetric photoionization in three aspects. First, at higher intensities, the asymmetry becomes distinctive for few-cycle pulses of longer durations. Second, as the laser intensity increases, the maximal asymmetry first decreases then increases after it has reached a minimal value. Last, the value of the carrier-envelope phase corresponding to the maximal asymmetry varies with the pulse intensity. This study reveals that the increasing of pulse intensity is helpful for observing the asymmetric photoionization.


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An analytical fluid model for JxB heating during the normal incidence by a short ultraintense linearly polarized laser on a solid-density plasma is proposed. The steepening of an originally smooth electron density profile as the electrons are pushed inward by the laser is included self-consistently. It is shown that the JxB heating includes two distinct coupling processes depending on the initial laser and plasma conditions: for a moderate intensity (a <= 1), the ponderomotive force of the laser light can drive a large plasma wave at the point n(e)=4 gamma(0)n(c) resonantly. When this plasma wave is damped, the energy is transferred to the plasma. At higher intensity, the electron density is steepened to a high level by the time-independent ponderomotive force, n(e)> 4 gamma(0)n(c), so that no 2 omega resonance will occur, but the longitudinal component of the oscillating ponderomotive field can lead to an absorption mechanism similar to "vacuum heating." (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We studied effects of the relative phase between the probe and driving fields on the absorption and dispersion properties in an open three-level ladder system with spontaneously generated coherence but without incoherent pumping. It is shown that by the phase controlling, switching from absorption to lasing without inversion (LWI) and enhancing remarkablely LWI gain can be realized; large index of refraction with zero absorption and the electromagnetically induced transparency can be obtained. We also find that varying the atomic injection and exit rates has a considerable influence on the phase dependent-absorption property of the probe field, existent of the atomic injection and exit rates gives the necessary condition of the realization of LWI, getting LWI is impossible in the corresponding closed system without incoherent pumping. We studied effects of the relative phase between the probe and driving fields on the absorption and dispersion properties in an open three-level ladder system with spontaneously generated coherence but without incoherent pumping. It is shown that by the phase controlling, switching from absorption to lasing without inversion (LWI) and enhancing remarkablely LWI gain can be realized; large index of refraction with zero absorption and the electromagnetically induced transparency can be obtained. We also find that varying the atomic injection and exit rates has a considerable influence on the phase dependent-absorption property of the probe field, existent of the atomic injection and exit rates gives the necessary condition of the realization of LWI, getting LWI is impossible in the corresponding closed system without incoherent pumping.


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Illumination of an optically levitated particle with an intensity-modulated transverse beam induces a transverse vibration of a particle in an optical trap. Based on this, the trapping force of a trap can be measured. Using an intensity-modulated longitudinal levitating beam causes a particle to move vertically, allowing for the determination of some aerodynamic parameters of a particle in air. The principles and the experimental phenomena are described and the initial results are given. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.


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We describe the rigorous results of a wide-angle laser beam scanner, obtained with the help of the vector refraction theory. Using the rigorous results, the distortion of the beam shape is discussed. The distortion to the beam varies with the different relative angles of double prisms. The scanner expands the beam in some directions while it contracts the beam in other directions. According to the conservation of energy, the distribution of the laser intensity is changed as well. (c) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A scheme for the readout of a hologram recorded in bacteriorhodopsin film with high diffraction efficiency and intensity is suggested and demonstrated. Two weak coherent continuous beams function as the recording beams, and a strong light pulse is used to read the real-time hologram. The width of the readout light pulse is modulated to be short compared with the erase time of the reading beam; the time space between two adjacent pulses is ensured to be longer than the time the beams take to recover the hologram, and high diffraction efficiency and intensity (similar to 11 mW/cm(2)) can be obtained. (C) 1996 Optical Society of America.


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In this paper, we describe a wide-angle laser beam scanner and the rigorous result of the wide-angle laser beam scanner was obtained with the help of the vector refraction theory. Using the rigorous results, the distortion of the beam shape was discussed. The distortion of the beam shape is varying with the different relative angles of the double prisms. According to the conservation of the energy, the distribution of the laser intensity is changed too. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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We describe the rigorous results of a wide-angle laser beam scanner, obtained with the help of the vector refraction theory. Using the rigorous results, the distortion of the beam shape is discussed. The distortion to the beam varies with the different relative angles of double prisms. The scanner expands the beam in some directions while it contracts the beam in other directions. According to the conservation of energy, the distribution of the laser intensity is changed as well. (c) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Dammann gratings are well known for their ability to generate arrays of Lmiform-intensity beams from an incoming monochromatic beam. We apply the even-numbered Dammann grating to achieve dynamic optical coupled technology. A 1 x N dynamic optical coupled system is developed by employing two complementary even-numbered Dammann gratings. With this system we can achieve a beam splitter and combiner as a switch between them according to the relative shift between the gratings. Also, this system is a preferable approach in integral packaging. More importantly, this device has the potential to be applied to the splitting of a large array, e.g., 8 x 16 array and 64 x 64 array, which is difficult to be realized with conventional splitting methods. We experimentally demonstrated a 1 x 8 coupler at the wavelength of 1550 nm. Furthermore we analyze the effects of the alignment errors between gratings and the wavelength-dependent error on efficiency and uniformity. The experimental results and the influence of alignment error and wavelength-dependent error are analyzed in detail. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.