196 resultados para single-electron turnstile


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Quantum measurement will inevitably cause backaction on the measured system, resulting in the well-known dephasing and relaxation. In this paper, in the context of solid-state qubit measurement by a mesoscopic detector, we show that an alternative backaction known as renormalization is important under some circumstances. This effect is largely overlooked in the theory of quantum measurement.


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Qubit measurement by mesoscopic charge detectors has received great interest in the community of mesoscopic transport and solid-state quantum computation, and some controversial issues still remain unresolved. In this work, we revisit the continuous weak measurement of a solid-state qubit by single electron transistors (SETs) in nonlinear-response regime. For two SET models typically used in the literature, we find that the signal-to-noise ratio can violate the universal upper bound "4," which is imposed quantum mechanically on linear-response detectors. This different result can be understood by means of the cross correlation of the detector currents by viewing the two junctions of the single SET as two detectors. Possible limitation of the potential-scattering approach to this result is also discussed.


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In this paper we study a single electron tunneling through a vertically stacked self-assembled quantum disks structure using a transfer matrix technique in the framework of effective mass approximation. In the disks, the electron is confined both laterally and vertically; we separate the motion in the vertical and lateral directions within the adiabatic approximation and treat the energy levels of the latter as an effective confining potential. The influence of a constant applied electric field is taken into account using an exact Airy-function formalism and the current density is calculated at zero temperature. By increasing the widths of the barriers, we find the peaks of the current density shift toward lower voltage region; meanwhile, they can become even sharper. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the Fano resonance in photon-assisted transport through a quantum dot. Both the coherent current and the spectral density of shot noise have been calculated. It is predicted that the shape of the Fano profile will also appear in satellite peaks. It is found that the variations of Fano profiles with the strengths of nonresonant transmissions are not synchronous in absorption and emission sidebands. The effect of interference on photon-assisted pumped current has also been investigated. We further predict the current and spectral density of shot noise as a periodic function of the phase, which exhibits an intrinsic property of resonant and nonresonant channels in the structures.


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We have studied the current-voltage properties of a double quantum dot (DQD) connected by leads in arrangements that vary from series to symmetrical parallel configurations, in the presence of strong intradot Coulomb interaction. The influences of the connecting configurations and the difference between dot levels on the magnitude and symmetry of the total current are examined. We find that the connecting configurations of the dots can determine the number of the current paths and in turn determine the magnitude of the current, while the coupling strengths between the dots and the leads together with the difference of dot levels determine the current-voltage symmetry. The negative differential conductance observed in serial DQD can be explained in terms of the reduction of the current paths. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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In a specially- designed three-barrier-double-well tunneling structure, electron injecting from the emitter in combination with escaping through a resonant-tunneling structure were used to adjust and control the filling of electrons in different subbands. It was observed that the occupation in the first-excited electron state can result in a suppression to quantum confinement Stark effect. Moreover, at very low bias, a series of intrigue photoluminescence peaks appeared as a small quantity of excess electron was filled in the ground state of the quantum well, that cannot be explained by the theory of hand-to-hand transition in the framework of single electron picture.


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In the framework of effective mass envelope function theory, the electronic structures of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs quantum double rings(QDRs) are studied. Our model can be used to calculate the electronic structures of quantum wells, wires, dots, and the single ring. In calculations, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons and holes in GaAs and AlxGa1-xAs and the valence band mixing are considered. The energy levels of electrons and holes are calculated for different shapes of QDRs. The calculated results are useful in designing and fabricating the interrelated photoelectric devices. The single electron states presented here are useful for the study of the electron correlations and the effects of magnetic fields in QDRs.


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We have studied the equilibrium and nonequilibrium electronic transports through a double quantum dot coupled to leads in a symmetrical parallel configuration in the presence of both the inter- and the intradot Coulomb interactions. The influences of the interdot interaction and the difference between dot levels on the local density of states (LDOS) and the differential conductance are paid special attention. We find an interesting zero-bias maximum of the differential conductance induced by the interdot interaction, which can be interpreted in terms of the LDOS of the two dots. Due to the presence of the interdot interaction, the LDOS peaks around the dot levels epsilon(i) are split, and as a result, the most active energy level which supports the transport is shifted near to the Fermi level of the leads in the equilibrium situation. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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A novel analog-computation system using a quantum-dot cell network is proposed to solve complex problems. Analog computation is a promising method for solving a mathematical problem by using a physical system analogous to the problem. We designed a novel quantum-dot cell consisting of three-stacked. quantum dots and constructed a cell network utilizing the nearest-neighbor interactions between the cells. We then mapped a graph 3-colorability problem onto the network so that the single-electron configuration of the network in the ground state corresponded to one of the solutions. We calculated the ground state of the cell network and found solutions to the problems. The results demonstrate that analog computation is a promising approach for solving complex problems.


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In the framework of effective mass envelope function theory, the electronic states of the InAs/GaAs quantum ring are studied. Our model can be used to calculate the electronic states of quantum wells, quantum wires, and quantum dots. In calculations, the effects due to the different effective masses of electrons in rings and out rings are included. The energy levels of the electron are calculated in the different shapes of rings. The results indicate that the inner radius of rings sensitively changes the electronic states. The energy levels of the electron are not sensitively dependent on the outer radius for large rings. If decreasing the inner and outer radii simultaneously, one may increase the energy spacing between energy levels and keep the ground state energy level unchanged. If changing one of two radii (inner or outer radius), the ground state energy level and the energy spacing will change simultaneously. These results are useful for designing and fabricating the double colors detector by intraband and interband translations. The single electron states are useful for studying the electron correlations and the effects of magnetic fields in quantum rings. Our calculated results are consistent with the recent experimental data of nanoscopic semiconductor rings. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Fabrication of semiconductor nanostructures such as quantum dots (QDs), quantum rings (QRs) has been considered as the important step for realization of solid state quantum information devices, including QDs single photon emission source, QRs single electron memory unit, etc. To fabricate GaAs quantum rings, we use Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) droplet technique in this report. In this droplet technique, Gallium (Ga) molecular beams are supplied initially without Arsenic (As) ambience, forming droplet-like nano-clusters of Ga atoms on the substrate, then the Arsenic beams are supplied to crystallize the Ga droplets into GaAs crystals. Because the morphologies and dimensions of the GaAs crystal are governed by the interplay between the surface migration of Ga and As adatoms and their crystallization, the shape of the GaAs crystals can be modified into rings, and the size and density can be controlled by varying the growth temperatures and As/Ga flux beam equivalent pressures(BEPs). It has been shown by Atomic force microscope (AFM) measurements that GaAs single rings, concentric double rings and coupled double rings are grown successfully at typical growth temperatures of 200 C to 300 C under As flux (BEP) of about 1.0 x 10(-6) Torr. The diameter of GaAs rings is about 30-50 nm and thickness several nm.


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For a triangular triple quantum dots (TTQDs) ring with three terminals, when lowering one of the dot-lead coupling to realize the left-right (L-R) reflection symmetry coupling, the internal C-upsilon of the TTQDs is well preserved in the absence of many-body effect for the symmetric distribution of the dot-lead coupling on the molecular orbits. In the presence of Kondo effect, the decrement of one of the dot-lead couplings suppresses the inter-dot hopping. This happens especially for the coupled quantum dot (QD), which decouples with the other two ones gradually to form a localized state near the Fermi level As a result, the internal dynamic symmetry of the TTQDs ring is reduced to L-R reflection symmetry, and simultaneously, the linear conductance is lifted for the new forming molecular orbit near the Fermi level


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Tunneling escape of electrons from quantum wells (QWs) has systematically been studied in an arbitrarily multilayered heterostructures, both theoretically and experimentally. A wave packet method is developed to calculate the bias dependence of tunneling escape time (TET) in a three-barrier, two-well structure. Moreover, by considering the time variation of the band-edge profile in the escape transient, arising from the decay of injected electrons in QWs, we demonstrate that the actual escape time of certain amount of charge from QWs, instead of single electron, could be much longer than that for a single electron, say, by two orders of magnitude at resonance. The broadening of resonance may also be expected from the same mechanism before invoking various inhomogeneous and homogeneous broadening. To perform a close comparison between theory and experiment, we have developed a new method to measure TET by monitoring transient current response (TCR), stemming from tunneling escape of electrons out of QWs in a similar heterostructure. The time resolution achieved by this new method reaches to several tens ns, nearly three orders of magnitude faster than that by previous transient-capacitance spectroscopy (TCS). The measured TET shows an U-shaped, nonmonotonic dependence on bias, unambiguously indicating resonant tunneling escape of electrons from an emitter well through the DBRTS in the down-stream direction. The minimum value of TET obtained at resonance is accordance with charging effect and its time variation of injected electrons. A close comparison with the theory has been made to imply that the dynamic build-up of electrons in DBRTS might play an important role for a greatly suppressed tunneling escape rate in the vicinity of resonance.


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By considering the time variation of band-edge profile arising from the decay of injected charge in quantum wells(QWs), we employ a wave packet method to verify that the actual escape time of certain amount of electrons from QWs could be much larger than that for a single electron. The theoretical result is also in agreement with our measurement of escape time, performed by using a newly developed method--transient current response.


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Two kinds of quantum computation systems using artificial molecules: quantum computer and quantum analog computer are described. The artificial molecule consists of two or three coupled quantum dots stacked along z direction and one single electron, In quantum computer, one-qubit and two-qubit gates are constructed by one molecule and two molecules, respectively. The coupling between two qubits in a quantum gate can be controlled by thin film electrodes. We also constructed a quantum analog computer by designing a three-dot molecule network and mapping a graph 3-colorability problem onto the network. The ground-state configuration of the single electrons in the network corresponds to one of the problem solutions, We numerically study the operations of the two kinds of the quantum computers and demonstrate that they quantum gates can perform the quantum computation and solve complex problems.