98 resultados para Relativistic mean-field theories


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In order to study the failure of disordered materials, the ensemble evolution of a nonlinear chain model was examined by using a stochastic slice sampling method. The following results were obtained. (1) Sample-specific behavior, i.e. evolutions are different from sample to sample in some cases under the same macroscopic conditions, is observed for various load-sharing rules except in the globally mean field theory. The evolution according to the cluster load-sharing rule, which reflects the interaction between broken clusters, cannot be predicted by a simple criterion from the initial damage pattern and even then is most complicated. (2) A binary failure probability, its transitional region, where globally stable (GS) modes and evolution-induced catastrophic (EIC) modes coexist, and the corresponding scaling laws are fundamental to the failure. There is a sensitive zone in the vicinity of the boundary between the GS and EIC regions in phase space, where a slight stochastic increment in damage can trigger a radical transition from GS to EIC. (3) The distribution of strength is obtained from the binary failure probability. This, like sample-specificity, originates from a trans-scale sensitivity linking meso-scopic and macroscopic phenomena. (4) Strong fluctuations in stress distribution different from that of GS modes may be assumed as a precursor of evolution-induced catastrophe (EIC).


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By sample specificity it is meant that specimens with the same nominal material parameters and tested under the same environmental conditions may exhibit different behavior with diversified strength. Such an effect has been widely observed in the testing of material failure and is usually attributed to the heterogeneity of material at the mesoscopic level. The degree with which mesoscopic heterogeneity affects macroscopic failure is still not clear. Recently, the problem has been examined by making use of statistical ensemble evolution of dynamical system and the mesoscopic stress re-distribution model (SRD). Sample specificity was observed for non-global mean stress field models, such as the duster mean field model, stress concentration at tip of microdamage, etc. Certain heterogeneity of microdamage could be sensitive to particular SRD leading to domino type of coalescence. Such an effect could start from the microdamage heterogeneity and then be magnified to other scale levels. This trans-scale sensitivity is the origin of sample specificity. The sample specificity leads to a failure probability Phi (N) with a transitional region 0 < (N) < 1, so that globally stable and catastrophic modes could co-exist. It is found that the scatter in strength can fit the Weibull distribution very well. Hence, the Weibull modulus is indicative of sample specificity. Numerical results obtained from the SRD for different non-global mean stress fields show that Weibull modulus increases with increasing sample span and influence region of microdamage.


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Large earthquakes can be viewed as catastrophic ruptures in the earth’s crust. There are two common features prior to the catastrophe transition in heterogeneous media. One is damage localization and the other is critical sensitivity; both of which are related to a cascade of damage coalescence. In this paper, in an attempt to reveal the physics underlying the catastrophe transition, analytic analysis based on mean-field approximation of a heterogeneous medium as well as numerical simulations using a network model are presented. Both the emergence of damage localization and the sensitivity of energy release are examined to explore the inherent statistical precursors prior to the eventual catastrophic rupture. Emergence of damage localization, as predicted by the mean-field analysis, is consistent with observations of the evolution of damage patterns. It is confirmed that precursors can be extracted from the time-series of energy release according to its sensitivity to increasing crustal stress. As a major result, present research indicates that the catastrophe transition and the critical point hypothesis (CPH) of earthquakes are interrelated. The results suggest there may be two cross-checking precursors of large earthquakes: damage localization and critical sensitivity.


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The coupling of mesoscopic strength distribution and stress fluctuation on damage evolution and rupture are examined. The numerical simulations show that there is only weak stress fluctuation at the initial damage stage when the mean field approximation is in effect. As the damage fraction becomes larger than the threshold value, the fluctuation is amplified significantly, and damage localization appears. The coupling between stress fluctuation, disordered heterogeneity and the damage localization may play an essential role in catastrophic rupture. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In order to explore a prior warning to catastrophic rupture of heterogeneous media, like rocks, the present study investigates the relationship between surface strain localization and catastrophic rupture. Instrumented observations on the evolution of surface strain field and the catastrophic rupture of a rock under uniaxial compression were carried out. It is found that the evolution of surface strain field displays two phases: at the early stage, the strain field keeps nearly uniform with weak fluctuations increasing slowly; but at the stage prior to catastrophic rupture, a certain accelerating localization develops and a localized zone emerges. Based on the measurements, an analysis was performed with local mean-field approximation. More importantly, it is found that the scale of localized zone is closely related to the catastrophic rupture strain and the rupture strain can be calculated in accord with the local-mean-field model satisfactorily. This provides a possible clue to the forecast of catastrophic rupture. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, an elastic and statistically brittle (ESB) model is applied to the process of damage evolution induced catastrophic rupture and the influence of localization and softening on catastrophic rupture is discussed. According to the analysis, the uncertainty of catastrophic rupture should be attributed to the unknown scale of localized zone. Based on the elastic and statistically brittle model but local mean field approximation, the relation between the scale of localized zone and catastrophic rupture is obtained and then justified with experiments. These results can not only give a deeper understanding of the mechanism governing catastrophic rupture, but also provide a possible tool to foresee the occurrence of catastrophic rupture.


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A pseudo-spin model is intended to describe the physical dynamics of unbound electrons in the wall of cytoskeletal microtubule (MT). Due to the inherent symmetry of the structure and the electric properties in the MT, one may treat it as a one-dimensional ferroelectric system, and describe the nonlinear dynamics of dimer electric dipoles in one protofilament of the MT by virtue of the double-well potential. Consequently, the physical problem has been mapped onto the pseudo-spin system, and the mean-field approximation has been taken to get some physical results.


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In this paper, GdFeCo/DyFeCo exchange-coupled double-layer films used for center aperture type magnetically induced super resolution were investigated through experiments and theoretical calculation. The samples were prepared by magnetron sputtering method. The polar Kerr effect was measured to prove the spin reorientation of the readout layer. Theoretical study of magnetization profiles was performed on the basis of the mean-field theory and the continuum model. The theoretical results showed that the magnetization orientation of the readout layer changed gradually from in-plane to out-of-plane with the rise of the temperature. Theoretical analysis explained the experimental results successfully. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ga1-xMnxAs films with exceptionally high saturation magnetizations of approximate to 100 emu/cm(3) corresponding to effective Mn concentrations of x(eff)approximate to 0.10 still have a Curie temperature T-C smaller than 195 K contradicting mean-field predictions. The analysis of the critical exponent beta of the remnant magnetization-beta = 0.407(5)-in the framework of the models for disordered/amorphous ferromagnets suggests that this limit on T-C is intrinsic and due to the short range of the ferromagnetic interactions resulting from the small mean-free path of the holes. This result questions the perspective of room-temperature ferromagnetism in highly doped GaMnAs.


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The electronic structure and Lande electron g-factors of manganese-doped HgTe quantum spheres are investigated, in the framework of the eight-band effective-mass model and the mean-field approximation. It is found that the electronic structure evolves continuously from the zero-gap configuration to an open-gap configuration with decreasing radius. The size dependence of electron g-factors is calculated with different Mn-doped effective concentration, magnetic field, and temperature values, respectively. It is found that the variations of electron g-factors are quite different for small and large quantum spheres, due to the strong exchange-induced interaction and spin-orbit coupling in the narrow-gap DMS nanocrystals. The electron g-factors are zero at a critical point of spherical radius R-c; however, by modulating the nanocrystal size their absolute values can be turned to be even 400 times larger than those in undoped cases. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2008.


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Time resolved magneto-optic Kerr rotation measurements of optically induced spin quantum beats are performed on heavily doped bulk (Ga,Mn)As diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS). An effective g-factor of about 0.2-0.3 over a wide range of temperature for both as-grown and annealed (Ga,Mn)As samples is obtained. A larger effective g-factor at lower temperature and an increase of the spin relaxation with increasing in-plane magnetic field are observed and attributed to the stronger p-d exchange interaction between holes and the localized magnetic ion spins, leading to a larger Zeeman splitting and heavy-hole-light-hole mixing. An abnormal dip structure of the g-factor in the vicinity of the Curie temperature suggests that the mean-field model is insufficient to describe the interactions and dynamics of spins in DMS because it neglects the short-range spin correlation effect. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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The hole-mediated ferromagnetism in (In,Mn)As quantum dots is investigated using the k center dot p method and the mean field model. It is found that the (In,Mn)As quantum dot can be ferromagnetic at room temperature when there is one hole in the dot. For the spherical quantum dots, the Curie temperature decreases as the diameter increases, and increases as the effective composition of magnetic ions increases. It is interesting to find that the (In,Mn)As oblate quantum dot has highly anisotropic Zeeman splitting and ferromagnetism due to the spin-orbit coupling effect, which can be used as an uniaxial spin amplifier. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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We have fabricated a set of samples of zincblende Mn-rich Mn(Ga)As clusters embedded in GaAs matrices by annealing (Ga,Mn)As films with different nominal Mn content at 650 degrees C. For the samples with Mn content no more than 4.5%, the Curie temperature reaches nearly 360 K. However, when Mn content is higher than 5.4%, the samples exhibit a spin-glass-like behavior. We suggest that these different magnetic properties are caused by the competing result of dipolar and Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida interaction among clusters. The low-temperature spin dynamic behavior, especially the relaxation effect, shows the extreme creeping effect which is reflected by the time constant tau of similar to 10(11) s at 10 K. We explain this phenomenon by the hierarchical model based on the mean-field approach. We also explain the memory effect by the relationship between the correlation function and the susceptibility.


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The electronic structure and Zeeman splittings of wurtzite Cd1-xMnxSe quantum spheres are studied using the k center dot p method and mean-field model. It is interesting to find that the Zeeman splittings of some hole states in quantum spheres are highly anisotropic due to the spin-orbit coupling and wurtzite crystal structure. The anisotropy of the Zeeman splittings of hole ground states in large dots is large, while that in small dot is small because the hole ground states vary with radius. An external electrical field can change the Zeeman splitting significantly, and tune the g factor from nearly 0 to about 100.


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We deduce the eight-band effective-mass Hamiltonian model for a manganese-doped ZnSe quantum sphere in the presence of the magnetic field, including the interaction between the conduction and valence bands, the spin-orbit coupling within the valence bands, the intrinsic spin Zeeman splitting, and the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and magnetic ion in the mean-field approximation. The size dependence of the electron and hole energy levels as well as the giant Zeeman splitting energies are studied theoretically. We find that the hole giant Zeeman splitting energies decrease with the increasing radius, smaller than that in the bulk material, and are different for different J(z) states, which are caused by the quantum confinement effect. Because the quantum sphere restrains the excited Landau states and exciton states, in the experiments we can observe directly the Zeeman splitting of basic states. At low magnetic field, the total Zeeman splitting energy increases linearly with the increasing magnetic field and saturates at modest field which is in agreement with recent experimental results. Comparing to the undoped case, the Zeeman splitting energy is 445 times larger which provides us with wide freedom to tailor the electronic structure of DMS nanocrystals for technological applications.