348 resultados para Psych-verbs
成瘾药物体内浓度的变化诱发的负性情绪反应是促发强迫性觅药和戒断后复吸的主要动机。以往研究关注长期慢性阿片戒断时的厌恶效应。目前认为对急性依赖戒断诱发负性情绪的神经机制的研究,将为充分理解从偶然用药到强迫性觅药过程中神经机制的适应性改变提供一个很好的切入点。泛杏仁核(the extended amygdalea)在成瘾过程中的适应性改变,是偶然用药到强迫性觅药转变的关键。NMDA系统和CRF系统参与戒断时厌恶性情绪反应。杏仁中央核和终纹床核是轴外CRF系统参与情绪反应的主要核团。为探讨急性阿片依赖戒断诱发的条件性负性情绪反应的神经生物学机制,采用皮下注射吗啡/纳络酮(二者间隔4小时),诱发的负性情绪反应作为非条件性刺激物,条件性位置实验箱的不同的视觉和触觉线索为条件性刺激物。经过两轮训练建立CPA反应。利用脑区微量给药技术考察泛杏仁核的NMDA和CRF系统对吗啡急性依赖戒断诱发的负性情绪反应的影响。 主要结果如下: (1)皮下注射吗啡/纳络酮,4天进行两轮训练能建立稳定的CPA模型。 (2)皮下注射NMDA受体拮抗剂MK801显著抑制CPA的获得。 (3)杏仁中央核微量注射MK801,显著抑制CPA的获得。 (4)终纹床核微量注射CRF1受体拮抗剂antalarmin, 显著抑制CPA的获得;下丘脑室旁核微量注射antalarmin,不影响CPA的获得。终纹床核微量注射CRF能使吗啡急性依赖大鼠产生CPA效应。 (5)单侧杏仁中央核注射MK801以及单侧终纹床核注射antalarmin能部分抑制CPA的获得,但单侧杏仁中央核注射MK801伴对侧终纹床核注射antalarmin能完全抑制CPA的获得。 综上所述,杏仁中央核的NMDA系统和终纹床核的CRF系统参与阿片急性依赖戒断诱发的负性情绪反应。二者可能存在上下游关系,终纹床核可能接受来自杏仁中央核的CRF投射参与阿片急性依赖戒断诱发的负性情绪反应。
学习时间分配是元认知控制中的一个重要成分,是个体在记忆过程中对心理资源的一种控制和管理,是程序性元记忆中自我调节策略的主要表现,同时也是反映学习者对任务掌握程度的一个传统指标。权衡(tradeoff)是决策行为的一个重要特点。传统的研究大部分关注的是简单情境下的学习时间分配决策,本研究则主要考察在权衡困难学习情境下的学习时间分配决策。所谓权衡困难学习情境是指掌握难度不同的项目会获得不同程度的奖励这样的学习情境:如果选择学习并掌握较容易的项目只能得到较低的奖励,若要得到较高的奖励,就必须选择学习并掌握较困难的项目。显然,权衡困难的学习情境更接近现实情境,具有较好的生态效度。 本研究采用Metcalfe(2002)的研究范式,考察外在收益对学习时间分配决策的影响,比较简单情境和权衡困难情境下学习时间分配决策的优化程度,探讨权衡困难情境下影响学习时间分配决策的因素,以此检验并拓展最近学习区假设。本研究的主要发现可以总结为以下5点: (1)分值大小对学习时间分配决策有显著的影响。随着学习项目的分值增加,所分配的学习时间也显著增加。 (2)在权衡困难情境下,学习时间分配决策存在对项目的分值和难度的权衡。 (3)时间限制是影响权衡困难情境学习时间分配决策的重要因素。只在有时间限制时,权衡困难情境下的学习时间分配才与简单情境下的学习时间分配存在显著差异;否则,两者间没有显著差异。而在中等时间限制条件下,与简单情境相比,权衡困难情境下的学习时间分配决策是次优的。 (4)练习可以改进权衡困难情境的学习时间分配决策策略,并改变学习时间分配决策的速度。单纯的练习降低了随后决策的速度,而提供成绩反馈则提高了随后决策的速度。 (5)成就动机中的希望成功的动机与分配到高分值难项目的学习时间成正相关。 上述发现不仅深化了我们对学习时间分配决策机制的认识,而且具有重要的教育应用价值。
学业情绪是指在教学或学习过程中,与学生学业相关的各种情绪体验。采用问卷、访谈、实验室实验、自然实验等多种方法,从学习不良青少年学业情绪的特点和影响因素出发,重点考察了学业情绪对学习不良青少年学业成就及选择性注意和持续性注意的影响。在此基础上,制定了学业情绪整合性干预措施,对学习不良青少年进行了学业情绪的干预。结果表明: 1、以1731名初一到高三学生为被试,通过三次取样测试,编制的《青少年学业情绪问卷》具有较好的理论构想和信、效度指标,是研究青少年学业情绪问题的一个有效工具。 2、采用问卷法,比较了学习不良青少年和一般青少年在学业情绪上的特点,被试为普通初中与高中学生1034人,其中学习不良学生506人。结果表明,学习不良青少年比一般青少年有更少的积极学业情绪、更多的消极学业情绪。学习不良青少年与一般青少年在学业情绪上的差异主要体现在初一、初二和高二、高三年级。总体上,消极学业情绪有随着学业时间的延续而增强的趋势,积极学业情绪有随着学业时间延续而降低的趋势。男生的积极学业情绪多于女生,女生的消极学业情绪多于男生。学习不良青少年的学业情绪受人际、学业、课堂、个人等多方面因素的影响,其中人际因素是最主要的因素。 3、以1209名青少年为被试,采用结构方程模型检验了学业情绪对学业成就的影响模式。结果发现,积极高唤醒学业情绪通过成就目标、学业效能、学习策略间接影响学业成就;积极低唤醒、消极低唤醒和消极高唤醒学业情绪对学业成就有直接影响。学业情绪影响学习不良青少年学业成就的模式形态与一般青少年相同。 4、学业情绪对学习不良青少年的选择性注意和持续性注意有一定影响。对70名高一学习不良青少年研究的结果表明,对积极低唤醒学业情绪下选择性注意的反应时成绩优于消极学业情绪。对69名高二学习不良青少年研究的结果表明,消极高唤醒的学业情绪能够增加持续性注意的虚报率,降低抑制能力,而积极高唤醒的学业情绪能够提高判断标准,占用更多的心理资源。 5、以358名高中学生为被试(其中学习不良学生52人),通过学业情绪的整合性教育干预发现,该干预能够有效促进学习不良青少年及全体青少年学业情绪的改善;短期内对学习不良及全体青少年的学业成就提高有积极作用。
The aggressive behavior and the violent crime of the Adolenscents have aroused social widespread attention. The Social Implicit Cognition Method could overcome the insufficiency of explicit research methods such as Self-Report Scale, and carry on the thorough discussion to the intrinsic mechanism of the Adolenscent’s aggressive behavior. In this research, Implicit Association Test and Explicit Questionnaire are synthetically applied to inspect the relations among the aggression, Evaluation of Emotion Regulation and the aggressive behavior of the normal middle-school students and the Adolenscent violent criminals under the explicit and implicit conditions, and have carried the supplement to the internal condition of the General aggression model (GAM). The result indicates, 1. The concept of implicit aggression exists independently and separates from explicit aggression. However the relations between implicit aggression and the groups are remarkable, i.e. both the implicit and explicit aggressions of the Adolenscent violent criminals are remarkably higher than those of the normal middle-school students, but not influenced by sex factors. 2. Implicit Evaluation of Emotion Regulation is suitable to Chinese Adolenscents. The correlation of groups and sex factors exist to Implicit Evaluation of Emotion Regulation, i.e. in the group of criminals, the female inclines to the mood control compared with the male in the aspect of Implicit Evaluation of Emotion Regulation; however, in the group of normal persons, the difference between male and female is not remarkable in the aspect of Implicit Evaluation of Emotion Regulation. 3. Under the explicit conditions, it is discovered that the remarkable explicit aggression can predict violent criminals. But it is adjusted by Explicit Evaluation of Emotion Regulation, i.e. the predicting function is not remarkable when the Explicit Evaluation inclines to expression. Meanwhile, when checking the functions and the effects of the implicit variables after the explicit conditions are under control, it is discovered that the predicting function of implicit aggression is still remarkable, and the predicting function of Implicit Evaluation of Emotion Regulation is remarkable at the edge and also adjusted by sex factors. These findings help us not only understanding thoroughly the intrinsic mechanism of the Adolenscent’s aggressive behavior, discovering the moderating role of Evaluation of Emotion Regulation on aggression, but also providing an academic foundation on the prevention and intervention of the Adolenscent’s aggressive behavior.
To test preschoolers’ development of cognitive flexibility--an ability to solve a problem in one way and to then switch solution strategies, and the mechanism involved in the development, 3-5-year-olds are asked to perform switching tasks in which the experimenter manipulates the way the stimuli are presented: consecutive or simultaneous; the way the switching happens: between dimensions or within a dimension; the conceptual domains involved: shape, color, number and direction; the specific labels used. The main results of this work are presented below: (1) 3-5-year-olds’ cognitive flexibility develops with age, yet its development is not of the same speed in extra-dimensional switch tasks and inter-dimensional reversal tasks. 3-year-olds manifest some cognitive flexibility, but their performance is significantly worse than that of 4- and 5-year-olds. For the 3-year-olds, in reversal tasks, although 80% of the children passed the post-switch phrase in color task; less then 60% children passed the post-switch phrase in shape, number and direction tasks. In extra-dimensional tasks, 3-year-olds performance is worse than that in the reversal tasks. Less than 50% of the children passed the tasks. Children’s cognitive flexibility develops fast from 3-year-olds to 4-year-olds. Both 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds demonstrate high flexibility without significant difference between them. (2) Children’s flexibility in the conceptual domains of shape, color, number and direction follows different developing patterns. In inter-dimensional reversal tasks, 3-year-olds’ performance is not the same in the 4 conceptual domains, but the difference among the domains is insignificant in 4-and-5-year-olds. In extra-dimensional switching tasks, children’s performance on the 4 domain tasks is significantly different from one another in 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds. (3) The way the stimuli are presented affects children’s development of cognitive flexibility. In inter-dimensional reversal tasks, 3-year-olds’ performance in consecutive presentation is significantly better than that in simultaneous presentation. 4- and 5-year-olds’ performance in the 2 presentations is not significantly different from each other. In extra-dimensional switch tasks, 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds’ performance in the consecutive presentation is not significantly better than that in the simultaneous presentation (4) 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds’ self-issued labeling aids their performance on the switching tasks. Children’ performance in the labeling condition is significantly better than that of no labeling. (5) 3-5-year-olds’ cognitive flexibility is highly correlated with their working memory and inhibition. Children’ development of cognitive flexibility is a process that involves activation of working memory and inhibition, in which the complexity of the task also plays a role.
情绪表达规则是指一个人应当在恰当的情境中表达恰当的情绪。对情绪表达规则的认知发展是个体社会能力发展的一个重要方面,因此这一主题引起了国内外众多研究者的重视。但目前对童年早期儿童的研究中,大多数只考查了儿童对情绪的外显表达与内隐真实体验的区分,没有同时考查儿童对需要使用情绪表达规则的情境的认知,不能全面真实地揭示儿童对情绪表达规则的认知发展。在本研究中,以个别访谈法考查了4-6岁儿童同一个体在这两个指标上对情绪表达规则认知的发展,以及发展中的个别差异和个体内部差异,并进一步了解情境因素以及心理理论能力、执行抑制能力的发展对它们的影响。主要结果如下: (1)4-6岁儿童对情绪表达规则的认知能力随年龄增长而提高:4岁尚处于发展的萌芽水平,5岁和6岁都处于发展的过渡水平。对于同一年龄的儿童,对情绪表达规则的认知发展存在较大的个体之间的差异。 (2)4-6岁儿童对情绪表达规则的认知也存在较大的个体内部差异:对表情伪装的认知滞后于对需要使用情绪表达规则的情境的认知,对言语伪装的认知优于对表情伪装的认知;在对情绪表达规则的使用中,自我定向的占多数,其次是他人定向,规则定向所占的比例最少。随年龄的增长,自我定向的比例减少,他人定向的比例增多。 (3)情境变量影响4-6岁儿童对情绪表达规则的认知:与同伴交往情境中对需要使用情绪表达规则的情境的认知、对言语伪装的认知优于与长辈交往情境中的有关认知;对需要掩藏消极情绪情境中对表情伪装的认知要优于对需要掩藏积极情绪情境中表情伪装的认知。 (4)4-6岁儿童心理理论能力的发展和执行抑制能力的发展与其对情绪表达规则的认知发展有关。 (5)有关情绪表达规则的提示能够促进儿童对情绪隐私的认知,促进的效果随年龄的增长而提高,6岁的效果最好。
求职过程是人生的一个重要阶段,对大学生来说,毕业后的第一份工作具有不同寻常的意义。本研究在计划行为理论和社会资本理论指导下,6个月内,分3个阶段对全国5所高校的1200名(最终保留434名)大四毕业生进行追踪研究,总体研究结果证明,计划行为理论在中国大学生求职行为研究中具有适用性,通过完善主体规范与行为控制感的测量方法,TPB变量对中国大学生求职行为的方差解释率达到54%,并证明主体规范对求职行为有直接预测作用。 通过对比求职行为与社会关系对求职结果和就业质量的影响,结果表明,社会关系对求职期有显著的负向预测作用,对专业与职位的匹配度、工作满意度有显著的正向预测作用,而求职行为对这三项就业结果指标没有显著的预测作用,求职行为只在面试数量上的预测力强于社会关系的预测力。
[Abstract] Verbal communication strategy (VCS) refers to a programmed knowledge applied by individuals to understand and express intentions via language symbols in their realization of communicative objectives according to social conventions. As an important index of social development, verbal communication strategy has provided a new perspective for social skill studies. However, more work has to be done in the investigation of LD children’s VCS developmental pattern and affecting mechanism. Through contextual test, structured interview and role-play, the present study, by adopting integrated measurements of instrumental and interpersonal effectiveness, explored the developmental characteristics of Chinese learning-disabled primary school children across 3-6th grades at both comprehension and application levels. Then, their social perspective-taking performance and verbal retelling competence of each participant were examined, on the basis of which, path analysis was conducted, with social perspective-taking, verbal retelling and verbal communication strategy comprehension as independent variables, to reveal the inner mechanism affecting LD children’s application of verbal communication strategy. Finally, an intervention study was carried out through a combination of polite request strategy understanding lessons and social perspective-taking training dramas. The results indicate that:(1) No significant grade differences were found in LD group for polite request strategy, while significant differences were reported across different grades of non-LD children. For indirect reply strategy, significant grade and gender differences were found among LD children, but the developmental trajectory between the two groups was different. For both polite request and indirect reply strategies, the strategy comprehension level of LD children was significantly lower than those without learning disabilities. (2) No significant grade and gender differences were found in LD group in their application of polite request strategy, while for non-LD children, significant differences were reported across different grades. For indirect reply strategy, both LD and non-LD groups exhibited similar developmental characteristics. Significant group differences only exist in the over-all application level of polite request strategies, not in indirect reply strategies. However, the differences of the latter between the two groups were found at significant level only among the 11-12 year olds. (3) LD children’s perspective-taking and verbal retelling competence were significantly lower than those of non-LD group. For polite request strategy, the influence of social perspective-taking to strategy application was indirect and must be via strategy comprehension, while for indirect reply strategy, strategy comprehension was found to play as a partial mediator between social perspective-taking and strategy application. The influence of verbal retelling to strategy application was indirect on both types of strategies. (4) LD children’s strategy comprehension and social perspective-taking level can be improved, and the improvement of these two competences has significant positive impact on the increase of their strategy application level. Key Words: learning disabilities, verbal communication strategy, social perspective- taking
The arguments on self discrepancy can be traced back to the old ages, but the systematic investigations were started by Higgins et al. at 1985.Compared to the large number of foreign studies, only a few ones have been conducted in our own country. Numerous characteristics of undergruaduate’s actual-ideal discrepancy and a great many determinative factors have been found as well as many of its negative effects—especially the greater the actual-ideal discrepancy, the more negative on the mind and behavior. Nevertheless, there are still many issues to be solved, such as the extend of the undergruaduate’s actual-ideal discrepancy level in own country. On the other hand, although there are a great many internal and external determinative factors of actual-ideal discrepancy, how they overally influence the discrepancy of the same individual is still unknown; to what extent does actual-ideal discrepancy influence the human mind and behavior and whether the influence is positive or negtive? This research collected a sample consisting of 4 undergraduate grades and 5 majors from a middle-ranked university. We adopted questionnaires in the study, and analyzed the data using correlation analysis, regression analysis, variances analysis, and path analysis. Our aim focused on the general characteristics of the undergruaduate’s actual-ideal discrepancy in own country, the overall working mechanism of the determinative factors including environmental and personal factors on the actual-ideal discrepancy of the same individual, and the effects of the actual-ideal discrepancy on psychological adaption, motivation, and behavior. The main results are as following: (1)The improved measurement instrument possesses good validity and reliability, and can be used in future research. (2) The actual-ideal discrepancy level among undergraduates is slightly bellow medium. The proportion of undergraduates who have a higher actual-ideal discrepancy level is small. There is significant gender difference in actual-ideal discrepancy level, but no significant difference across different majors and grades. (3)This research probed the overall working mechanism of the parenting style(environmental factors) and the personality factors(personal factors) including stability, flexibility, cleverness, and esteem on the undergruaduate’s actual-ideal discrepancy. The results shows that the parenting style of warmth and understanding, stability, flexibility, and esteem influence the actual-ideal discrepancy. Esteem entirely moderate the relationship between the parenting style of warmth and understanding and actual-ideal discrepancy, partially moderate the relationship between the flexibility, stability and actual-ideal discrepancy. Furthermore, the above factors can be order as stability, flexibility, and parenting style of warmth and understanding in terms of decreasing impact on the actual-ideal discrepancy. No significant effect of cleverness and other parenting style was found. The parenting style of warmth and understanding, stability, and flexibility interactively influence the actual-ideal discrepancy in the following manner: the stability and flexibility, both of which have independent influence on the actual-ideal discrepancy, entirely moderate the relationship between the parenting style of warmth and understanding and actual-ideal discrepancy. (4) Actual-ideal discrepancy plays a negative role in adaption indices, including self-efficacy, self-identity, self-actualization. Actual-ideal discrepancy also has negative effects on the 9 symptoms measured by SCL-90, vitality, approach motivation, avoidance motivation, and performance goals. No significant influence on mastering goals was found. Actual-ideal discrepancy uniquely correlates with depression symptom. The above results contribute from the point of self-discrepancy to the understanding of self-identity of undergraduates, and they enrich the knowledge of the development of self and contribute to the understanding of the development of human personality.This research advances on the two key problems of the developmental mechanism of actual-ideal discrepancy and that promotes the knowledge of the developmental mechanism of actual-ideal discrepancy. The research probed the relationship between the actual-ideal discrepancy and motivation which is an important phenomenon and this enlarges the domain of the actual-ideal discrepancy research. The results make sure that actual-ideal discrepancy is one of the important factors influencing undergruaduate’s mind and behavior. The conclusions can provide reference and guidance in the diagnosis and intervension strategies for mental health education and counseling practice in university.
D型人格(指经历消极情感和社交压抑的综合行为模式)作为冠心病的心理危险因素,得到了广泛的关注。本研究在中国人群中首次探索D型人格与冠心病的关系。作者建构了心理、行为、生理、医学相结合的综合研究框架,采用问卷调查法、临床实验法以及访谈法,考察D型人格对冠心病患者身心健康的影响,以及可能的行为和生理机制。结果表明: 1.D型人格量表中文版具有良好的信度和效度。根据消极情感≧10且社交压抑≧10的划分标准,D型人格在我国冠心病人群和健康人群中的分布比例均为31%。 2.A型人格与D型人格的共同点在于消极情感,区别在于D型人格具有特殊的社交压抑结构。我国冠心病患者中A型人格比例(58%)高于健康人群(43%)。 3.A型人格与冠心病的病情(即冠状动脉狭窄程度)、患者的自评身心健康均无关。D型人格与冠心病的病情无关,但D型人格能够独立地预测自评身心健康的下降,并且不依赖于疾病状况(患病或健康)。 4.D型人格患者在应对疾病的过程中,更多地采用屈服,更少地采用面对。疾病应对方式对D型人格与患者自评身心健康的关系起中介作用。 5.在冠状动脉造影的应激条件下,冠心病患者的D型人格总分与应激下心血管反应无关,但男性患者的消极情感、社交压抑能够预测应激下舒张压反应。 此外,本研究的结果具有重要的临床价值,比如采用D型人格量表中文版鉴别高危人群以提高他们的身心健康水平,在进行D型人格干预时要关注行为方式,在对冠心病进行预防和治疗时要注意心理生理反应的性别差异等。
发展心理学中关于儿童心理发展一直以来存在阶段论和连续论两种观点,阶段论和连续论都有各自的支持依据,但目前心理学家倾向于认为儿童心理发展是阶段性和连续性的统一,一些脑电生理的数据也支持这一观点,脑电发展对认知发展有很好的提示作用。但现有的脑电生理研究在探讨这一问题尚存在一些不足。由于童年中期是个体发育成熟前的最后一个关键期,大脑重量、额叶发育都非常显著,因此,本研究自童年中期大脑发育的特点入手,从自发脑电和诱发脑电两个角度考察童年中期儿童自发脑电基本频谱相干的发展特点及不同认知发展水平、不同年龄的儿童认知发展与脑电发展的关系。研究一主要考察童年中期自发脑电频谱相干发展特点;研究二考察重量守恒水平不同的儿童在完成重量守恒任务时的脑电活动的时间进程;研究三考察不同年龄儿童完成认知任务的脑诱发电位表现。所得结果如下: 1. 自发脑电频谱相干研究发现在童年中期大脑发育存在7-8岁的加速期,并在11岁存在转折,在9、12岁达到高峰。支持儿童发展是阶段性和连续性的统一的观点。 2. 不同守恒水平儿童在完成重量守恒任务时,主要表现为晚正成分的波幅差异,且波幅存在守恒水平与电极位置的交互作用,守恒组倾向于激活右侧额中央区,而不守恒组则倾向于激活中央额区。结果不能支持阶段论,但发展是否表现为连续性,有待于进一步探索。 3. 9-10-11岁三组儿童在完成同一任务时的大脑活动存在显著差异,在脑电水平上,主要表现为N2波幅和电位图的差异,11岁组明显不同于9、10岁组。进一步考察9岁组、10岁普通智力组、10岁高智力水平组、11岁组四组儿童的诱发电位特点(潜伏期、波幅和电位图),发现,9岁组与10岁普通智力组之间N2波幅和电位图差异不显著,而10岁高智力水平组与11岁组在N2波幅和电位图上差异不显著。本实验结果提示认知发展在不同年龄段表现为阶段性,而由于同一年龄段的不同水平与其他年龄组存在水平相当的现象,认知发展从整体上看来表现为一定的连续性。 综合EEG与ERP的研究结果,得出结论,童年中期认知发展和脑电发育是阶段性和连续性的统一。