105 resultados para Irrigation pumps.


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文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge)是我国北方特有的木本油料树种,已被列为生物质能源树种之一。现阶段产量低是限制其发展的重要因素。本文以内蒙古赤峰市翁牛特旗文冠果经济林场内50年生文冠果树为研究对象,对文冠果生物学、生态学特性进行定位观测和试验,分析了文冠果发育节律与积温的关系。野外布置水肥措施试验,测定了文冠果产量和叶片、果实养分元素(N、P、K、Mg、Ca、Fe、Zn、Cu、Mn)的含量,分析了水肥措施对叶片、果实养分分配的影响。 主要结论: 1.文冠果物候期与积温呈显著的直线函数关系。能够用来预测文冠果年生长发育期有效积温的理论值,为经营管理提供依据。 2.文冠果叶片中主要元素含量随物候期的变化呈下降趋势,但微量元素呈增加趋势。养分重吸收水平由大到小的顺序是:Mg>N>K>P,一定的水肥措施提高了文冠果养分再吸收水平,并降低了功能叶中的N/P、C/N。 3.文冠果果实中Ca和Fe随物候期的变化呈下降趋势,其他元素呈先减后增趋势。水肥措施降低了果实对养分元素的分配和收获系数;提高了养分利用效率。 4.合理的水肥措施能显著提高种子产量,增加含油率。最佳水肥措施为:5月初灌水50mm,施肥量为N 63 g•株-1、P2O5 83.3 g•株-1,于5、7月初分2次等量施入。 5.水分、P是文冠果生长的主要限制性因子,限制性因子具有阶段性。水分对肥效有“激发效应”。


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花椒(Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.)是川西地区重要的经济植物,化感作用是花椒连作障碍的原因之一,而花椒凋落物和根系分泌物对土壤质量的影响是花椒化感作用的一个重要方面。系统研究花椒如何影响土壤有助于深入理解和解决花椒连作障碍。本文主要以大红袍(10a生)花椒叶和种植过花椒的土壤的浸提液浇灌花椒幼苗进行试验,分析叶浸提液与土壤浸提液对非花椒生长土壤中土壤微生物、土壤酶及土壤化学性质的影响。主要结果如下: 1.花椒叶浸提液和土壤浸提液减少了土壤中微生物的种类、组成和数量。本试验中未施加浸提液的土样中根际微生物明显高于非根际区,在经过花椒叶浸提液处理后,根际细菌、真菌和放线菌数量以及微生物总数都有所减少,这样将会导致土壤中的有效养分的供给减少,进而可能影响植物的生长。 2.施加花椒叶浸提液和土壤浸提液,以及花椒幼苗的栽种,对不同土样中的土壤酶各有促进和抑制作用。在浸提液处理下,水解酶之间及氧化还原酶之间各存在相互促进作用。 3.施加花椒叶浸提液和土壤浸提液均抑制了根际土中全氮和有机质含量,叶浸提液还抑制了无苗土中全磷含量,土壤浸提液还抑制了无苗土中全氮含量与根际土全磷、有机质含量。但两种浸提液均促进了根际土中有效磷和水解性氮含量、根外土中全磷含量,叶浸提液促进了根际土中全磷含量,土壤浸提液促进了根外土中有效磷含量。全氮和有机质含量的下降可能对植物生长发育不利。 4.土壤化学性质与土壤酶活性在不同土样中有不同的相关性。全氮含量在施加叶浸提液的土样中与蛋白酶活性呈正相关。水解性氮含量在施加叶浸提液的土样中与蛋白酶活性、蔗糖酶活性呈正相关。全磷含量在施加叶浸提液的土样中与多酚氧化酶活性呈正相关;在施加土壤浸提液的土样中与蛋白酶活性、蔗糖酶活性呈正相关,与多酚氧化酶活性呈负相关。有效磷含量在施加叶浸提液的土样中与多酚氧化酶活性呈正相关,与蛋白酶活性呈负相关;在施加土壤浸提液的土样中与蛋白酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性呈正相关。有机质含量在施加叶浸提液的土样中与蛋白酶活性、蔗糖酶活性呈正相关。 Zanthoxylum bungeanum is one of the most important cash crops in Eastern Tibetan Plateau. Allelopathic effects could be one of reasons for Z. bungeanum’s continuous cropping impediment. The effects of secretion of leaf and root of Z. bungeanum on soil quality is a important way of Z. bungeanum’s allelopathic effects. However, allelopathic effect of Z.bungeanum on soil microbes, enzyme activities and chemical property were seldom studied. In this study, leaf and soil extracts of Da Hongpao(DHP), the most common varieties of Z.bungeanum in this area, were used to assess allelopathic effect of Z. bungeanum on soil biology and biochemistry by pot experiments . The main results showed that: 1. The irrigation of two kinds of extracts reduced the species, component and quantity of soil microbes. In rhizosphere soil which irrigated by distilled water, the quantity of soil microbes is significantly different from exoroot soil. In rhizosphere soil which irrigated by leaf extracts, the quantity of bacterial, fungi, actionmycete and gross of microbes were decreased, it may resulted in reduce of Available nutrient in soil, and influenced the growth of plants. 2.The irrigation of two kind of extracts reduced or enhanced the enzyme activities in different soils. Interaction between hydrolytic ferments and redoxases were promoted each other. 3. The irrigation of two kinds of extracts reduced the total N and organic matter in rhizosphere soil. Leaf extracts also reduced the total P in soil without seedling. Soil extracts reduced total N in soil without seedling and total P, organic matter in rhizosphere soil. But both extracts also enhanced available P and hydrolysable N in rhizosphere soil, total P in exoroot soil. Leaf extracts enhanced total P in rhizosphere soil. Soil extracts enhanced available P in exoroot soil. The reduction of total N and organic matter may influence growth of plants. 4.Positive correlations between total N and prolease, hydrolysable N and prolease, hydrolysable N and saccharase, total P and polyphenol oxidase, available P and polyphenoloxidase, organic matter and prolease, organic matter and saccharase, were studied in soil irrigated by leaf extracts. In soil irrigated by soil extracts, there are positive correlations between total P and prolease, total P and saccharase, available P and prolease, available P and catalase, while negative correlation between total P and polyphenoloxidase, available P and prolease, available P and catalase was found.


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A packed-bed electroosmotic pump (EOP) was constructed and evaluated. The EOP consisted of three capillary columns packed in parallel, a gas-releasing device, Pt electrodes and a high-voltage power supply. The EOP could generate output pressure above 5.0 MPa and constant flow rate in the range of nl/min to a few mul/min for pure water, pure methanol, 2 mM potassium dihydrogenphosphate buffer, the buffer-methanol mixture and the pure water-methanol mixture at applied potentials less than 20 W The composition of solvent before/after pumping was quantitatively determined by using a gas chromatograph equipped with both flame ionization detector and thermal conductivity detector. It was found that there were no apparent changes in composition and relative concentrations after pumping process for a methanol-ethanol-acetonitrile mixture and a methanol-water mixture. Theoretical aspect of the EOP was discussed in detail. An capillary HPLC system consisting of the EOP, an injection valve, a 15 cm x 320 mum i.d., 5 mum Spherigel C(18) stainless steel analytical column, and an on-column UV detector was connected to evaluate the performance of the EOP. A comparative study was also carried out with a mechanical capillary HPLC pump on the same system. The results demonstrated that the reproducibility of flow rate and the pulsation-free flow property of the EOP are superior to that of mechanical pump in capillary HPLC application. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work reports on the design and performance evaluation of a miniature direct methanol fuel cell(DMFC)integrated with an electro_osmotic(EO)pump for methanol delivery.Electro-osmotic pumps require minimal parasitic power while boasting no moving parts and simple fuel cell integration.Here ,aneletro-osmotic pump is realized from a commercially available porous glass frit.We characterize a custom-fabricated DMFC with a free convection cathode and coupled to an extennal electro-osmotic pump operated at applied potentials of 4.0,7.0,and 10V.Maximum gross power density of our free convection DMFC(operated at 50°)is 55 mW/cm2 using 4.0 mol/L concentration methanol solution supplied by the EO pump.Experimental results show that electro-osmotic pumps can deliver 2.0,4.0 and 8.0mol/L methanol/water mixtures to DMFCs while utilizing ~5.0% of the fuel cell power.Furthermore ,we discuss pertinent design considerations when using electro-osmotic pumps with DMFCs and areas of further study.


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An automated and semi-intelligent voltammetric system is described for trace metal analysis. The system consists of a voltammeter interfaced with a personal computer, a sample changer, 2 peristaltic pumps, a motor burette and a hanging mercury drop electrode. The system carries out fully automatically approximately 5 metal determinations per hour (including at least 3 repetitive scans and calibration by standard addition) at trace levels encountered in clean sea water. The computer program decides what level of standard addition to use and evaluates the data prior to switching to the next sample. Alternatively, the system can be used to carry out complexing ligand titration with copper whilst recording the labile copper concentration; in this mode up to 8 full titrations are carried out per day. Depth profiles for chromium speciation in the Mediterranean Sea and a profile for copper complexing ligand concentrations in the North Atlantic Ocean measured on board-ship with the system are presented. The chromium speciation was determined using a new method to differentiate between Cr(III) and Cr(VI) utilizing adsorption of Cr(III) on silica particles.


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SPAC系统中水总是从水势高处流向水势低处,土壤水势的高低是影响植物根系吸水速率的主要因素。相对于土壤含水量来说,用土壤水势作作物非充分灌溉的下限指标更具科学性,更利于水分下限指标的推广应用。试验结果表明,对于整个生育期来说,-200 kPa是比较适宜的大棚番茄土壤水势下限。在这一指标的推广过程中,须先测定当地土壤水分特征曲线,并从曲线上找出该适宜水势对应的土壤含水量,通过控制土壤含水量达到控制土壤水势的目的,从而实现精量灌溉。


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陕北山地红枣集雨微灌技术综合集成了坡地降雨径流调控技术、山地红枣矮化密植栽培技术及修剪技术,在对微灌技术进行创新的基础上,形成了黄土高原山地红枣微灌技术体系,并在黄土高原丘陵沟壑区第一附区——陕西省榆林市米脂县创建了技术体系应用实体样板,该样板地红枣平均产量达到19 800 kg/hm2,较无灌溉条件(产量4 500~6 000 kg/hm2)增产2~3倍,较管灌条件(产量一般为12 000~15 000 kg/hm2)增产30%~60%,且节水36%以上。在单项技术研究方面,利用Penman-Monteith公式确定了红枣生育期理论耗水量(438.8mm);通过不同灌水量处理的田间试验,初步确定出合理的灌水量区间为396~1 320 m3/hm2;提出了坡地低压滴灌工程新的设计理论,即微地形影响下的均匀度计算方法、滴头设计工作压力取值理论及毛管设计新方法;在此基础上,提出了坡上部采用三项配套技术+低压滴灌、坡下部采用三项配套技术+涌泉根灌+雾喷的工程模式。


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变水处理与短期遮荫对棉花水分利用效率的影响研究表明 ,在充分供水 -水分胁迫 -复水的变水处理过程中 ,短期遮荫使净光合速率、蒸腾速率、水分利用效率降低 ;光照 -遮荫 -光照期间 ,总的水分利用效率以水分胁迫的最高 ,充分供水的次之 ,复水处理最低 ,其中遮荫 40 %的水分利用效率高于遮荫 75%的处理 .回归分析表明 ,水分利用效率与光合速率表现出极显著正相关 ,两者回归直线的斜率随水分胁迫而增大 ,而水分利用效率与蒸腾速率的关系较弱 ,多数处理两者相关达不到显著水平


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陕北丘陵沟壑区经济林果发展 ,必须抓好建设规划 ,加强坡地经济林果的集流节水保墒和科技宣传 ,创建自己的市场 ,才能解决好植被建设和经济发展这个问题


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黄土高原丘陵沟壑区干旱缺水 ,要让有限的水资源支撑当地的生态农业建设 ,就要高效利用有限水资源 ,提高单位水的利用效率。通过在延安市燕儿沟的生产实践证明 ,在沟道中兴建截潜流工程 ,引水上山 ,发展坡地果园和保护地蔬菜微灌 ,是高效利用当地有限水资源的一种重要模式 ,很有推广价值


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从投资回收期和益本比2个方面,对靖边县沙地马铃薯半固定式喷灌、滴灌、大型喷灌机喷灌3种灌溉方式进行经济效益分析,在经济分析的基础上,采用层次分析法,对3种灌溉方式进行综合效益评价。结果表明,半固定式喷灌、滴灌、大型喷灌机喷灌的投资回收期分别为2.1 a,0.6 a,0.9 a,效益费用比分别为2.6,7.9,7.6,滴灌的经济效益十分明显;3种灌溉方式的优劣排序为:滴灌最好,半固定式喷灌次之,大型喷灌机喷灌较差。