77 resultados para Semiotic Triangle


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The subband structure and inter-subband transition as a function of gate voltage are determined by solving the Schrodinger and Poisson equations self-consistently in an AlxGa1-xN/GaN heterostructure. Different aluminum mole fraction and thickness of AlxGa1-xN barrier are considered. Calculation results show that energy difference between the first and second subband covers a wide range (from several tens to hundreds milli-electron volt) by applying different gate voltage, which corresponds to the midinfrared and long-wave infrared wavelength scope. Furthermore, such a modulation on the subband transition energy is much more pronounced for the structure with thin barrier. When the applied positive gate voltage is increased, the triangle well formed at the interface turns to be deeper and narrower, which enhances the confinement for electrons. As a result, the overlap between electron wave function at two subbands increases, and thus the optical intersubband transition also enhances its intensity. This tendency is in good agreement with the available data in the literature. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The population of the third (n = 3) two-dimensional electron subband of InGaAs/InAlAs modulation-doped structures has been observed by means of Fourier transform photoluminescence (PL). Three well resolved PL peaks centred at 0.737, 0.908, and 0.980eV are observed, which are attributed to the transitions from the lowest three electron subbands to the n = 1 heavy-hole subband. The subband separations clearly exhibiting the features of the stepped quantum well with triangle and square potentials are consistent with numerical calculation. Thanks to the presence of Fermi cutoff, the population ratio of these three subbands can be estimated. Temperature- and excitation-dependent luminescences are also analyzed.


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We have observed the population of the third (n=3) two-dimensional electron subband of InGaAs/ InAlAs modulation-doped structures with very dense sheet carrier density by means of Fourier transform photoluminescence (PL). Three well-resolved PL peaks centered at 0.737, 0.908, and 0.980 eV are observed, which are attributed to the recombination transitions from the lowest three electron subbands to the n=1 heavy-hole subband. The subband separations clearly exhibit the features of the stepped quantum well with triangle and square potential, consistent with numerical calculation. Thanks to the presence of the Fermi cutoff, the population ratio of these three subbands can be estimated. Temperature and excitation intensity dependence of the quantum well luminescence intensity is also analyzed. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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Three types of defects, namely defect I, defect 11, defect 111, in the 4H-SiC homoepilayer were investigated by micro-raman scattering measurement. These defects all originate from a certain core and are composed of (1) a wavy tail region, (11) two long tails, the so called comet and (111) three plaits. It was found that there are 3C-SiC inclusions in the cores of defect 11 and defect III and the shape of inclusion determines the type of defect II or defect III. If the core contains a triangle-shaped inclusion, the defect III would be formed; otherwise, the defect 11 was formed. No inclusion was observed in the core of the defect I. The mechanisms of these defects are discussed.


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Modelica语言仿真建模在科研工作中已经得到了广泛应用。它能方便地对包含机械、电子、液压、控制、热流等领域的复合物理系统进行基于组件的仿真。现有基于Modelica语言的仿真建模软件支持图形化建模和文本建模两种方式,集成了面向对象、陈述式描述、统一建模、组件重用的优势,给科研工作带来了巨大的便利。 Modelica软件仿真的过程可归结为微分代数方程(differential algebraic equation,DAE)系统的求解。在求解DAE系统时,需要对DAE系统进行约简,直到庞大的DAE系统约简为目前自动求解方法成熟的ODE系统,或约简为方程个数不多的、指标较低的DAE系统,才能使Modelica建模仿真软件具有工业上的应用价值。在约简DAE系统之前,需要对之进行预处理,根据方程之间的数据依赖关系进行拓扑排序,确定求解顺序。排序的过程对应着将DAE系统结构关联矩阵进行块状下三角(block lower triangle,BLT)变换。寻找强连通分量和拓扑排序是对DAE系统进行预处理的重要组成部分。 本文剖析了Modelica软件在仿真时的运行机制,使用几个实例来详细描述在仿真过程中,Modelica软件完成的工作。在寻找强连通分量和拓扑排序这一步,本文提出了使用Kosaraju算法的策略,对由模型得到的有向图直接使用Kosaraju算法,得出DAE系统的求解顺序。文章叙述了强连通分量的含义,并阐述了在求强连通分量时的理论依据,由此引出了Tarjan算法和Kosaraju算法,再分析和比较Tarjan算法和Kosaraju算法,对比了两种策略的优劣,并进行了实验。同时,本文分析了OpenModelica软件包的结构,修改了软件包在寻找强连通分量及拓扑排序相关模块的代码。


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The objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of channel surface wettability and temperature gradients on the boiling flow pattern in a single microchannel. The test section consists of a bottom silicon substrate bonded with a top glass cover. Three consecutive parts of an inlet fluid plenum, a central microchannel and an outlet fluid plenum were etched in the silicon substrate. The central microchannel had a width of 800 mu m and a depth of 30 mu m. Acetone liquid was used as the working fluid. High outlet vapor qualities were dealt with here. The flow pattern consists of a fluid triangle (shrinkage of the liquid films) and a connected long liquid rivulet, which is generated in the central microchannel in the timescale of milliseconds. The peculiar flow pattern is formed due to the following reasons: (1) the liquid rivulet tends to have a large contact area with the top hydrophilic channel surface of the glass cover, but a smaller contact area with the bottom silicon hydrophobic surface. (2) The temperature gradient in the chip width direction at the top channel surface of the glass cover not only causes the shrinkage of the liquid films in the central microchannel upstream, but also attracts the liquid rivulet populated near the microchannel centerline. (3) The zigzag pattern is formed due to the competition between the evaporation momentum forces at the vapor-liquid interfaces and the force due to the Marangoni effect. The former causes the rivulet to deviate from the channel centerline and the latter draws the rivulet toward the channel centerline. (4) The temperature gradient along the flow direction in the central microchannel downstream causes the breakup of the rivulet to form isolated droplets there. (5) Liquid stripes inside the upstream fluid triangle were caused by the small capillary number of the liquid film, at which the large surface tension force relative to the viscous force tends to populate the liquid film locally on the top glass cover surface.


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The novel hexagon SnO2 nanosheets are successfully synthesized in ethanol/water solution by hydrothermal process. The samples are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared ray (IR) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). By changing the reaction conditions, the size and the morphology can be controlled. Comparison experiments show that when the temperature increased from 140 degrees C to 180 degrees C, the edge length of the hexagon nanoparticles increases from 300-450 nm to 700-900 nm. On the other hand, by adjusting the ratios of water to ethanol from 2 to 0.5, SnO2 nanoparticles with different morphologies of triangle and sphere are obtained. When the concentration of NaOH is increased from 0.15 M to 0.30 M, a hollow ring structure can be obtained. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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AlGaInAs-InPmicrocylinder lasers connected with an output waveguide are fabricated by planar technology. Room-temperature continuous-wave operation with a threshold current of 8 mA is realized for a microcylinder laser with the radius of 10 mu m and the output waveguide width of 2 mu m. The mode Q-factor of 1.2 x 10(4) is measured from the laser spectrum at the threshold. Coupled mode characteristics are analyzed by 2-D finite-difference time-domain simulation and the analytical solution of whispering-gallery modes. The calculated mode Q-factors of coupled modes are in the same order as the measured value.


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We present photoluminescence studies on highly dense two-dimensional electron gases in selectively Si delta-doped GaAs/In0.18Ga0.82As/Al0.25Ga0.75As quantum wells (N(s) = 4.24 x 10(12) cm-2). Five well-resolved photoluminescence lines centered at 1.4194, 1.4506, 1.4609, 1.4695 and 1.4808 eV were observed, which are attributed to the subband excition emission. The subband separations clearly exhibit the feature of a typical quantum well with triangle and square potential. These very intensive and sharp luminescence peaks with linewidths of 2.2 to 3.5 meV indicate the high quality of the structures. Their dependence on the excitation intensity and temperatures are also discussed.


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The semiconductor microlasers with an equilateral triangle resonator which can be fabricated by dry etching technique from the laser wafer of the edge emitting laser, are analyzed by FDTD technique and rate equations. The results show that ETR microlaser is suitable to realize single mode operation. By connecting an output waveguide to one of the vertices of the ETR, we still can get the confined modes with high quality factors. The EM microlasers are potential light sources for photonic integrated circuits.


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Reducing uncertainties in the estimation of land surface evapotranspiration (ET) from remote-sensing data is essential to better understand earth-atmosphere interactions. This paper demonstrates the applicability of temperature-vegetation index triangle (T-s-VI) method in estimating regional ET and evaporative fraction (EF, defined as the ratio of latent heat flux to surface available energy) from MODIS/Terra and MODIS/Aqua products in a semiarid region. We have compared the satellite-based estimates of ET and EF with eddy covariance measurements made over 4 years at two semiarid grassland sites: Audubon Ranch (AR) and Kendall Grassland (KG). The lack of closure in the eddy covariance measured surface energy components is shown to be more serious at MODIS/Aqua overpass time than that at MODIS/Terra overpass time for both AR and KG sites. The T-s-VI-derived EF could reproduce in situ EF reasonably well with BIAS and root-mean-square difference (RMSD) of less than 0.07 and 0.13, respectively. Surface net radiation has been shown to be systematically overestimated by as large as about 60 W/m(2). Satisfactory validation results of the T-s-VI-derived sensible and latent heat fluxes have been obtained with RMSD within 54 W/m(2). The simplicity and yet easy use of the T-s-VI triangle method show a great potential in estimating regional ET with highly acceptable accuracy that is of critical significance in better understanding water and energy budgets on the Earth. Nevertheless, more validation work should be carried out over various climatic regions and under other different land use/land cover conditions in the future.


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To clarify the mechanism of organic-inorganic hybrid membrane formation by phase-inversion method, the thermodynamical and theological properties of PSF/TiO2 casting solution were investigated by the viscosity measurement and the triangle phase diagram, respectively. TiO2 introduction decreased the non-solvent tolerance of casting solution with non-solvent 20% ethanol aqueous solution, which caused thermodynamic enhancement of phase separation, and also resulted in the change of theological properties from Newtonian fluid to non-Newtonian fluid and the viscosity increase of casting solution, which induced rheological hindrance in demixing process


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The separation of ethyl acetate and ethanol (EtOH) is important but difficult due to their close boiling points and formation of an azeotropic mixture. The separation of the azeotropic mixture of ethyl acetate and EtOH using the hydrophilic ionic liquids (ILs) 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (alkyl = butyl, hexyl, and octyl) ([C(n)mim]Cl, n = 4, 6, 8) and 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride and bromide ([Amim]Cl and [Amim]Br) has been investigated. Triangle phase diagrams of five ILs with ethyl acetate and EtOH were constructed, and the biphasic regions were found as follows: [Amim]Cl > [Amim]Br > [C(4)mim]Cl > [C(6)mim]Cl > [C(8)mim]Cl. The mechanisms of the ILs including cation, anion, and polarity effect were discussed.


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By using a combinatorial screening method based on the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) for polymer systems, the micro-phase morphologies of the H-shaped (AC)B(CA) ternary block copolymer system are studied in three-dimensional (3D) space. By systematically varying the volume fractions of the components A, B, and C, six triangle phase diagrams of this H-shaped (AC)B(CA) ternary block copolymer system with equal interaction energies among the three components are constructed from the weaker segregation regime to the strong segregation regime, In this study, thirteen 3D micro-phase morphologies for this H-shaped ternary block copolymer system are identified to be stable and seven 3D microphase morphologies are found to be metastable.


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Two 3d-4f heterometallic compounds of p-tert-butylsulfinylcalix[4] arene were synthesized by the solvothermal method and characterized by some hinged double-dumbbell-like subunits in which two perpendicular dumbbell entities were constructed by an in-between isosceles triangle Mn(II)Ln(2)(III), and two tail-to-tail calixarene molecules, and hinged by the lanthanide-sulfinyl group bonding. The magnetic properties of the title compounds were examined.