73 resultados para DNA sequencing analysis


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) molecular markers specific for one, two or three clones have been identified from five gynogenetic clones of silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) using RAPD markers developed earlier. In this study, three RAPD markers (RA1-PA, RA2-EF and RA4-D) produced by Opj-1, and two RAPD DNA fragments (RA3-PAD and RA5-D) produced by Opj-7, were selected for molecular cloning and sequencing. Sequence data indicated that there were identical 801-bp nucleotide sequences in the shared marker RA1-PA cloned respectively from clones P and A, and the shared marker RA2-EF (which was cloned from clones E and F), were also of identical 958-by nucleotide sequences. The nucleotide sequences of the shared marker RA3-PAD fragments were also similar for 1181 by among clones P, A and D. The specific fragment RA4-D was composed of 628 bp, and the fragment RA5-D from clone D contained 385 nucleotides. According to the nucleotide sequences, we designed and synthesized five pairs of sequence characterized amplified regions (SCAR) primers to identify the specific fragments in these gynogenetic clones of silver crucian carp. Only individuals from clones P and A amplified a specific band using a pair of SCI-PA primers synthesized according to the marker RA1-PA sequences, whereas no products were detected in individuals from clones D, E and F. The PCR products amplified using SC2-EF and SC3-PAD primers were as expected. Furthermore, the pair of SC4-D primers amplified specific bands only in individuals from clone D, although weak bands could be produced in all individuals of the five clones when lower annealing temperatures were used. However, an additional pair of SC5-D primers designed from the RA5-D marker sequences could amplify a DNA band in individuals from clones P, A and D, and the same weak band was produced in clone E, whereas no products were detected in individuals from clone F. Searches in GenBank revealed that the 385-bp DNA fragment from RA5-D was homologous to the 5' end of gonadotropin I beta subunit 2 gene and growth hormone gene. No homologous sequences were found for other markers in GenBank. The SCAR markers identified in this study will offer a powerful, easy, and rapid method for discrimination of different clones and for genetic analyses that examine their origins and unique reproductive modes in crucian carp. Furthermore, they will likely benefit future selective breeding programs as reliable and reproducible molecular markers. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Phylogenetic relationships within Metapenaeopsis remain largely unknown. The modern revision of the genus suggests that the shape of the petasma, followed by the presence of a stidulating organ, are the most important distinguishing taxonomic features. In the present study, phylogenetic relationships were studied among seven Metapenaeopsis species from the Indo-West Pacific based on partial sequences of mitochondrial 16S rRNA and cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) genes. Mean sequence divergence was 6.4% for 16S and 15.8% for COI. A strikingly large nucleotide distance (10.0% for 16S and 16.9% for COI) was recorded between M. commensalis, the only Indo-West Pacific species with a one-valved petasma, and the other species with a two-valved petasma. Phylogenetic analyses using neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood generated mostly identical tree topologies in which M. commensalis is distantly related to the other species. Two clades were resolved for the remaining species, one with and the other without a stridulating organ, supporting the main groupings of the recent taxonomic revision. Results of the present study also indicate that the deep-water forms represent a relatively recent radiation in Metapenaeopsis.


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Zwei verschiedene optische Methoden für die Analyse von Hg2+-Ionen, die auf der Bildung von Thymin-Hg2+-Komplexen beruhen, werden vorgestellt. Bei diesen Methoden werden die Hg2+-Ionen mithilfe aggregierter Goldnanopartikel und einer auf der DNA-Chemie basierenden Maschine (siehe Schema) analysiert.


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Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis is a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-fingerprinting method that is commonly used for comparative microbial community analysis. The method can be used to analyze communities of bacteria, archaea, fungi, other phylogenetic groups or subgroups, as well as functional genes. The method is rapid, highly reproducible, and often yields a higher number of operational taxonomic units than other, commonly used PCR-fingerprinting methods. Sizing of terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) can now be done using capillary sequencing technology allowing samples contained in 96- or 384-well plates to be sized in an overnight run. Many multivariate statistical approaches have been used to interpret and compare T-RFLP fingerprints derived from different communities. Detrended correspondence analysis and the additive main effects with multiplicative interaction model are particularly useful for revealing trends in T-RFLP data. Due to biases inherent in the method, linking the size of T-RFs derived from complex communities to existing sequence databases to infer their taxonomic position is not very robust. This approach has been used successfully, however, to identify and follow the dynamics of members within very simple or model communities. The T-RFLP approach has been used successfully to analyze the composition of microbial communities in soil, water, marine, and lacustrine sediments, biofilms, feces, in and on plant tissues, and in the digestive tracts of insects and mammals. The T-RFLP method is a user-friendly molecular approach to microbial community analysis that is adding significant information to studies of microbial populations in many environments.


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Magnetic microsphere comprises a magnetically responsive metal or metal oxide core surrounded by a polymer shell with active groups. Nowadays, methods of directly coating polymer, monomer polymerazation, impregnation, extrusion and biological synthesis are generally used to prepare magnetic particles. This kind of superparamagnetic microspheres can be attached to chemical, biochemical and biological substances by their active groups, then applying a magnetic field to separate from the media. Preparation and utilization of magnetic microspheres in immunoassay, nucleic acid hybrization assay, gene sequencing, cell isolation, enzyme immoblization, receptor isolation and other Gelds are reviewed with 44 references in this paper. Also, the further development is outlooked.


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Through random sequencing, we found a total of 884000 base-pairs (bp) of random genomic sequences in the genome of Chinese shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis). Using bio-soft Tandem Repeat Finder (TRF) software, 2159 tandem repeats were found, in which there were 1714 microsatellites and 445 minisatellites, accounting for 79.4% and 20.6% of repeat sequences, respectively. The cumulative length of repeat sequences was found to be 116685 bp, accounting for 13.2% of the total DNA sequence; the cumulative length of microsatellites occupied 9.78% of the total DNA sequence, and that of minisatellites occupied 3.42%. In decreasing order, the 20 most abundant repeat sequence classes were as follows: AT (557), AC (471), AG (274), AAT (92), A (56), AAG (28), ATC (27), ATAG (27), AGG (18), ACT (15), C (11), AAC (11), ACAT (11), CAGA (10), AGAA (9), AGGG (7), CAAA (7), CGCA (6), ATAA (6), AGAGAA (6). Dinucleotide repeats, not only in the aspect of the number, but also in cumulative length, were the preponderant repeat type. There were few classes and low copy numbers of repeat units of the pentanucleotide repeat type, which included only three classes: AGAGA, GAGGC and AAAGA. The classes and copy numbers of heptanucleotide, eleven-nucleotide and thirteen-nucleotide primer-number-composed repeats were distinctly less than that of repeat types beside them.


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The geneswere cloned for the two apoprotein subunits, alpha and beta, of phycocyanin from the cyanobacterium Spirulina maxima (=Arthrospira maxima) strain F3. The alpha- and beta-subunit gene-coding regions contain 489 bp and 519 bp, respectively. The beta-subunit gene is upstream from the alpha-subunit gene, with a 111-bp segment separating them. Similarities between the alpha-subunits of S. maxima and nine other cyanobacteria were between 58% and 99%, as were those between the beta-subunits. The maximum similarity between the alpha- and beta-subunits from S. maxima was 27%.


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Streptococcus iniae is a severe aquaculture pathogen that can also infect humans and animal. A putative secretory antigen, Slat 0, was identified from a pathogenic S. iniae strain by in vivo-induced antigen technology. Using turbot as an animal model, the immunoprotective effect of Sia10 was examined as a DNA vaccine in the form of plasmid pSia10, which expresses sia10 under the cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter. In fish vaccinated with pSia10, transcription of sia10 was detected in muscle, liver, spleen, and kidney at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, and 49 days post-vaccination. In addition, production of Sia10 protein was also detected in the muscle tissues of pSia10-vaccinated fish. Fish vaccinated with pSia10 exhibited a relative percent survival (RPS) of 73.9% and 92.3%, respectively, when challenged with high and low doses (producing a cumulative mortality of 92% and 52%, respectively, in the control groups) of S. iniae. Immunological and transcriptional analyses showed that vaccination with pSia10(i) induced much stronger chemiluminescence response and significantly higher levels of nitric oxide production and acid phosphatase activity in head kidney macrophages; (ii) caused the production of specific serum antibodies, which afforded apparent immunoprotection when transferred passively into naive fish; and (iii) upregulated the expression of the genes encoding proteins that are possibly involved in both innate and adaptive immune responses. Taken together, these results indicated that pSia10 is an effective vaccine candidate and may be used in the control of S. iniae infection in aquaculture. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Metagentiana striata is an alpine annual herbaceous plant endemic to the east of the Qinghai-Tibet (Q-T) Plateau and adjacent areas. The phylogeography of M. striata was studied by sequencing the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) trnS-trnG intergenic spacer. Ten haplotypes were identified from an investigation of 232 individuals of M. striata from 14 populations covering the entire geographical range of this species. The level of differentiation amongst populations was very high (G(ST) = 0.746; N-ST = 0.774) and a significant phylogeographical structure was observed (P < 0.05). An analysis of molecular variance found a high variation amongst populations (76%), with F-ST = 0.762 (highly significant, P < 0.001), indicating that little gene flow occurred amongst the different regions; this was explained by the isolation of populations by high mountains along the Q-T Plateau and adjacent areas (N-m = 0.156). Only one ancestral haplotype (A) was common and widespread throughout the distributional range of M. striata. The populations of the Hengduan Mountains region of the south-eastern Q-T Plateau showed high diversity and uniqueness of haplotypes. It is suggested that this region was the potential refugium of M. striata during the Quaternary glaciation, and that interglacial and postglacial range expansion occurred from this refugium. This scenario was in good agreement with the results of nested clade analysis, which inferred that the current spatial distribution of cpDNA haplotypes and populations resulted from range expansion, together with past allopatric fragmentation events. (c) 2008 The Linnean Society of London.


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Inexpensive and permanently modified poly(methyl methacrylate)(PMMA) microchips were fabricated by an injection-molding process. A novel sealing method for plastic microchips at room temperature was introduced. Run-to-run and chip-to-chip reproducibility was good, with relative standard deviation values between 1-3% for the run-to-run and less than 2.1% for the chip-to-chip comparisons. Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) was used as an additive in PMMA substrates. The proportions of PMMA and ABS were optimized. ABS may be considered as a modifier, which obviously improved some characteristics of the microchip, such as the hydrophilicity and the electro-osmotic flow (EOF). The detection limit of Rhodamine 6G dye for the modified microchip on the home-made microchip analyzer showed a dramatic 100-fold improvement over that for the unmodified PMMA chip. A detection limit of the order of 10(-20) mole has been achieved for each injected phiX-174/HaeIII DNA fragment with the baseline separation between 271 and 281 bp, and fast separation of 11 DNA restriction fragments within 180 seconds. Analysis of a PCR product from the tobacco ACT gene was performed on the modified microchip as an application example.


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Biofingerprinting chromatogram, analysis, which is defined as the comparison of fingerprinting chromatograms of the extract of traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) before and after the interaction with biological systems (DNA, protein. cell. etc.), was proposed for screening and analysis of the multiple bioactive compounds in TCMs. A method of microdialysis sampling combined with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was applied to the study of DNA-binding property for the extracts of TCMs. Seven compounds were found to bind to calf thymus DNA (ct-DNA) from the TCMs of Coptis chinensis Franch (Coptis), but only three ones from Phellodendron amurense Rupr. (Phellodendron) and none from Sophoraflavescens Ait. (Sophora) to bind to ct-DNA. respectively. Three of them were identified as berberine, palmatine and jatrorrhizine and their association constants (K) to ct-DNA were determined by microdialysis/HPLC. Competitive binding behaviors of them to ct-DNA were also investigated. &COPY; 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.