301 resultados para ER[alpha]


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AIM: To identify the anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) activities of alpha-momorcharin ( alpha-MMC) from Momordica charantia in acutely and chronically infected lymphocytes. METHODS: The anti-HIV activities of alpha-MMC were examined by 1) the inhibition of syncytia formation induced by HIV-1 III B; 2) reduction of p24 core antigen expression level and decrease in numbers of HIV antigen positive cells in acutely and chronically infected cultures. The cytotoxic effects of alpha-MMC was tested by trypan blue dye exclusion or colorimetric MTT assay. RESULTS: alpha-MMC was found to obviously inhibit HIV-1 III B-inducing C8166 syncytia formation and markedly reduced both expression of p24 core antigen and the numbers of HIV antigen positive cells in acutely but not chronically HTV-1-infected culture. The median effective concentration (EC50) in these assays were 0.016, 0.07, and 0.32 mg.L-1, respectively. CONCLUSION: alpha-MMC is a unique component of momorcharin with anti-HIV activity, and markedly inhibited HIV-1 replication in acutely but not chronically HIV-1-infected T-lymphocytes.


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Adaptive changes in brain areas following drug withdrawal are believed to contribute to drug seeking and relapse. Cocaine withdrawal alters the expression of GluR1 and GluR2/3 subunits of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) rec


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灵长类大脑前额皮质与感觉联合皮质和皮质下结构有广泛的纤维联系, 可广 泛接受来自体内外的感觉信息。前额皮质与注意和短时记忆过程都有关, 可能 主沟区与短时空间记忆的关系更为密切, 北区的去甲肾上腺素能系统参与短时记 忆过程, alpha-2Ⅰ去甲肾上腺素亚型受体与增强记忆有关。参23


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Very low doses (0.00001 mg/kg) of the alpha-2 adrenergic antagonist, yohimbine, improved working memory performance in a subset of aged monkeys. Improvement appeared to result from increased norepinephrine (NE) release onto postsynaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors, as the response was blocked by the ''postsynaptic'' alpha-2 antagonist, SKF104078. Cognitive-enhancing effects of low dose yohimbine treatment may depend on aged animals retaining an intact, endogenous NE system. In contrast to yohimbine, the alpha-2 agonist, clonidine, has improved working memory in air aged animals examined. In the present study, clonidine's beneficial effects were also blocked by the postsynaptic antagonists SKF104078 and SKF104856, suggesting that clonidine acts by directly stimulating postsynaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors. Beneficial doses of clonidine (0.01 mg/kg) and yohimbine (0.00001 mg/kg) were combined to see if they would produce additive effects on memory enhancement. This strategy was successful in young monkeys with intact NE systems but was not effective in the aged monkeys. These findings demonstrate that drugs that indirectly stimulate postsynaptic alpha-2 receptors by increasing NE release are not as reliable in aged monkeys as directly acting agonists that can replace NE at postsynaptic alpha-2 receptors.


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Repeated daily treatment with the catecholamine-depleting agent, reserpine, dramatically reduced performance on the delayed response task, a test of spatial working memory that depends upon the integrity of the prefrontal cortex. Delayed response performance fell from an average of 27.2/30 trials correct before reserpine treatment to an average of 20.4/30 trials correct after repeated reserpine administration. Injection of the alpha2-adrenergic agonist, clonidine (0.0001-0.05 mg/kg), to chronic reserpine-treated monkeys significantly restored performance on the delayed response task; performance after an optimal dose averaged 27.8/30 trials correct. Clonidine's beneficial effects on delayed response performance were longlasting; monkeys remained improved for more than 24 h after a single clonidine injection. The finding that clonidine is efficacious in reserpinized animals supports the hypothesis that alpha2-adrenergic agonists improve cognitive function through actions at postsynaptic, alpha2-adrenergic receptors on non-adrenergic cells. In contrast to the delayed response task, reserpine had little effect on performance of a visual discrimination task, a reference memory task which does not depend on the prefrontal cortex. These results emphasize the importance of postsynaptic alpha2-adrenergic mechanisms in the regulation of working memory,


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Unlike Escherichia coli, the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 is insensitive to chill (5 degrees C) in the dark but rapidly losses viability when exposed to chill in the light (100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)). Preconditioning at a low temperature (15 degrees C) greatly enhances the chill-light tolerance of Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. This phenomenon is called acquired chill-light tolerance (ACLT). Preconditioned wild-type cells maintained a substantially higher level of alpha-tocopherol after exposure to chill-light stress. Mutants unable to synthesize alpha-tocopherol, such as slr1736, slr1737, slr0089, and slr0090 mutants, almost completely lost ACLT. When exposed to chill without light, these mutants showed no or a slight difference from the wild type. When complemented, the slr0089 mutant regained its ACLT. Copper-regulated expression of slr0090 from P-petE controlled the level of et-tocopherol and ACLT. We conclude that alpha-tocopherol is essential for ACLT of Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. The role of a-tocopherol in ACLT may be based largely on a nonantioxidant activity that is not possessed by other tocopherols or pathway intermediates.


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In this study, an alternative splicing transcript GtH-alpha 291 was identified by RT-PCR, which is 291 nt and exists not only in the pituitary but also in the ovary in common carp Cyprinus carpio. The analysis of GtH-alpha 291 amino acid sequence by the SignalP server predicted that the 'missing segment' might characterize as a signal peptide. In the secretion experiment, GtH-alpha 357 subunit could be secreted out of HeLa cells while GtH-alpha 291 could not, which confirmed the prediction. Co-immunoprecipitation assay proved that GtH-alpha 291 subunit is able to interact with both FSH-beta and LH-beta as GtH-alpha 357 does. This is the first report concerning an alternative splicing transcript of a GtH alpha subunit. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the specific role of this variant in the regulation of gonadal development and sexual maturation. (c) 2007 The Authors.


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Snakehead fish (Ophiocephalus argus cantor), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrtix), crucian carp (Carassius carassius), and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) are four common freshwater fish species in China. In this study, the level of methylmercury (MeHg), total mercury (T-Hg), and total selenium (T-Se) in muscle samples of these four fish species from Ya-Er Lake, China, were analyzed using atomic fluorescence spectrometry coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The concentrations of MeHg in all the fish species were significantly correlated with those of T-Hg. Higher T-Hg and MeHg concentrations had accumulated in the snakehead fish, which is a strongly predatory fish, than in the other three species. The concentration ratios of MeHg and T-Hg in the muscles of these four fish species were almost equal. Conversely, there was negative correlation between the concentrations of T-Hg and T-Se, which implies that there is a competition between these two elements with respect to bioaccumulation. It is noteworthy that of all the muscle samples tested, the level of T-Hg exceeded the maximum allowable limit in fish [0.4 mg kg(-1) (w/w) recommended by the World Health Organization] in 38.46% of those of the silver carp, 18.18% of those of the crucian carp, and 100% of those of snakehead fish. These results show that the consumption of contaminated fish is a potential threat to human health and that necessary preventive measures to safeguard public health should be emphasized.


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The heme-regulated initiation factor 2 alpha kinase (HRI) is acknowledged to play an important role in translational shutoff in reticulocytes in response to various cellular stresses. In this study, we report its homologous cDNA cloning and characterization from cultured flounder embryonic cells (FEC) after treatment with UV-inactivated grass carp haemorrhagic virus (GCHV). The full-length cDNA of Paralichthys olivaceus HRI homologue (PoHRI) has 2391 bp and encodes a protein of 651 amino acids. The putative PoHRI protein exhibits high identity with all members of eIF2 alpha kinase family. It contains 12 catalytic subdomains located within the C-terminus of all Ser/Thr protein kinases, a unique kinase insertion of 136 amino acids between subdomains IV and V, and a relatively conserved N-terminal domain (NTD). Upon heat shock, virus infection or Poly PC treatment, PoHRI mRNA and protein are significantly upregulated in FEC cells but show different expression patterns in response to different stresses. In healthy flounders, PoHRI displays a wide tissue distribution at both the mRNA and protein levels. These results indicate that PoHRI is a ubiquitous eIF2a kinase and might play an important role in translational control over nonheme producing FEC cells under different stresses. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study investigates the ozonation of 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) in aqueous solution. The affecting factors on the degradation of EE2 were studied and described in details, such as initial EE2 concentration, initial pH value and ozone concentration. In addition, some parameters such as pH. electrical conductivity, mineralization efficiency and degradation products were monitored during the process. The mineralization efficiency of EE2 could reach 53.9%. During the ozonation process the rapid decrease of pH and the sharp increase of electrical conductivity indicated the fort-nation of acidic by-products, small fragments and ions which were confirmed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GUMS) analysis. Results showed that there were intermediate products of smaller molecule with higher polarity produced during the course of EE2 degradation. Then a possible reaction pathway for EE2 degradation involving all intermediates detected is proposed. During the ozonation process EE2 was first oxidized into hydroxyl-semiquinone isomers which were subsequently degraded into low molecular weight compounds such as oxalic acid, malonate, glutarate, and so on. Furthermore. these organic acids are easily oxidized by ozone into carbon dioxide (CO2). This work shows that ozonation process is promising for the removal of EE2. The results can provide some useful information for the potential treatment of EE2 by ozonation in aqueous solution. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A SMART cDNA plasmid library was constructed from protogyous greasy grouper (Epinephelus coioides) pituitary, and the full-length cDNAs of three gonadotropin (GTH) subunits common alpha, FSH beta and LH beta were cloned and sequenced from the library. The nucleotide sequences of common alpha, FSH beta and LH beta subunit cDNAs are 647, 594 and 574 bp in length, and encode for mature peptides of 94, 99 and 115 aa, respectively. High homology was observed by amino acid sequence alignment and identity comparison of the grouper mature peptides of common alpha, FSH beta and LH beta with that of other fishes. Phylogenetic tree analyses of the three GTH mature subunits revealed similar phylogeny relationships among the studied fish species. Three polyclonal antibodies were prepared from the in vitro expressed common alpha, FSH beta and LH beta mature proteins, respectively. Western blot analysis and immunofluoresence localization were performed on two typical stages of ovarian development stages in red-spotted grouper. Significant differences in protein expression levels of three gonadotropin subunits were revealed between the two ovarian development stages. In the individuals with resting ovary, common alpha was almost not detected in pituitaries, and FSH beta and LH beta expression levels were very low. While in the individuals with developing ovary, the expression of all three gonadotropin subunits reached to a high level. Immunofluoresence localization indicated that the grouper FSH beta cells mainly distributed in the middle area of PPD, while the LH beta cells distributed more widely, including in the area similar to the FSH beta cells and at the external periphery of pituitary near to the PI side. The common alpha might be expressed in both FSH beta and LH beta cells. Double immunofluoresence localization further demonstrated FSH beta and LH beta expression in distinct cells in the PPD area, although the FSH beta and LH beta cells were detected in the identical area of PPD. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The contamination and distribution of polychlorinated dibeinizo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) from two agricultural fields of a heavily polluted lake area in China (Ya-Er Lake) are presented. The vertical distribution pattern of total PCDD/Fs in soil cores reveals that the maximum concentration was in the layer of 20-30 cm. The concentrations in the top layer of soil at the two sites were similar (17.48 ng/kg at Site 1 and 18.10 ng/kg at Site 2), but the maximum concentration of Site 1 (120.8 ng/kg) was two times higher than that of Site 2 (64.39 ng/kg). The maximum concentration of PCDD/Fs in mud cores in rice fields (0-50 cm) at Sites 1 and 2 was in the layer of 0-10 cm. The maximum PCDD/F concentration in the top layer in mud at Site 1 (203.1 ng/kg) was higher than that at Site 2: (143.3 ng/kg). Significant correlations were found between the mind PCDD/Fs and the organic carbon content (R = 0.9743, P< 0,05 at Site 1; R = 0.9821, P< 0.05 at Site 2), the two variables being highly correlated (R = 0.9049, P< 0.05, at Site 1; R = 0.9916, P< 0.05 at Site 2). All correlation coefficients were significant at the 95% level. Concentrations were highly correlated with organic carbon, indicating that sorption to organic carbon was the dominant mechanism. Using principal component analysis, the homologue profiles of soil, mud, and plants (rice and radish) were compared. The PCDD/F patterns in plants were found not to be correlated to those in soil and mud. This suggests that atmospheric deposition may be the main source of PCDD/Fs in rice grain. However, mixed exposure involving uptake mechanisms and atmospheric deposition is considered main the source of PCDD/F pollution in radishes. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).