55 resultados para l1-regularized LSP


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本研究以双壳纲、翼形亚纲、珍珠贝目、扇贝超科的栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri )、海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians)和牡蛎超科巨蛎属(Crassostrea)的长牡蛎(C. gigas)、葡萄牙牡蛎(C. angulata)、熊本牡蛎(C. sikamea)、香港巨牡蛎(C. hongkongensis)和近江牡蛎(C. ariakensis)5种牡蛎及异齿亚纲、帘蛤目、帘蛤科的紫斑文蛤(Meretrix pethechialis)为研究对象,系统的研究了以上物种的线粒体基因组全序列的特点。并以线粒体12个蛋白质编码基因的序列,在氨基酸和核苷酸水平上构建了软体动物的分子系统发生树。本研究旨在为利用线粒体基因组全序列全面构建软体动物分子系统发生树,为软体动物的系统发生和进化研究提供一种新的思路和前期基础工作,本研究主要内容分为以下三个部分: 一、栉孔扇贝和海湾扇贝线粒体基因组序列分析及分子系统发生研究 采用Long-PCR技术扩增了栉孔扇贝和海湾扇贝线粒体全基因组,利用步移法结合文库构建的测序策略获得了线粒体基因组的序列。海湾扇贝线粒体全基因组长度为16,211 bp,栉孔扇贝接近全序列长度为20,789 bp。两个基因组都编码35个基因,包括12个蛋白质编码基因,2个rRNA和21个tRNA。与典型的动物线粒体基因组相比,两个基因组都缺少一个蛋白质编码基因atp8和2个trnS, 在海湾扇贝基因组中有1个trnF的重复,而在栉孔扇贝基因组中有1个trnM的重复。基因排列比较显示,尽管海湾扇贝、栉孔扇贝和巨扇贝分类学上属于同一扇贝科,但是它们的线粒体基因排列非常不同。在四种扇贝中,虾夷扇贝与栉孔扇贝的基因排列顺序非常相似;即使排除tRNA的比较,栉孔扇贝和海湾扇贝基因组仅仅共享三个小的基因块;而海湾扇贝与巨扇贝仅有一个相同的基因块。在所有的系统发生分析中,四种扇贝稳定的系统发生关系得到强有力的支持,海湾扇贝较其他三种扇贝较早的分化出来;栉孔扇贝比其他两种扇贝与虾夷扇贝亲缘关系更近。贝叶斯法和最大似然法分析都支持扇贝超科的单系发生。 二、巨蛎属牡蛎线粒体基因组全序列分析及分子系统发生研究 采用Long-PCR扩增技术和步移法结合文库构建的技术策略获得了巨蛎属C. gigas、C. angulata、C. sikamea、C. hongkongensis和C. ariakensis 5种牡蛎线粒体全基因组序列,并于GenBank已公布的美洲牡蛎C.virginica序列进行比较研究。C. gigas、C. angulata、C. sikamea、C. hongkongensis和C. ariakensis线粒体全基因组长度分别为18,225 bp、18,225 bp、18,243 bp、18,622 bp和18,414 bp,都长于C. virginica基因组17,244 bp的长度。本研究的5种牡蛎线粒体基因组都编码39个基因,包括12个蛋白质编码基因,2个rRNA和25个tRNA。与典型的线粒体基因组相比,都缺少一个蛋白质编码基因atp8,有trnM、trnK和trnQ 3个tRNA基因的重复,更特别的是基因组中的rrnL分为两段,这在其它线粒体基因组中未见报道,有一个重复的rrnS;而C. virginica基因组编码37个基因,与其他牡蛎相比,没有trnK和trnQ重复,只有一个rrnS。基因排列比较显示,巨蛎属的5种牡蛎C. gigas、C. angulata、C. sikamea、C. hongkongensis和C. ariakensis基因排列完全一致,而与C. virginica的基因排列相比仍然有较大的差别,有多个tRNA发生易位。系统发生分析显示,C. gigas和C. angulata首先聚在一起,然后与C. sikamea聚为一支。C. hongkongensis和C. ariakensis聚成一支。C. virginica为单独的一支。系统树清楚的显示出C. gigas和C. angulata以及C. hongkongensis和C. ariakensis非常近的亲缘关系,这也是长期以来,牡蛎分类学上的经典问题,有学者认为C. gigas和C. angulata为同一物种,线粒体基因组的数据显示C. gigas和C. angulata可能达到不同物种的差异。传统分类上的“近江牡蛎”的“白蚝”和“赤蚝”,线粒体序列差别明显,完全支持两种牡蛎新种名的制定。 三、紫斑文蛤线粒体基因组全序列分析及分子系统发生研究 采用Long-PCR扩增技术和步移法结合文库构建的技术策略获得了紫斑文蛤线粒体基因组全序列。该基因组全长19,567 bp,编码36个基因,包括12个蛋白质编码基因,2个rRNA和22个tRNA。与典型的线粒体基因组相比,缺少一个蛋白质编码基因atp8和1个trnS, 有1个trnQ基因的重复。基因排列比较显示,双壳类的基因排列在低的分类阶元时相对保守。在帘蛤科中,紫斑文蛤M. petechialis和菲律宾蛤仔V. philippinarum共享四个完全一致的基因块,两个大的基因块是cox1-L1-nad1-nad2-nad4L-I 和 cox2-P-cob-rrnL-nad4-H-E-S2-atp6-nad3-nad5,另两个小基因块只包括tRNA基因。在以氨基酸序列构建的分子系统树中,帘蛤科紫斑文蛤与菲律宾蛤仔首先聚在一起,然后,它们与A. tuberculata形成一个进化枝。这一枝与H. arctica结合起来,支持异齿亚纲单系发生。


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中国对虾,墨吉对虾和长毛对虾是我国近海渔业捕捞和养殖业中最重要的经济种。由于它们早期生活史阶段形态的极大相似性,尤其在三种对虾都有分布的南方海区,其幼体和仔虾的鉴别非常困难,因而影响到对虾早期生活史阶段生态补充和资源管理等的研究。本文报道了中国对虾,墨吉对虾和长毛对虾幼体及仔虾发育的形态变化及其比较研究结果,为有关研究提供了准确的种类鉴别依据,以便我国对虾资源补充研究及其合理的开发利用建立在更加科学的基础上,使捕捞产量保持持续增长。本文所依据的材料均为作者分别在厦门、湛江和青岛等地对虾育苗实验中亲自培育所获,通过对大量标本的观察、测量和比较研究,纠正了以往报道中的错误。中国对虾自第2期 状幼体开始就可以与其他2种相区别。其第2期 状幼体眼上刺不分叉,第3期 状幼体第1,2腹节背中刺较小,糠虾幼体5对步足外肢具较多的刚毛数(9根);不同于墨吉对虾和长毛对虾(眼上刺双叉型,第1,2腹节背中刺较大,糠虾体阶段5对步足外肢8根刚毛)。墨吉对虾第1期 状幼体的L1/L2(图13,B)值较大(1.7-2.0),不同于中国对虾和长毛对虾者(L1/L2<1.7)。第1-5期仔虾时,中国对虾第3颚足和5对步足外肢刚毛数较多(第5期除外),头胸甲的触角刺一直存在;不同于墨吉对虾和长毛对虾。第6或7期仔虾开始3种对虾可以完全分开,其主要鉴别依据是中国对虾第1触角外鞭与内鞭的比值远大于墨吉对虾和长毛对虾,墨吉对虾额角与头胸甲长度的比值明显大于中国对虾和长毛对虾。从幼体和仔虾发育阶段的形态变化,清楚地表明墨吉对虾和长毛对虾有较近的亲缘关系,它们与中国对虾的亲缘关系较远。本文还比较了以上三种对虾与日本对虾及斑节对虾仔虾的不同描述了其幼体和仔虾色素细胞的发育。


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The loess-red clay deposit in the Loess Plateau, as large regions mixed in the dust depositional areas, may recorded the chemical weathering features and recycling of the detritus material of the earth’s surface from the wide range upwind of the Loess Plateau. And the loess-red clay sequence is rare information for recovering the continent's weathering history of Late Cenozoic, as it’s clear sense of age. The concentrations of elements in loess-red clay are largely affected by grain size. Therefore, we divided samples of a long loess-red clay section and six spacial sections into three fractions in order to counteracting the effect of particle size on the values of weathering proxies. First, the loess unit L1 and S1 of six sections located at Guyuan, Baishui, Changwu, Yongshou, Yangling and Lantian, Chinese Loess Plateau were sampled. These samples were divided into three fractions: <5μm, 5-20μm, 20-63μm, which were then analyzed for the primary elements using an X-ray fluorescence analyser. Results show that the effect of particle is much smaller on the fraction <5μm than other fractions. Therefore, the fraction <5μm can reflect the change of chemical weathering intensity much better. In addition, we divided Baishui section samples into three fractions, and analyzed them with X-ray fluorescence for primary elements. Results show that the value of CIA vary in different size fractions, indicating different weathering progress. Elements K, Na, Ca and Mg in the <5μm fraction have a sequence which is the reverse of Bowen Sequence. This may be a important sense for the change of source regions.


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The most prominent tectonic and environmental events during the Cenozoic in Asia are the uplift of the Himalaya-Tibetan plateau, aridification in the Asian interior, and onset of the Asian monsoons. These caused more humid conditions in southeastern China and the formation of inland deserts in northwestern China. The 22 Ma eolian deposits in northern China provide an excellent terrestrial record relative to the above environmental events. Up to date, many studies have focused on the geochemical characters of the late Mio-Pleistocene eolian deposits, however, the geochemical characteristics of the Miocene loess and soils is still much less known. In this study, the elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the eolian deposits from the Qinan (from 22.0 to 6.2 Ma) and the Xifeng (from 3.5 Ma until now) loess-soil sections were analyzed to examine the grain size effects on the element concentrations and the implications about the dust origin and climate. The main results are as follows: 1. The contents of Si, Na, Zr and Sr are higher in the coarser fractions while Ti and Nb have the highest contents in the 2-8 μm fractions. Al, Fe, Mg, K, Mn, Rb, Cu, Ga, Zn, V, Cr, Ni, LOI have clear relationships with grain-size, more abundant in the fine fraction while non significant relationship is observed for Y. Based on these features, we suggest that K2O/Al2O3 ratio can be used to address the dust provenance, and that VR (Vogt ratio = (Al2O3+K2O)/(MgO+CaO+Na2O)) can be used as a chemical weathering proxy for the Miocene eolian deposits because of their relative independence on the grain size. Meanwhile, SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratio is a best geochemical indicator of original eolian grain size, as suggested in earlier studies. 2. Analyses on the Sr and Nd isotope composition of the last glacial loess samples (L1) and comparison with the data from the deserts in northern China suggest that that Taklimakan desert is unlikely to be the main source region of the eolian dust. In contrast, these data suggest greater contributions of the Tengger, Badain Jaran and Qaidam deserts to the eolian dust during the last glacial cycle. Since the geochemical compositions (major, trace, REE and Sr, Nd isotope) of loess samples for the past 22 Ma are broadly similar with the samples from L1, these data trend to suggest relatively stable and insignificant changes of dust sources over the past 22 Ma. 3. Chemical weathering is stronger for Miocene paleosol samples than for the Plio-Pleistocene ones, showing warmer/more humid climatic conditions with a stronger summer monsoon in the Miocene. However, chemical weathering is typical of Ca-Na removal stage, suggesting a climate range from semiarid to subhumid conditions. These support the notion about the formation of a semi-arid to semi-humid monsoonal regime by the early Miocene, as is consistent with earlier studies.


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Post-stack seismic impedance inversion is the key technology of reservoir prediction and identification. Geophysicists have done a lot of research for the problem, but the developed methods still cannot satisfy practical requirements completely. The results of different inversion methods are different and the results of one method used by different people are different too. The reasons are due to the quality of seismic data, inaccurate wavelet extraction, errors between normal incidence assumption and real situation, and so on. In addition, there are two main influence factors: one is the band-limited property of seismic data; the other is the ill-posed property of impedance inversion. Thus far, the most effective way to solve the band-limited problem is the constrained inversion. And the most effective way to solve ill-posed problems is the regularization method assisted with proper optimization techniques. This thesis systematically introduces the iterative regularization methods and numerical optimization methods for impedance inversion. A regularized restarted conjugate gradient method for solving ill-posed problems in impedance inversion is proposed. Theoretic simulations are made and field data applications are performed. It reveals that the proposed algorithm possesses the superiority to conventional conjugate gradient method. Finally, non-smooth optimization is proposed as the further research direction in seismic impedance inversion according to practical situation.


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通过对龙感湖沉积物样品中δ13 Corg、δ15N、有机碳与总氮比值(C /N) 、总有机碳(TOC)和总氮( TN)含量的测定,分析了自1948年以来龙感湖沉积物有机质的来源,探讨了湖泊生产力变化以及随后的沉积演化过程。结果表明:在这个沉积历史阶段中,湖泊沉积物有机质以自生有机物源为主,大型水草发育,伴有低等藻类参与,湖泊沉积物受陆源输入影响较小,基本不受城市污染物的输入影响,但受流域农业化肥大量使用的影响较大;随着营养物质的输入,湖泊的初级生产力逐渐增大,藻类开始发育;在沉积历史上L2 点附近低等藻类相对发育早,但L1 点沉积物相对能够固定更多的营养盐。


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金宝山岩体赋存有我国最大的铂族元素矿床,位于云南省弥渡县,大地构造位置处于杨子地台西缘南端 岩体是呈似层状(岩席)产出的小型超镁铁岩,侵位于泥盆系垒宝山组白云岩、泥灰岩、砂板岩中,由橄榄岩、辉橄岩及橄辉岩、辉石岩 异离体组成,没有完整的相带分异,缺乏分异堆积特征。但岩体铂族元素成矿议铂钯为特征(Pd/Ir>10),硫化轴Ni/Cu比值低(0.5~5),岩石稀土元素富集,配分型式为轻稀土富集型,体现基性岩浆衍生产物的岩石地球化学特点。元素含量的组合变化反映出橄榄石对岩石成分的控制作用。成岩母体可视为橄榄石与熔体两部分组成的混合体系,分析表明岩浆经历了l1%的橄榄石结晶和22%左右的斜长石结晶分异,大部分熔体相携带斜长石先期离开岩浆房或被压滤出去,残余熔体携带橄榄石结晶颗粒在构造挤压作用下向上运移侵位成岩。根据岩浆演化过程反演,计算得到金宝山超镁铁岩原始岩浆组成,表明为低钛拉斑玄武岩岩浆,MgO音量为l 2.93 %,其形成可能与裂谷作用早期的地慢热柱作用有关,原始岩浆起源于未亏损地慢的部分熔融。


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