145 resultados para In-plane


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The Stark effect on excitons in a bilayer system is investigated theoretically within the framework of the effective-mass approximation. The calculations indicate that the energy of the excitons decreases as the value of the in-plane electric field F increases at a fixed value of the distance d between the layers. However, the energy of the excitons increases with d at a fixed value of F. In particular, it increases linearly at small values of d but increases as 1/d at large values. Therefore, it can be concluded that excitons in a bilayer system have a small binding energy equal to the absolute value of the excitonic energy at large d or small F. In addition, the radiative lifetime of heavy-hole excitons in this system is calculated and is found to be short at small values of both F and d. The radiative lifetime of heavy-hole excitons in a bilayer system can be increased by two orders by an in-plane electric field of 2 kV/cm when d is twice the excitonic Rydberg. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The wetting layer (WL) in InAs/GaAs quantum-dot systems has been studied by reflectance difference spectroscopy (RDS). Two structures related to the heavy-hole (HH) and light-hole (LH) related transitions in the WL have been observed. On the basis of a calculation model that takes into account the segregation effect and exciton binding energies, the amount of InAs in the WL (t(WL)) and its segregation coefficient ( R) have been determined from the HH and LH transition energies. The evolutions of tWL and R exhibit a close relation to the growth modes. Before the formation of InAs dots, t(WL) increases linearly from similar to 1 to similar to 1.6 monolayer (ML), while R increases almost linearly from similar to 0.8 to similar to 0.85. After the onset of dot formation, t(WL) is saturated at similar to 1.6 ML and R decreases slightly from 0.85 to 0.825. The variation of tWL can be interpreted by using an equilibrium model. Different variations of in-plane optical anisotropy before and after dot formation have been observed.


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Rashba spin splitting (RSS) in biased semiconductor quantum wells is investigated theoretically based on eight-band k center dot p theory. We find that at large wave vectors, RSS is both nonmonotonic and anisotropic as a function of in-plane wave vector, in contrast to the widely used isotropic linear model. We derive an analytical expression for RSS, which can qualitatively reproduce such nonmonotonic behavior at large wave vectors. We also investigate numerically the dependence of RSS on the various band parameters and find that RSS increases with decreasing band gap and subband index, increasing valence band offset, external electric field, and well width. All these dependences can be qualitatively described by our analytical model.


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We demonstrate tunnel magnetoresistance junctions based on a trilayer system consisting of an epitaxial NiMnSb, an aluminum oxide, and a CoFe trilayer. The junctions show a tunneling magnetoresistance of Delta R/R of 8.7% at room temperature which increases to 14.7% at 4.2 K. The layers show a clear separate switching and a small ferromagnetic coupling. A uniaxial in-plane anisotropy in the NiMnSb layer leads to different switching characteristics depending on the direction in which the magnetic field is applied, an effect which can be used for sensor applications. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We investigate theoretically the spin-polarized transport in one-dimensional waveguide structure with spatially-periodic electronic and magnetic fields. The interplay of the spin-orbit interaction and in-plane magnetic field significantly modifies the spin-dependent transmission and the spin polarization. The in-plane magnetic fields increase the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling effect for the electric fields along y axis and decrease this effect for reversing the electric fields, even counteract the Rashba spin-orbit coupling effect. It is very interesting to find that we may deduce the strength of the Rashba effect through this phenomenon. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report the transmission-electron microscopy study of the defects in wurtzitic GaN films grown on Si(111) substrates with AIN buffer layers by the metal-organic chemical vapour deposition method. The In0.1Ga0.9N/GaN multiple quantum well (MQW) reduced the dislocation density by obstructing the mixed and screw dislocations passing through the MQW. No evident reduction of the edge dislocations density by the MQW was observed. It was found that dislocations with screw component can be located at the boundaries of sub-grains slightly in-plane misoriented.


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The magneto-Stark effect in a diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) coupled quantum well (CQW) induced by an in-plane magnetic field is investigate theoretically. Unlike the usual electro-Stark effects, in a DMS CQW the Lorenz force leads to a spatially separated exciton. The in-plane magnetic field can shift the ground state of the magnetoexciton from a zero in-plane center of mass (CM)/momentum to a finite CM momentum, and render the ground state of magnetoexciton stable against radiative recombination due to momentum conservation. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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Numerical calculations within the envelope function framework have been performed to analyze the relations between the magnitude of in-plane optical anisotropy and the values of the additional hole-mixing coefficients due to interface and electric field in (001) symmetric GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs superlattices for light propagating along the [001] direction. It is found that the heavy- and light-hole states are mixed independently by interface and electric field. The numeric results demonstrate that the line shape of the in-plane anisotropic spectrum is determined by the ratio of the two hole-mixing coefficients. Theoretical analysis shows that with the help of simple calculation of the anisotropy at k=0, reliable values of the hole-mixing coefficients can be determined by reflectance-difference spectroscopy (IDS) technique, demanding no tedious fitting of experimental curves. The in-plane optical anisotropy measured by RDS provides a new method of getting the information on buried interfaces through the Value of the hole-mixing coefficient due to interface.


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We show that part of the reflectance difference resonance near the E-0 energy of ZnSe is due to the anisotropic in-plane strain in the ZnSe thin films, as films grown on three distinctly different substrates, GaAs, GaP, and ZnS, all show the resonance at the same energy. Such anisotropic strain induced resonance is predicted and also observed near the E-1/E-1+Delta(1) energies in ZnSe grown on GaAs. The theory also predicts that there should be no resonance due to strain at, the E-0+Delta(0) energy, which is consistent with experiments. The strain anisotropy is rather independent of the ZnSe layer thickness, or whether the film is strain relaxed. For ZnSe films with large lattice mismatch with substrates, the resonance at the E-1/E-1+Delta(1) energies is absent, very likely due to the poor crystalline quality of the 20 nm or so surface layer. (C) 2000 American Vacuum Society. [S0734-211X(00)05604-3].


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By using three analytical phonon models in quantum wells-the slab model, the guided-mode model, and the improved version of the Huang-Zhu model [Phys. Rev. B 38, 13 377 (1998)], -and the phonon modes in bulk, the energy-loss rates of hot carriers due to the Frohlich potential scattering in GaAs/AlAs multiple quantum wells (MQW's) are calculated and compared to those obtained based on a microscopic dipole superlattice model. In the study, a special emphasis is put on the effects of the phonon models on the hot-carrier relaxation process when taking the hot-phonon effect into account. Our numerical results show that, the calculated energy-loss rates based on the slab model and on the improved Huang-Zhu model are almost the same when ignoring the hot-phonon effect; however, with the hot phonon effect considered, the calculated cooling rate as well as the hot phonon occupation number do depend upon the phonon models to be adopted. Out of the four analytical phonon models investigated, the improved Huang-Zhu model gives the results most close to the microscopic calculation, while the guided-mode model presents the poorest results. For hot electrons with a sheet density around 10(12)/cm(2), the slab model has been found to overestimate the hot-phonon effect by more than 40% compared to the Huang-Zhu model, and about 75% compared to the microscopic calculation in which the phonon dispersion is fully included. Our calculation also indicates that Nash's improved version [J. Lumin. 44, 315 (1989)] is necessary for evaluating the energy-loss rates in quantum wells of wider well width, because Huang-Zhu's original analytical formulas an only approximately orthogonal for optical phonons associated with small in-plane wave numbers. [S0163-1829(99)08919-5].


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We use a polarizer to investigate quantum-well infrared absorption, and report experimental results as follows. The intrasubband transition was observed in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiple quantum wells (MQWs) when the incident infrared radiation (IR) is polarized parallel to the MQW plane. According to the selection rule, an intrasubband transition is forbidden. Up to now, most studies have only observed the intersubband transition between two states with opposite parity. However, our experiment shows not only the intersubband transitions, but also the intrasubband transitions. In our study, we also found that for light doping in the well (4x10(18) cm(-3)), the intrasubband transition occurs only in the lowest subband, while for the heavy doping (8x10(18) cm(-3)), such a transition occurs not only in the lowest subband, but also in the first excited one, because of the electron subband filling. Further experimental results show a linear dependence of the intrasubband transition frequency on the root of the well doping density. These data are in good agreement with our numerical results. Thus we strongly suggest that such a transition can be attributed to plasma oscillation. Conversely, when the incident IR is polarized perpendicular to the MQW plane, intersubband-transition-induced signals appear, while the intrasubband-transition-induced spectra disappear for both light and heavy well dopings. A depolarization blueshift was also taken into account to evaluate the intersubband transition spectra at different well dopings. Furthermore, we performed a deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) measurement to determine the subband energies at different well dopings. A good agreement between DLTS, infrared absorption, and numerical calculation was obtained. In our experiment, two important phenomena are noteworthy: (1) The polarized absorbance is one order of magnitude higher than the unpolarized spectra. This puzzling result is well explained in detail. (2) When the IR, polarized perpendicular to the well plane, normally irradiates the 45 degrees-beveled edge of the samples, we only observed intersubband transition spectra. However, the intrasubband transition signals caused by the in-plane electric-field component are significantly absent. The reason is that such in-plane electric-field components can cancel each other out everywhere during the light propagating in the samples. The spectral widths of bound-to-bound and bound-to-continuum transitions were also discussed, and quantitatively compared to the relaxation time tau, which is deduced from the electron mobility. The relaxation times deduced from spectral widths of bound-to-bound and bound-to-continuum transitions are also discussed, and quantitatively compared to the relaxation time deduced from electron mobility. [S0163-1829(98)01912-2].


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In-plane optical anisotropy which comes from the heavy hole and the light hole transitions in an InAs monolayer inserted in (311)-oriented GaAs matrix is observed by reflectance difference spectroscopy. The observed steplike density of states demonstrates that the InAs layer behaves like a two-dimensional quantum well rather than isolated quantum dots. The magnitude of the anisotropy is in good agreement with the intrinsic anisotropy of (311) orientation quantum wells, indicating that there is little structural or strain anisotropy of the InAs layer grown on (311)-oriented GaAs surface.


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By realizing in thin films a tensile stress state, superconductivity of 13 K was introduced into FeTe, a nonsuperconducting parent compound of the iron pnictides and chalcogenides, with a transition temperature higher than that of its superconducting isostructural counterpart FeSe. For these tensile stressed films, superconductivity is accompanied by a softening of the first-order magnetic and structural phase transition, and also, the in-plane extension and out-of-plane contraction are universal in all FeTe films independent of the sign of the lattice mismatch, either positive or negative. Moreover, the correlations were found to exist between the transition temperatures and the tetrahedra bond angles in these thin films.


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The composition and stain distributions in the InGaN epitaxial films are jointly measured by employing various x-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques, including out-of-plane XRD at special planes, in-plane grazing incidence XRD, and reciprocal space mapping (RSM). It is confirmed that the measurement of (204) reflection allows a rapid access to estimate the composition without considering the influence of biaxial strain. The two-dimensional RSM checks composition and degree of strain relaxation jointly, revealing an inhomogeneous strain distribution profile along the growth direction. As the film thickness increases from 100 nm to 450 nm, the strain status of InGaN films gradually transfers from almost fully strained to fully relaxed state and then more in atoms incorporate into the film, while the near-interface region of InGaN films remains pseudomorphic to GaN.


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The theoretical treatment of magnetic levels formed in the minibands of superlattices under an in-plane magnetic field is discussed. It is found that the results of semiclassical and envelope-function treatments based on miniband structures are in good agreement with the results calculated strictly by the quantum-mechanical method, so long as the critical parameter 2hc/eBL2 is larger than 1. The wave functions obtained are in the nature of superlattice envelope functions, which are over and above the usual effective-mass envelope functions for bulk materials.