118 resultados para Lot sizing


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The principle of particle coupling between horizontal and vertical directions in solenoid is presented. Further more, the method of decoupling can be obtained by using the coupling dynamic equations. 5000 particles are tracked under three conditions: CSRm doesn't contain solenoids, contains main solenoid and toroids, contains compensating solenoids. The results of the particle trace calculations show that the particles coupling between horizontal and vertical is very serious because of the existence of solenoids, and lot's of particals are lost. Another two solenoids which locate in the fit place can be used to decrease the coupling intensation. The method is proved to be useful by the trace calculations.


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The HIRFL (Heavy Ion Research Facility at Lanzhou) is a cyclotron complex. Its injector is a cector focusing cyclotron with K=69. Since the HIRFL started the operation in 1989, two bigger items of improvements have been finished, the species and intensity of the accelerated particles are increased obviously. But due to the lower extraction efficiency of the SFC, on one hand, a lot of beam lost, and on other hand, outgas from the surface of the electrostatic deflector is serious because of beam hitting. Even sometimes the vacuum press is destroyed. In the paper a new physical design is made to get an extraction system of the SFC with a higher efficiency.


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HIRFL is a tandem cyclotron complex for heavy ion. On the beam line between SFC and SSC, there is a stripper. Behind it, the distribution of charge states of beam is a Gauss distribution. The equilibrium charge state Q_0 is selected by 1BO2(a 50° dipole behind the stripper) and delivered to SSC. One of two new small beam line (named SLAS) after 1B02 will be builded in or der to split and deliver the unused ions of charge states (Q_0 ± n) to aspecific experimental area. Q_0 ± n ions are septumed and separated from initial(Q_0) ion beam by two septum magnets SM1, SM2. The charge state selected by SM1 will be Q_0 ± 1(6 ≤ Q_0 < 17), Q_0 ± 2(17 ≤ Q_0 < 33) and Q_0 ± 3 (Q_0 ≥ 33) forming a beam in one of the two possine new beam line with the stripping energy of (0.2 to 9.83 Mev/A), an emittance of 10π mm.mrad in the two transverse planes and an intensity ranging from 10~(11) pps for z ≤ 10 to some 10~5 pps for the heaviest element. Behind SM2, a few transport elements (three dipoles and seven qudrupoles) tra nsport Q_0 ± n beam to target positions T1, T2 (see fig. 1) and generate small beam spots (φ ≤ 4mm, φ ≤ 6mm). The optics design of the beam line has been done based on SLAC-75 (a first and second - order matrix theory). beam optics calculation has been worked out with the TRANSPORT program. The design is a very economical thinking, because without building a new accelerator we can obtain a lower energy heavy ion beam to provide for a lot of atomic and solid state physical experiments


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We have developed a new experimental system based on a microfluidic chip to determine severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-Cov). The system includes a laser-induced fluorescence microfluidic chip analyzer, a glass microchip for both polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and capillary electrophoresis, a chip thermal cycler based on dual Peltier thermoelectric elements, a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) SARS diagnostic kit, and a DNA electrophoretic sizing kit. The system allows efficient cDNA amplification of SARS-CoV followed by electrophoretic sizing and detection on the same chip. To enhance the reliability of RT-PCR on SARS-CoV detection, duplex PCR was developed on the microchip. The assay was carried out on a home-made microfluidic chip system. The positive and the negative control were cDNA fragments of SARS-CoV and parainfluenza virus, respectively. The test results showed that 17 positive samples were obtained among 18 samples of nasopharyngeal swabs from clinically diagnosed SARS patients. However, 12 positive results from the same 18 samples were obtained by the conventional RT-PCR with agarose gel electrophoresis detection. The SARS virus species can be analyzed with high positive rate and rapidity on the microfluidic chip system.


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In this paper, the regularity and changes of the forest landscape along the major rivers, namely, Nuomin River,Bila River and Zhawen River in Daxing'an Mountains, Bilahe Forestry Bureau based on the interpretation of TM data were studied. The results showed that the regularity has changed a lot due to the gradually stronger human intervention on forest landscape. The most obvious change was the cultivated lands had been expanding alongside the major rivers. With the increasing of population, the only way to satisfy the increasing needs of the local people for subsistence is by expanding cultivated lands because of the backwardness of agriculture productivity. The regularity of conifer distribution along rivers of 1997 has changed in the diverse direction of that of 1988. The proportion of conifer gradually increases with 1 000 m further away from the major rivers. That is due to the favorable availability of conifer alongside river bank, the most populated area in the forest region.


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A novel protocol has been established to separate dsDNA fragments with high efficiency on glass chips by using an ultralow viscosity sieving matrix with added glucose. Low-molecular-weight hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC), with a viscosity nearly equivalent to that of water, was used to electrophoretically separate fluorescent inter-calator-labeled double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) fragments on microfluidic glass chips. In comparison with conventional sieving protocols, low-molecular-weight HPMC as sieving matrix could result in reduced running cost and analysis time, in addition to a comparable separation efficiency of dsDNA fragments. In this paper, the addition of glucose was investigated to enhance the separation of DNA in the lowest viscosity polymer evaluated. The effect of staining dye and field strength were also evaluated. At an applied electric field strength of 200 V/cm, satisfactory resolution of the PBR322/HaeIII DNA marker could be achieved within 4 min by using 2% HPMC-5 with 6% glucose added. Coelectrophoresing PCR product along with phiX174/HaeIII DNA sizing marker was also demonstrated by using the ultralow viscosity HPMC-5 solution on a glass chip.


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Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis is a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-fingerprinting method that is commonly used for comparative microbial community analysis. The method can be used to analyze communities of bacteria, archaea, fungi, other phylogenetic groups or subgroups, as well as functional genes. The method is rapid, highly reproducible, and often yields a higher number of operational taxonomic units than other, commonly used PCR-fingerprinting methods. Sizing of terminal restriction fragments (T-RFs) can now be done using capillary sequencing technology allowing samples contained in 96- or 384-well plates to be sized in an overnight run. Many multivariate statistical approaches have been used to interpret and compare T-RFLP fingerprints derived from different communities. Detrended correspondence analysis and the additive main effects with multiplicative interaction model are particularly useful for revealing trends in T-RFLP data. Due to biases inherent in the method, linking the size of T-RFs derived from complex communities to existing sequence databases to infer their taxonomic position is not very robust. This approach has been used successfully, however, to identify and follow the dynamics of members within very simple or model communities. The T-RFLP approach has been used successfully to analyze the composition of microbial communities in soil, water, marine, and lacustrine sediments, biofilms, feces, in and on plant tissues, and in the digestive tracts of insects and mammals. The T-RFLP method is a user-friendly molecular approach to microbial community analysis that is adding significant information to studies of microbial populations in many environments.


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延安燕沟流域属于水土流失治理的重点区,退耕还林(草)措施引起的生态环境改善和经济发展带动的山区道路建设压力对本地区侵蚀环境和侵蚀动力机制产生了巨大影响,坡面水土流失与道路水土流失对比关系发生了新变化。在坡面侵蚀得到初步治理的新环境下,道路侵蚀则上升为主要地位。依据燕沟流域2005年7月2日的5年一遇暴雨引起的不同土地利用类型下的侵蚀产沙监测结果,结合流域卡口站测得的流域产沙总量,分析各土地利用类型产沙量对流域总产沙量的贡献,并依据流域土地利用的演变,反演林草植被恢复与道路建设对流域泥沙来源的作用。研究结果表明:在次降雨条件下,道路的产沙强度为支道山路500 t/km2、干道山路3 163 t/km2、运油道路1万3500 t/km2,而农、林、草地的产沙强度为6~184 t/km2;道路产沙强度远大于农、林、草地的产沙强度:占流域面积1%的道路产沙量占总产沙量的42.3%,占流域面积70.5%的草地、灌木林地产沙量仅占流域的26.7%。退耕还林(草)措施使流域坡面产沙量大为降低,流域产沙量减少41.2%,但由于道路产沙量增加,抵消了减沙效益的58.0%,因此,黄土丘陵区植被恢复后,应将水土流失治理重点放在防止...


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通过模拟试验研究了鸡粪和奶牛粪肥堆腐过程中有机酸的种类、含量和变化规律。结果表明 ,鸡粪腐熟过程中会形成和累积大量的有机酸 ,在堆腐的第 5周 ,最高含量可达 88 2cmol/kg ,DW ;不挥发性有机酸在堆腐的第 3周和第 5周分别达到两个高峰 ,挥发性有机酸在第 6周和第 9周分别达到高峰 ,到第 9周后 ,鸡粪中的有机酸大大降低。鸡粪中除了存在大量的芳香酸如苯二酸及其衍生物外 ,在堆腐的过程中还有大量的丁二酸及其衍生物等多元脂肪酸生成。奶牛粪肥的有机酸以不挥发性有机酸为主 ,总酸量最高可达 2 9 38cmol/kg ,DW ;奶牛粪肥中的不挥发有机酸主要是苯二羧酸的衍生物和长链脂肪酸。堆腐过程中有机酸的种类和数量变化较大。堆腐的第 6周 ,产生了多种激素类物质


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在大量野外调查和标本整理的基础上 ,作者对陕西省壳斗科植物的分类与分布进行了系统研究。本文报道了新变种 3个 :太白槲栎 (QuercusalienaBl.var.taibaiensisW .H .Zhang)、陕西槲栎 (QuercusalienaBl.var.shaanxiensisW .H .Zhang)、星毛木包栎 (QuercusglanduliferaBl.var.stel latopilosaW .H .Zhang) ;新组合 2个 :城口青冈 (Cyclobalanopsisfargesii(Franch .)S.Z.QuetW .H .Zhang)、粉背青冈 (Cyclobalanopsishypargy rae(Seem .)W .H .Zhang) ;陕西省分布新记录 3个 :多穗石栎 (LithocarpuspolystachyusRehd.)、大叶栎 (QuercusgriffithiiHook.f.etThoms.)、长叶木包栎 (QuercusmonnulaY .C .HsuetH .W .Jen) ;同时 ,澄清了木包栎 (Q .glanduliferaBl.)命名上的一些问题


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Active appearance model (AAM) is a powerful generative method for modeling deformable objects. The model decouples the shape and the texture variations of objects, which is followed by an efficient gradient-based model fitting method. Due to the flexible and simple framework, AAM has been widely applied in the fields of computer vision. However, difficulties are met when it is applied to various practical issues, which lead to a lot of prominent improvements to the model. Nevertheless, these difficulties and improvements have not been studied systematically. This motivates us to review the recent advances of AAM. This paper focuses on the improvements in the literature in turns of the problems suffered by AAM in practical applications. Therefore, these algorithms are summarized from three aspects, i.e., efficiency, discrimination, and robustness. Additionally, some applications and implementations of AAM are also enumerated. The main purpose of this paper is to serve as a guide for further research.


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The Mg-12Gd-4Y-2Nd-0.3Zn-0.6Zr (wt.%) alloy was prepared by casting technology, and the structure, age hardening behavior and mechanical properties of the alloy have been investigated. The results demonstrated that the alloy was composed of alpha-Mg matrix, a lot of dispersed Mg24RE5 (RE = Gd/Y/Nd) and Mg5RE precipitates in the as-cast and the T6 state alloys. The alloy exhibited remarkable age hardening response and excellent mechanical properties from room temperature (RT) to 300 degrees C by optimum solid solution and aging conditions. The ultimate tensile strength.


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A method to synthesize Fe3O4 core/Au shell submicrometer structures with very rough surfaces on the nanoscale is reported. The Fe3O4 particles were first modified with uniform polymers through the layer-by-layer technique and then adsorbed a lot of gold nanoseeds for further Au shell formation. The shell was composed of a large number of irregular nanoscale An particles arranged randomly, and there were well-defined boundaries between these Au nanoparticles. The Fe3O4 core/Au shell particles showed strong plasmon resonance absorption in the near-infrared range, and can be separated quickly from solution by an external magnet.


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