210 resultados para HEMOLYSIN BL


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A synthesized photochromic compound-pyrrylfulgide-is prepared as a thin film doped in a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) matrix. Under irradiation by UV light, the film converts from the bleached state into a colored state that has a maximum absorption at 635 nm and is thermally stable at room temperature. When the colored state is irradiated by a linearly polarized 650 nm laser, the film returns to the bleached state; photoinduced anisotropy is produced during this process. Application of optical image processing methods using the photoinduced anisotropy of the pyrrylfulgide/PMMA film is described. Examples in non-Fourier optical image processing, such as contrast reversal and image subtraction and summation, as well as in Fourier optical image processing, such as low-pass filtering and edge enhancement, are presented. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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A method for producing optical structures using rotationally symmetric pyramids is proposed. Two-dimensional structures can be achieved using acute prisms. They form by multi-beam interference of plane waves that impinge from directions distributed symmetrically around the axis of rotational symmetry. Flat-topped pyramids provide an additional beam along the axis thus generating three-dimensional structures. Experimental results are consistent with the results of numerical simulations. The advantages of the method are simplicity of operation, low cost, ease of integration, good stability, and high transmittance. Possible applications are the fabrication of photonic micro-structures such as photonic crystals or array waveguides as well as multi-beam optical tweezers. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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Photoinduced anisotropy of a photochromic pyrrylfulgide/PMMA film was investigated by using two linearly polarized beams. Excitation by linearly polarized light induces into the film an optical axis that has the same polarization as the excitation beam. This causes a change of the transmittance and of the polarization state of the detection beam. With a microscope a matrix of 4x4 light spots with different polarizations were recorded in the pyrrylfulgide/PMMA film. If readout with non-polarized light, the matrix of light spots show no information pattern. However, when readout with differently polarized lights, different patterns can be displayed. The experiment demonstrates that pyrrylfulgide/PMMA films can be used to hide two differently polarized patterns, which may be applied in camouflage technology. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Recording with both parallel and orthogonal linearly polarized lights, polarization holographic storage in genetic mutant BR-D96N film is reported with both transmission type geometry and reflection type geometry. Polarization properties of diffraction light and scattering light are discussed for two different cases, parallel polarization recording and orthogonal polarization recording. It shows that, compared with recording with parallel polarization lights, orthogonal polarization holography can separate the diffraction light from the scattering noise, therefore improving the signal-to-noise ratio. It also shows that, compared with reconstruction with reference light, reconstruction with phase conjugated wave of the reference light can improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstructed diffraction image, and also the wave-front aberration of the object light introduced by irregular phase object in the optical pass-way can also be corrected effectively, which ensures that the reconstructed diffraction image has a better fidelity. The preliminary angle-multiplexed volume holographic storage multiplexed by transmission type geometry and reflection type geometry is demonstrated in the BR-D96N film. Experiment shows that there is no cross-talk between the two pages of images except for some scattering noises.


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BR-D96N is a kind of genetically site-specific mutant of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) with obvious photochromic effect. Compared to the wild type BR, the lifetime of M state of BR-D96N is prolonged to several minutes so that the photochromic kinetics and the intermediates formation can be studied by the conventional spectra analysis. In the experiment, the absorption spectra of the sample at different time after light illumination are measured with spectrophotometer. By fitting and analyzing the variation of the spectra, we suppose there-are three main states in the photochromic process, i.e. B state (light-adapted state), M state and D state (dark-adapted state). The absorption spectra of the B state, M state and D state are extracted from the experimental data based on this three-state model and the spectra at various time are fitted With the least square method. So, the variations of population percentages of the M state, B state and D state are obtained and the M state and B state lifetimes are estimated. In another,way, from measuring the absorption dynamics at 407 nm and 568 nm, the M state and B state lifetimes are also obtained by two exponential data fitting, which give coincident results with those of the spectra analysis.


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Based on Fresnel-Mrchhoff diffraction theory, a diffraction model of nonlinear optical media interacting with a Gaussian beam has been set up that can interpret the Z-scan phenomenon in a new way. This theory not only is consistent with the conventional Z-scan theory for a small nonlinear phase shift but also can be used for larger nonlinear phase shifts. Numerical computations indicate that the shape of the Z-scan curve is greatly affected by the value of the nonlinear phase shift. The symmetric dispersionlike Z-scan curve is valid only for small nonlinear p base shifts (\Deltaphi(0)\ < pi), but, with increasingly larger nonlinear phase shifts, the valley of the transmittance is severely suppressed and the peak is greatly enhanced. The power output through the aperture will oscillate with increasing nonlinear phase shift caused by the input laser power. The aperture transmittance will attenuate and saturate with increasing Kerr constant. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America.


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Lattice matched GaInP/GaAs heterostructures were grown by atmospheric pressure-metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (AP-MOVPE). Compositional intermixing of As/P and Ga/In near the heterointerfaces was studied by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Indium segregation, memory effect of In into GaAs and the carry-over of As in the GaInP layer during the growth process were considered as three major factors giving rise to the anomalous emissions in the PL spectra. Both thermal annealing and zinc doping strongly enhanced the compositional interdiffusion near the heterointerfaces.


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Mg-doped GaN layers prepared by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition were annealed at temperatures between 550 and 950℃. Room temperature (RT) Hall and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy measurements were performed on the as-grown and annealed samples. After annealing at 850℃, a high hole concentration of 8 × 10~(17) cm~(-3) and a resistivity of 0. 8lΩ·cm are obtained. Two dominant defect-related PL emission bands in GaN.. Mg are investigated; the blue band is centered at 2. 8eV (BL) and the ultraviolet emission band is around 3.27eV (UVL). The relative intensity of BL to UVL increases after annealing at 550℃, but decreases when theannealing temperature is raised from 650 to 850℃, and finally increases sharply when the annealing temperature is raised to 950C. The hole concentration increases with increased Mg doping, and decreases for higher Mg doping concentrations. These results indicate that the difficulties in achieving high hole concentration of 10~(18)cm~(-3) appear to be related not only to hydrogen passivation, but also to self-compensation.


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以蛋白质为基础的分析生物器件,如传感器和生物芯片等,为人们提供了有效的分析技术平台。而蛋白质固定的均质性则是评估分析生物器件质量的一个主要指标。因此,本实验以两种蛋白质为模式蛋白研究蛋白质固定的均质性问题。通过基因操纵构建融合蛋白Protein-Linker-Cysteine。在此设计中,半胱氨酸提供的自由疏基能够在金表面形成Au一S键,在琉基修饰的玻片表面形成-S-S-键实现蛋白质的均质定向固定;Linker可减少基因修饰对蛋白质折叠的影响。构建表达载体pPIC-GOxm(GOx-Linker-Cysteine),利用原生质体转化法将其转进毕氏酵母Pichia Pastoris,采用QSepharoseTM FastFlow阴离子交换柱纯化融合蛋白。动力学性质分析表明GOxm具有与野生型葡萄糖氧化酶相类似的Km和Kcat值,电化学实验结果显示Goxm传感器具有较高的响应电流;GOxm传感器具有较好的互换性,其相对误差为9.48%,GOxw(wild type GOx)相对误差为19.98%,而传统传感器的相对误差为17.54%。原子力显微镜图像显示融合蛋白GOxm能够利用金表面的HC尸位点形成类似六边型晶格的自组装单分子层,而野生型GOxw在金表面为非特异性吸附,形成多层固定导致分子间的聚集。通过利用-S-S-和非特异性吸附,分别制成GOxm蛋白芯片和Goxw蛋白芯片。酶学显色后,通过光学信号评估芯片的均质性,结果表明Goxm能够利用-S-S-形成均质定向固定,10次重复的变异系数小于60k,而GOxw则不能形成均质固定,点阵间的变异系数变化幅度非常大,从40%到80%。构建表达载体pET-BLC,pET-BL。将其转化进大肠杆菌AD494中。原子力显微镜研究整合有磷脂和经抽提去掉磷脂的蛋白在金表面的固定。原子力显微镜图像显示融合蛋白BLC能够利用Au-S键在金表面形成均匀固定,而野生型蛋白在金表面不能形成均匀的固定。蛋白质在金表面的固定受金表面拓扑结构和磷脂的影响。以上的实验结果表明通过此种固定方法可改善分析生物器件的均质性,提高其质量。


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Bessel beam can overcome the limitation of the Rayleigh range of Gaussian beam with the same spot size propagation without any spreading due to diffraction, which is considered as an useful function in guiding particles in the next generation of optical tweezers. The mathematical description of the Bessel beam generated by an axicon is usually based on the Fresnel diffraction integral theory. In this paper, we deduce another type of analytic expression suitable for describing the beam profile generated from the axicon illuminated by the Gaussian beam based on the interferential theory. Compared with the Fresnel diffraction integral theory, this theory does not use much approximation in the process of mathematical analysis. According to the derived expression, the beam intensity profiles at any positions behind the axicon can be calculated not just restricted inside the cross region as the Fresnel diffraction integral theory gives. The experiments prove that the theoretical results fit the experimental results very well. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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