131 resultados para Crust of neutron stars


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利用能量为164-180MeV的35Cl束流,通过重离子核反应149Sm(35Cl,5n) 研究了179Au的高自旋态能级结构。实验进行了γ射线的激发函数、X-γ和γ-γ-t符合测量。基于实验测量结果,首次建立了179Au的1/2[660](πi13/2)转动带。结合已有的实验数据,着重讨论了奇-A Au核中1/2[660](πi13/2) 转动带的形变和带头激发能随中子数的变化。用能量为140MeV的29Si束流轰击159Tb金属靶,布居了183Au核的高自旋态。实验中要求至少有3个高纯锗和2个BGO探测器同时点火,在此符合条件下,记录高纯锗探测器探测到的γ射线的能量和相对时间、BGO探测到的γ射线的总能量和多重性。通过对实验数据的分析,扩展并更新了183Au的能级纲图。首次建立了183Au的πi13/2转动带的能量非优先带。分析并讨论了缺中子奇-A Au中πh9/2转动带的能量非优先带和πf7/2转动带间的相互作用


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本硕士沦文籍助兰州重离子加速器国家实验室分离扇聚焦回旋加速器(SFC)提供的重离子束通过全融合蒸发反应产生远离口稳定线的缺中子核素,并用本课题组发展和建立的氦喷嘴快速带传输系统以及多重符合测量装置分离、测量核素来研究其衰变性质。在实验准备期间,曾采用~(252)Cf源进行了氦喷嘴(I-I eje咧央速带传输系统效率的测定。给出了PbI_2,PbCl_2,NaCl三种无机欲添加剂的传输效率,以及传输效率随目标核质量变化的初步结果。而后完成了以下两项物理实验:~(113)Sm的(EC+β~+)衰变纲图和133Pr的同核异能态的研究:用SFC引出的~(40)Ca~(12+)束流轰击96%Ru的浓缩同位素靶,采用氦喷嘴带传输系统和x-γ与γ-γ符合测量方法,首次建议了~(133)Sm的简单的(EC+β~+)衰变纲图并测得了其β衰变半衰期。~(133)Sm是目前发表过(EC+β~+)衰变纲图的最轻的钐(Sm的缺中子核。由于Ru靶中含有~(98-102)Ru的成分,同时产生了~(133)Pr,并首次测定了~(133)Pr 11/2~-同核异能态的寿命为(l.1±0.2)s。为Pr奇A核11/2~-同核异能态的数据作了重要的补充,汇编成Pr奇A核的11/2一同核异能态和与之相关的3/2~+,5/2~+和7/2~+能级的系统性数据。用单粒子模型理论拟合从中提取了~(131,133,135,137)Pr的11/2~-同核异能态的约化跃迁概率的实验值,并与Weisskopf近似估计进行了比较。2.~(93)Pd的β缓发质子衰变:通过~(58)Ni(~(40)Ca,3n2p)反应合成β缓发质了先驱核~(93)Pd,采用氦喷嘴带传输系统加p-γ符合观测到了它的β缓发质子衰李,测得其半衰期为1.3±0.2s。采用统计模型计算拟合了实验测得的口缓发质子能谱和布居到质子发射体子核不同终态的分支比,首次由实验数据出发初步指认了93Pd的基态自旋-宇称为9/2~±。同时与采用Woods-Saxon Strutinsky方法计算~(93)Pd的核位能面得到的结果进行了比较。计算结果支持对~(93)Pd基态自旋一宇称为9/2~+的实验指认。


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中子墙是CSR-RIBLL II终端最重要的探测器,用来探测实验产物中的中子物质,中子墙选用504个光电倍增管做信号的读出。光电倍增管的工作状态对整个中子墙的探测效率影响很大,近代物理研究所研制的中子墙高压电源控制系统是与中子墙配套的。它采用集散式控制,为光电倍增管提供稳定的工作高压,同时监测光电倍增管工作过程中,高压的电压和电流状态,形成一个闭环的系统。本系统在节省成本,提供高压稳定性,方便操作上都有一定的优势。本文全面论述了一个基于半双工RS-485总线集散式控制系统的设计;根据中子墙高压电源控制系统需求出发,阐明了控制系统的开发背景、基本结构的建立、硬件设计方案和软件的实现。 本论文主要分为六部分:第一部分介绍了CSR-RIBLL II以及中子墙的结构和主要性能,第二部分介绍了光电倍增管和高压组件的基础知识,以及中子墙所有的光电倍增管和高压组件的主要参数,第三部分介绍了本控制系统的总体结构,第四到第六部分详细介绍了控制系统的本地控制单元的软件和硬件设计以及远程控制单元的实现


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中子墙是HIRFL-CSRm加速器系统CSRm外靶实验装置中的关键设备,采用飞行时间法探测中子物质。为满足物理目标的要求,中子墙要对中子有高的探测效率(>90% @ 1 GeV)和好的能量分辨(δE/E<5%)。基于Geant4模拟计算,中子墙被设计为由36闪烁体单元和216量能器单元构成,所有单元分14层,每层18个单元,相邻层垂直排列。闪烁体单元尺寸分为1500(长)×80(宽)×80(厚) mm3,量能器单元为1500×80×70 mm3。其中量能器单元由5层10 mm厚和4层4 mm厚的钢板及2层2 mm厚钢板(最外两层)相间组成,5层晶体耦合到一个光导。信号从单元两端由滨松公司生产的R7724光倍管读出。在探测单元的研制中,重点研究了晶体包装材料、晶体与光导以及光导与光电倍增管间的光学耦合等关键问题。利用宇宙射线对模型单元进行了测试,研制的闪烁体单元和量能器单元平均时间分辨()分别好于80ps和100ps。建立了中子墙单元模拟程序,模拟了宇宙射线粒子入射到探测器单元中光子产生、传播以及光倍管对光子的响应和信号处理的全过程,模拟结果与测试结果有较好符合。基于此,进一步模拟了单元对中子入射的响应,估算了中子墙对不同能量中子的探测效率(>90% @ 1 GeV)和能量分辨(δE/E<5%)。为提高在中子墙建造过程中对所组装的探测单元进行检验和测试的效率,建立了多单元同时测试的宇宙线测试平台。基于此平台,不仅可以测量光输出和时间分辨,还可以得到被测单元的光传输衰减长度。建立了一套光学刻度系统,用于中子墙实验运行中的刻度和工作状态监测。本论文工作确保了中子墙建成后将达到设计指标、满足实验要求,论文工作中积累的经验和获得的知识为中子墙的制造完成以及运行奠定了坚实的基础


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利用能量为164-180MeV的35Cl束流,通过重离子核反应149Sm(35Cl,5n) 研究了179Au的高自旋态能级结构。实验进行了γ射线的激发函数、X-γ和γ-γ-t符合测量。基于实验测量结果,首次建立了179Au的1/2[660](πi13/2)转动带。结合已有的实验数据,着重讨论了奇-A Au核中1/2[660](πi13/2) 转动带的形变和带头激发能随中子数的变化。用能量为140MeV的29Si束流轰击159Tb金属靶,布居了183Au核的高自旋态。实验中要求至少有3个高纯锗和2个BGO探测器同时点火,在此符合条件下,记录高纯锗探测器探测到的γ射线的能量和相对时间、BGO探测到的γ射线的总能量和多重性。通过对实验数据的分析,扩展并更新了183Au的能级纲图。首次建立了183Au的πi13/2转动带的能量非优先带。分析并讨论了缺中子奇-A Au中πh9/2转动带的能量非优先带和πf7/2转动带间的相互作用


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本文主要介绍了用于监测环境中子计数率的中子探测器的制作和设计。包括:快中子的慢化及探测、低压电源(包括+-12V 、+5V)电路的设计、高压(0~2000V)可调电源电路的设计、前置放大器电路的设计、主放大器电路的设计、放大电路放大倍数的计算、甄别电路的设计以及触发成形电路的设计和输出驱动电路的设计。对于能量范围在0.025电子伏特的热中子到10兆电子伏特的快中子,探测器响应曲线近似水平线。经过一个多月的连续监测,发现该中子探测器具有稳定度高、可靠性好以及很好的抗干扰的能力。另外,附录中给出了所研制的中子探测器的大小和尺寸以及电路的电路图及参数


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The onshore-offshore deep seismic experiment was carried out for the first time and filled the blankness of the seismic surveys in the transition area between South China and northeastern South China Sea. The seismic data were analyzed and processed. The different seismic phases were identified and their travel time arrivals were modeled by ray-tracing to study the P-wave velocity crustal structure of this area. The crustal structure of this area is the continental crust. The crust thickness is gradually decreasing southward along the on-shore-offshore seismic line. The low-velocity layer (5.5 similar to 5.9 km (.) s(-1)) exists generally in the middle crust (about 10.0 similar to 18.0km)with about 2.5 similar to 4.0 km thickness, which is also thinning seaward. No obvious high-velocity layer appears in the lower crust. The Binhai (littoral) fault zone is a low velocity zone, which is located about 35km southeast to the Nan'ao station and corresponding to the gradient belt of gravity & magnetism anomalies. The depth of the fault zone is close to the Moho discontinuity. The littoral fault zone is a boundary between the normal continental crust of South China and the thinned continental crust of the sea area.


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The 3-D velocity images of the crest and upper mantle beneath the region of 112° -124°E, 28°-39°N including the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt are reconstructed by using 36405 P-wave arrivals of 3437 regional and 670 distant earthquakes during the period from 1981 to 1996, and gridding the area of 0.5° * 0.5°. The results of tomography demonstrate that: 1. The results of tomographic imaging show a broad heterogeneity in P wave velocity structure for the lithosphere beneath the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. 2. In the Dabie orogenic belt, the velocity patterns in the crust are different among various tectonic units. The Dabie and Qinling orogenic belts are remarkable in the tomographic images, and in mm the Hongan and Dabie blocks in the Dabie orogenic belt are also imaged very distinguishably. 3. A velocity (about 5.9~6.0 km/s) layer exists in the Dabie block at depth between 15~25 km, which is coincident with the low-resistance layer at the depth of 12-23 km, being inferred to be the tectonic detachment zone and suggesting that the extension detachment structure was formed in the middle crust. Beneath the southern and northerm Dabie tectonic units, the north-dipping high-velocity (at level of 6.5 ~ 6.6 km/s) block was developed in the crust, which might be correlated with the UHP rockswith low content of the meta-ultramafic rocks. This result is in agreement with the geological observation on the surface. 4. The velocity image at 40 km depth reveals the features at the top of mantle and the configuration of the Moho discontinuity. The depth of the Moho changes slightly along the trend of the orogenic belt. It in Hongan block is less than 40 km, but it is different in the western and eastern parts of the Dabie block, the former is more than 40 km, and the latter less than or equal to 40 km. The remnant of the mountain root exists between the Shangcheng-Macheng fault and the line of Huoshan-Yuexi-Yingshan in the Dabie orogenic belt, and beneath the southern and northern Dabie tectonic units. However, the thickness of the Moho is about 40 km and there is no obvious changes, which suggest that the Dabie orogenic belt has been experienced quite in the gravity equilibration. The Moho's depth in the Sulu is less than 40 km. 5. There is a dipping slab-like high-velocity body in the uppermost mantle. It is sandwiched by slow velocities and exists beneath the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt in the range of depths between the Moho discontinuity and 110 km at least. This high-velocity body outlines a picture of the slab interpreted as the remnant of the Triassic subducted YZ. 6. The Sulu orogenic belt displays "crocodilian" velocity structure, the upper crust of the Yangtze thrusted over the Huabei crest, and the Huabei crust indented into the Yangtze crust, where the ancient subduction zone of the Yangtze lithosphere located. Based on the previous geological data, this structure is not related with the collision between the Yangtze and Sino-Korean Blocks, but caused by the sinistral offset of the Tan-Lu Fault. Studied on the velocity structure of the eastern Huabei lithosphere indicates: 1. The 'present-day' lithosphere of the eastern Huabei is between 40-100 km thick with greatly thinned lithosphere around the Bohai Sea. Generally, thickness of the lithosphere in this region decreased eastwards. 2. The attenuation of the lithosphere is attributed to the strongly uplift of the asthenosphere. In the area between the Taihang Mountains and the Tan-Lu Fault, there is a 'lever' with red low velocity belt, it is clearly defined, transverse continuity, depth between 100-150 km, local variations visible, and an upwards trend towards the Bohai Sea. Generally, the velocity structure in the mantle beneath the lithosphere displays irregular column-shape consisting of alternating high and low velocities, and when cold high velocity ancient lithosphere connects with the hot low velocity mantle materials forming precipitous compact structure. More heat pathways from the mantle occur towards the Tan-Lu Fault. 3. The strongly irregular characteristics of the contact between the asthenosphere and the lithosphere is induced by the long-term hot, chemical erosion and alteration on the contact. 4. There are still preserved high velocity lithosphedc root beneath Huabei with 'block-shape' distribution and surrounded by hot materials. Results of our studies indicate that the evolution models of the eastern China mantle are characterized by the direct contact between the uplifted lithosphere and the Huabei Craton accompanying the upwelling of the deep mantle materials. At the contact betwen the lithosphere and the asthenosphere, the upwelled mantle materials replaced and altered the lower lithosphere forming the metasome through the hot and chemical modifications impacted on the Craton lithosphere, and changed it into the lithosphere gradually, resulting in the lithospheric thinning. Thus, the lithospheric thinning is the result of the upwelling of the asthenosphere.


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Based on multi-principle (such as structures, tectonics and kinematics) exploratory data and related results of continental dynamics in the Tibetan plateau, the author reconstructed the geological-geophysical model of lithospherical structure and tectonic deformation, and the kinetics boundary conditions for the model. Then, the author used the numerical scheme of Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua (FLAC), to stimulate the possible process of the stress field and deformational field in the Tibetan plateau and its adjacent area, since the convergence-collision between the Indian continent and Eurasia continent about 50Ma ago. With the above-mentioned results, the author discussed the relationship between crustal movement in shallow layer and the deformational process in interior layers, and its possible dynamic constraints in deep. At the end of the paper, an integrative model has been put forward to explain the outline images of crust-mantle deformation and coupling in the Tibetan Plateau. (1) The characteristics of crust-mantle structure of the Tibetan plateau have been shown to be very complex, and vertical and horizontal difference is significant. The general characteristics of crust-mantle of the Tibetan plateau may be that it's layering in depth direction, and shows blocking from south to north and belting from east to west, mainly according to the results of about 20 seismic sections, such as wide-angle seismic profiles, CMP, seismic tomography and so on. (2) The crust had shortened about 2200km, while the shortening is different for different block from south to north in the Tibetan plateau. It is about 11.5mm/a in Himalayan block, about 9.0mm/a in Lhas-Gangdese block, about 7.0mm/a in Qiangtang block and Songpan-Ganzi-Kekexili block, about 8.0mm/a in Kunlun-Qaidam, and about ll.Omm/a in Qilian block, since the convergence-collision between the Indian continent and Eurasia continent about 50Ma ago. Which - in demonstrates the shortening rate decreases from south to north, but this rate increases near the north edge of the Tibetan plateau. The crust thickening rate is about 0.4mm/a in the whole Tibetan plateau; and this rate is about 0.5mm/a in Himalayan block, about 0.4mm/a in Lhas-Gangdese block, about 0.3mm/a in Qiangtang block, about 0.2mm/a in Songpan-Ganzi-Kekexili block and about O.lmm/a in Kunlun-Qaidam-Qilian block, since the convergence-collision between the Indian continent and Eurasia continent about 50Ma ago. This implies that the thickening rate decreases in the blocks of the Tibetan plateau. From south to north, the displacement of eastern boundary in the Tibetan plateau is about 37mm/a in Himalayan block, about 45mm/a in Lhas-Gangdese block, about 47mm/a in Qiangtang block, about 43mm/a in Songpan-Ganzi-Kekexili block, and about 35mm/a in Kunlun-Qaidam-Qilian block, since the collision-matching between the Indian continent and Eurasia continent had happened about 50Ma ago. This implies that the rate of eastward displacement is biggest in the middle of plateau, and decreases to both sides. The transition of S-N compression stress field in Tibetan Plateau, since about 28Ma+ ago, may be caused by two reasons: On one hand, the movement direction of Eurasia continent changed from northward to southward about 28Ma± ago in the northern plateau. On the other hand, the front belt that is located between India continent's and Eurasia continent's convergence-collision, had moved southward to high Himalayan from Indus-Brahmaputra suture almost at the same time in southern plateau. Affected by the stress field, the earlier tectonics rotated clockwise, NE and NW conjugate strike-slip faults developed, and the SN rift formed. This indicated that the EW movement started. The ratio between upper crust and lower crust of different blocks from south to north in the Tibetan plateau during the process of deformation are as following: about 3.5~5:1 in Himalayan block, about 1~5: 3-4 (which is about 1:3o--4 in south and about 4~5:3 in north) in Lhas-Gangdese block, about 1:3~447mm/a in these blocks: Which is located to the north of Banggong-nujiang suture.


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On account of some very peculiar features, such as extremely high Sr and Nd contents which can buffer their primary isotopic signatures against crustal contamination, deep-seated origin within mantle, and quick ascent in lithosphere, carbonatites are very suitable for deciphering the nature of sub-continental lithospheric mantle(SCLM) and receiving widespread attentions all around the world. The Mesozoic carbonatites located in western Shandong was comprehensively investigated in this dissertation. The extremely high REE concentrations, similar spider diagrams to most other carbonatites around the world and high Sr. low Mn contents of apatite from carbonatites confirm their igneous origin. The K depletion of carbonatites from this studies reflect the co-existing of carbonatite melts with pargasite+phlogopite lherzolite rather than phlogopite lherzolite. Geological characteristics and their occumng without associated silicate rocks argue against their origin of fractionation of or liquid immisibility with carbonated silicate melts. In contrast to the low S7Sr/86Sr and high l43Nd/l44Nd of other carbonatites in the world, carbonatites of this studies show EMU features with high S7Sr/86Sr and low l4jNd/144Nd ratios, which imply that this enriched nature was formed through metasomatism of enriched mantle preexisted beneath the Sino-korean craton by partial melts of subducted middle-lower crust of Yangtze craton. In addition to carbonatites, the coeval Mesozoic volcanic rocks from western Shandong were also studied in this dissertation. Mengyin and Pingyi volcanic rocks, which located in the south parts of western Shandong are shoshonite geochemically. while volcanic rocks cropped out in other places are high-K calc-alkaline series. All these volcanic rocks enriched in LREE and LILE. depleted in HFSE, and show TNT(strong negative anomalies in Ta, Nb. Ti) patterns in spider diagrams which are common phenomena in arc-related volcanic rocks. The Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic systematics reveal that the volcanic rocks decrease gradually in 87Sr/86Sr, 206Pb/204Pb, 20SPb/204Pb and increase in TDM from south to north, suggesting the distinction of SCLM beneath Shandong in Mesozoic is more explicit in south-north trending than in east-west trending. The variable features of SCLM can be attributed to the subduction of Yangtze craton beneath Sino-Korean craton, and subsequent metasomatism of SCLM by partial melts of Yangtze lower crust in different extent.


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These are two parts included in this report. In the first part, the zonation of the complexes in its series, lithofacies, the depth of magma source and chambers is discussed in detailed for the first time based on the new data of petrol-chemistry, isotopes, tectono-magma activity of Mesozoic volcano-plutonic complexes in the southern Great Hinggan Mts. Then, the genetic model of the zonality, double overlapped layer system, is proposed. The main conclusions are presented as follows: The Mesozoic volcanic-plutonic complexes in the southern Great Hinggan were formed by four stages of magma activity on the base of the subduction system formed in late Paleozoic. The Mesozoic magmatic activity began in Meso-Jurassic Epoch, flourished in late Jurassic Epoch, and declined in early Cretaceous Epoch. The complexes consist dominantly of acidic rocks with substantial intermediate rocks and a few mefic ones include the series of calc alkaline, high potassium calc alkaline, shoshonite, and a few alkaline. Most of those rocks are characterized by high potassium. The volcano-plutonic complexes is characterized by zonality, and can be divided mainly into there zones. The west zone, located in northwestern side of gneiss zone in Great Xinggan mountains, are dominated of high potassium basalts and basaltic andesite. The middle zone lies on the southeast side of the Proterozoic gneiss zone, and its southeast margin is along Huangganliang, Wushijiazi, and Baitazi. It composed of dominatly calc-alkaline, high potassium calc-alkaline rocks, deep granite and extrusive rhyolite. The east zone, occurring along Kesheketong Qi-Balinyou Qi-Balinzuo Qi, is dominated of shoshonite. In generally, southeastward from the Proterozoic gneiss zone, the Mesozoic plutons show the zones-mica granitites zone, hornblende-mica granitite zone, mica-hornblende granitite zone; the volcanic rocks also display the zones of calc alkaline-high potassium calc alkaline and shoshonites. In the same space, the late Paleozoic plutons also display the same zonality, which zones are combined of binary granite, granodiorite, quartz diorite and diorite southeast wards from the gneiss. Meso-Jurassic Epoch granite plutons almost distribute in the middle zone on the whole. Whereas late Jurassic Epoch volcanic rocks distribute in the west and east zone. This distribution of the volcano-plutonic complexes reveals that the middle zone was uplifted more intensively then the other zones in Meso-Jurassic and late Jurassic Epoches. Whole rock Rb-Sr isochron ages of the high potassium calc-alkaline volcanic rocks in the west zone, the calc-alkaline and high potassium calc-alkaline granite the middle zone, shoshonite in the east zone are 136Ma, 175Ma and 154Ma, respectively. The alkaline rocks close to the shoshonite zone is 143Ma and 126Ma. The isochron ages are comparable well with the K-Ar ages of the rocks obtained previously by other researchers. The compositions of Sr ans Nd isotopes suggest that the source of Mesozoic volcanic-plutonic complexes in Great Hinggan Mts. is mostly Paleo-Asia oceanic volcanic-sedimentary rocks, which probably was mixed by antiquated gneiss. The tectonic setting for Mesozoic magmatism was subductive continental margin. But this it was not directly formed by present west Pacific subduction. It actully was the re-working of the Paleozoic subduction system( which was formed during the Paleo-Asia ocean shortening) controlled by west Pacific subduction. For this reason, Although Great Hinggan Mts. is far away from west Pacific subduction zone, its volcanic arc still occurred echoing to the volcanic activities of east China, it, but the variation trend of potassium content in volcano-plutonic complexes of Great Hinggan is just reverse to ones of west Pacific. The primitive magmas occurred in the southern Great Hinggan Mts. Include high-potassium calc-alkaline basalt, high potassium calc-alkaline rhyolite, high potassium rhyolite, non-Eu negative anomaly trachy-rhyolite et al. Therefore, all of primitive magmas are either mafic or acid, and most of intermediate rocks occurring in the area are the products of Mesozoic acid magma contaminated by the Paleozoic volcanic- sedimentary rocks. The depth of those primitive magma sources and chambers gradually increase from northwest to southeast. This suggests that Paleozoic subduction still controlled the Mesozoic magmatism. In summary, the lithosphere tectonic system of the southern Great Hinggan Mts. controlling Mesozoic magmatism is a double overlapped layer system developing from Paleozoic subduction system. For this reason, the depth of crust of the southern Great Hinggan Mts. is thicker than that of its two sides, and consequently it causes regional negative gravity abnormity. The second part of this report shows the prolongation of the research work carried on in my doctor's period. Author presents new data about Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic compositions and ages, geochamical features, genesis mineralogy and ore deposit geology of the volcanic rocks in Kunyang rift. On the base of the substantial work, author presents a prospect of copper bearing magnetite ore deposit. The most important conclusions are as follows: 1. It is proved that all of these carbonatites controlled by a ringing structure system in Wuding-Lufeng basin in the central Yunnan were formed in the Mesoproterozoic period. Two stages could be identified as follows: in the first stage, carbonatitic volcanic rocks, such as lavas(Sm-Nd, 1685Ma), basaltic porphyrite dykes(Sm-Nd, 1645Ma), pyroclastic rocks and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, formed in the outer ring; in the second stage, carbonatitic breccias and dykes(Rb-Sr, 1048 Ma) did in the middle ring. The metamorphic age of the carbonatitic lavas (Rb-Sr, 893 Ma) in the outer ring was determined. The magma of carbonatitic volcanic rocks derived mainly form enriched mantle whose basement is depleted mantle that had been metasomated by mantle fluid and contaminated by Archaean lower crust. Carbonatitic spheres were discovered in ore bearing layers in Lishi copper mining in Yimen recently, which formed in calcite carbonatitic magma extrusion. This discovery indicates that the formation of copper ore deposit genesis relates to carbonatitic volcanic activity. The iron and copper ore deposits occurring in carbonatitic volcanic- sedimentary rocks in Kunyang rift results from carbonatitic magmatism. Author calls this kind of ore deposits as subaqueous carbonatitic iron-copper deposit. The magnetic anomaly area in the north of Lishi copper mining in Yimen was a depression more lower than its circumference. Iron and copper ores occurrig on the margin of the magnetic anomaly are volcanic hydrothermal deposit. The magnetic body causing the magnetic anomaly must be magnetite ore. Because the anomaly area is wide, it can be sure that there is a large insidious ore deposit embedding there.


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Distributions of elements especially hazard trace elements in coals and their wastes from a coal fired power plant have been studied in detail using knowledge of Geology, Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Environmental chemistry. The key work is on the small particle sizes of fly ashes which escaped from electric precipitator and discharged into atmosphere. By means of X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive spectrometer (SEM-EDS), the characteristics of minerals and morphologies were studied. Different types of fly ash were formed in different stages and processes. More than 50% of small fly ashes belonged to inhalable particles (PM10). The very fine fly ashes preferred to attach on surface of bigger fly ash or conglutinate with each other and this decreased the environmental impact of tiny fly ashes. The trace elements in coal, fly ashes, slags and small particle sizes of fly ashes had been analysed by means of Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). As particle sizes decreasing, distributions of most elements increased, but in contrary to most studies, this increasing trend was not very obviously because of the tendency of attachment of tiny fly ashes. The occurrence of 30 elements including hazard trace elements of Cd, Cr, Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, As, Se, Cu, V was studied by means of sequential chemical extract. The annual discharge of hazard trace elements of slag, fly ash, small fly ash (PM10), tiny fly ash (PM2.5) and air was calculated by mass balance. S, V, Cu, Pb, Se, Mo, Cd from power plant had potential impacts on environment. Hazard trace elements from the power plant had little effect on soil and aerosol comparing to those from other industrial sources and the effects were mostly on downwind direction. Both the high performance electric precipitator and high chimney made the hazard trace elements from power plant being transported far away but little environmental impacts.


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A systematic study of the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio in heavy-ion collisions with the same neutron/proton ratio but different masses can help single out effects of the nuclear mean field on pion production. Based on simulations using the IBUU04 transport model, it is found that the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio in head-on collisions of Ca-48 + Ca-48, Sn-124 + Sn-124, and Au-197 + Au-197 at beam energies from 0.25 to 0.6 GeV/nucleon increases with increasing the system size or decreasing the beam energies. A comprehensive analysis of the dynamical isospin fractionation and the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio as well as their time evolution and spatial distributions demonstrates clearly that the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio is an effective probe of the high-density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy.


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Hard photons from neutron-proton bremsstrahlung in intermediate energy heavy-ion reactions are examined as a potential probe of the nuclear symmetry energy within a transport model. Effects of the symmetry energy on the yields and spectra of hard photons are found to be generally smaller than those due to the currently existing uncertainties of both the in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections and the photon production probability in the elementary process pn -> pn gamma. Very interestingly, nevertheless, the ratio of hard photon spectra R-1/2(gamma) from two reactions using isotopes of the same element is not only approximately independent of these uncertainties but also quite sensitive to the symmetry energy. For the head-on reactions of Sn-132 + Sn-124 and Sn-112 + Sn-112 at E-beam/A = 50 MeV, for example, the R-1/2(gamma) displays a rise up to 15% when the symmetry energy is reduced by about 20% at rho = 1.3 rho(0) which is the maximum density reached in these reactions. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The nuclear symmetry energy E-sym(rho) is the most uncertain part of the Equation of State (EOS) of dense neutron-rich nuclear matter. In this talk, we discuss the underlying physics responsible for the uncertain E-sym(rho) especially at supra-saturation densities, the circumstantial evidence for a super-soft E-sym(rho) from analyzing pi(-)/pi(+) ratio in relativistic heavy-ion collisions and its impacts on astrophysics and cosmology.