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The diffusive transport properties in microscale convection flows are studied by using the direct simulation Monte Carlo method. The effective diffusion coefficient D is computed from the mean square displacements of simulated molecules based on the Einstein diffusion equation D = x2 t /2t. Two typical convection flows, namely, thermal creep convection and Rayleigh– Bénard convection, are investigated. The thermal creep convection in our simulation is in the noncontinuum regime, with the characteristic scale of the vortex varying from 1 to 100 molecular mean free paths. The diffusion is shown to be enhanced only when the vortex scale exceeds a certain critical value, while the diffusion is reduced when the vortex scale is less than the critical value. The reason for phenomenon of diffusion reduction in the noncontinuum regime is that the reduction effect due to solid wall is dominant while the enhancement effect due to convection is negligible. A molecule will lose its memory of macroscopic velocity when it collides with the walls, and thus molecules are hard to diffuse away if they are confined between very close walls. The Rayleigh– Bénard convection in our simulation is in the continuum regime, with the characteristic length of 1000 molecular mean free paths. Under such condition, the effect of solid wall on diffusion is negligible. The diffusion enhancement due to convection is shown to scale as the square root of the Péclet number in the steady convection regime, which is in agreement with previous theoretical and experimental results. In the oscillation convection regime, the diffusion is more strongly enhanced because the molecules can easily advect from one roll to its neighbor due to an oscillation mechanism. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3528310


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The nonmodal linear stability of a falling film over a porous inclined plane has been investigated. The base flow is driven by gravity. We use Darcy's law to describe the flow in the porous medium. A simplified one-sided model is used to describe the fluid flow. In this model, the influence of the porous layer on the flow in the film can be identified by a parameter beta. The instabilities of a falling film have traditionally been investigated by linearizing the governing equations and testing for unstable eigenvalues of the linearized problem. However, the results of eigenvalue analysis agree poorly in many cases with experiments, especially for shear flows. In the present paper, we have studied the linear stability of three-dimensional disturbances using the nonmodal stability theory. Particular attentions are paid to the transient behavior rather than the long time behavior of eigenmodes predicted by traditional normal mode analysis. The transient behaviors of the response to external excitations and the response to initial conditions are studied by examining the pseudospectral structures and the energy growth function G(t) Before we study the nonmodal stability of the system, we extend the results of long-wave analysis in previous works by examining the linear stabilities for streamwise and spanwise disturbances. Results show that the critical conditions of both the surface mode and the shear mode instabilities are dependent on beta for streamwise disturbances. However, the spanwise disturbances have no unstable eigenvalue. 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3455503]


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We have studied the excitation and dissociation processes of the molecule W(CO)(6) in collisions with low kinetic energy (3 keV) protons, monocharged fluorine, and chlorine ions using double charge transfer spectroscopy. By analyzing the kinetic energy loss of the projectile anions, we measured the excitation energy distribution of the produced transient dications W(CO)(6)(2+). By coincidence measurements between the anions and the stable or fragments of W(CO)(6)(2+), we determined the energy distribution for each dissociation channel. Based on the experimental data, the emission of the first CO was tentatively attributed to a nonstatistical direct dissociation process and the emission of the second or more CO ligands was attributed to the statistical dissociation processes. The dissociation energies for the successive breaking of the W-CO bond were estimated using a cascade model. The ratio between charge separation and evaporation (by the loss of CO+ and CO, respectively) channels was estimated to be 6% in the case of Cl+ impact. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3523347]


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Irradiation effect in C-60 films induced by 170 keV B ion was investigated by means of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopies. The damage cross section sigma and the effective damage radius R are deduced from the experimental data of all four IR active modes and evident four Raman active modes of C-60 molecule. The differences on irradiation sensitivity and structural stability of the different active modes of C-60 molecule are compared. The results indicate that T-1u (4) of infrared active mode and A(g) (1) of Raman active mode are most sensitive for B ion irradiation. On the other hand T-1u (2) of infrared active mode and H-g (3) of Raman active mode are comparatively stable under B ion irradiation. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3512968]


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Experimental data are presented to show the influence of a very small amount of inorganic salt on the demulsification of water-in-oil emulsions. It was found that some inorganic salts could effectively enhance the demulsification efficiency and increase the light transmittance of the water separated from the emulsions. The demulsification efficiency may reach 100% in a very short time under microwave radiation.


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采用半定量反转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)技术研究了Cd胁迫对拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)幼苗错配修复和增殖细胞核抗原基因表达的影响,并结合幼苗的形态和生理指标,选取Cd胁迫敏感的生物标记物。结果表明:不同浓度(0.25、0.5、1.0 mg.L-1)Cd处理对拟南芥幼苗叶片数、地上部鲜质量影响不大;Cd浓度为0.25 mg.L-1时,地上部分可溶性蛋白质含量明显升高(P<0.05),Cd浓度为0.5和1.0 mg.L-1时,可溶性蛋白质含量明显降低(P<0.05);叶绿素含量随着Cd浓度的增加而微弱增加(P>0.05)。Cd浓度为0.25 mg.L-1时,以18S rRNA为内参照,PCNA1、PCNA2、MSH2、MSH3、MSH6、MSH7 6个基因均出现了诱导表达,当Cd浓度增加到1.0 mg.L-1时,除了MSH6持续表达诱导及MSH3基因与对照相比表达抑制外,其他基因的表达依然出现诱导,但都低于0.5 mg.L-1Cd处理下的基因表达水平。以上结果表明,基因表达的改变可作为检测Cd污染对植物遗传毒性效应潜在有用的生物标记物。


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在自然降雨下 ,研究降雨、坡度、耕作和施肥对侵蚀泥沙、有机质和全N富集率的影响 ,分析土壤和泥沙颗粒组成、富集与泥沙有机质和全N富集的关系 ,揭示土壤有机质和全N在泥沙中的富集规律 .结果表明 ,泥沙粘粒的富集导致有机质和全N的富集 ,泥沙粘粒、有机质和全N富集率分别平均为 1.77、2 .0 9和 1.61.土壤侵蚀模数与泥沙有机质和全N富集率呈显著的负相关关系 ,降雨、坡度、施肥和耕作措施对泥沙有机质富集作用的影响是通过减少土壤侵蚀模数来实现的 ,减少土壤侵蚀的措施可增加泥沙有机质和全N的富集 .


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We report a facile and environmentally friendly strategy for high-yield synthesis of highly monodisperse gold nanoparticles with urchin-like shape. A simple protein, gelatin, was first used for the control over shape and orientation of the gold nanoparticles. These nanoparticles, ready to use for biological systems, are promising in the optical imaging-based disease diagnostics and therapy because of their tunable surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and excellent surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) activity.


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The synthesis of monodisperse nanocrystals is an important topic in the field of nanomaterials not only for practical applications, but also for scientific interest in fundamental research. In this feature article, we mainly focus on synthesis of monodisperse nanocrystals by a two-phase approach without the separation of nucleation and growth processes, and report some progress made recently in the observation and understanding of nucleation and growth of semiconductor nanocrystals. Firstly, a novel two-phase approach to monodisperse nanocrystals, which is different from the well-established synthesis models, is discussed. We demonstrate that the two-phase approach has a quite lengthy nucleation process, and can be applied to the synthesis of many kinds of binary monodisperse nanocrystals.


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Mica, as a bridge of the study for combining between quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and atomic force microscope (AFM), was successfully modified onto the piezoelectric quartz crystal (PQC). This mica-modified piezoelectric quartz crystal (mica-PQC) can be stably oscillated with a shift frequency of +/-1 Hz per half an hour in air. Using this mica-PQC, the processes of DNA adsorbed onto the mica surface were studied in liquid phase. The results show that a bivalent cation, such as Mn2+, can be used as an ionic bridge to immobilize DNA on mica surface. The image of DNA on the mica surface was also obtained by AFM. Mica-PQC gives the possibility of a combination between QCM and AFM in situ.


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Bond covalency, bond susceptibility and macroscopic linear susceptibility in NdCr1-xMxO3 (M=Mn, Fe, Co, 0.0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 1.0) are investigated by complex chemical bond theory. The results indicate the bond covalencies are insensitive to the doping level. With the increasing doping level, the macroscopic linear susceptibilities increase for M=Mn, Fe, decrease for M=Co. The valence state of Cr can be strongly influenced by the properties of the doping ions.


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The electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH by ferrocene derivatives and the influence of complexation with beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD) were investigated at a microdisk electrode in a buffer solution. The cyclic voltammetric behavior of the ferrocene derivatives on the microdisk electrode was used to determine the electron-transfer rate constant from NADH to the ferricinium species. The heterogeneous rate constants and the diffusion coefficient of ferrocene derivatives were determined with the microdisk electrode. The effect of temperature and pH on the electrocatalytic oxidation of NADH were assessed.